"Gracious -
You Mean To Say There's Still
Shooting In Laos?"
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must' be noted in all reprints.
Kennedy Faces
Grave Decision'
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT KENNEDY has been caught in a dangerous, almost
desperate squeeze by continuation of the civil war in Laos. If the
Communists do not agree in a few days to end the fighting under
a cease-fire agreement he will have to choose among hazardous courses
of action.
1) HE CAN CONTINUE working a little while longer for a poli-
tical settlement toward a neutral Laos.
2) IF THE PRO-COMMUNIST rebels make a complete mockery
of the British-Soviet cease-fire agreement by continuing their at-
' "}u i
Union Must. Define
Obj ectives, Motives
FIVE MONTHS AGO the Michigan Union
Board of Directors initiated a study of
ways to improve the "atmosphere" of the Union.
These studies and the resultant action cul-
minated this week in the prohibition of chess
and card playing in the MUG and the installa-
tion of a juke box. Student response to the
moves ranged from approval through indiffer-
ence to violent objection, the latter reaching
its height in dramatic calls for pickets and
boycotts. And the Union reacted to the stu-
dent response by bemoaning "lack of com-
munication,'" charging misrepresentation, and
issuing unclear clarifications of policy.
One point should be made at the outset.
Any protest action against the Union must be
based on more fundamental objections than
simple dislike of juke box music. The installa-
tio'n of the juke box, and the prohibition of
game playing, are of themselves relatively un-
important acts. They are legitimate areas of
student concern and inquiry only if they re-
flect a policy which is objectionable from a
moral or educational standpoint. A chess game
sit-in-undertaken with no clear understand-
ing of the basic questions involved-would pro-
fane : the technique of nonviolent action and
accomplish nothing.
HiE CHIEF PROBLEM, of course, is ascer-
taining those basic policies and questions.
The Union has not been very helpful here. The
first announced objective was to eliminate cer-
tain "illegal activities" and deter "undesir-
ables." This rather narrow, though undefined,
goal was later expanded to allow an examina-
tion of the whole "atmosphere" of the Union.
Now, President Carder announces that the in-
tention of the Board has all along been to
make Union service available to all campus
groups instead of only a few.
It is difficult to criticize any of these ob-
jectives. Unfortunately there appears to be little
logical connection between the objectives of
the Board and the action it has taken. Since
these actions are open to criticism, one must
ask what unnamed assumptions and implica-
tions reside in the seemingly uncontroversial
goals which the Union has set. Carder would
further the "communication" he apparently
wants so desperately if he would clear up some
of the following questions:
How did the project get going in the first
place? Was it the Union's response to letters
from alumni, police complaints, dropping reve-
nues, administrative disapproval of beatniks or
the Board's affection for fraternities? If it
were ever made clear from what quarter the
action originated, the public and press could
better judge its true intent and implications.
that the public identifies-"illegal activity"
with any particular campus set or ethnic group?
Although the official answer here would pre-
dictably be "no" it seems difficult to explain
otherwise how the general concern with "at-
mosphere" grew out of the specific concern
with "illegal activities."
Was the juke box introduced as part of the
effort to change the Union's atmosphere? If so,
was it aimed at attracting new people or at
discouraging the present clientele who make
use of the quiet for time-consuming activities
like chess and conversation?
Does the Union believe that chess games,
card games, lengthy conversations or any ac-
tivity which ties up facilities for long periods
of time should be discouraged? If, as the pres-
ent restrictions indicate, the answer is yes, the
Union has an obligation to explain this policy.
Is it based primarily on economic considera-
tions, or the desire that everyone get a chance
to use the Union facilities? Under these cir-
cumstances could the Union be a true student
center where all could meet and exchange
ideas, or would it become a stainless steel auto-
,ON THE OTHER HAND, perhaps the Union
feels that not all activities which tie up
facilities are objectionable, but only certain
ones such as chess, bridge or studying. If so,'
it must answer these questions: Are the re-
strictions aimed at freeing tables, or are they
designed to oust certain groups from the Union?
More generally, are the Union actions de-
signed to serve the positive function of attract-
ing new clientele or the negative one of driving
away the present, off-beat patrons-and can
the former be accomplished without the latter?
Doesn't this really mean that the Union is
trying to alter, rather than merely diversify, the
character of the crowds which frequent it?
Clearly most of these points call into ques-
tion President Carder's statement that the
Union aims at serving all elements of the
community. Honest answers to these ques-
tions would probably show that the Union is,.
in fact attempting to transform itself from a
hang-out of the off-beats and intellectuals into
a "collegiate" malt shop frequented by well-
dressed, well-scrubbed denizens of the Greek
sector. If room can be found for the old crowd,.
they will be retained-provided they stick by
the new rules-but if they don't fit in with
the transformed surroundings they will simply
be driven out. If this is an unfair interpreta-
tion, the Union is invited to explain its action
and answer the above questions, refuting this
interpretation with candid and consistent ex-
planations rather than meaningless platitudes.
to change the character of the Union in a
very fundamental way, but has so far declined
to satisfactorily define its objectives or even
admit that a major alternation is in the offing.
If the Union were a private restaurant, such
a secretive policy decision might be justifiable.
But the Union is not a private organization--
it is a University facility, supported in part by
nonvoluntary payments from male tuition fees,
and largely dependent on the campus for its
patronage. As such it should be held account-
able by the campus for policy changes affect-
ing large portions of the University community.
The question remaining is what can and
should be done by students. I reiterate that
superficial reaction to the rule changes is in-
sufficient. Students should first press for a
clear explanation of what the Union is doing,
where it is going, and what its problems are.
Next they should analyze the implications of
these policies to form a judgment of their ulti-
mate worth on moral or educational grounds.
Only after completing this thoughtful process
will they be justified in adopting specific ac-
tion programs.
Acting Editor
It" -I fr -,
Challenge Comes of Age
tacks, Kennedy can intervene mili-
tarily in support of the pro-West-
ern government of Premier Boun
Oum, hoping to stabilize the situ-
ation sufficiently to prevent the
Reds from taking over the whole
country, then to seek anew a poli-
tical settlement.
ident could decide against any
intervention even though the Com-
munists clearly were progressively
taking over the whole country.
Administration officials have said
the United States would not per-
mit the Reds to grab off Laos
and failure now to make good on
that promise if compelled to do
so would jeopardize the whole
United States position.
material help and training advice
to the forces of the Boun Oum re-
gime might be sufficient to bring
the Communist drive to a halt,
but this does not appear probable.
Indeed, the best informed officials
here agree with estimates report-
ed in past dispatches from Laos
that unless the United States
takes very strong action a collapse
on the pro-Western side is entirely
* * *
THE DILEMMA in which Ken-
nedy finds himself arises because
of the essentially black and white
nature of the avenues open to him.
If military intervention is the
Washington government's only
way to meet the challenge it will
be undertaken nevertheless with
a full consciousness of the risks'
involved. These risks are summed
up in a word much used now by
officials in discussing the grim
Escalation simply means that if
the United States puts forces into
Southeast Asia the Communist
side may also put in forces. In
fact the Communists already have
about a quarter of a million men
in the army of North Viet Nam.
The escalation could go so that
the United States would put in
man, sea and air units and North
Viet Nam would raise its man-
power intervention in Laos. By this
process Red Chinese forces might
be drawn in.
A situation could be created
which would plunge the world in-
to nuclear war. Officials say the
process would not be inevitable.
It might be stopped at any stage
of development by good diplomacy
in a mutual East-West desire to
avoid destruction.
But the Southeast Asia area as
a theater of conflict seems pay-
ticularly bad from the U.S. point
of view. It is even farther away
than Korea. It is bad jungle
country. The problems of supply
and communications are extremely
difficult and the Communists are
present, or nearby, in great force.
Daily Staff Writer
last weekend on American for-
eign policy toward emerging na-
tions was a significant triumph for
the young organization.
The fact that Challenge could
present such speakers as Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey (D-Minn) and
political scientists Hans Morgen-
thau and Owen Lattimore, indi-
cated that the embryo idea of just
a year ago had developed into an
energetic and effective program.
Student interest in the collo-
quium was high. Major speeches
were generally well attended and
well received, (although they did
not always merit the attention
given, through no fault of Chal-
lenge.) The five seminars were
led by qualified people and pro-
vided a much needed outlet for
discussion not possible in a large
Interest in the colloquium was
inspired not only by the "big
name" attractions, but by the high
quality programs Challenge had
presented throughout the semester.
Aud. B had been filled every Sun-
day with people listening to rep-
resentatives from developing
countries and other authorities dis-
cuss the complex metamorphosis
of an emerging nation.
the past year and particularly of
this semester should encourage
Challenge in its future plans.
However the organization must
consider several problems that
have become obvious during the
First, one of the primary goals
of Challenge, to involve the stu.
dent community in active and in-
telligent awareness of current is-
sues, must be brought back down
to earth. Challenge must admit
that its concerted efforts to pre-
sent a survey of any topic will
appeal to a limited audience, at
An analysis such as Challenge
has been attempting-from social,
economic, political and philoso-
phical standpoints-will rarely at-
tract those who are deliberately
disinterested or uninformed.
Such a program will attract
the passively interested and mildly
curious. This group is prbably
aware of the topic areas, but has
insufficient time or initiative for
research or discussion. A neat
Challenge package, delivered as
regularly as the Sunday paper with
an occasional supplement, will
succeed with this group.
IT WAS this type of audience
that hurt the housing unit semi-
nar program in the past year.
Most of the participants were in-
terested but not necessarily cog-
nizant of complex issues. Corise-
quently the leader could not in-
spire discussion, but was forced
to dominate the seminar, supply-
ing background information.
The other people who are at-
tracted by Challenge are the very
well informed and intensely in-
terested. Often they are students
-r fa lu mm . a hnfeld
1 t
example, Lattimore took the most
forthright and fresh viewpoint in
his discussion of China policy.
Morgenthau was articulate, but
avoided specifics. Humphrey was
a powerful speaker, but too often
sounded like he was politicking
at a Minnesota county fair.
Sir Hugh Foot, the keynote
speaker early in the semester, was
impressive in his discussion of
British colonial policies in an in-
formal afternoon reception. 3"ut
his major address, through enter-
taining, was reminiscent of early
high school themes, "How I Spent
the Last Thirty Years in The
British Colonial Office."
Challenge has proved that it
can attract distinguished speakers
to the campus. But it has presented
potentially fine programs whicn
lost effectiveness because of the
staggered stages of audience and
speaker abilities.
THIS BRINGS UP the question
as to whom Challenge hopes to
attract. If the program is directed
primarily toward involving those
who are only passively interested,
then it has been a success. If it is
aimed primarily toward the fur-
ther education of those already'
actively involved, then it has fal-
tered. If it hopes to attract both
audiences, then it must reorganize
its program.
It must raise the level of aware-
ness of the audience in order 'to
allow the speaker to talk more
on a sophisticated plane. The
background material that Chal-
lenge distributed at its programs
is a first step toward this eleva-
tion. There should be a strong
moderator at all programs who
can possibly direct questioning
more effectively than in the past.
Astute questions, supported by ex-
tensive background material, will
challenge the speaker to discussion
on a higher level.
At the same time, there musz be
more direction in planning a
speaker's topic.
* * *
CHALLENGE has proven its
ability to excite campus interest.
Many of its early errors were at-
tributed to its youth, but its has
now emerged a capable and ma-
turing organization. If it wishes
to remain an effective part of the
student community in the future,
it must begin to refine its pro-
gram and goals.
"MAKE MINE MINK," the Cam-
pus Theatre's latest offering,
is a ludicrous, slap-happy, extra-
ordinarily funny comedy of the
new Terry-Thomas trend.
Essentially, it involves the basic
slapstick situations--the concen-
tration is on the visual effect more
than the verbal twinge. The dia-
logue is often inspired; the action
is nearly always ingenious.
The plot is incredible. It in-
volves four impossible and de-
lightful old characters - Dame
Beatrice Appleby, and aging, com-
fortable person absolutely devoted
to, charity, and her three boarders,
an ex-major from the Bath bri-
gade, a fluttery woman who drinks
gallons of nerve tonic, and a mas-
sive female who resembles a
battleship in full rigging and
sounds like a San Francisco fog-
They are a group who have to be
seen to be believed.
* *
LAUNGISHING with boredom
in the confines of an old London
apartment building, this fantastic
quartet decides to take a hand at
fur robbery-in order to support
Dame Beatrice's charities, and,
in the Dame's own words, "to al-
leviate "the dullness of the tea-
time of life."
Like the characters, the plot
depends on absurdity, the absurd-
ity of these genteel old people
becoming major-and successful-
criminals, the absurd co-incidences
which lead to their success.
* * *
NO ATTEPMT is made to be
sophisticated or overly verbal. It
is the situations which count.
Although he has superb support
from his three cohorts, it is Terry-
Thomas, gap-toothed, bewildered
and supreme, who dominates the
film. It is Terry-Thomas who
leaves you with a welter of hilar-
ious impressions, of Terry-Thomas
as a bobby, of Terry-Thomas as
a track-runner, of Terry-Thomas
as a beef-eater at the tower of
The film is deftly directed, and
acted with a beautiful balance of
subtlety and deliberate overplay.
Although it begins.slowly, it builds
up rapidly until scene caps scene
with one hilarious situation after
As Terry-Thomas says, at the
very end of the picture--"Good
--Faith Weinstein
WCIJN Head Cites Problems in Expansion
The Koch-Hannah Dispute
Hannah, has taken an untenable stand on
the issues of academic freedom as involved in
recent statements by Prof. Leo Koch, former
biology teacher at the University of Illinois.
Prof. Koch, who was fired from Illinois be-
cause of his views on pre-marital intercourse,
has decided to tour the country advocating his
views. This decision brought him to Michigan
State last week, where he attacked marriage
as a farce, and criticized prudish American
attitude,'on moral questions.
What one thinks of such controversial
views is not as important as the questions
raised by President Hannah's attitude. Han-
nah's statement, printed in Tuesday's Daily,
asserts that a university has a "responsibility
to preserve the values of society . . . , and
among these is the right of a society to defend
If one accepts 'this as one proper function
of a university, then Hannah is right in attack-
ing Koch, and universities may act as public
BUT SUCH A DEFINITION implies that uni-
versities should act as society's followers
rather than its leaders. Instead of stating
that universities should be leaders in the
formation and modernizing of values, Hannah
has chosen to state that universities should
"preserve" them. And, without stating that
universities have a related responsibility to
pugnant, in bad taste, and inimical to the
best interests of the society it (the university)
serves." Such views are only repugnant and
in bad taste, because' they have not yet been
officially preached at midwestern colleges,
althougfih campus practice is probably more in
line with Koch's views than most college ad-
ministrators would like to admit.
His objections to the views also include a
statement that "the preservation of our social
system and our form of government depends
to a great degree on the integrity of the family
and the sanctity of our marriage vow."
IF PRESIDENT HANNAH chooses to adopt
such a curious political philosophy, that it
his privilege. It need; not be his pregrogative,
however, to offer comment on unconventional
views, unless he chooses to do so as an in-
dividual, rather than as a university official.
There are many activities that go on at
universities which are somewhat against so-
ciety's values. Society has an obvious contempt
for disciplined learning, which is a university's
prime activity.
Society considers inter-racial dating repug-
nant, which at least some universities do not
officially oppose. Society as a whole is
adamantly against allowing Communists to
speak, although enlightened universities allow
all political views to be expressed. Many seg-
ments of society believe that people should
be "guided," or "educated," to think in the
"right way." Only on the campuses of the
To the Editor:
I READ with great interest the
two-part series written by Tom
Hunter concerning WCBN's move
into the "community". I believe
that Mr. Hunter has said what
many, many persons who have
ever been affiliated with WCBN,
have secretly wished for for a long
time. I cannot say that I am not
for this also, for WCBN is indeed
a member in good standing of the
residence hall system and the Uni-
versity at large.
However, Mr. Hunter has made
a few errors in this article, in par-
ticular ones concerning my stand
on this issue of consolidation of
WCBN's three studios in East,
West and South Quadrangles into
one central place. He implies that
it is my wish to bring about sucr
a consolidation into one of the
quadrangles. However, I am
against any such movement of
WCBN to center its facilities into
one quadrangle because as I have
said before, this movement would
in fact tend to make WCBN a one-
quadrangle function. And, al-
though persons outside the quad-
rangles are on WCBN's staff now,
I feel that to center the facilities
of WCBN in one quadrangle would
not attain Mr. Hunter's plan of
making WCBN a University func-
MY STAND on this issue is
this: I am not an "obstacle" in
the path of WCBN's expansion
and growth as Mr. Hunter implies.
It is just that in such movement
ahead, which is an inevitable
mnwam + T nvy n +h - an ?. r
WCBN is and should always be
a "student station". It was orig-
inally intended as such and if
movement into a full commercial
outlet would in anyway stifle such.
a proposition, I'm against it.
- *' * * -
MR. HUNTER expresses the de-
sire it seems that WCBN is not
moving towards this goal he sets
up for us (for indeed, such a goal
has been with the minds of CBN
for as long as its been on the air)
with the swiftness he feels is ne-
cessary. But, I can assure you that
swiftness now will meet with de-
lay later.
Before I could initiate programs
for such proposals, placing WCBN
in direct competition with Ann
Arbor and Detroit AM and FM
stations, I must be sure in my own
mind that when the goal was
reached WCBN would have the or-
ganizational maturity and vigor
and financial backing to sustain it
thru the perilous times before an
audience is built up and we can
attract advertisers to us.
This is all in the future. The
near future? I don't think so. To
quote myself: "Lack of open
broadcasting has hurt us, but
WCBN cannot take this type of
venture right now. First we must
strengthen it, put it in more ef-
ficient shape."
* * * l
Mr. Hunter writes well of us,.
and I thank him for that. How-
ever, his searches into our files
should have included greater dili-
gence to the aspirations of its
management, that is, keeping
WCBN a student station at all
costs . . . and if getting an out-
side outlet is the way to do it,
we've already looked into the
-Rik Karlsson, '62
General Manager and
Chairman of the Board
Radio Station WCBN
To the Editor:
AM VERY HAPPY to see that
the Michigan Union has taken
another step "forward" in abolish-
ing the undersirable intellectual
atmosphere which could at one
time be found in the MUG.
First the Board of Directors
passed a resolution banning card
playing in the MUG. Now they
have gone one step further in
their crusade to make the Union
just another place to get a cup
of coffee by installing a juke box
in the grill. Their action should
be applauded by all.
I am sure that none will dis-
agree with me in saying that to-
day's college student is very much
mentally overworked and that he
needs a place to relax, free from
the strain of playing cards, of
discussing current issues. The
Michigan Union is going all out
to provide this place. Now a stu-
dent can relax in the MUG and
free his mind from all strain by
listening to the soothing notes of
Ti Ii S.raloy nr TitL- a cnn - a
(Continued from Page 2)
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