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April 29, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-29

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"Oh, There Ought To Be a Cease-Fire Any Time Now"

Seventy-First Year
s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

~A rfulSimpitcity'
In Russian Fim
PUDHOVKIN'S "The End of St. Petersburg" is an old silent film pro-
duced in Russia about the Bolshevik Revolution. Its impact comes
from its artful simplicity. The plot is a crude account of the villainous
capitalist and the heroic worker. By contrast, the acting and the
photography are elegant. This planting of an obvious theme within a
subtle production yields a bountiful dramatic experience.
The art does not conceal the plot. Only by an effort of critical
analysis can the two be separated. Like Goya's pictures of war brutali-
ties, "The End of St. Petersburg" is at once hideous and beautiful, con-
crete and abstract.
- - - -
FOR THOSE OF US who are used to dismissing Communist art


29, 1961


Kennedy's Request
For Secrecy Unjustified

C0NFLICT between government secrecy,
d press responsibility has raged and sim-
periodically over the years. President
ly made his contribution to the struggle
ay night, in a speech to the American
per Publishers' Association in New
tially, the President asked for increased
isorship of the American press. He
very newspaper to consider each story
y-not only asking "Is it news?" but
it in the national interest?"
en suggested that the newspapers might
>gether and impose certain restrictions.
iemselves-restrictions similar to those
-time government censorship-in the
i the cold war.
MPORTANT QUESTION, of course, is
v does one define the "national inter-
responsible newspaper is going to print
y damaging information; no irrespon-
wspaper is going to listen to the Presi-
pleas for. caution. The American press
if anything, towards over-censorship--
v York Times' repression of its story, on
itude atomic tests in the south Pacific
entire year is only one example of thisj
ing trend.
his is not the point. The President, in
i and general way, is attempting to'
line for the newspapers of Ameria-a.
the 30-hour work week at, their con-
this weekend.
hort week, coupled with 'the regular
week's pay-certainly will become one
benefits that growing productivity and
al skill will confer on this nation and
1 today's America, there is too much
be done-schools to be built, roads to
tructed, public health and, assistance~
s to be taken, even arms to be made.
ie nation cannot yet afford the short
a4 its present concomitant cutback ifi
on of wealth.

line which no government really has the right
to draw.
rJ1IHENATION, in an editorial on press cov-
erage of the Cuban invasion, quotes the
London Times of 1851, on a similar problem:
"The first duty of the press is to obtain
the earliest and most correct intelligence
of the events of the time, and instantly,
by disclosing them, to make them the com-
mon property of the nation."
This is an ideal which a newspaper must
follow to the best of its ability. A free press is'
not a partner of the government, a' comforter,
of the people, or anything else except the pur-
veyor of information. The more information it
can give to its readers, the better the news-
paper is.
What does Kennedy imply when he asks the
American press to consider the "national in-
terest?'" Does he feel that the U-2 affair
should have gone unmentioned in the Ameri-
can press-or that no attempt should have
been made to find out the actual facts before'
the CIA deigned to release them?
Even more important is the implicit rebuke
this speech gives to the press handling of the.
Cuban invasion. Does the President feel that
the American public had no right to know
about the preparations for invasion on Ameri-
can soil? Is this in the "national interest?"
WHAT IS THE "national interest" anyway?
It would seem, from a newspaper's point of
view, that the national interest must be decided
by an informed public, by a public able to react
to events armed with complete information. It
would also seem that the newspaper has the
responsibility of supplying this information. We
cannot have an ignorant public in a democracy,
not even if it is in the interests of the CIA.
Scott Newhall, editor of the San Francisco
Chroniacle, said in response to Kennedy's
speech, "The whole concept of secrecy and the
return to secrecy verges on hysteria and panic.
Generally I consider secrecy the weapon of the
'The cold war has offered an excuse for too
much secrecy over the last 10 years, secrecy
which has hindered the adequate operation of
the American press. Now is no time to con-
sciously augment this trend.
Acting Magazine Editor


as superficial and merelydidactic,
ing. Certainly it is propaganda.'
But it is also a triumph of social
realism. The integrity of Pudhov-
kin's imagination translates the
party line into poetry.
The dual nature of this film-
its simple content and skillful
treatment-makes it particularly
fitting to the audience for which
it was intended. No proletarian
could miss its message. And no
intellectual could fail to admire
its sensitivity in, telling that mes-
* * *
THE STORY concerns a peasant
boy who leaves rural poverty and
comes to St. Petersburg in search
of a better livelihood. He soon
discovers that the poor of.the city
are equally unfortunate. With his
stolid peasant desire to avoid
trouble, he hopes to end a strike
by revealing the names of the
agitators to the authorities, only
to discover that he has caused
the arrest of his own kinsman.
This guilt of betrayal he later
absolves 'by fighting for the Bol-
sheviks. The movie ends with the
'reconciliation of the boy and his
Worked in with this primitive
tale are many shots of factory,
workers, soldiers, and stock-brok-
ers. The constant shift between
intimate and public scenes makes
of the private drama an allegory
for the national fate.
The silent film technique of ale-
ternating captions with related ep-
isodes quite effectively maintains
the starkness of allegory in the
dialogue, while giving the fullness
of realism in the superb acting,
-Edmund White
Our Guy
NEWSWEEK,.April 24, p. 62 says
that in the Cuban Army -of
Liberation single men receive $175
a month, married men $225 plus
$25 for each child. This does not
make them mercenaries, as the
crude-minded Castro broadcast-
ers allege, but they are certainly
the best-paid freedom fighters in
recent history.

this film should prove enlighten-
Walt ,Goes
WALT DISNEY is really whip-
ping out the movies these
days, and some, as is to be ex-
pected, are better than otheis.
There was "Swiss Family Robin-
son," and then there was "101
Dalmatians," (probably the best of
the three), and now there is "The
Absent-Minded Professor."
The movie is, literally, fantas-
tic; it involves complete "suspen-
sion of disbelief" to find the hu-
mor, which is even then a little
forced in spots. Fred MacMurray
is the professor, affectionately
called "Neddie the Nut" by his
THE PLOT is already under
way when the picture opens: Ned
is being married at 8:30 p.m. to
a lovely young lady, but becomes
immersed in a crucial experiment
in physical chemistry, which sub-
sequently explodes and leaves him
unconscious in his lab until the
next morning, when his house-
keeper finds him.
This makes the third time he
has missed his wedding, and his
erstwhile fiancee decides to call
him out. In steps the rival-Rut-
land, the head of the English de-
partment at Medfield's rival col-
lege. He is only too happy to
squire lovely Beth to all campus
* S S
MEANWHILE, back at the lab.
Ned has discovered that his ex-
periment has achieved a "break-
through" - an anti-gravity sub-
stance he dubs "flubber"-"flying
rubber." (The sound'effects, not to
mention the equipment, in this
garage-lab are straight out of
Buck Rogers.)
Amidst all this homey small-
town-college atmosphere, Disney
manages to drag in the. Pentagon
and a batch of jets.
-Selma Saways


Corps Needs UN Supervision


Death Penalty and Morality

AD and frightening to note that in its
lay session the California Assembly
abolition of capital punishment in the
better than a two to -one ,majority.
an we ever hope to establish order out
ioral chaos the world is in when 54
I men voting in a state legislature are
ng to deny the basic concept of the
>f the individual and of human life?-
lerhanded military maneuver, no cold-
first degree murder is as hideously in-
as the decision of a jury to extinguish


NIVERSITY has had almost 125 years
cquire a bureaucracy through which
are made; Michigan State University-
has had a year and a half. This dif-
is clearly evident in recent handlings of
luke box crises at both institutions.
a juke box moved into the Michigan
rrill this week, it was by order of a
:ommittee whose power was delegated'
ard whose members are elected or ap-
in formal procedures and who are
i by elaborate rules and constitutional
emoval of said juke box now seems
come only through legislation volun-
y or foisted upon the Union Board
e or more formal petitions are cir-
and submitted for "due consideration."
3U-O, a juke box suddenly appeared
udent union. Its installation was ren-
mply. by an individual who assumed
ke box's view of the MSU-O world was
ity as its face was quickly covered with
of petitions asking for its removal,
i the administration, or criticizing the
ng process itself.
ke box was quickly removed from that

the life of one solitary human being. The cal-
culating efficiency with which a state carries
out the murder of a convict is the same busi-
nesslike, approach one uses in scheduling 'an
airplane flight. On a grander scale, it is pre-
cisely the approach Adolf Eichmann used in
exterminating the Jews--economical, systemat-
ic and practical.
In fact, the only distinction to be made be-
tween the atrocities committed ,by a state in
the name of justice and those committed by
the Nazis in the name of Aryan supremacy is
one of numbers, and in a moral question, num-
bers do not .count.
SOCIETY CAN NEVER be certain that the
man whose life it is snuffing out is guilty,
and even if it were positive, playing the role
of supreme judge is still indefensible..
How, when Eichmann is on trial before all
the world, can anyone fail to see the realaques-
tion of human value which he defied? How,
when the moral voice of an entire nation pro-
tested the killing of Caryl thessman last year,
can the California Legislature, supposedly com-
posed of rational human beings, be deaf enough
to the demands of social bonscience to permit
the crime to be perpetuated?
. How can'we ever hope to convince dictators
and militarists, racists and hatemongers that
wiping out nations and cultures is wrong if
we cannot even convince one morally responsi-,
ble group of men that deliberately taking one
life is wrong?
If life is so cheap that even defenders of
"freedom, justice and the American way" will
not defend its sanctity, why should we expect
nations to? What example would they have to

Daily Staff Writer
the United Nations Adlai
Stevenson recently asked that the
UN Economic and Social Council
consider the use of volunteer
workers in UN operational pro-
grams and related agencies at its
sessionin Geneva this summer. In
view of the nationalistic concep-
tion of the Peace Corps held by
many groups, this statement offers
the hope that the project will not
be converted by the government
into a 'cold war corps," but will
instead become a truly humane
effort to aid the peoples of the
emerging nations.
S* 5
A PEACE CORPS under inter-
national control would eliminate
many of the objections which have
been voiced by citizens in poten-
tial host countries; it removes the
sting of propaganda and alleged
Yankee imperialism which is as-
sociated with American efforts.
The Daily Times~ of Nigeria has
suggested that the corps might be
a means of planting American
spies around the world under the
guise of selfless service to human-
ity. A Cairo newspaper viewed it
as further proof "of the uninter-
rupted joint American-Zionist im-
perialistic plan against the Arabs."
To dismiss these views as extreme
and therefore unworthy of con-
sideration, is to unrealistically dis-
miss a great barrier which ,would
confront members of-a United
States Peace Corps.
To assume that. ours will be the'
only such group established is also
highly unrealistic; youth from all
over the world will soon be com-
peting, in selfish rather than self-,
less enthusiasm - with national
rather than humane motives.
Some Americans have suggested.
that corpsmen be thoroughly in-
doctrinated in the tenets of Soviet
dogma, the techniques of Soviet
propaganda, and the platitudes of,
democracy so that they will be
capable of effectively lashing back
at' Soviet-trained minds. In this
way the Peace Corps would become
nothing more than a reflection of
the cold war subject to all the
fluctuations of policy and opinion
in both home and host countries..
This instability would hardly facil-
itate effective long-term planning
of projects.
SUCH A national Peace Corps
would not be in a position to aid
countries which are Communist
dominated' or with whom the
United States has broken diplo-
matic relations. This would deny
our aid to over half of .the two-
thirds of 'the world's peoples. who
live in underdeveloped areas. Thus

we would fail to help great num-
bers of people who as human be-
ings are worthy of our assistance
whether or not we agree with the
policies of their governments.
These difficulties are inherent
in a project solely under United
States government control; they
are alleviated under the control
of an international body. A UN
Peace Corps would strengthen not
only the existing programs of
specific agencies, but, more im-
portant, would strengthen the
image of the UN as a unified body
committed to helping the people
of the world to eliminate condi-
tions of illiteracy, poverty and dis-
The corps member participating
in an international co-operative-
effort would have the ."intense

prim fore i thee efort. -he Ntio



learning experience of working
with young people of diverse cul-
tural backgrounds and varied poli-
tical beliefs. *
THE UN CHARTER reads: "We.
the peoples of the United Nations,
determined ... to reaffirm faith in
fundamental human rights, in the
dignity and worth of the human
person, in the equal rights of . ..
nations large and small and ... to
promote social progress and better
standards of life in larger freedom,
and for these ends . . to employ
international machinery for the
promotion of the economic and
socialadvancement of all peoples,
have resolved to combine our ef-
forts to accomplish these aims."
A UN Peace Corps should be a

-The Nation


Let's Talk It Over at the MUG

To the Editor:
of people are talking about the
Michigan Union these days (and
that's quite a change). And all
of the talk is about the snack bar
and the new Union policies. No
card playing, chess playing, and
then a juke box. To some that was
the last straw. The first day found
bent coins, bubble gum in the
slot, and one fake out-of-order
sign. Reactions have been varied,
and, overwhelmingly negative
among the people who usually
inhabit the snack-bar.
Some people circulate petitions,
others plot ways to steal the juke
box and drop it off the Union
tower, or bathe it in the swimming
pool. Some international and grad
students swear never to return.
The high school population has
trebled in two days. The help who
clear the tables in the MUG has
managed to keep juke box going
all afternoon, spending more than
the 65 cents an hour they earn.
The Union's desire to get people
in, spend their money, and get
them out seems to be working. The
bridge players, once upset about
not being able to play downstairs,
tried upstairs recently and one of
them said it was great--had the
whole place to themselves. I asked
if anyone from the desk had
checked on them. No. So it seems
that you can't gamble downstairs
anymore. But it's all right up-
* * *
TO MAKE the Union a place
where "college kids" can hang out.
We just saw an example of what
that is. A floor show. Next it will
be a barn dance. And a pig-raffle.
It might as well be Michigan
State. Some people want an eco-
nomic boycott; others a sit-in
demonstration. "50 intellectuals
protest Rock-n-Roll by playing
Last Friday on the diag the
folk singers made up some lyrics-
"The Union is against us-we shall
not be moved, We'll all play chess

Union is losing money not having.
enough diners its hard to under-
stand how "Bee Bop a Lu La" is
going to solve their problems.
The next thing will be no beards,
no girls in bermudas, and no blue,
peans. Civil Liberties. Its funny
how the Union staff, doesn't mind
joining the artsy-craftsy set in
the Bus. Ad. School coffee lounge
at 10 in the morning, but objects
to them at 4 in the afternoon in"
the Grill.
NOT EVERYONE has a club
basement to drink beer in. Some
have to go to the Union and drink
coffee. It was the last quiet, in-
tellectual atmosphere left on cam-
pus. The only place a middle-class
sophomore girl could meet a
foreign student.
Anyone for a pinebox and a
coffee pot in the Alumni Museum?
The rumor is that if enough
stink is put up the Union will take
the jukebox out. There appears
to be a-lot of internal dissension.,
Comrhittees and Boards and super-
visors and all that. So I suppose if
you are one of the people who is
a little disturbed by the chain of
events, you should make your.
voices heard. The Union President
has an office. Its, on the second
floor. And if you can fight your
way past elfs dressed in green and
blue clown suits; maybe you can
talk to him about it.,
There must be two sides to all
of this. Each must have its good
reasons. I suppose everybody ought
to get together and talk it over.
And the Union staff should be
there. Maybe about 3 o'clock in
the third room of the Grill Mon-
--Frank Starkweather, '61'
Union Executive
Council, '58--'59
To the Editor:
I WAS MISQUOTED in the Daily
of April 27 relative to the new
addition to the Union snack bar.

I understand that. the music
selection is to be changed each
week. I think it would be a good
idea for the Union Board to pro-
vide some easily accessible means
for students to indicate their
music preferences. Certainly being
able to >make suggestions would
tend to increase one's feeling that.
the Union is indeed an organiza-
tion in which the average student
can have some say.
to "softer numbers" when inter-
viewed -was in reference to the
volume of the machine, not the
type of music offered. I think that
when the place is fairly quiet, the
music should be turned down
somewhat too, rather than left to
blast away all the time and re-
verberate throughout the en'rire'
floor. It is almost deafening much,
of the time and certainly not .on-
ducive to coffee date ehit-chat,
quiet conversations,.etc
Perhaps the reporter who in-
terviewed me might find it easier
to take notes when he's on an as-
signment, rather than trying to
remember what all those he has
interviewed have said until he gets;
back to the Daily building to write'
his article. Certainly it would be
easier to be entirely accurate if
he did so.
-Sharon P. Carey, '62;
Bon the Box! .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS the Union has gone
gone berserk in an effort to
promote greater use of the MUG.
The first step was to declare war,
on a hazily defined group of people'
deemed "undesirables." Next the
playing of bridge and chess was
eliminated. And finally a move to
completely alienate Union "desir-
ables" has been undertaken with
the addition to the MUG of a 200
lb. monster that emits loud shreiks
and booms. The reason for this ad-
dition is not clear, but the word

elite? Ieaven forbid! Take away
the juke box! Bring back bridge
and chess! Expand the League!
Action must be taken
-Joseph Sinclair, '63
Dinner Music?

To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to voice my dis-
approval of the music tastes of
the directors of the Michigan
Union. I buy breakfast and dinner
in the Union and I find this new
music a very poor companion for
meals. Just wlat is the purpose of
a cafeteria, particularly a univer-
sity cafeteria? Surely the people
who enjoy this music can find a
hall, or auditorium for their rock
and roll concerts, and give up back
dinner musicat dinner.
I suppose all- the homesick kid-
dies are overjoyed by this replace-
ment for their corner drug store
of high school days. I detest it.
Incidentally I hope the reporter
for the Daily who said that the
noise couldn't be heard in the
other two sections of the cafeteria
was there this afternoon between
5 and 6.
-West Frazier, '62
Got a Nickel?
To the Editor:
IN THE .PAST - the Michigan
Union Grill has been known as
the only place on campus where
students, could get together in an
atmosphere conducive to intelli-
gent conversation. I at least was
proud of the intellectual atmos-
phere and freedom given to the
patrons. Is there another place
where one can relax and talk
without being called a. "psuedo-
intellect" by the split level -pin,
wearers? Of course the Board of
Directors of the Union have been
systematically destroying this at-
mosphere. They created a list of
"undersireable" people whose


No Comment

ble points out, the your
and wisdom the old coul

-M. OL

Editorial Staff

SEVERAL TIMES last fall state Sen. Elmer
nig often Porter (R-Blissfield) threatened to cut
d profit- Wayne State University's budget. The Senator
~was disturbed by the school's liberality in its
speaker policy. The Senator was also head of
the powerful appropriations committee.
Sure enough, the committee recommended a
cut of $200,000 in WSU's budget. With the ap-
propriations bills ready for passage in the
House, it looks like the committee's verdict will
but reiuctant tn itm n t ncusins-a. A

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The

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