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May 14, 1961 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-14

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SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1961


'U' Team Gives State Report on Insurance

(Continued from Page 1)
treatment has increased. Advances
in equipment and drugs have made
stays shorter.
Overall, the report showed, half
the families surveyed had Blue
Cross-Blue Shield coverage. It
found that these plans provided
more protection than private in-
surance. However, in both areas
group policies were more compre-
hensive than individual policies.
The extent of coverage varied
with the type of care. While ap-
proximately four-fifths of hospital
care was met by some insurance
means, less than one-fifth of doc-
tor bills were paid by this method.
Without Coverage
"Nearly half of all medical ex-
penses are virtually without insur-
ance coverage," the report stated.
Costs of medical care are un-
evenly distributed among families.
Half had total health costs of less
than $200, but one in five paid
more than $500.
"The incidence of extremely high

medical expense for any individual
has almost no relationship to his
economic resources. The low in-
come person is quite as likely as
anyone to contract a disease re-
quiring long hospitalization and
expensive treatments," the report
Doctor's Aid
Two out of. three persons re-
ceived services from a doctor each
year and one in three visited a
dentist. The average had a com-
bined total of approximately six
visits a year.
Except for the highest income
group, there was little class varia-
tion in seeing doctors. Because of
this, the financial burden of doctor
bills was noticeably greater among
low income families.
All age, family size, insurance,
and other factors being equal,
families with incomes of less than
$2,000 consume twice as much
health service as those with in-
come between $3,000 and $6,000.
Those with incomes under $3,000


spent 13 per cent of their income on ployment, the report urged labor
health care, and various forms of and management to develop a
insurance in 1958 while those earn- scheme for covering workers while
ing $7,500 and above spent five per temporarily laid off.
cent for this purpose. This provision could also be
One-third of low income group made part of unemployment com-
and over half of the aged had no pensation as in New York, New
health insurance or prepayment Jersey, Rhode Island, and Cali-
coverage. The contracts which fornia.
these groups did hold generally af- The report urged labor and
forded less protection than those management to take advantage of
in other groups. provisions in some Blue Cross-Blue
Factors such as occupation, ir- Shield plans to permit retired in-
regularity of employment, and loss dividuals and their dependents to
of coverage at retirement may also maintain their insurance at group
cause lack of protection. rates at their own expense.
Age Limitations Change Policy
The aged have particular diffi- In general pre - payment coin-
culty in maintaining health insur- tracts should be strengthened by
ance, the report found. "Most poli- eliminating in Michigan the right
cies examined in this survey had of the company to cancel or refuse
age limits beyond which the policy to renew contracts at the expira-
was not effective," the report said. tion date.
Many of those retiring lose their Also, both private insurance and
group insurance and must switch pre-payment plans should give
to more expensive policies with serious consideration to broaden-
less coverage. ing benefits. Experimentation
As a group, "the aged are pe- should be encouraged toward this
culiarly and unpredictably vulner- end by management, labor, and
able to medical expenses and government.
uniquely low in resources to meet Finally, expanded benefits, once
these expenses. They become more incorporated into standard con-
subject to chronic diseases, but tracts, should be made available
their limited insurance coverage to as many contract holders as
tends to concentrate on acute ill- possible without undue discrimi-
nesses," the report commented. natory pricing.

Pick Group
To Prepare
Fall Event
The Homecoming 1961 central
committee ' has been selected by
Barbara Condon '62Ed. and Neil
Cohen, '62, general co-chairmen.
The members are:
Marcia Moorhead, '63A&D, Roger
Dashow, '64 and Paul Schoenwetter, '62,
publicity; Darlene Sharpe, '64, and Ron
Horwith, '64, decorations; Nancy Barnes,
'63, and James Fadim, '64, booklet;
Jackie Shaft, '63, and Aaron Gross-
man, '63. displays; Judith Golden, '63,
and Natalie Black, '64, secretarial; Su-
san Boynton, '62, and Richard Diehl,
'62, tickets; Toni Anthony, '62, and
Dave Foster, '62. alumni relations;
Wanda Westrate, '63, and Todd Powers,
-62, special events; Lonie Kirladi, '63,
programs and patrons; Steve Linker,
'64, finance; Jeff Ackerman, '64, build-
ings and grounds and Mark Perlow,
'63, band.
The central committee will meet
at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday in the

Briggs Says Businessmen
Must 'Take Responsibility'


Businessmen must speak out for
business and take responsibility
as citizens in the community,
power executive Robert P. Briggs
said at the fourth annual Business
Leadership Award Lecture Friday
Briggs, former vice-president of
the University for business and
finance, is the first alumnus to
win the award. The honor is ac-
corded to a "businessman of ac-
complishment who has shown an
understanding of the responsibili-
ties of business to society and an
interest in business education."
"Most businessmen are in the
Ayn Rand To Talk
On Aesthetic Lack
Author Ayn Rand will speak on
"Our Age: An Aesthetic Vacuum"
at 7:30 p.m. today in Hill Aud.
Following the lecture there will
be a discussion and coffee hour.
The program is sponsored by the
Creative Arts Festival.

middleground" between the two
positions of freedom under capital-
ism and complete government con-
trol. "They must articulate their
convictions for society and taxe a
position of leadership in carrying
out those convictions," Briggs
Rapping the country's citizenmy
for "economic illiteracy," Briggs
said that high schools and col-
leges do not require enough eco-
nomics and send students out into
the business world without know-
ledge of the "basic rules of the
"We cannot condone" the recent
infractions by business of the anti-
trust laws, he said. If business
violates, instead of working to
change, the laws under which the
country operates, then it "brings
aid to critics who wish our free
enterprise system to fall," he said.
Business must: answer union
charges, tell what inflation does
to social security and insurance,
tell the whole tax story and com-
municate these facts to the public,
Briggs emphasized.

Problem Acute
This problem is particularly
acute among all the aged. It is not
unique to just those on social se-
The report suggested several
means for aiding low income fami-
lies and the aged meet medical
care. For families consistently at
the bottom ,of the income scale,
it suggested that the state might
pay insurance costs at a suitable
level of benefits.
Other means could be use of
public assistance, and a medical
assistance plan patterned after
the one for the aged.
For the group that loses protec-
tion through irregularity of em-
CORE Chairman


View Sit-Ins

Rudolph Lombard, chairman of
the New Orleans, branch of the
Congress on Racial Equality, will
discuss the Southern sit-in move-
ment at 3 p.m. today at the Bethel
AME Church.
The talk is sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Direct Action Committee.

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(Continued from Page 4)
gems of Social Work," Tues., May 16,
2nd floor aud., Frieze Bldg., 4:15 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Ed-
ward Brazell,Education;bthesis: "A
Follow-Up Study of Public School
Driver Trainees, Relating Driving Per-
formance Records to Selected Academic
and Training Factors," Tues., May 16,
3206 U.H.S., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
H. R. Jones.
Doctoral Examination for Sherwood
Augur, Education; thesis; "E. L. Thorn-
dike's Educational Psychology and the
American Educational Program of the
Period 1890-1915," Tues., May 16, 4024'
U.H.S., at 4:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen, C. A.
Eggertsen and G. M. Wingo.
Doctoral Examination for Alvan Jer-
ome Obelsky, Economics; thesis; "Pre-
Conditions of Economic Development:
An Analysis of the Japanese Case,"
Tues., May 16, 208 Econ. Bldg., at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, K. E. Boulding.
Doctoral Examination for Spiro Soc-
rates Thomaides, Civil Engineering;
thesis: "Effect of Inelastic Action on
the Behavior of Structures during
Earthquakes," Tues., May 16, 307 W.
Engin. Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
G. V. Berg.
Doctoral Examination for Annie Ar-
den Jervey, Education; thesis: "A Study
of the Flexibility of Selected Joints in

Specified Groups of Adult Females,"]
Tues., May 16, Research Lab., P.E.M.
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A.-
Placement ;
Beginning Tues., May 16, the follow-
ing schools will have representatives at
the Bureau to interview for the 1961-t
1962 school year.
TUES., MAY 16-
Flint, Mich. (Hoover Schools)-Elem;
HS Eng, Girls PE. Biol/Gen Scl.
Millington, Mich. - Elem; Nat Sci,
Phys Sci, Comm/Math or Eng, Eng/
Journ, Eng, Library; Jr. HS Coaching
with other subject.
Mt. Clemens, Mich. (Macomb Coun-
ty)-Ali Special Education, Psycholo-
gists, Visiting Teachers.
Pontiac, Mich.-Jr. HS Eng, Speech,
Vocal, Latin/Eng, Voc Mus/SS; Jr./Sr.
HS Eng/Fre, Eng (MA & experience).
WED, MAY 17-
Flat Rock, Mich.-Elem; Dr Train/
PE/Varsity Coach, Eng/Journ.
Flint, Mich. (Atherton Schools) -
Elem (can see secondary people in SS,
etc., except PE); HS Homemaking/Eng.
Dearborn, Mich. (Dist. No. 7)-Elem;
El. Voc. Mus.; Girls PE.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.

Butler Mfgrg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
-BS in Chem. or Chem. Engrg. for
Production Staff of Plastics Dept. Work
involves improving efficiency of pres-
ent panel production. Desire seniors
who have had lab, work in reinforced
plastics or experienced recent grad.
Owens-Illinois, Toledo, O.-Tech. &
non-tech. positions for grads-all de-
grees-in Bus. Ad., Engrg. (ME, IE),
Math, Lib. Arts, Chem. Some openings
require specialized exper.
Indiana State Teachers College, Terre
Haute, Ind.-Asst. Director of Informna-
tion Services. To be directly responsi-
ble for all general college publications
such as college catalog, general infor-
mation pamphlets, etc. Desire grad.
with some exper. in working with
printers & who is familiar with lay-
out, copywriting, copyreading, etc.
Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis. -
Sales Engineering Positions, including
both sales mgmt. & field openings.
Grad. Engnrs. interested in tech. sales.
Trng. program begins July 5., Exper.
not required.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
-Tech. & non-tech. openings for qual-
ified grads. Library school trng. &
reading knowledge of foreign languages
required. for most jobs in addition to
degree in either general lib. arts or
physical sciences or engrg. Some posi-
tions call for highly specialized exper-
Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021
Admin., Ext. 3371 for further infor-
-ted in

Dahlberg Hits
HUAC Film,
The movie "Operation Abolition"
is being used for propaganda pur-
poses and should be viewed with
great discretion, Edwin H. Dahl-
berg, former president of the
National Council of Churches said
The chief criticism of the Coun-
cil against the film concerned the
editing, Dahlberg said. "Events
were put together out of sequence,
giving a false impression." The
film depicts student demonstration
against the House Un-American
Activities Committee in San Fran-
cisco last May.
He also pointed out that the
acquittal of Robert Meisenbach,
one of the students, on charges of
hitting a policeman at the demon-
strations was an indication that
the film did not accurately repre-
sent the students' actions.
Required reading
for daydreamers...
How to
go about
saving money
...while you
go about
seeing Europe
the one ticket that takes you
first class to 1 3 countries
for a whole month.
The cost?... Only $110!
Take a month to capture the zest
of the real Europe, from the silent
splendor of ancient cathedrals to
the clamor of colorful seaports.
Share the warmth of its charming
people, the sheer joie de vivre of
the friendly European.
Feel the tempo, the quickening
pulse of Europe's vitality when you
travel by train with Eurailpass.
This convenient ticket will take
you anywhere over 100,000 miles
of luxurious first class service.
Roam through the Austrian Alps,
the lowlands of Belgium. Watch
picture-book farms come to life in
the drowsy mist of a Danish dawn.
Fall hopelessly in love with France.
Discover at leisure the tr':a mean-
ing of German Gemtdtliche it. Cock
your ear to the clatter of windmills
in Holland and surrender com-
pltely to the ageless warmth that
is Italy.
Chemin de fer.;. everywhere! Pay
a visit to Luxembourg. Take side
trips. Many bus, boat and ferry
lines are included. Sit and listen
to the vast silence of a Norwegian
fiord. Travel through Portugal. See
those castles in Spain. Let Sweden
and Switzerland show you what
Wanderlust really is.
Eurailpass is the real way to see
Europe, its breathtaking country-
sides and historic cities. Eurail-
pass gives you so much-for so
little. Even famous "crack trains"
are at your disposal.
Two months cost only $150; three
months just $180. Children under
10 -half price; under 4 -free.


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The farther smoke
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Join the swing to





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Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-
dent Guild, Program of Worship led by
Trim Bissell, May 14, 7 p.m., 524
Folkdancers, Meeting, Nomination of
Officers, Dancing & Instruction, May
16, 7:30 p.m., Community Center. Call
Ora Hersh, NO 3-2085 for transporta-
* , *
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Parents' Day, 4 p.m., Vesper
Service, Post-Service Social Hour, May
14, 1511 Washtenaw.
* * 0
German Club, Meeting, Zuckmayer
Film: "The Captain of Kopenick," May
16, 8 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. A.
Hillel Fdn., Faculty-Grad. Student
Program: Readings from I. L. Peretz'
stories by Jerry Sandler, May 14, 8 p.m.,
Brasley Lounge.
* *. *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, May
15, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
Wesley Fdn., "Is Jesus Unique?" 10:15
a.m., Pine Rm.; Fellowship Supper,
5:30 p.m., Worship & Program: Student
Panel on Americans Committed to
World Responsibility, 7 p.m., Wesley
Lounge; May 14.
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, May
14, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St.

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Between 9:00 A.

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