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May 13, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-13

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'HAPsY'a e NMATES: TKhrushchev Brazil Presi
Insists Reds To Join U.S..
As Extremists Prepare - MostFree'
Assoiated Press News Analyst
JERUSALEM (AM - Jewish Ansbacher said the. Red Cross MOCW(f)-PeirNkt RIO DE JANEIRO ('k-Brazil-
children were forced to play hap-MOCWM-PeirNkt
pily before visiting Red Cross in- did not visit locked up buildings Ian President Janio Quadros has
spectors at a Nazi death camp and where sick and starving people ye ay dealt a stinging blow to Washing-
/S tr ilk esick, starving inmates were hid- almost certainly were doomed to Communism will gain control of ton's efforts to enlist Latin Amer-
den a witness at th Adolnh ich- die without medical assistance. the world - and without using ica against the Fidel Castro re-

He als
not regax
as the U
The qu

SAIGON, South Viet Nam (1-Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson
carried a people-to-people campaign to the streets and thatched huts
of South Viet Nam's countryside yesterday.
Johnson made clear he will not recommend to President John F.
Kennedy that American combat forces be stationed here.
"If we furnish support they will furnish manpower," he told re-
Johnson made 15 impromptu speeches, telling the villagers the
United States and South Viet Nai will work together to banish di-

Police Alert;
Set To Fire
Upon Rioters
Independence Talks
Slated for Next Week
ALGIERS (P) - European ex-
tremists threatened Algiers with
riots and possible bloodshed to-
day in a new stand against Al-
gerian independence. Word-of-
mouth orders for strikes and dem-
onstration came yesterday from
the underground "Secret Army Or-
ganization" (OAS), the main set-
tler resistance group.
The call came on the eve of the
third anniversary of the coup d'
etat which led to the fall of the
Fourth French Republic. It also
came just a week before France
and the Algerian Moslem rebels
are scheduled to open talks aimed
at giving Algeria independence.
French headquarters for Alger-
ia, visibly shaken at the prospect
of more disorders in this troubled
city, warned that troops would fire
on agitators. At least 20,000 troops,
riot police and gendarmes, back-
ed by armored vehicles, were alert-
ed for action.
Security officials said they ex-
pect right-wing commandos; -un-
daunted by collapse of the April
22 military putsch, will attempt
major action today or in the days
to come.
The rise of European agitation
was accompanied by increasing
nervousness among Moslems, A
tangible sign of this came last
Tuesday when riots flared up in
Djidjelli and Marengo and French
troops opened fire on the Djidjelli
,rioters, killing three and wounding
Tension has been building up in
Algiers steadily in the past week.
Inflammatory tracts of European
origin threatened "a fight until
death" to bar Algerian indepen-
Peru Children
To Get Food
ed States yesterday acted to set
up a school lunch program for
children in Peru, a program that
may be extended later to other
Latin American countries.
Under an agreement signed by
Peruvian Prime Minister Pedro
Beltran and Food for Peace' Di-
rector George McGovern, the
United States will ship 184 tons
of foodstuffs a month for the
school program in Peru.
The shipments, which will feed
30,000 children in 600 schools in
the drought stricken Puno area
of southern Peru, will consist of
bread, flour, shortening, cornmeal
and powdered milk.
In most of the schools, stoves
will have to be installed to pre-
pare the food.
McGovern, in signing the agree-
ment, said he hopes success in
Peru will encourage expansion of
the program and its adoption in
other countries.
McGovern also said.he had dis-
cussed with Beltran the possibility
of a work program under which
Peruvians would be employed on
economic development projects
and receive part of their wages in
United States food.
Beltran praised the program, as
part of President John F. Kenne-
dy's "alliance for progress" for
Latin America.

"We are really going to work
together for the common good in
a way which will be an example
for all the world," he said.

World News
By The Associated Press
SAN DIEGO, Calif,.-The Atlas
missile tagged to carry, the first
American into space orbit is ready
for delivery, an executive of the
manufacturing company said yes-
Karel J. Bossart, technical di-
rector for General Dynamics Cor-
poration's astro iautics division-
said the missile had been fabri-
cated and is being guarded around
the clock.
It is scheduled to be delivered
to the Cape Canaveral launching
station when called for by the Na-
tional Aeronautical and Space Ad-
LONDON-Prime Minister Mac-
millan's Conservative Party in-
creased its strength in elections
in England and Wales yesterday
for a third of the seats in 374
borough councils and a few urban
With results almost completely
tabulated the Conservative Party
had gained 212 seats and lost 71,
while the opposition Labor Party
gained 56 seats and lost 274. The
Liberal Party competed strongly,
winning 95 seats and losing 16.
* * *
BERN, Switzerland-The Swiss
government announced yesterday
strict measures to control trade
in explosives before the opening of
the Algerian peace talks Just
across the border May 20.
The government said the meas-
ure is to help protect the Algerian
rebel delegation from bomb at-
tacks by political extremists dur-
ing their stay in Switzerland.
* * *

*sease, poverty and ignorance-the
"partners of- the Communists."
Johnson had nearly three hours
of private talks. with Ngo.
It is reported Kennedy sent
Johnson on this fact-finding tour.
of Asian hot spots with author-
ity to offer Ngo $40 million more.
a year in arms aid. The United
States is expected to increase the
,number of military advisers here
from 650 to 1,650 officers and
men, including some tough Ranger
experts in guerrilla warfare.
Johnson's talks w i t h Ngo,
. strongman 'ruler since this nation
gained independence from France
in 1954, was the first he has had
with a head of stateon this tour.
The meeting was "beyond any
expectations I had," Johnson said.
"We reached complete meeting of
minds regarding President Kenne-
dy's and President Ngo's idea of
what ought to be done and how
and where to do it."
In obvious reply to charges that
. Ngo runs a dictatorship, Johnson
told newsmen:
"The Presidents feel political
and economic actions are impor-
tant as well as strengthening the
defense structure."
Kennedy, he said, is anxious to
inject a high sense of urgency,
purpose and dedication into Unit-,
ed States aid programs in non-
military projects.
The United States is prepared to
collaborate with the Vietnamese;
in health and public wlefare proj-
ects in the villages, Johnson said.
Johnson also spoke to the Na-
tional Assembly, pledging: "We
are prepared to work with you to.
develop an agreed solution to the
problems of additional burdens of
This meant the United States
will increase its defense support
program which totals $160 million
in the current fiscal year and $2
billion since 1954.
TAGORE Centenary
(Noble laureate of India)
Aud. A, Angell Hall
8 P.M.-May 13, 1961
All are cordially invited





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