See Page 4
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Partly cloudy with west winds
diminishing toward evening.
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
U.S. Urges Soldiers
To Support Republic
* *
Revolutionary Committee Declares
Martial Law, Dusk to Dawn Curfew
SEOUL WA'-South Korean military troops under a revolutionary
committee staged a coup with flourishes of gunfire early yesterday
but United States and United Nations authorities threw strong sup-
port behind the government of prime minister John M. Chang.
In their initial statements the revolutionaries under the army
chief of staff emphasized a claim that they were pro-American.
A statement by United States embassy charge d'affaires Marshall
Green said the embassy supported Chang's "freely elected and con-
titutionally established government."
Urge Government Support
The statement said Gen. Carter MacGruder, American UN
commander in South Korea, "called upon all military personnel' in
Shis command to support the only
U Cuts
-Meet A
Panhel-wIFC Oppose Bias Motion
Nelson Quits
U Position
The University and Stanford
University last night officially
confirmed Vice-President for Uni-
versity Relations Lyle M. Nelson's
resignation here and appointment
as director of university relations
at Stanford.
Nelson, submitting his resigna-
tion which will take effect this
sumnier "with the keenest kind
of reluctance and regret," said:
"I have been offered a position
which in terms of long-run pro-
fessional opportunity and the wel-
fare of my family I do not feel I
can turn down. I did so once be-
fore, but the renewed offer is such
that I have concluded that I should
accept it."
Came in 1957
Nelson took over the post of di-
rector of University relations here
in 1957. He was appointed a vice-
president a year ago by the Re-
Stanford President James B.
Sterling said the post there was
"very similar" to the one he has
held here.
University President Harlan
Hatcher expressed his regret at
Nelson's decision. He called Nelson
"outstanding in his profession"
and said that he had been besieg-
ed with offers for other posts.
Wish Happiness
"We thought last year that we
might have his services for years
to come," President Hatcher add-
ed. "We wish him and his family
happiness and success in his new
As to the naming of a succes-
sor, President Hatcher said that
"rumors are without foundation.
In due course and after proper
study, the Regents will receive a
recommendation for their consid-
eration." He said that he knows of
no cases where the Regents have
considered an appointment on any
other basis than merit.
(The Ann Arbor News said last
week that state Democratic were
backing party leaders Thomas
Quimby and James Hare for the
Orderly Procedure
"The same orderly procedure
will be followed as with other va-
cancies," President Hatcher said.
Nelson called the four years he
has been employed here the most
enjoyable and rewarding in his ca-
reer. He said that he thought his
staff here was "one of the finest
if not the finest in the country."
He expressed his appreciation to
the Regents and President Hatcher
for their confidence and support.
Stanford sources said that one
of Nelson's first jobs there would
probably be heading a planned
fund-raising drive to gather $100
Nelson will also be responsible
for mitigating intra-university dis-
di-putes at Stanford and improving
the university's public relations.
The resignation and appointment
at Standford have been known for
several days, but this was the
first official confirmation of either
by the respective administrations.
Senate Plans
Meetin Today
recognized government of the Re-
public of South Korea headed by
Prime Minister Chang Myung
(John Chang).
"Gen. MacGruder expects the
chiefs of the Republic of Korea
armed forces will use their author-
ity and influence to see that con-
trol is immediately turned back
to the lawful governmental au-
thorities and that order is restored
in the armed forces," the state-
ment added.'
Troops backing the committee
marched into Seoul in the early
morning hours. There was a sharp
outbreak of gunfire lasting about
40 minutes.
Exchanged Fire
Unconfirmed reports said the
troops had exchanged fire with
police. The same reports said five
or six persons-police and civilians
--were wounded, several seriously.
A short time later the commit-
tee announced over theSeoul Ra-
dio that it had seized power from
Chang, who succeeded Syngman
Rhee last summer.
A later announcement declared
martial law had been ordered
throughout the country and said
the committee had taken control
of Taegu, Pusan and other major
Stronger Anti-Communism
Listing the aims of its action,
the military committee said it
wanted this country to take a
stronger anti-Communist stand,
bring about closer relations with
the United States and support the
UN charter.
There was no immediate direct
word from or about Chang, who
was reported in the downtown
Bando Hotel with his wife. The
hotel was under heavy guard by
Most members of Chang's cap-
inet were reported under arrest.
The revolutionary committee,
headed by Lt. Gen. Chang Do-'
Young, claimed the coup was a
complete success.
Troops seized major government,
buildings and took over direction
of traffic. Trucks filled with sol-
diers patrolled the streets.
The radio announcement of
martial law said all meetings and
travel abroad by South Koreans
were banned and that all publica-
tions crould be censored. A 7 p.m. -
5 a.m. curfew also was announced
by the committee.c
Hurried conferences of leadersi
of South Korea's military forces
were held during the morningi
while shots occasionally rang outc
and troops and military vehicles
filled the streets.
Despite the confusion and oc-
casional shooting, more pedes-
trians than usual were on the
streets. Street cars, buses and
taxis were operating.
Acting Associate City Editor
The Michigan delegation to the
Big Ten Inter-Fraternity-Panhel-
lenic conference last weekend
voted against an anti-discrimina-
tion resolution because it gonspic-
uously omitted a provision against
religious bias, Panhellenic Presi-
dent Susan Stillerman, '62, said
last night.
Miss Stillerman said the confer-
ence, held on the University of
Wisconsinacampus at Madison,
passed a blanket resolution urging
national fraternities and sororities
to remove "all discriminatory
practices in their constitutions and
rituals," which she had introduced.
After she had left the meeting,
under the impression that it was
adjourned, a different resolution
was passed which referred to dis-
crimination "pertaining to race
and national origins." Michigan's
two delegations, from Panhel and
Inter-Fraternity Council, both
voted against this motion.
Ann Gomez, '63, said that after
Miss Stillerman left the University
of Iowa delegation asked to change
its vote, which caused the Michi-
gan resolution to be defeated on
a tie vote. ,The resolution leaving
out a condemnation of religious
bias was then passed.
Co-chairman of the conference
David Asmus, a student at the
University of Wisconsin, said that
only about half of the Big Ten
schools were represented at the
business meeting where the reso-
lutions were considered. He said
minutes of the conference were not
kept, but that copies of the final
resolution would soon be sent to
member schools.
"Unfortunately, this inadequate
resolution can be presented at na-
tional sorority and fraternity con-
ventions this summer as the offi-
cial policy resolution of the Big
Ten schools. We will not be asso-
ciated with a statement which de-
lberately ignores the problem of
religious discrimination," Miss
Stillerman said.
She noted that the original move
to omit religious bias frommthe
motion came from the University
of Illinois delegation.
Senator Plans
'Senior' Corps
WASHINGTON (P) - A Federal
training program to prepare el-
derly persons for part-time work
in the fields of health, \education
and welfare is called for in a bill
introduced in the Senate yester-
The measure, offered by Sen.
Pat McNamara (D-Mich), who
said he envisions a senior citizens'
"Peace Corps"' which could give
retired oldsters a sense of useful-
ness and simultaneously do much
general good.
Religion Sets Social Roles
Board To Decrease
School's Operations
Plan Reduction in Summer Session,
Medical College, No Salary Raises
Wayne State University's Board of Governors yesterday
decided to cut its admissions by 20 per cent from last year in
order to meet financial requirements placed on it by this
year's state appropriation.
The board also decided to cut operations in the medical
college and the summer session and not to grant any raises in
faculty or employe salaries
How do Catholics, Jews, Negro
Protestants and white Protestants
differ in political and economic
values, in the competition for eco-
nomic advancement, and in pat-
terns of family life?
These are some of the questions
that Prof. Gerhard E. Lenski of
the sociology department has an-
swered in his new book to be pub-
lished Friday entitled "The Reli-
gious Factor."
The data were collected by the
Detroit Area Study, a research
facility of the sociology depart-
ment, in extended interviews with
a cross-section of Detroit resi-
dents. The study has provided the
following findings:
Fewer Churchgoing Jews
1) In the next generation, the
number of white Protestants and
Catholics. attending church regu-
larly is likely to rise and the num-
ber of Negro Protestants and Jews
to decrease.
2) Catholics, Jews and Negro
Protestants are more strongly in-
clined toward the Democratic
Party than white Protestants are
toward the Republican.
3) White Protestants and Jews
have been more successful than
Catholics in competition for better
Devout Parents
4) Devout churchgoers - both
Catholic and Protestant -- have
more children than less active
5) Catholic schools seem to pro-
duce converts to the Republican
"The basic concern of the study
was with the consequence of reli-
gion in everyday life," Prof. Lenski
said. "Religion seems to be as im-
portant as the economic situation
of families," a factor which has
yielded many predictions for soci-
Young Churchgoers
Prof. Lenski also said that the
study did not reveal any evidence
that religion is losing its impact
on the younger generations or on
immigrants as they are American-
There are, however, many
changes taking place in religion
today. Jewish synagogues "could
be virtually deserted" in another
generation, Prof. Lenski says in his
book. The increasing Americaniza-
tion of the population, Lhe expan-
sion of the middle classi the per-
meation of the working class by
middle class values supported by
mass media, and the rising educa-
tion level should all result in in-
creased churchgoing by white
Protestants and Catholics but
decreased church attendance by
Negro Protestants and Jews.
Because of the social forces asso-
ciated with less orthodox and piety
encouraging Protestants to attend
services, the Protestant religion is
in danger of becoming a "cultural
Americanized Catholics
The reverse can be foreseen with
Catholicism, as members who are
more Americanized, middle class
and college educated are more
faithful in church attendance and
more orthodox in belief and given
to prayer and personal piety.
The northern Negro Protestant
churches have a great appeal for
southern-born Negroes who have
migrated, but unless they increase
appeal for the northern-born Ne-
gro, attendance is bound to decline,
Prof. Lenski asserts.
In the area of politics the Demo-
cratic Party has captured the pop-
ular position on most controversial
domestic issues, forcing the Re-
publicans to emphasize the per-
sonal moral integrity of its candi-
dates during campaigns. This
approach, exemplified by former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
appeals most to active church-
goers, Catholic and Protestants
Religion Deviates
The survey points out that while
Democrats outnumber Republicans
three to one among Detroit Cath-
olics, active churchgoers deviate
more often from the Democratc-
Catholic norm and are more apt to
be Republican than less active
church members.
Opinions on various political
issues also were divided along re-
ligious lines.
White Protestants and Jews, for
example, were more likely than
Catholics and Negro Protestants
to take a liberal position on the
question of whether the Bill of
No Classes'
There will be no classesrMe-
morial Day, May 30. Secretary
of the University Erich Walter
announced yesterday.
He said that it was only an
oversight that this holiday was
left off the printed calendars
and bulletins, and that when it
falls within the semester proper
it has always been a holiday.
However, Walter said, Uni-
versity policy is to hold exams
on Memorial Day when it falls
during the examination period.
Rights guarantees the rights of
Americans to criticize the Presi-
dent, attack religion, or make
speeches in favor of Communism
and Fascism.
Support Schools
Jews were also the strongest
supporters among the whites of
integrated schools.
Prof. Lenski noted that Protest-
ants who were active in their
churches were more apt to take
the liberal position on issues in-
volving freedom of speech than
were marginal members and that
with Catholics the opposite was
There was no correlation with
religion on matters of foreign af-
fairs, such as United States par-
ticipation in the United Nations or
on foreign aid, the study showed.
Business Training
Prof. Lenski traced the success
of Americans in business to child
rearing practices relative to reli-
The problem of religious beliefs
contradicting scientific investiga-
tions showed that the "Jewish re-
spondents were the least likely to
feel that there is any conflict be-
tween the teaching of science and
those of their religions," Lenski
"At both the conscious and sub-
conscious levels of thought and
action, membership in the Catholic
group is more likely to inhibit the
development of scientific careers
than is membership in either the
Protestant or Jewish groups," Prof.
Lenski said.
Self-Employment Attitudes
There was also a significant
difference among the major socio-
religious groups in their attitudes
toward self-employment. Jews
ranked occupational independence
and autonomy highest, with Pro-
testants second and Catholics
Other attitudes toward econom-
ics include a higher disapproval of
installment buying among Jews
coupled with a greater belief in
saving than among the other
groups. Catholic working men were
the strongest supporters of the
labor unions, the study showed.
Negro Protestants who now have
the average of three children
showed the lowest birth rate rise
of any of the groups during the
1950's. "It seems likely that the
Negro Protestant rate will gravi-
tate toward the white Protestant
rate, leaving the Catholics the lone
high fertility group in the modern
American metropolis," Prof. Lenski
other than those the univer-
sity is committed to for pro-
motions, Chairman Leonard
Woodcock said last night.
Cut Operations
The university will attempt to
bring the total level of operations
down about six per cent from last
year's by selected major cuts in
certain areas, he said.
WSU is the first of the three
large state universities to hold a
board meeting since the Legisla-
ture passed the education appro-
priations, which were considerably
below the universities' requests
and the governor's recommenda-
Both the Regents and the Mich-
igan State University Board of
Trustees will meet Thursday. Both
are expected to give general in-
structions to their respective ad-
ministrations on the drawing up of
next year's operating budgets.
Detailed Budgets
All three boards are expected
to pass detailed budgets at their
meetings next month.
Woodcock said that one of
WSU's major problems was in the
medical school.
The Legislature gave enough
money beginning two years ago
to raise the entering class from 75
to 125, but made no provisions
for more than two classes this
Medical School
Now the university will cut its
medical school admissions back to
100 to keep the costs down, he
said. WSU will also have to cut
back its program in teacher edu-
cation, Woodcock announced.
WSU President Clarence B. Hil-
berry announced that'cuts in the
summer session would include the
dropping of many-courses.
Hilberry, who presented the pro-
posals for the cuts to the board,
was asked whether any of the cuts
were "spite gestures" at the Leg-
islature. He replied that they were
Cut 400 Students
The board's action wil mean that
instead of the usual admissions
level of 2,000 new students, WSU
will admit anly about 1,600 this
"For the first time, we find
ourselves forced to turn away fully
qualified students," Hilberry said.
WSU had asked $19.4 million
from the Legislature for this year.
Gov. John B. Swainson recom-
mended $16.8 for the university,
and the Legislature granted them
$15.6 million.
The university had received
$15.8 million last year, about $200,-
000 more than they were given this
Mighty Vulcan
Holds Court
Mighty Vulcan, holding court
on his forge, Mount Aetna. sat
embittered at man's misuse of his
beloved fire.
Now coming to him his faithful
followers, saying, -"Mighty Vulcan,
Discuss Plan
For Forum
The proposal to establish a cen-
ter to study the democratic process
at the Fair Lane Estate in Dear-
born was "favorably received," by
a conference of professors and
industrialists yesterday, Prof. Ar-
nold J. Kaufman of the philosophy
department said.
Kaufman, former secretary for
the Dearborn conference has been'
studying the possibility of such
a center for a year. The center,
to be called the Fair Lane ,Forum,
would be a "unique program in
this country for development of
reasoned but conflicting opinions."
This proposal for the Forum is
in no way either final or official,
Prof. Kaufman said. He predicted
that the present proposal would
be "considerably modified" before
being submitted to the Regents for
final approval next fall.
Participants in the conference
included Sir Arnold Toynbee,
British historian; Prof. David Reis-
man of the Harvard University
sociology department; George
Romney, president of the Ameri-
can Motors Corporation and Wil-
liam E. Stirton vice-president and
Director of the Dearborn Center.
The forum would be designed to
discuss issues of public concern.
Conferences, lasting three to five
days, would be held at the estate.
"The University has waited three
years before formally considering
ways of using the building because
we wanted to wait until the Dear-
born Center became established,"
Stirton commented. The Dearborn
Center is a branch of the Uni-
Board Delays
Step To Study
Coed Housing
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday delayed tak-
ing action to set up a committee
to study the feasibility of convert-
ing present living facilities into
coeducational units.
The delay resulted from a re-
quest by Associate Dean of Wo-
men for Residence Halls Elsie
Fuller that Assembly Association
be granted time to consider the
change and to determine opini in
among the women.
Vice-.president for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis noted that
"the Tniversity is committed to
coeducational housing in the plans
drawn up for the new North Cam-
pus unit," but there are many
problems to be considered before
action can be taken.
Atlanta Takes
'Riders' Flee Alabama Bomb Scare
Seventeen "Freedom Riders"!
flew to New Orleans last night
following two bomb scares in the
Birmingham, Ala. airport.
One of the 17, Walter Bergman,
a former white professor at the
University, said the group was
testing the "speed of integration."
They had been forced to leave
their first plane after the FBI re-
ceived a telephone call warning
a bomb had been concealed on
the plane. The flight was cancel-
lr1 .althniu-h nn boma fn iv-nd
Gov. John Patterson said he could
not guarantee their safety.
They had met with violence in
Anniston and Birmingham Sunday
while on a bus tour through the
South, testing segregation prac-
tices in bus station waiting rooms,
rest rooms and restaurants.
Groups of white men attacked the
CORE people when they refused to
move to the back of a bus in Anis-
ton. Outside Aniston, another
group blocked the bus of another
line and threw an incendiary bomb
through a broken window.
guarantee the safety of these agi-
tators. We will escort them to the
nearest state line. However, we
will not escort them to any other
cities in Alabama to continue their
rabble rousing."
In Washington, Kennedy aides
said he had been in contact with
Alabama officials and others on
the matter of protection. The Jus-
tice Department said the FBI has
been directed to determine if any
federal laws have been violated.
Plan Demonstration
Tn Qvmnatheti action.nth Ann
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