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April 30, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-30

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1961 THE MICHiGAN DAILY I3AE~W TTTU1~'U * A*~ aj a S~4fl

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New Frontier's First 100 Days
Record Loss in U.S. Prestige

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON (R) - Life was
rough on the new frontiers of
United States foreign policy dur-
ing President John F. Kennedy's
first 100 days.
United States prestige suffered
two damaging blows as the result
of Russia's man-in-space triu-
umph and the defeat of the Cuban
rebel invasion..
Relations between Moscow and
Washington turned worse after an
initial "honeymoon" following
Kennedy's inauguration.
New Conquests
The possibility of new Commu-
nist conquests in Southeast Asia
grew into a dangerous threat de-
spite Russia's long delayed agree-
ment to a cease-fire in Laos.
Negotiations with Russia for a
ban on nuclear weapons tests de-
generated rapidly into a new dead-
lock after a hopeful resumption
at Geneva in March. Kennedy
faced the prospect of having to
decide soon whether the United
States should resume nuclear test
The first 100 days have not af-
forded sufficient time for Kenne-
dy to construct a complete action
policy. Following up the criticisms
and commitments he voiced during
the election compaign last year,
several points of his operation
have become quite clear and the
shape of his policy now seems evi-
Priority Concern
The President's priority concern
is to reinforce the Atlantic Alli-
ance both for its importance to
the defense of the West and for its
importance as a starting point for
offensive pressures against the
Communist bloc.
Kennedy's conferences w i t h
British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan and German Chancel-
lor Konrad Adenauer were success-
ful contributions to his purpose;
he convinced Macmillan he is not
a trigger-happy leader and he con-
vinced Adenauer he would not
abandon West Berlin or West Ger-
Meanwhile Kennedy opened a
calculated campaign to put the
United. States on the side of rev-
olution in Africa and Asia. His
most spectacular move in this re-
spect was to vote in the United
Nations for self-government for
Portuguese Angola in defiance of
the wishes of Portugal as a NATO
Neutral Rights
Kennedy also strongly endorsed
the, right of neutral nations to be
neutral and declared his respect
for them. This was a bid for co-
operation by countries like India.
He sent roving Ambassador Aver-
ell Harriman to talk with Prime
Minister Nehru at New Delhi and
he entertained President Sukarno
of Indonesia in Washington.
To gain more effective tools for
himself Kennedy asked Congress
for extensive remodeling of the
United States foreign aid pro-
gram. The changes he sought, he
argued, would enable the United
States to participate in economic
long-range planning with the un-
derdeveloped countries which need
long term commitments of money.
In addition Kennedy himself
began remodeling the United
States military machine to fit a
new concept of warfare between
the Western nations and the Com-
munist bloc.
For that reason Kennedy order-
ed heavy expansion of United
States units capable of fighting
guerrilla and anti-guerrilla war-

Fight UN
--The Congolese army's suspicion
of the United Nations erupted
yesterday against a contingent
of 60 UN troops from Ghana.
The Ghanaians were disarmed
and three were killed.
The incident took place at the
important railhead of Port Franc-
qui about 400 miles east of Leo-
poldville in Kasai province. The
troops from Ghana were station-
ed there attempting to stop recent
tribal clashes.
A UN spokesman said the Ghan-
aians were overwhelmed and
forced to surrender to the Congo-
lese troops, who are nominally
loyal to President Joseph Kasa-
vubu's government at Leopoldville.
The UN spokesman said Congo-
lese officials were trying to ar-
range for release of the troops.
He described the Congolese work-
ing on the case as "well disposed
toward the United Nations."
Fighting broke out in Port
Francqui when the local Congo-
lese garrison became suspicious of
a visiting Congolese provincial of-
ficial because he arrived aboard a
UN plane. Congelese soldiers have
been fearful that the United Na-
tions would try to disarm them.
Guard Tshombe
In another trouble area, Katan-
ga President Moise Tshombe re-
mained under armed guard in Co-
quilhatville villa yesterday after
ending his two-day sitdown strike
at the city's airport.
No military or political officials
would say whether Tshombe was
a prisoner or free to return to
the airport or circulate around
Troops have orders to prevent
Tshombe or any other political
leader from leaving the city.
Kasavubu recently signed an
agreement to cooperate with the
world organization. But apparently
the import of this change in policy
never got through to the Congolese

RESPONSIBILITY-President John F. Kennedy had told his
nation that news would be "bad before it was good." So far, his
administration has faced many worries, and no end to them has
been predicted.
KennedyStill Successful
In Battles with Congress
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON (P)-President John F. Kennedy has breached
Republican-Southern Democratic coalition lines in his first 100 days,
and major measures in his "New Frontiers" program are rolling to-
ward Congressional approval.
There have been some setbacks on the flanks for the youngest
President ever elected.
But a beginning has been made in the transition from a Repub-
lican administration which believed in constricting government pow-
ers to a Democratic administration pledged to stimulate the economy,
expand welfare services and broaden the scope of civil rights.
Effective Leader
The President has proved an effective commander in recouping
his losses, regrouping temporarily defeated troops and driving ahead
toward the goals he has fixed int

As L aos
Rebel Foree F
Reports Gain
In Ban Keun
Dawn Raid Succeeds
In Action Near Capital
By The Associated Press
Prince Souvanna Phouma, neu-
tralist leader of the Laotian reb-
els, urged the pro-Western govern-
ment to come to truce talks at his "
headquarters yesterday.
The rebels ignored a Royal Ar-
my officer the government said it
sent into no-man's land under a
white flag of truce in an attempt ROYAL
to arrange a date for a cease-fire. capital,
He returned to Vientiane after late Ki
waiting for hours for a rebel con-,
tact that never came. UNITE
Tass, the Soviet news agency,
quoted Souvanna as saying, "The
Boun Oum-Phoumi Nosavan reb-
els do not wish to cease fire in
Laos and to establish peace in
the country. This is the only pos- (
sible explanation of their refusal v
to send representatives to Xieng
Khouang for negotiations there. UNITE
Wait 48 Hours United S
"We shall wait for another 48 an attem
hours. The Boun Oum group must extending
send its representatives if it real- Corps ide
ly wants peace in the country." The Un
Two hundred rebel Pathet Lao the sum
jungle fighters at dawn yesterday nomic a
attacked Ban Keun, a town just a volunt
44 miles north of Vientiane, mili- aid unde
tary sources in Vientiane said. United
More than 300 government troops ting up i
were hurried to the scene but contribut
there were no reports on the out- if it is ad
come of the fighting.- gate Phil
Communist China's New China council. .
news agency, meanwhile, carried States doe
a Pathet Lao claim the govern- its own p
ment town of Muong Phin in the UN 6
southern Laos was captured four "Shock
days ago and that government Soviet b
troops who did not surrender were E. M.
being mopped up.
SEATO Meets -
In neighboring Thailand, the
council of representatives of the
anti-Communist Southeast Asia Of£4
Treaty Organization announced it
would hold a special morning dis- WASH:
cusson in Bangkok today on what States o
a spokesman called the "increas- day that
ingly grave situation in Laos." forces se
SEATO officials refused to dis- pro-West
cuss possibilities of military in- Viet Na
tervention. strength
It was pointed out, however, that These1
6,000 SEATO troops, about 100 in small
planes and 60 ships now are en- are said
gaged in training exercise "Pony munist
Express" off North Borneo in threat th
what is billed as the alliance's big- of Presi
gest defense maneuvers. regarded

Both Sides Sugest Talks


-AP Wirephoto
BURIAL-While battle raged within 44 miles of the
Laotians there concentrated on cremation rites for the
ng Sisavang Vong.
verrun Soniet Protest
n Peace Corps Talks

Great Britain
Arrests 826
For Protest
LONDON (P) - Police arrested
826 anti-H-bomb demonstrators
who squatted on the road near
Scotland Yard yesterday in one of
the biggest mass roundups ever
seen in Britain.
About 2,000 demonstrators flop-
ped down in the street not far
from Scotland Yard at a point
halfway along Whitehall - the
London thoroughfare where gov-
ernment offices are located.:
Relays of panting constables
worked all afternoon carrying
away men, women and youths who
refused-to get up and walk.
Each was bundled to a waiting
fleet of chartered buses and trucks
which drove them off to courts
working a special Saturday night
Few of the demonstrators offer-
ed protest or resistance. Most
obeyed their leaders' instructions
to "go limp" as soon as they felt
the grasp of a policeman.
Police led them through the
courts, where they were charged
with obstruction and fined one
pound ($2.80) each.
After rallying in Trafalgar
Square the demonstrators marched
down Whitehall intending to stage
their sitdown strike outside the
houses of Parliament. When police
barred their way they sat down.
At the center of the seated
crowd was a large black banner
proclaiming "Committee of 100.
Action for Life." The committee
of 100 is the hard core of anti-
nuclear organizaions.

War Continues

33 legislative proposals now before
At the same time, Kennedy has
made speedy use of broad execu-
tive powers he possesses. And he
has not forgotten, nor permitted
anyone else to forget, that he is
the Democratic party's No. 1 poli-
The consensus of politicians had
been that Kennedy was more pop-
ular with the people than his pro-
gram was with them. This was the
word many members of Congress
brought back to Washington after,
their Easter vacations.
Revised Estimate
But the estimate was beginning
to be revised as more and more
administration legislation moved
through the two houses. Conserva-
tive opposition to it remain strong
but the President and his forces
appeared to be pushing steadily
ahead in a manner that would not
have been possible if any discern-
ible majority of the voters had
been against it.
Kennedy's most important vic-
tory came in his personally con-
ducted fight early in the session
to enlarge the House Rules Com-
mittee to eliminate the coalition
roadblock there that threatened to
bottle up his legislative proposals.
The coalition showed its fight,
however, by forcing House pass-
age of a Republican substitute for
the President's minimum wage

World News Roundup

Mates late Friday ran over
pted Soviet blockade on
the United States Peace
a to the United Nations.
nited States proposed that
mer meeting of the Eco-
nd Social Council study
eer- worker program to
rdeveloped countries.
States experience in set-
ts Peace Corps would be
ed to the UN program
opted, United States dele-
ip M. Klutznick told the
He also said the United
Des not intend to give up
program no matter what
ing propaganda" was the
oc reaction.
Makeev, Soviet delegate,
INGTON (R) - United
fficials estimated yester-
pro-Communist guerrilla
eking to overthrow the
ern government of South
m now have a total
of nearly 12,000 men.
forces, operating mostly
units of a few dozen men,
to be supplied from Com-
North Viet Nam. The
ey pose to the government
dent Ngo Dinh Diem is
as extremely serious.

quoted American newspapers as
saying the Peace Corps would help
United States prestige. "This will
be a United States operation un-
der the guise of the UN. flag,"
Makeev said. He was echoed Dy
Yordan Tchboanov of Bulgaria and
Bohdan Lewandowski of Pol-ind.
Klutznick said the Soviet re-
action probably resulted from the
fact that the Council deferred ac-
'tion yesterday on Soviet demands
for immediate acceptance of vhat
it called a declaration of Inter-
national economic cooperation.


for nurses... for technicians

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanganyika
(M)-Chief Minister Julius K. Ny-
erere was appointed Tanganyika's
first prime minister Friday by
British Governor Sir Richard
Nyerere and his new cabinet will
take office Monday upon inaug-
uration of full internal self-gov-
ernment. The British have prom-
ised this former trust territory on
Africa's east coast independence
next Dec. 28.
Nyerere, educated at Edinburgh
University, Scotland, was former-
ly a school teacher at a small
African school. His cabinet in-
cludes nine Africans, two Euro-
peans and an Asian.
* * *
LISBON, Portugal (M)-Univer-
sity co-eds have asked Premier
Antonio De Oliveira Salazar for
authority to create an auxiliary
volunteer corps of women, 18 to
30 years old, to defend the over-
seas territory of Angola.
* * *'
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (A)-
Prince Norodom Sihanouk has ac-
cepted an invitation to attend a
meeting of "nonengaged coun-
tries" in Cairo, scheduled for
sometime before the UN General
Assembly meets again- in Septem-

ber, government sources here re-
ported yesterday.
The Cambodian prime minister
was invited by President Gamal
Abdel Nasser of the United Arab
Republic and Marshal Tito of Yu-
BONN, Germany (M)-West Ger-
many yesterday signed an igree-
ment to grant India loans of 330
million marks ($82.5 million).
Of the total, $25 million can be
used as India sees fit but the re-
mainder is to go toward construc-
tion of steel works at Roukela.
The' new loan brings the West
German contribution toward the
steel works to 418 million marks
($104.4 million).


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