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May 04, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-04

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African Police Round Up
Apartheid Protest Group

Bourghiba Visits

Candidates' Testing To Begin

Seize Heads
Of Strikes

Proclaim Cease-Fire
For Laotian Rebels
Blame.Yesterday Morning Assault
On Failure In Communications
VIENTIANE (AP)-Pro-Communist Laotian rebels proclaimed a
cease-fire effective at 8 a.m. yesterday, but a later attack by the
rebels on a key town in the narrow southern waist of Laos failed to
dim hopes here that all fighting soon would stop.
The general tendency was to blame yesterday morning's assault,
in battalion size, at Pha Lane on a failure in communications. West-
ern military experts have predicted there would be some incidents
and fighting even after a formal cease-fire.
The cease-fire order to Pathet Lao forces and their rebel allies was
broadcast over North Viet Nam's Radio Hanoi.
Appeal to Boun Qum
It was coupled with an appeal to the Wetern-backed Lao-
tian government of Prince Boun Oum to negotiate an armistice

WASHINGTON (P})-- The firstv
written test for Peace Corps candi-
dates will be given throughout the
United States May 27, Officials an-
nounced yesterday.
"There will be no such mark as
a passing score," the announce-
ment said.

"Different projects will require
different abilities, and someone
who scores low in one area may
score so well in others that he
becomes the ideal person to pick
for the assignment."
The May 27 test will be for

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - A huge Titan mis-
sile thundered out of its underground lair yesterday in a successful
first test of a "hardened" ICBM launch system.
It was intentionally destroyed about 350 miles down the Pacific
missile range after surviving two periods of severe stress. Its range
is 5,000 miles and more.
The test pioneered an armored underground launch system de-
signed to enable the United States to strike back after atomic attack.
* N N
LEOPOLDVILLE-The bodies of 26 Ghanaian soldiers have been
found in the river at Port Francqui, unconfirmed reports said yes-
The United Nations listed 38 Ghanaians missing after the UN
garrison at the north Kasai town was overwhelmed by Congolese
troops last week.
* * *.*
KEY WEST-A square-rigged student cruise ship sank in a
furiotis Gulf of Mexico squall Tuesday, trapping and drowning six
persons below deck, including a woman physician who was the skip-
per's wife.
News of the tragedy that befell the "floating classroom," a
stately two-masted brigantine named the Albatross, came yesterday
when the Dutch freighter Gran Rio picked up 13 survivors in life-
* * *. *
LONDON--More than 5,000 firemen from all parts of Britain
laid seige to the House of Commons yesterday, only to break ranks
when a fire broke out nearby.
It was the biggest demonstration of mass lobbying ever seen at
the palace of Westminster. The fire fighters are demanding a gov-
ernment inquiry into pay scales and lack of recruits.
- - - -
WASHINGTON-Richard S. Morse said yesterday he will submit
his resignation as Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and
Development to President John F. Kennedy, effective June 1.
But Morse denied reports that he is quitting because of dissatis-
faction with refusal by both the Eisenhower and Kennedy adminis-
trations to order the Nike-Zeus anti-missile missile into production.

volunteers desiring assignment as
elementary school teachers, teach-
ers of English in non - English
speaking areas, farm or animal
husbandry workers, engineers, sur-
veyors and geologists.
Estimating that 7,500 will take
the examination, a spokesman said
it will mark the initial step in the
selection of workers for the first
Peace Corps project-a secondary
roads survey in parts of Tangan-
yika, Africa.
The project will require 20 sur-
veyors, four geologists and four
civil engineers.
Schedule Second
A second test is scheduled June
5 for liberal arts and teachers' col-
lege graduates wishing to teach
English, biology, chemistry, physics
and mathematics in secondary
schools overseas,
A Peace Corps spokesman em-
phasized, however, that the first
test may be taken 'y anyone inter-
ested in joining the corps at any
time in the future.
It is designed to set up a back-
log of personnel for use in later
projects in the program to make
United States occupational and
professional skills available to un-
derdeveloped nations.
6,500 Applicants
The Peace Corps said it had re-
ceived about 25,000 letters of in-
quiry about the program and 6,500
formal letters of application. Those
with applications on file at head-
quarters in Washington will be
notified of the time and place of
tests in their areas, it added.
Questionnaires may still be filled
out for those desiring to take the
May 27 test. The corps, however,
said preference will be given to
those submitting their forms by
next Monday.
Spy Receives
Prison Term
LONDON ()-A British diplo-
mat who was subjected to Commu-
nist brainwashing attempts as a
captive in Korea was sentenced
yesterday to 42 years in prison
for -spying for the Soviet Union.
George Blake, 38 years old and
the father of three children, was
handed the stiffest prison sen-
tence in modern British history
after pleading guilty to espionage
Informants said the heavy sen-
tence was meant to serve as a
warning and deterrent to others.
Blake is believed to have given the
names of eight British agents to
the Soviet counterespionage ap-
paratus during a period of almost
a decade.
Even with time off for good be-
havior Blake, formerly British vice
consul in Seou, cannot expect to
gain his freedom until he is 66.
For reasons of national secur-
ity, Attorney General Sir Reginald
Manningham-Buller declined to
reveal the precise nature of the
information communicated to
Cafe Promethean 508 E. William

For May 31
Deemed 'Routine'
Secretive Raids
swept through cities and Negro
shantytowns before dawn yester-
day rounding up potential leaders
of strikes threatened for later this
month against white supremacy
The raids, cloaked in secrecy and
described by police as just routine,
brought sharp criticism from poli-
tical opponents of South Africa's
harsh racial segregation policies.
Leaders of the nonwhite majority
have called for strikes and demon-
strations to coincide with the in-
auguration of the Republic of
South Africa May 31. They fear
the segregation policies of Prime
Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd's
government will be intensified
when this troubled nation cuts
loose from the British Common-
Issues Strike Call
The strike call was first issued
by a meeting of Negro leaders last
month in Pietermaritzburg. They
demanded Verwoerd call a consti
tutional conference by May 31 to'
give Negroes political rights. Ver-
woerd ignored the demand.
Thousands of armed police and
plainclothesmen swarmed over
the entire country and the man-
dated territory of South West Af-
rica controlled by Johannesburg.
They raided homes of whites as
well as those of suspected leaders
of the nonwhite opposition.
Raid Homes
Most of the homes of whites
raided were those of officials of
the multiracial Liberal party,
which advocates ending strict seg-
regation policies and granting
voting rights to nonwhites.
Four policemen visited the home
of Walter Hain, chairman of the
Pretoria branch of the Liberal
party. They searched for docu-
ments of the All in Africa Con-
ference, which had announced the
strike plans after the Pietermar-
itzburg meeting.
Weather Again
May Threaten
Astronaut Try
Weather became a threatening
factor again yesterday as the
United States aimed for tomor-
row for the second attempt to
hurl Alan B. Shepard aloft as its
first spaceman.
Walter Williams, Project Mer-
cury operations director, yesterday
confirmed reports that the launch-
ing-postponed Tuesday--cannot
be attempted again before tomor-
He said at the time that the
weather outlook was good.
But a weather forecast issued
shortly before 1 p.m. (EST) said
that there is a good chance of
squall activity tomorrow in the
down range recovery area near the
Bahamas. The Redstone rocket is
to loft Shepard 115 miles high be-
fore dropping him into the recov-
ery zone.
"For the next few days," the
Weather Bureau said, "widely
scattered squalls are expected over
Florida and the Caribbean and
Bahama Island areas.

-AP WirephotoE
LEADERS MEET-President John F. Kennedy greets Tunisian
chief of state Habib Bourghiba who is visiting in Washington
this week.
Cubans Capture Artirne
In Zapata Swamplands
KEY WEST WP)-The leader of the crushed anti-Castro inva-
sion, Capt. Manuel Artime, was captured yesterday after roving for
two weeks in the mosquito-infested swampland of Cuba's Zapata
Peninsula, Havana Radio announced.
The broadcast said Artime surrendered without resistance near
the village of San Blas in an area where Fidel Castro's soldiers

followed by a peace confer- *
Last night it was disclosed that
neutralist Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma, recognized by the Communists
as legal premier of Laos, called on
all parties in the civil war to gath-
er for political conference to dis-
cuss a new coalition government
tomorrow at Na Mon village, site'
of the military truce talks.
A New China news agency dis-
patch said the call was broadcast
by the Rebel Voice of Laos last
To Discuss Coalition
Souvanna said the discussions
would concern "first of all the
question of a coalition government
and that of Laos' representation
at the Geneva conference."
Neither the fighting at, Pha
Lane, 50 miles east of Savannak-
het, nor a rebel attack last night
on Hin Heup, 50 miles north of
Vientiane, clouded hope that both
sides in the long war were inching
toward a halt in the conflict. An
armistice could pave the way to a
political solution to be weighed by
14 nations at a conference in Ge-
Pha Lane is on a highway that
runs east into Viet Nam at a point
below the north-south Viet Nam
frontier. Government forces hold-
ing the road have access to sup-
plies from south Viet Nam.

Link Ex-Naz,
JERUSALEM (M)-The prosecu-
tion yesterday introduced evi-
dence in the trial of Adolf Eich-
mann directly linking him to the
tragic chain' of events that led to
the doomed Warsaw Ghetto up-
rising against the Nazis in 1943.
Prosecutor Gideon Hausner held
back his evidence until the end
of a day of moving testimony from
witnesses who took part in the
desperate Jewish rebellion against
numerically superior and better
armed German troops in the con-
quered Polish capital.
Hausner introduced a copy of
the minutes of a meeting Etch-'
mann attended with Nazi foreign
ministry officials in April, 1942.
The minutes showed that Elch-
mann asked foreign ministry rep-
resentatives to consent "or to say
there is no objection to extending
all security police measures which
may be necessary in the interest
of preserving public order in the
Warsaw Ghetto to all inmates."
Agreement of the foreign min-
istry was required, Hausner said,
because Jews of foreign national-
ity had been trapped in the Ghet-

have been searching for the last
survivors of the rebellion.
Turns into 'Parrot'
The radio announcer said the
rebel leader turned into a "talka-
tive parrot" as h'e told Cuban
authorities all about the expedi-
He reportedly said his forces
had been organized; directed and
financed by the United States and
that United States naval destroy-
ers had escorted the landing force
from Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua,
to Cuba for the April 17 assault.
The radio said Artime told his
captors that if he had known the
strength of Castro's revolution, he
"would not only, not have come
but would have tried to convince
some of my companions to aban-
don the idea."
Won't Martyr Priests
The Cuban radio also announc-
ed that Castro told a group of
foreign delegates to the May Day
celebration that despite his decree
that all foreign-born priests must
leave the island, "we won't make
any priest a martyr here."
He charged that the church has
engaged in counter-revolutionary
activities inspired by Gen. Fran-
cisco Franco of Spain and Francis
Cardinal Spellman of New York.
In his speech to the foreign dele-
gates last night, Castro attacked
Catholic priests as imperialists
who were "intolerable to the Cu-
ban people." He added that, "we
won't make any priest a martyr
here. We won't cannonize anyone
here." He also announced that five
Spanish priests have been jailed
for being implicated in "warlike

Bill Passes
For Wages
ministration won a thumping vic-
tory in the House yesterday when
its minimum wage bill was ap-
proved by a surprising 230-196
Passage by the House completed
congressional action on the con-
troversial measure, to which Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy had given
top priority among his legislative
proposals. The Senate approved it
earlier 64-28.
The bill boosts the existing $1
an hour minimum wage -to $1.25
over a 28-month period and brings
3.62 million retail and service in-
dustry employes under the act's
coverage for the first time.
Secretary of Labor Arthur J.
Goldberg applauded the action as
a great advance in social legisla-
tion. He said the bill will afford
"long overdue protection to a large
group of underprivileged Ameri-
cans" and added:
"This is the first and big step
toward providing minimum wage
protection to all Americans
Twice before in the House sim-
ilar bills had gone down to de-
feat before a conservative coali-
tion of Republicans and southern
Ironically, it was a combination
of southern Democrats and big
city Republicans that helped the
administration win yesterday.



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