Nancy Sue
Bonnie Ro
Albert Jay
Kent Phili
Lesley Lou
Dona Jean
Edith Sara
Alfred Lou
Susan Joa:
Jackson T
Robert M
Arthur Ra
Herbert M
Karen Sue
Michael Ja
Phyllis El
Philip Ca;
Martha C
Edwin Stu
Literary College
e Adelson Joyce Karyl Leix
ise Ahlgrim Barry Levine
Ammerman Mark Stewart Levy
p Anderson Lennart Helmer Loftstrom
u Anderson Laurence Paul Lonero
aBarcy Henry Saul Lowendorf
a Bassichis Linda Jane Lyall
uis Baumann III Cecilia Sarah Lyle
,n Beattie Mary Karen Madden
'aylor Beatty Michael Arthur Maidenberg
alcolm Benson David Donald Marcus
mon Berkowitz Joan Lillian Mashioff
[ilton Blair John Stevens McGuire
e Bleier James Lorin McHard
IFC Offers Counsel
To Fraternity Men
oseph Block
len Bloom
rl Bockman
Anne Boot
hristine Bordin
uart Brown
Gale Frances Buchanan
Edwin Gwynne Burrows
Thomas Lee Butch
Catherine Mary Calcaterra
Patricia Ann Carlson
Harvey Edwin Chapman
Gerald Brce.Chattman
Anna Frances Chow
John Calvin Chrisman
Susan Elizabeth Coates
Thomas Edward Cody
Thomas Vance Cohen
Michael David Colman
Bruce Lawrence Colton
Harry David Comins
Margaret Elizabeth Conway
Gerald Sanford Cook
Jonathan David Cook
Mary Louise Cook
Robert Joseph Cotter
Jay Wheeler Cranston
Arthur George Dauber
John Tootle Davis
Jane Ellen Deighton
Constance J4 DeMille
Dorothy Barbara Deutsch
Gerrit Earl DeYoung
Harry Louis Doerr
Anita Beth Dolgin
Roberta Marie Douglas.
Beverly Lynn Drouillard
Nancy Kathryn Dunkle
Charles Paul Dyjak
s Rose Susan Ehrinprei
Daniel Michael Eichenbaum
Eugene Mark Eisner
Paula Jean Elkins
William Darrel Ensminger
Sandra Elaine Eriksson
Judith Jean Everson"
Kathleen Elaine Eyre
Michael John Fischer
Carolyn Fisher
William Douglas Foltz
Beatrice Geneva Foust'
Leslie Ann Fox
Helen Marie Frankel
Hal Hinton Frazier, Jr.
Theodore John Gaensbauer
Lawrence-Dvid Gelb
Benette Get
David Samuel Ginsburg
Carolyn Sue Gobble
Marvin Goldman
David Leon Good
Janet Mae Goodrich
Maxine Gordon
Merrily Fay Gorne
Lisa Victoria Gould
Barry David Graff
Janet Graham
Alan Brian Grass
Mark Greenbain
Barbara Greenstein
Harold Burton Gross
Judith Ann Grzesick
Sally Ann Hallen
Thomas Edgar Halperin
Susan Lynn Harkonen
Mary Lou Harris
Thomas Richard Herzog
Michael Lynn Hinnen
Helen Scull Hitchman
Carole Ruth Hoffman
Karen Ruth Holvick
Douglas Ripley Hotch
Carol Ann\ Houck
Marcia Ann Ilton
Lawrence Samuel Jackier
Carla Susan Kaiser
Lucia Carylni Brown Kaminski
Dorcas Loreen Kane
Mary Melinda Keown
Karen Keskulla
Judith Ann Kett
Winifred Amalia Kiger
Barbara Christine King
Susn Tn arsha K-nff
Student Publications F
Year of Service to Cai
David Edward McPherson
Audrey Jean Mellen
Herbert James Menard
Phyllis Ann Messick
Ann Jane Meyer
Peggy Jean Meyers
Melody Meyerson
Mary Elizabeth Millender
Kenneth Harry Miller
Theodore Norman Miller
Drogo K. Montague
Robert Allen Moore
Bruce Campbell Nash II
Carol Therese Nora
Mary Beth Norton
Patricia Mary O'Connor
David Jerome Olmstead
Ruth Joan Oster
Jane Marie Otteson
Richard Sheldon Panush
David Louis Passma
Dana William Paxson
Martin Eugene Pearlman
Susan Barbara Peterson
James Wilber Pfister
Albert Arthur Pollard
Carol Lynne Porter
Karol Ann Postelli
James Vincent Prochazka
Jonathan Conrad Pumplin
Naomi Judith Rapport
Janet Sue Rasey
Irene Adele Rath
Paul Mitchell Redstone
Elaine Marie Retberg
Brenda Lee Richardson
Harvey David Robb
Bonita Jane Robbins
Michael David Robbins
Basya-Marie Romanoff
Robert Binion Rosalsky
Judith Ellen Rubenstein
Norma Ruth Rubenstein
Judith Ellen Rubin
Sallyann Rubin
Susan Phyllis Rubin
Donald Arthur Sandweiss
Charles Joseph Sanner, Jr.
Naomi Ruth Saslaw
Susan Schindelheim
Sandra Ellen Scmier
Gail Marilyn Schneider
Susan Auleen Scholle
Michal Schover
Ellen Nora Schwartz
Bette Jean Seasonwein
John Arthur Sebert
Helene Hinda Seeder
Elsa Beatrice Shaw
Amy Louise Sheldon
William Elson Shell
Joel Avery Sherman
Robert Bernard Sims
Baiba Skrivelis
Jill Sherry Slater
Mark Sheldon Slobin
Clark Sommer Smith
Harold Jeffrey Smith
William Fitz Smith
Susan Spencer
Leonard Dale Spicer
Larry James Spilkin
Becky Anne Staton
Gary Gilbert Stewart
Vivian Joy Subarsky
John Thorvald Svendsen
Thomas Edward Swaney
Errol Richard Sweet
Frederick Joseph Sweet
Marilyn Jean Taylor
Gary Miles Tearston
David Allen Tenenberg
Lawrence Eldon Thomas
Roger Jerry Thomas
James Hunter Thrall
John Frederick Townsend, Jr.
Carolyn Gretchen Tufts
Michael Useem
leva Vitins
James Waller
Charles McDonald Watts
Laurie Ann Wender
Donna Gene White
Patrici aGra Wikn
The Interfraternity Council acts
as the executive body of the fra-
ternity system at the University,
coordinating and sponsoring so-
cial and academic activities as well
as the twice yearly men's rushes.
IFC officers are elected each
spring by the 43 members of the
Fraternity Presidents Assembly.
The FPA is the legislative branch
of thefraternities and meets peri-
odically to examine problems of
the male affiliates.
Interfraternity Council
Jon Trost
Sigma'Chi, President
Howard Mueller
Phi Gamma Delta,
Executive Vice-President
Gary Slaughter
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Administrative Vice-President
John Richards
Sigma Chi, Secretary
Charles Matthews ,
Phi Kappa Psi, treasurer
Committee Chairmen
David Kilber
Phi Kappa Psi,
Academic Affairs
Mark Gladstein
Zeta Beta Tau, Alumni
Jim Nette
Lambda Chi Alpha,
Doug Rasmussen
Phi Kappa Psi, Publications
Stuart Dow
Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Fraternity Relations
Robert Peterson'
Chi Psi, Rushing
Richard Nohl
Phi Gamma Delta, Services
Michael Landwirth
Zeta Beta Tau, Social
Fraternity Presidents
Daniel Barr,
William Phelps
Alpha Delta Phi.
ADC Strives
To .Improve
Assembly Association began the
year's activities with its freshman
orientation program and held the
annual I-Hop on its traditional
date, the Saturday of the first
home football game.
Most of Assembly's work, this
year was in the area of housing.
An Assembly committee j studied,
the upperclass housing problem
and succeeded in having Betsy
Barbour established as an upper-
class house.
Officers and committee chair-
men of Assembly Association for
the past year were:
Myra Goines.
Sally Jo Sawyer,
First vice-president
Marilyn Johnson,
Second vice-president
Mary Lou Selden,
Judy Levine,
Joan Weinberg,
Orientation Chairman
Delores Gellios,
Social Chairman
Joan Studnicky,
Projects Chairman
Amy Band, Activities and
Scholarship Chairman
I C Discusses
Many Facets
Of Quad Life
Inter-Quadrangle Council spent
its first year laying foundations for
its new organizations, examing the
possibilities of deferred rush, ori-
ginating a program for associate
house members and probing into
the basic problems of residence hall
IQC Members and Officers
Daniel Rosemergy,
David Catron,
Michael Mason,
Thomas Moch,
South Quadrangle President.
Robert Thorpe,
West Quadrangle President
John Bliss,
East Quadrangle President
John Richardson,
South Quad Representative
Richard Ostling,
West Quad Reprensentative
David Barnett
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Roger Jennings
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Kenn Clark
Alpha Sigma Phi
Ron Spooner
Alpha Tau Omega
William Gomez
Beta Theta P
Phillip Idema
Chi Phi
Bruce McDonald
Chi Psi
Robert Cole
Delta Chi
Charles Kline
Delta Kappa Epsilon
John Miller
Delta Sigma Phi
Jack O'Brian,
Delta Tau Delta
Edward Hayman
Delta Upsilon
Wilbert Franklin
Kappa Alpha Psi
Louis Senunas
Kapa Sigma
David Carpenter
Lambda Chi Alpha
Duane Wasmuth
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Epsilon Pi
James Burns
Phi Gamma Delta
Franklin Rote
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Sigma
David Reinke
-Phi Kappa Ta
Herbert Newburger
P1a Sigma Delta
Richard Seifert
Phi Sigma Kappa
Mervyn Klein
Pi Lambda Phi
Michael Callahan
Jack Mogk
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Arthur Bartner
Sigma Alpha Mu
Frank Legacki
Sigma Chi
Douglas Meyer
Sigma Nu
Richard Dedie
Sigma Phi
William Heathy
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Howard Stein
Tau Delta Phi
Ronald Greenberg
Tau Epsilon Phi
Rolfe Worden
Tau Kappa Epsilon
John Eppel
Theta Chi
Michael Marston
Theta Delta Chi
James Marer
Theta Xi
John Pattison
Richard Granse
Richard Sideman
Zeta Beta Tau
Don Stammer
Zeta Psi
Union Seeks
Optimum Use
Of Facilities
The Michigan Union this year
undertook a broad survey of stu-
dent, faculty, administration and
alumni opinion to, determine how
it could maximize utilization of its
facilities and increase service to
the campus.
The Union sponsored the Stu-
dentFaculty-Administrator Con-
ference, the Creative Arts Festival
and various international student
forums. It also worked closely with
MUSKET, Soph Show, Homecom-
ing and Spring Weekend.
Executive Officers
Perry W. Morton
John Ross
Executive Vice-President
Michael Turoff
Administrative Vice-President
Executive Councilmen
Paul Carder
R. Ian Hunter
Todd Fay
Public Relations
David Barton
Michael Balgley
xStudent Affairs
William Lanson
University Affairs
Student Directors
William Carmel
Daniel Goldsmith
James Hadley
Gayle Kingh
John Tuohy
(Continued from Page 1)
game, Johnson grabbed a pass de-
flected by a defender and went to
the one-yard line, with the Wol-
verines scoring on the next play.
Denny Fitzgerald ran 99 yards
for a touchdown in the Michigan
State game on a kickoff return,
but his and a great team effort fell
short of the powerful Spartans in
a scoring contest.
As fall waned into winter, two
other sports that don't involve a
Big Ten championship were get-
ting under way.
One of Michigan's best hockey
teams in recent history finished
third in the Western Collegiate
Hockey Association, behind NCAA
champion Denver and third place,
Minnesota. The Wolverines ac-
tually beat the Gophers in three
of four season games, but the
northerners did not play Denver
while Michigan suffered four loss-
es to the champs.
STILLNESS ON THE STILL RINGS-Michigan gymnastics cap-
tain Rich Montpetit who led the Wolverines to a Big Ten Cham-
pionship, is shown doing a winning performance on the still rings.
M Athletes Take Honors
For -T'rackGymnastics
The second place finish gave
Minnesota home ice advantage in
the playoffs that saw the Gophers
edge Michigan in the two game se-
Michigan's basketball team had
a disappointing year under first
year Coach Dave Strack, but there
is much encouragement for the
future. The cagers finished last in
the. Conference, but Capt. John
Tidwell was named to the All-Bigt
Ten team despite having a bad
year. He did, however, break his
own school record by scoring 43
points against Minnesota.'
His teammates tried mightily to
take up the slack, led by 6"'" soph-
omore Tom Cole but had some bad
luck, as they lost five games in a
row that weren't decided until the
last minute.
Thus the year 1960-61 saw four
Big Ten Championships, two sec-
onds, a third and some lesser fin-
ishes, with next year promising to
be as bright.
Its 71st year of editorial freedom
saw The Daily win an overseas
Press Club award for the best in-
ternational coverage by a college
The campus newspaper is edited
and managed by students who pub-
lish it Tuesday through Sunday of
every week. The Board in Control
of Student Publications has pro-
vided the editorial and business
staffs with a half million dollar
printing plant in which to work.
The 500 page Michiganensian
records the top events of the past
year and honors graduating sen-
iors and University groups through
editorial, artistic and business
staffs composed of students.
The campus inter-arts magazine,
Generation, was published twice
this year, the spring edition being
the largest one ever compiled. Gen-
eration has printed drama, poetry,
fiction, music and criticism since
Senior Editorial Staff
Thomas Hayden,
Nan Markel,
City Editor
Jean Spencer,
Editorial Director
Judith Doner;'
Personnel Director
Thomas Kabaker,
Magazine Editor
Kenneth McEldowney,
Associate dity Editor
Kathleen Moore,
Associate Editorial Director
Senior Sports Editors
Thomas Witecki,
Sports Editor
Harold Applebaum,
Associate Sports Editor
Michael Gillman,
Associate Sports Editor
Night Editors
Michael Burns
Susan Farrell
Pat Golden
Andrew Hawley
Harvey Molotch
John Roberts,
Philip Sherman
Peter Stuart
Faith Weinstein
Advertising Staff Seniors
Judith Nicholson,
Business Manager
Marjorie Bluestein,
Varsity Athletes Receive
Letters in Ten 'M' Sports
Varsity letters are awarded in
ten sports at the University.
Listing of 'M' winners in golf,
track, tennis and baseball are
those of last spring, sirce awards
for this year won't be made until
completion of the respective sport
James D. Bradshaw, Joseph H.
Brefeld, David E. Brown, Richard
J.. DeLamielleure, George S. Fred,
Jr., Wilbert A. Franklin, Earl E.
Hood, John E. Kerr, Allan J. Koch,
Robert S. Kucher.
Nicholas A. Liakonis, Robert H.
Marcereau, Barry H. Marshall,
Dennis M. McGinn, Joseph R.
Merullo, John E. Mogk, Gordon
R. Rinckey, William A Roman,
Eugene F. Struczewski, Richard
B. Syring.
Lester B. Bird, Jared Lee Bu-
shong, Richard A. Cephas, Leon-
ard P. Cercone, Earl W. Deardorff,
Marshall L. Dickerson; Ian J. En-
gel, Franklin H. Geist, Lloyd B.
Gibson, John M. Gregg, Ergas
Leps, Raymond S. Locke.
David M. Martin, Benjamin P.
McRae, Frederick W. Montour,
Thomas A. Robinson, Walter E.
Shafer, Richard K. Schwartz, An-
thony 0. Seth, Jackson T. Steffes,
Terry L. Trevarthen, John A. Too-
mey, Stephen M. Williams, James
P. Wyman.
Joseph V. Brisson, John A. Ev-
erhardus, Lawrence D. Markman,
William K. Newcomb, Thomas A.,
Wilson, Richard Youngberg.
Gerald Dubie, Frank A. Fulton,
Bruce Macdonald, Kenneth J.
Mike, James C. Tenney, William
F. Vogt, Jr., John M. Wiley.
Reid Bushong, Keith Cowan,
Guy Curtis, Guy DeStefano, Den-
nis Fitzgerald, William Freehan,
David Glinka, Todd Grant, Lee
Hall, John Halstead, Don Hannah,
Willard Hildebrandt, John Hout-
man, Tom Jobson, Robert John-
Tom Kerr, Scott Maentz, George
Mans, Gary McNitt, Benjamin
McRae, John Minko, Joseph O'-
Donnell, David Palomaki, Paul
Poulos, Paul Raeder, David Rai-
mey, Jon Schopf, Gerald Smith,
John Stamos, William Stine.
Jack Strobel, Dick Syring, Ken-
neth Tureaud, Rudd Van Dyne,
John Walker, Grant Walls, James
Associate Business Mf
Betsy Underwood,
Accounts Manager
Steve Augustyn
Finance Manager
John Martin,
Managing Editor
Charles Moore,
Engravings Editor
Dotty Morrall,
Copy Editor
Art Newman,
Personnel Director
Business Staff
Jim Kay,
Business Manager
Susan Phillippart,
Accounts Manager
Edward Lubbin,
Advertising Manager
Roger Burt,
Sales Manager
Michael Wentworth,
Editor -
Laurie Epsteinl,
Business Manager
Michael Spitzer,
Poetry Editor
Susan Steinberg,
Fiction Editor
Roger Reynolds,
Music Editor
Andy Argyropolus,
,Art Editor
Student Members
James Elsman
Ronald Peters
Clubs Pla,
Robert M .Brown, George T.
Cole, Richard C. Donley, Thomas
S. Eveland, Jon K. Hall, Charles
E. Higgs, Donald S. Maentz, Ste-
ven R. Schoenherr, John-W. Tid-
Larry R. Babcock, Gordon A.
Berenson, William D. Butts, James
A. Coyle, Patrick E. Cushing, Ken-
neth A. Hinnegan, William J.
Kelley, Joseph E. Iunghamer,
Lorne D. MacDonald, John K. Mc-
Gonigal, Bernard L. Nielsen, John
W. Palenstein, Thomas S. Pendle-
bury, Dennis W. Rhode, Donald N.
Rodgers, William C. White, Thom-
as H. Wilson.'
Nick Armelagos, John H. Bar-
den, James R. Blaker, Donald B.
Corriere, Karl V. Fink, Joseph D.
Fitzgerald, Wilfried R. Hilde-
brandt, Frederick E. Kellermann,,
Frederick E: Ludwig, II, Willard
L. Root, John C. Zauner.
Ralph E. Bromund, James R.
Brown, Mark E. Erenberg, Lewis
T. Fenner, James E. Hynds, Gil-
bert Larose, RichardMontpetit,
Thomas N. Osterland, Robert B.
Donald L. Clark, Ctanley C.
Cox, William T. Barnton, John H.
Dumont, Dennis E. Floden; Ala-
jandro Gaxiola, John D. Gilland-
ers, Richard Han, Harry W. Huff-
aker, James R. Jaco, Owen H.
Kleinschmidt, Frank L. Legacki.
John J. McGuire, Michael Na-
telson, Richard F. Nelson, Winston
K. Pendleton, Jhon D. Pettinger,
Steven D. Thrasher, Warren Gl
Uhler, John Urbancsok, Kenneth
D. Ware, Robert Webster, Fred-
erick Wolf.
League Aids
Campus Tone
The Women's League operates
under the premise that activities
supplement academic work and
are a necessary contribution to
the development of a well-rounded
The League Council tries to.
schedule events which would ap-
peal to many different types of
individuals. Activities highlight-
ing the past year were the Fresh-
man Orientation program, a Vo-
cational Guidance service, Wom-
en's Week, Burocats, and class
projects including Freosh Week-
end, Soph Show, Junior. Girl's;
Play and Senior Night.
The officers of the Women's
League Council for the past year
were Sue Kennedy, president;
Jean Ross; administrative vice-
president; Barbara Gilbert, execu-
tive vice-president, Ellen Wein-
berger, chairman of the Interview-
ing and Nominating Committee;
and Judith Guardhouse, chairman
Pan helIlenic
Panhellenic Association is the
coordinating body for the 22 so-
rorities on campus.
Representing affiliated women,
Panhel has the purpose of co-
operating in the maintenance of
high social standards, furthering
intellectual accomplishment' and
sound scholarship, promoting co-
operation among sororities and
unifying the interests of sorority
and non-sorority women.
Executive Council
President: Barbara Greenberg,
Alpha Epsilon' Phi.-
First vice-president: Donna L.
Monroe, Alpha Omicron Pi
Second vice-president: Catherine
Bennett, Kappa Alpha Theta
Secretary : Carlotta Maize,
Alpha Xi Delta,
Treasurer: Andrea Patterson,.
Alpha Chi Omega
Administrative Chairmen
Rushing Chairman: Mary
Schaefer, Alpha Chi Omega,
.Rushing Counselor Chairman:
Joan Myers, Sigma Delta Tau
Public Relations: Susan
Stillerman, Alpha Epsilon Phi
Secretarial Mgr.:; Pamela
Chapman, Alpha Delta Pi
Junior Panhellenic
President: Catherine Steffek,
Alpha Phi
Panhel Delegates
Alpha Chi Omega:
Jeanne Dewey
Alpha Delta Pi:
Toby Chapman
Alpha Epsilon' Phi:
Marilyn Marsh
Alpha Gamma Delta:
Linda Clark
Alpha Kappa Alpha:
Patricia Pyant
Alpha Omicron Pi:
Marianne Thelts
Alpha Phi:
Kay Currier
Alpha Xi Delta:
r.Jane Stick
Chi Omega:
Debbie Dexter
Collegiate Sorosis:
Sue Shaberg
Delta DeltaDelta:
Polly Wietzke
Delta Gamma:
Sue Deo
Delta Phi Epsilon
Andree Slesnick
Delta Sigma Theta:
Leonore Holland
Gamma Phi Beta:
Barbara Cooksey
Kappa Alpha Theta:
Ginny Sinclair
Kappa Delta:
Donna Marsh
Kappa Kappa Gamma:
Active R4
On Campu
(Continued from Page 1)
Gilbert & Sullivan
Julius Myers
Gothic Film Society
Allan Silver
Graduate Student Council
Edward Manker -
India Students Associatio
V. A. Pal Panadike . .
Indonesian Student Club
Herman Soesilo
Inter-Cooperative Council
Vern Mumme*j
Interfraternity Council
Jon Trost
International Folk Dancel
Pete Groblicki
Inter-Quadrangle Council
Daniel Rosemergy
Iranian Student Club
Nasser Souresrafil
Korean Student Club
Khyson Swong-
Latin American Associat4
Alda Rodriquez
Latvian Student Club
Paulis Lazda
'M' Club
Andy Morrow'
Men's Glee Club
Scott Herrick
James Dahl
Michigan Christian Felloi
Orlynn J. Halladay
Michigan Union
Perry Morton
Musim Association
Osman Ahmed
National Association for I
Advancement of Colored
Brereton Bissell
Mary Wheeler
Newman Club....
Thomas Piatowski
National Student Associa
Kay Warman
Pakistan Student Assocla
Abu J. M. Hasan
Panhellenic Association
Barbara Greenberg
Political Issues Club
Sharon Jeffrey
Riding Clubry
Lee Sonne
Fred Bleicher
Russian Circle
Dick Popov
Sailing Club
Richard Kelkenberg
Senior Board
Poger Barnes
Student Government 6o6
John Feldkamp
Society of Automotive Er
Dale Hedding
Sociedad Hispanica .
Student Bar Association
David 1urie
Student Book Exchange
Frederick Riecker
Thai Association
Saeng Chandrngarmt
Turkish Students Associ
Nesat Omer Senturk
Ulir Ski Club
Arthur Daniels
Unitarian Student Grouj
Kenneth MacKay
Wolverine Club
Irwin J. Dinn
Women's Athletic AssocL
Ann Cullip
Women's League
Sue Kennedy
Women's Physical Edduc
Marv (phll
PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER, Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D., presiding
Processional..........................................*........M. Enrico Bossi
The Star Spangled Banner .................By the audience
Presentation of Honor Students .............................Erich A. Walter, A.M.
Assistant to the President and Secretary of the University
Laudes Atque Carmina. . .... ......Charles M. Gayley and Albert A. Stanley
The Men's Glee Club