See Page 4
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Slightly warmer today,
showers tomorrow.
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Chii President Denies Charges of Pressure
Armstrong Refutes
Claim of Prejudice
Local President Says Statement
Asks No Action, States Situation
National Delta Chi President Louis Armstrong last night denied
that any letter was sent to the State University of Iowa chapter to
pressure the group into depledging a Negro as the Daily Iowan had
Armstrong, who arrived in Iowa City Wednesday, said "There was
no such letter sent to the Iowa chapter." Andrew J. Hanks, the Negro,
IQC Backs
Of Students
Inter-Quadrangle Council last
night voiced its approval of the
controversial "pink slip" after a
debate with Student Government
Council member Kenneth Mc-
Eldowney, '62.
Pink slips ate confidential aca-
demic and non-academic reports
on residents of quadrangles., Filled
out by counselors, resident direc-
tors and housemothers, the reports
include questions on personality
traits, health conditions, grades
and extra-curricular activities of
the student.
Edward Powers, 163, said that
the council should endorse the
reports per se. "They should be
kept the way they are. They are
a necessary and effective tool of
the staff."
However, Dennis Moore, '63,
successfully amended Powers' mo-
tion, stating that "the nature of
the contents" should be made
He explained that the existence
of the reports and the questions
themselves should be made known,
but that individuals should not
be allowed to see the evaluations
of themselves.
McEldowney, who had given the
quad council background informa-
tion on the pink slips and then
argued against them, afterwards
termed the motion "disappoint-
"The motion ignored severai im-
portant aspects of the reports. I
believe that free and honest re-
lationships between students and
counselors are hindered by the
confidential reports," McEldowney
Federal Court
Strikes Blow
At Segregation
NEW ORLEANS 3)-A three-
judge Federal Court yesterday
knocked out two state laws aimed
at halting desegregation of schools
in Louisiana.
Declared unconstitutional were
acts 3 and 5 of the second special
session of the state Legislature.
was depledged during a chapter
meeting Monday night.
No Communication
Local Delta Chi President Keith
Hellems, '62, said that the Univer-
sity's chapter had received no com-
munication from the national call-
ing for pressure on the Iowa group.
He said, "All we received was an
informative letter from the na-
tional explaining that the Iowa
chapter had pledged a Negro.
"The letter did not call for or
suggest pressure or any action on
our part."
Armstrong explained that he was
only paying a visit to the Iowa
chapter and that his presence had
nothing to do with the controversy.
He arrived after Hands had been
Letters from Alumni
He noted that the only comment
that the local received had been
letters from alumni. Some were
favorable and other unfavorable.
"It's a normal procedure for the
chapter to reconsider every pledge
before he becomes an active,".
Armstrong said.
It takes a 100 per cent vote for
final admission. Fraternity mem-
bers would not reveal how many
voted against Hanks or what
reasons were raised at chapter'
meetings against his acceptance.
Actives are pledged to secrecy'on
the proceedings of chapter meet-
Claims Pressures
Fraternity member Jerry Parker
said that there were "external
pressures" but that the national
had said that interference would
occur only if there were some ir,.
regularity in the initiation pro-
Armstrong concurred, saying
"We only advised the chapter to
follow regular pledging proced-
Parker said the intent of the
advice was to prevent a hasty
initiation before the prescribed
period of pledgeship ended.
Hanks was informed Tuesday
that he had been depledged be-
cause the actives felt that they
"did not know me well enough."
Moves Out of House
That same day, chapter Presi-
dent Richard floe moved out of
the house, resigned his post, de-
activated, and charged that Arm-
strong had sent a letter to the
Iowa group that said the national
would send letters to other Delta
Chi chapters, urging them to op..
pose Hanks' initiation.
Boe commented that he was
"disgusted" and wanted "to be left
Hanks commented, "It was a
surprise to me but I guess it's up
to them; if they don't want me,
it's their decision."
An Editorial...
tion Wednesday night of a motion expressing "grave
concern" over The Daily's apparent trend toward ir-
The Daily does iot seriously question the Council's
technical right to consider such a resolution. Nor, given*
the institutional independence of The Daily, do we be-
lieve such action constitutes a- threat to academic and
editorial freedom. But we are quite disturbed at what ap-
pears to be the Council's basic lack of understanding of
The Daily's role on campus and, more fundamentally, of
the qualities and practices which make a responsible
The Daily is not a bulletin board, nor is it a passive
reflector of campus events. It is not a partner of the
administration. It is not the servant of any other or-
ganization, nor the captive of any particular campus in-
terest. It does not essay to be an echo of the student
The Daily is a newspaper, nationally recognized as
one of the -country's best college dailies. As such, it
strives to report the news as honestly, as fairly and as
completely as it knows how. It interprets that news with
as much intelligence and sensitivity as it possesses.
BUT NO NEWSPAPER aspiring to greatness can merely
report and analyze the news that lies on the surface.
If it has a vision of things as they ought to be, and a per-
ception of shortcomings that exist, a newspaper is obli-
gated to work for improvement.
The SGC resolution appears to be part of a disturb-
ing tendency to equate "responsibility" with leaving,
well enough alone. The Daily is not acting responsibly
if it suppresses important information simply because
publication would produce controversy. The Daily is not
acting responsibly in "presenting a favorable impres-
sion" of the University or an organization if this entails
distortion or omission of facts. And it is not acting re-
sponsibly if it devotes its pages only to superficial hap-
penings and ignores more basic social problems.
The Daily, in fact, is most irresponsible when it fails
to dig into issues, ferret out hidden problems, and press
for their solution.
IT IS NOT CLEAR whether the SGC resolution aims to
censure The Daily, to voice the grievances of dis-
gruntled student organizations, or to press The Daily to
examine its policies. But out of the welter of debate
Wednesday night, one point clearly emerged: the pro-
ponents of the resolution do want The Daily to
change-to change in a way which we believe could de-
stroy its basic character.
It is only by maintaining courage, forthrightness and
honesty that The Daily can remain a responsible news-
paper. We hope these qualities are never confused with
Conn Describes Benefits
Of Academic Medicine
Academic medicine combines the
long, exhausting pursuit of new
knowledge with the great spirit-
ual rewards of teaching and tend-
ing the sick, Dr. Jerome W. Conn,
professor of internal medicine and
director of the University's Metab-
olic Researc program said Thurs-
day i nthe annual Henry Russel,
The Lectureship, awarded an-
nually, is the highest honor the
University can bestow on a senior
faculty member. It was established
by the Regents in 1925 with a gift
from Henry Russe.
Has Several Jobs
"The medical school doctor is
at the same time a teacher, clini-
cal investigator and practicing
physician," Dr. Conn said. "But
often he finds himself digressing
from the scientific aspects of dis-
ease by using such unscientiic
words as compassion, considera-
tion, kindness, happiness and sad-
ness . . . qualities that will never
be replaced by an analog com-
puter," he added.
His work began during the se-
cond world war on a project for
the armed forces. He was inves-
tigating the process of salt de-
pletion in troops not yet accli-
mated to tropical conditions and
the effect this salt depletion had
on their efficiency.
Experimental Program
He worked with a group of con-
sientious objectors who volunteered
to live, work and sleep in a hot
room contructed in the University
At first the men collapsed in a
short time, but after about four
days their bodies gradually ad-
justed to the conditions of the
room and they were able to work
there for long periods. Dr. Conn
also noted that the salt content
of their sweat had decreased dur-
Chang'e Stand
On Disarming
LONDON (P)-One of the na-
tion's largest labor unions yester-
day junked its demands that Brit-
ain disarm unilaterally, and dealt
a major blow to ban-the-bomb
elements in the Labor Party.
Approve U Budget
For Caia utlay
Out-of-State Limit Bill Defeated
By Larger Margin Than Before
Special to The Daily
LANSING-After passing a capital outlay budget for the
University and defeating, 30-67, the proposal by Rep. William
D. Romano (D-Warren) to limit out-of-state enrollment, the
House last night was deadlocked on the higher education
appropriation by Rep. Fred Olsen's (R-Sheridan) abstention.
Fail To Achieve
After defeating all Democratic attempts to amend the
bill, the GOP failed to achieve the 56 votes necessary for
passage by one vote, 55-46. Ol-T
... Russel lecturer
ing this period and hypothesized
that body hormone had somehow
been able to control the loss of
Sphinix Taps
New Court
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his legions to cross
the great -desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for the Pharoah's court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the court, came neophyte slaves to
the court of Sphinx.
So came Larry Babcock, '63Ed,
John Barden, '63, William Butts,
'63Ed, Thomas Cole, '63, Stanley
C. Cox,'63, David Croysdale, '63,
John Dumnont, '63, Robert Finke,
'63, William Freehan, '63. William
Gleason, '63.
David Glinka, '63, Bruce Groom,
'63, John Hutchinson, '63E, James
Hynds, '63, Michael Joyce, '63Ed,
Gilbert Larose, '63Ed, John Meyer-
holtz, '63, Dennis Moore, '63, Rich-
ard Nelson, '63E, Charles Newton,
'63, Steven Overton, '63, David
Raimey, '63, Carter Reese, '63,
Thomas Rogers, '63, Lee Sclar, '63,
Raymond Senkowski, '63, Steven
Thrasher, '63, Victor Wexler, '63,
and Thomas Webber, '63.
sen is holding out for $200,000
more for Ferris Institute.
The Romano amendment, de-
feated Wednesday in a vote of
non-concurrence with the rec-
ommendation of the committee of
the whole, lost more support yes-
terday on the second try when co-
sponsor Majority Floor Leader Al-
lison Green (R-Kingston) with-
drew his support.
Republican leaders had no pre-
dictions as to the possibility of
passing the appropriations bill to-
day, but definitely showed the
strength to keep it in its present
Universities Suffer
The University will get $35.4
million from the state under the
appropriation bill in its present
form. It requested $43.9 million
and the governor recommended
$37.1 million. Other universities
suffered similar cuts in their
The capital outlay bill granted
the University $2.7 million for
continued construction on the
Physics-Astronomy and Institute
of Science and Technology Build-
This does not allow any ap-
propriations toward the many
construction projects University
administrators have repeatedly re-
quested, except those already un-
Remodeling Appropriation
The Senate and House versions
of this bill differ by only $350,000
in the general state remodeling
and addition appropriation since
no change in the University's
budget can be expected.
In a 30-67 vote that cut sharp-
ly across party lines, the House
rejected the controversial Romano
amendment to limit out-of-state
admissions to 15 per cent at in-
stitutions of higher education.
It also defeated numerous Dem-
ocratic proposals to raise appro-
priations or otherwise change the'
Proposals Include
These included:
Requests for increased aid to
public school districts. The Demo-
crats maintain that an eight per
cent increase in aid is desperately
needed, but asked amounts as low
as three per cent in attempts to
gain partial victory.
Proposals to give a specific
amount of Michigan State Uni-
versity's budget to the Oakland
Bonding Authority
Several attempts to raise the
entire budget to Gov. John B.
Swainson's recommended level,
and an attempt to change the
capital outlay bill to provide for
a bonding authority such as the
governor had asked.
And proposals by Rep. George
Montgomery (D-Detroit) to raise
the budget at least part way to
the governor's level by creating
a new cigarette tax of three or
four cents per pack to finance
this rise.
(Jut-of-S tate
Li'mit, Splits
special To The Daily
LANSING-Virtually to a man
the 110-member House of Rep-
resentatives is in agreement that
something must be done about the
number of out-of-state students
now in attendance at the three
largest universities in Michigan.
In a bi-partisan House effort
Rep. William Romano (D-Warren)
and Majority Floor Leader Rep.
Allison Green (R-Kingston) at-
tempted to tack on an amendment
providing that to receive state
monies, the universities must lim-
it their out-of-state students to
no more than 15 per cent of their
total enrollment.
"For every student Michigan
sends out of the state, four are
coming in," Romano said. "If we
didn't have out-of-state students
at Western Michigan, Central
Michigan, and Northern Michigan
Universities, we could support
three more colleges of that size"
"We must focus our attention
on Michigan students," Speaker
Pro-Tempore Rep. Wilfred Bassett
(R-Jackson) countered. "If. we in-
creased out-of-state tuition at the
University by $150, we would have
an additional $1.2 million.
"By limiting ourselves to 15 per
cent of out-of-state students, we
would be knocking some $700,000
off the gross budget. I agree we
must tighten up on out-of-state
students, but let's do it gradually."
See PARTY, Page 5
'U' Women Raid Men's Dorms in Counterattack
The women of the University organized a counter-panty raid
on the quadrangles last night as the men marched off to a second
successive demonstration on the Hill.
About 200 women students converged upon South Quadrangle,
just missing an even larger group of men on their way to East
Quadrangle for a repeat of Wednesday night's performance.
Both groups were relatively successful.
Chanting "Give us back our pants!" and "We want shorts!" the
women crowded up to the doors of South Quadrangle. Residents
obliged by throwing out various undergarments.
The throng then turned toward West Quadrangle where staff
men and iron gates closed off entry.
Failing to enter the court, the women marched around the
quadrangle, stopping at each house.
"Let's hear more noise," the men shouted. The women obliged
and a variety of brief clothing floated down.
The group milled around the quadrangle until house mothers
and other staff members herded the students back to the Hill.
of Men Walter Rea, Harold Swoverland, investigator for the Dean
of -Men's office, and Bingley held the raiders from the doors.
Women who had been shouting at demonstrators quieted, room
lights went out, and after approximately ten minutes of milling, the
crowd dispersed.
Bingley said that he had taken identification cards from six
demonstrators. "Those students will be taken to the joint judiciary
council. They had been told not to participate in this kind of
Open Hydrant
The men's demonstration began between West and South Quad-
rangles after someone had opened a fire hydrant. A steady stream
of water spurted high into the air flooding East Madison and bring-
ing Ann Arbor police, firemen and a growing crowd of spectators.
The students cheered the firemen on and then headed toward
East Quadrangle chanting "To the Hill, to the Hill!"
Aproximately 300 more students joined the group at East Quad
and marched quietly toward the Hill.
Stolen Wrench
Sgt. Walter Hawkins of the Ann Arbor police said that the
wrench used to loosen the fire hydrant could possibly be the same
.. ISA president
ISA Installs
New Officers
Anees Jung, Grad, and. Jack
.. .. ......