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April 28, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-28

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

47Ia ii4

Slight chance of
scattered showers.

VOL. LXXI, No. 146




Carder Presents
Poicy Statement
President Explains MUG Policies;
Says Juke Box Only 'Experimental'
Inadequate communications on a large campus have led to "mis-
interpretations" of Michigan Union policies, Union President Paul
Carder, '62, said yesterday.
In a statement issued to clarify Union policies on the Grill, Carder
said that the new juke box is only an "experimental" move on the part
of the Special Committee and is not "irrevocable."
"The Union is and has always been straight-forward in its dis-
semination of information regarding its actions," he said.
Consultation Useful
"Changes in Union policy can be effected by consultation and
mutual discussion." Citing possible objections to the juke box, Carder
tcommented that the music is only

A s


Testif y






Minnesota Investigates Phi Delits

Large Group
Packs MUG
The Michigan Union's first
"TGIT" was held yesterday before
a large and, at times, enthusiastic
Student Government Council
President Richard Nohl, '62, em-
ceed the event that will continue
to be at the Union Grill on follow-
ng Thursdays. The Beachcombers,
a folk-singing group, Jerry Bilik,
'61, and the Road Runners, a rock
and roll band, provide entertain-
ment for the occasion.
The Beachcombers sang a num-
ber of songs, among them "Michael
Row Your Boat Ashore," "This
Land Is Your Land," and "Hard
Travelin'." Jerry Bilik, who does
all the arranging for the Univer-
sity Band, did humorous variations
on the theme "Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star."
The real. crowd pleaser of the
afternoon, however, was the Road
Runners. The band played several
current hits including "Runaway"
as well as some "old standard"
rock and roll numbers.
Requests from the audience were
freely shouted out. At one point
several couples began dancing to
the music.
Regarding the dancing, Union
President Paul Carder, '62, com-,
mented, "The Union has no offi-
cial policy toward dancing in the
MUG, and since the installation:
of the juke box we have been con-
sidering clearing a space for

audible in the north section of the
grill and noted the possibility of
physically partioning the three
rooms of the MUG ifthere is suffi-
cient demand.
The . statement also cited * the
work of the committee in terms of
its overall purpose.
"The Special Committee of the
Union Board of Directors was set
up to investigate the use and con-
dition of all Union facilities. Also,
it was empowered to experiment
with possible solutions to any
problems that might arise from
the investigation."
Two Courses
The Committee is engaged in
two courses of action:
A survey of students, alumni,
See complete text
of statement, page 2
faculty and administration to de-
termine attitudes toward the
Experimental projects, like the
juke box, to evaluate their effects
and guide the committee in future
Carder commented that "the
committee is investigating means
by which total Union facilities can.
receive maximum usage by the
greatest number of people."
Ban on Games
The recent ban on chess, check-
ers and card playing in the MUG
will be helpful in this purpose by
freeing more tables for additional
patrons, he said. Carder cited an
increase in the borrowing of chess
sets from the desk as evidence of
approval of the new game facilities
in the Union lobby.
Noting student reaction to the
changes in the MUG, he said "Dis-
order is ineffective in accomplish-
ing the aims of interested per-

The University of Minnesota has
begun investigating charges of re-
ligious bias against Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, a Minnesota
Daily night editor reported last
The investigation, undertaken by
the All-University Judiciary Coun-
cil, may lead to withdrawal of rec-
ognition for the Minnesota chapter
of Phi Delt.
The council will make its final
recommendations for action to the
Senate Committeehon Student Af-
fairs, which has the power to dis-
establish the local unit. SCSA re-
ferred the Phi Delt case to the
judiciary body last Friday.
First Case.
This is the first case which the
SCSA has asked the AUJC to han-
dle. Both groups are composed of
students, faculty members and ad-
ministrators with a one vote ma-
jority held by the students.
The investigation - which will
probably center around a possible
constitutional "religious test" -
was prompted by Phi Delt action
at Lake Forest College.
The national fraternity sus-
pended the Lake Forest Phi Delts
last month after they pledged and
initiated a Jewish student in spite
of a warning against such action
from the national.
Anti-Bias Policy
The Minnesota school has a pol-
icy against bias clauses in the con-
stitutions of recognized student
organizations, but has set no dead-
line for the removal of such
Ben Kaufman, a night editor on
the Minnesota Daily, said that the
SCSA had been hearing reports
from fraternities since 1949 and
has determined that five of them
have specific policies which allow
racial or religious discrimination
in membership selection.
The SCSA requires these fra-
ternities to file biannual reports on
progress made toward removing
these clauses and, if it feels that
sufficient enough action has not
been taken by the local, it may
withdraw its campus recognition.
SCSA has not yet used this
power, Kaufman said.
Phi Delt was one of the fraterni-
ties originally found to have a bias
clause, but was removed from the
list after intial investigations sev-
eral years ago.

Engstrom Foresees
Only Minor Changes
Ways, Means Committee Indicates
Support of Senate-Approved Budget
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Chances the University will get much more
state money this year than last have dimmed appreciably.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Arnell Eng-
strom (R-Traverse City) said yesterday that the committee
will recommend today a higher education appropriation equal
to the Senate-approved figure of $109.2 million, which in-
cludes $35.4 million for the University.
Minor. adjustments may be made in the totals for each
state institution, he said after a committee meeting with

-AP Wirephoto
REBELS DEPART-A truckload of Foreign Legionnaires leave their Algerian bases after the breakup
of their regiment over their part in the anti-de Gaulle revolt.
French Create Court for Challe

PARIS (P)-France has set up a
nine-man court to try the rebel
ex-Gen. Maurice Challe for his life
and is seeking throughout France
to run down supporters of the
broken Algiers generals' uprising.
Hundreds of arrests have been
made in France itself.
A parallel search is going on
across the Mediterranean in Al-
geria for Challe's three general-
rank colleagues of the revolt and
other leaders for trial presumably
in the same court..
Death Penalty
All could be put to death upon
conviction before firing squads or
on the guillotine.
The rebellion itself-a shadowy
thing in both France and Algeria
from the outset last Saturday until
the end early Wednesday-died on
a diminishing but re-echoing cry
of "Algeria is French!"
The cry sounded to the end from
a Foreign Legion regiment as it

was being disbanded outside Al-
giers as punishment for joining
the rebellion.
Legionnaires Leave
The Legionnaires - many of
them fugitives from their own dis-
tant and alien pasts-wept at the
Pravda Says
U..S. Readying
Cuban Attack
MOSCOW VP).Pravda charged
yesterday that the United States,
is preparing for direct interven-
tion against Cuba and demanded
that it abandon "once and for all
actions fraught with a military
In a long article signed "obser-
ver," a signature usually reserved
for the most authoritative state-
ments, the Communist party news-
paper said :
"What is happening in the
United States capital now re-
sembles a gathering of vultures-
a flock of ex-presidents and vice-
presidents have assembled here
and are croaking like vultures.
"It has been officially announc-
ed that President John F. Ken-
nedy has had meetings with
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard
M. Nixon and Harry S. Truman."

breakup and were cheered by
settlers who want the future sealed
by force against Algerian rule as
envisioned by French President
Charles de Gaulle.
Details of the trial setup for
Challe, the only general of the
rebellion who has given himself
up, were published yesterday in
the official government journal.
The tribunal will have three
high court judges and a counsellor
of state on the civilian side and
five generals. There will be no
appeal from its verdict.
French officials are probing to
determine how widespread the
conspiracy was both in France and
Some 400 persons have been
picked up since last weekend, in-
cluding some 200 in the Paris area.
Coffns Sees
GOP Pressed
Democratic state chairman Jo-
seph Collins indicated yesterday
that he thinks Republican legis-
lators may be forced to support
increased appropriations to uni-
"The governor has expressed his
recognition of the need and his
willingness to support the move,
Collins said. "The challenge is
now up to Republican legislators
to come up with the funds."

Student Gives Testimony,,
Denies Attack on Officer
SAN FRANCISCO (WP)-Bespectacled Robert J. Meisenbach denied
from the witness stand yesterday that he struck any officer last May
in San Francisco's City Hall during hearings there of the House Un-
American Activities Committee.
The 23-year-Old University of California senior is on trial charged
with hitting Patrolman Ralph E. Schumleffel with his own club. Tak-
ing the witness stand, Meisenbacht

University administrators, but-
any adjustment will be on the
order of perhaps a few hun-
dred thousand dollars and
nothing more.
No Change
Engstrom said that in a week
of hearings of higher education
and mental health representatives
he hadn't heard anything to
change his mind on the Senate
appropriations figures.
House Democrats will attempt
to add to the appropriation to get
it up to the level proposed by Gov.
John B. Swainson, who proposed
$37.1 million for the University.
But House Republicans agreed
in a caucus Wednesday to go along
with the Senate's overall balanced
budget proposal, which totals just
over $463 million. Swainson's pro-
posed balanced budget totals $477
Nearly Unanimous
Speaker Don Pears of Buchan-
an said the GOP caucus was
"nearly unanimous" on its budget
Democratic minority leader Jo-
seph J. Kowalski of Detroit said
Swainson's revenue estimate of
$477 million is correct, and will
allow for the added appropriations
for higher education and mental
Engstrom said this estimate is
too high because it is based on a
predicted business upturn which
thus far has not materialized.
Lack Votes
The Democrats do not have the
votes to pass the appropriations
boosts, Kowalski admitted, and
will have to depend on GOP votes
to, win. He didn't know where
these votes would come from, un-
less the constituents of represen-
tatives from areas like Ann Arbor
and Kalamazoo-which have uni-
versities - "would indicate their
desire for the increases.y-
At the hearing, University Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher said the
University will "be seriously crip-
pled" if it has to operate on the
Senate's appropriation figure.
The University cannot expand
as projected to 25,500 unless it
gets more money. Growth, he add-
ed, would be on upper education-
al levels. (If the Senate appro-
priation passes the House, the
University will only get a $150,000
increase from last year.)
Faculty Pay
More money is needed for fac-
ulty pay raises, he said, and for
projects like the Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology that attract
industry and talent to the state.
The Regents last week listed an
enrollment cutback as a possible
way to save money and maintain
University quality if the state
doesn't allocate more money, but
President Hatcher said no cuts
are contemplated.
The University delegation, in-
cluding Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss
and Vice-President for Business
and FinanceWilbur K. Pierpont
pointed to the University's high
proportion of graduate students
as one reason a higher appropria-
tion was needed, and the present
student fee level as another.
Two Fee Raises
The University has raised fees
twice in the past four years, Presi-
dent Hatcher said, and total fees

Asks Study
Of Housing
Inter-Quadrangle Council last
night unanimously passed a mo-
tion requesting the Residence Hall
Board of Governors "to set up a
student - faculty - administration
committee to study the feasibility"
of establishing co-educational
housing in existing facilities on
Thomas Moch, '62E, president of
the Council, in recalling the co-ed
housing in South and West Quad-
rangle several years ago, com-
mented that the girls' academic
averages suffered.
But John Hale, Assistant Dean
of Men, explained that the girls
involved were freshmen and trans-
fer students, both of whom exhibit
lower academic averages.
Morals No Argument
Hale added further that moral
standards did not slacken at the
time of the mixed housing and
that any claims that they would
"is to me no argumet at all."
Also passed was the proposed
budget for next year which will
raise IQC dues.
To obtain the money needed to
balance the accounts, Moch sug-
gested borrowing the funds from
South Quadrangle and paying
them back out of next year's IQC
dues, but action was deferred to
next week to allow South Quad to
consider the proposal.
Confidential Reports
In addition, discussion centered
on the confidential "pink slip"
reports made out by the residence
staff men on the activities, adjust-
mnet and personal attitudes of the
students living on their floors.
A decision was deferred to next
week's meeting so that the Coun-
cil could talk to interested parties.
Also passed was a motion allow-
ing the circulation of question-
naires in the quadrangles survey-
ing opinions and results of English
23 classes.
WMU Predicts
Of Admissions
Western Michigan University's
president has forecast admissions
deferments at WMU if next year's
budget as approved by the Senate
is adopted by the Legislature.
"You can not expect quality edu-
cation for the price tag which is
now on Western Michigan Univer-
sity for the education of 9,900
students," James W. Miller ex-
plained to the House Ways and
Means Committee.
"So long as I am at Western,"
he continued, "I intend that we
pursue quality education. There-
fore if these appropriations .hold,
I see no alternative to massive de-
ferrment of admissions."
WMU, as all state institutions of
higher education, suffered serious
budget cuts both from its requests
to the governor and from his
recommendations to the Legisla-
ture. The final House bill on these
appropriations will be reorted out.

--Daily-Larry vanice
UNION TGIT-The Michigan Union held the first of a projected
series of "Thank God It's Thursday" gatherings yesterday.
President Requests Journalists
To Report with Self-Restraint
NEW YORK (P)-President John F. Kennedy said last night no
formally declared war ever posed a greater threat to United States
security than the rampant threat of Communism around the world.
Calling this a deadly challenge, Kennedy urged the nation's
newspapers to re-examine their obligations in the light of the global
danger and "to heed the duty of self-restraint" in presenting the
news. Kennedy spoke of two requirements "of direct concern both
-*the press and the President" in

told this story:
The first fire hose had been
turned onto studentsdemonstrat-
ing in the City Hall Rotunda. Mei-
senbach was walking down the
slippery steps intent on leaving the
Part way down he stumbled over
a billy club.
"To keep anyone else from fall-
ing on it," he picked it up and
threw it 10 or 15 feet to his right.
As he continued down the stairs,
Schumleffel "jumped on me from
behind" and knocked him down.
The court will be in recess to-
day. Closing arguments will be
made Monday.
The tall, dark haired student
said the next thing he remembered
was being taken to a police patrol
wagon outside the City Hall.
"Did you at any time strike this
officer?" asked Defense Attorney
Jack Berman. "No," the student
Plan No Sirens
Dg An oA lert

democrats Republicans Meet, Agree
On Need for Con-Con Compromise
Staebler also emphasized the
An appeal for compromise and need for compromise, and, in a
non-partisanship at the fall Con- specific proposal for constitutional
stitutional Convention came from reform, asked for "reapportion-
Michigan party leaders at the ment of the state's "gerrymander-:
"Political Parties Day" held here ed districts."}
yesterday. Put on Brakes
"The Republicans have pu}o
MknthapelwrReu-the brakes," said Staebler, "and
lican state party chairman Georgethbrksfrheltfwyas
Van eurem;Demoratc prtyhave been locked by apportion-
head Joseph Collins; Neil Staebler, ment."
former Michigan Democratic party In a call for "effective partisan-
chairman and now national com- ship," Staebler contended that
mitteeman, and Arnold J. Levin, "the two party system cannot
research director for the Repub- work effectively because of ap-
lican State Central Committee. portionment. But the Republicans
The event was hosted by the have this power and they are not
Michigan Citizenship; League going to give it up."
Clearing House and included a Van Peursem said, however, that.
morning debate, a luncheon where "it wasn't the Republicans who
students sat at tables with party provided for apportionment. The
leaders and afternoon party people voted for it. And the pres- NEIL S. STAEBLER

K eep Tshombe
T L Jf_ 1 1

these critical times.
"I refer, first, to the .need for
far greater public information;

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