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April 25, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-25

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Dorm Life
At Meeting
The Big Ten conference on re-
sidence hall systems ended Sun-
day without reaching any con-
crete conclusions on dormitory
The parley, held at Michigan
State University and entitled "The
Growth of People and the Goals
They Seek," was designed to ds-
cuss the theory of dormitory liv-
ing rather than to compare speci-
fic regulations.
"We didn't expect to come to
conclusions as such," Assistant
Dean of Men John Hale, adviser
to the University delegation, said.
"It's just that a week or two
from now, if something comes up,
we would probably think of it in
a slightly newer slant."
Highlighting the discussion ses-
sions were a welcoming address
by MSU President John A. Han-
nah, who enumerated the goals
of the conference and expressed
his confidence in its ultimate .uc-
cess. Saturady morning, Ruth
Useem, research consultant of the
sociology and anthropology de-
partments, spoke on the social
pressures and psychological re-
sults. of group living on students.
Among the subjects discussed
were women's hours, judiciary
councils, drinking restrictions and
the organization of student-
administration channels for the
airing of student opinions.
Leaders Meet
At Conference
In Columbus
The Big Ten Student Body
President's Conference revealed
that the University's Student Gov-
ernment Council is unique in its
scope and authority, SGC Presi-
dent Richard Nohl, '61BAd, said.
The conference, held at Colum-
bus, was attended by all the Big
Ten schools except Indiana Uni-
versity and the University of Illi-
NohI said SGC has more pow-
er delegated to it than any of
the other student governments,
but the schools have many prob-
lems in common anyway.
Topics discussed included the
relationship of the universities to
their state legislatures, the ef-
fectiveness of student demonstra-
tions in achieving larger appro-
priations,"student co-operative
book stores, the place of graduate
students on the student govern-
ing body, participation in the
United States National Student
Association and the movie "Opera-
tion Abolition."
Nohl said all the schools had
problems about appropriations, but
most agreed that student demon-
strations were an ineffective
means of expressing the need for
The student body presidents es-
tablished a rotation system for
holding the annual conferences
and exchanging minutes of stu-
dent government meetings and
student newspapers.
They also passed a resolution
to study the workings of USNSA
Nohl said that although most of
the student governments had seen
"Operation Abolition" SGC is the
only body which passed a resolu-
tion on it.

Students Protest Delayed ROTC Action

COLUMBUS-A motion to or-
ganize a demonstration protesting
the postponement in the abolition
of compulsory Reserve Officers
Training Corps has been drawn up
by the Student Senate of Ohio
State University.
If the motion is passed, reg-
istration for the demonstration
will begin Friday. Armbands,
bandges, or some other means of
identification will be given to reg-
istered demonstrators. No parti-
cipants will be allowed to speak
during the protest demonstrations,
except to designated student lead-
While the Student Senate is not
opposed to militarization, only to
the abolition of compulsory ROTC,
members of the Student Peace
Committee, who plan to be among
those demonstrating are "for the
abolition of compulsory ROTC and
for the pursuit of world peace."
* * -*
URBANA-The National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of

Colored People has threatened to
picket the Greek Week banquet
if the University of Illinois Inter-
fraternity Council does not offer
suitable explanation for omitting
NAACP requests on discrimination
at its last meeting.
NAACP officials stated that the
IFC was to present the requests
by April 17, but, to that date,
has not considered them, and has
not given sufficient reason for
their failure to do so. They plan
to picket not only Greek Week,
but all similar interfraternity
functions if the university sanc-
tions the IFC actions.
Horton To Talk
On New Trends
In Education

leaders of both moderately liber-
al and conservative wings of the
student body of Indiana Univer-
sity spoke out Friday in opposi-
tion to the Fair Play for Cuba
Committee's charges, which said
the United States "is behind the
Cuban invasions."
Although campus opinion was
not unanimous against the FPCC
charges many students seemed to
feel they were unfounded and it
was not believable that the Unit-
ed States would intervene unless
it was proven that other foreign
powers were 'behind the Cuban
government. H o w e v e r, they
thought that the moral support
given the rebels by the U.S. had
helped them.

Select New
H omecomin
Neil Cohen, '62, and Barbara
Condon, '62Ed, were named as
Homecoming general co-chairmen
for next year, Todd Fay, '62,
Michigan Union vice-president,
announced last night.
The co-chairmen were chosen
by a committee composed of rep-
resentatives of the Union, Wom-
en's League and last year's home-
coming chairmen.
Central committee petitioning
and interviewing will occur with-
in the next two, weeks, Fay said.
The new co-chairmen will deter-
mine a theme for the fall.


Last week for

Seniors Set
For Survey1
Six hundred and twenty-fiveĀ°
garduating seniors will receive
questionnaires in the mail today'
or tomorrow as part of a national
survey of, "Why students go on
to graduate school?"
Conducted by the National
Opinion Research Center in Chi-
cago, the survey will determine
who goes to graduate schools,
what type of training they expect
and why they are going. The in-
formation willbe used for national
planning for professional schools
and as a basis for further soci-
ological and psychological re-
Michael T. Aiken, Grad., and
James R. Hudson, Grad., field
representatives of the survey on
campus, hope for a hundred per
cent return, noting that this is
essential to make the "scientific
probability sample" effective.
Sponsored by three government
agencies, the National Science
Foundation, United States Office
of Education and the National In-
stitute of Health, the survey will
sample 40,000 seniors of over 135
different campuses,
The overall results of this sur-
vey, the first of its kind on such
a scale, will be made available
to the universities by next fall.
Particular interviews will remain
'U' Plans Parley
On Peace Corps
A conference will be held at the
University May1 and 2 to consider
how to mobilize the resources of
America's universities to provide
the necessary language training
for persons in the Peace Corps.
The languages of Africa, India,
and Brazil will be given particular
Experts in the field of language
training will be attending from all
parts of the country.
Robertson Plans
Communism Talk
James Robertson will speak on
"The Genesis of American Com-
munism," at 8 p.m. today in Rm.
3D of the Michigan Union, spon-
sored by the Democratic Socialist

Mildred M. Horton, past presi-
dent of Wellesley College, will
speak on "New Trends in Educa-
tion: Taking the Females off the
Spoons," at 8 p.m. tonight in the
Michigan Union Ballroom.
Mrs. Horton, director of the
WAVES during the war, is presi-
dent of the American Board of
Commissioners for Missions and
vice-president of Japan Interna-
tional Christian University.
Board Hears
New Budgets
The Board of Regents heard
reports of $3,809,683.26 in newly-
initiated budgets at their meeting
Of this amount, $3.3 million
came from the federal government
and $3.7 million went to research
grants and contracts.
Workmen Install
New Street Signs
Night drivers will have less trou-
ble locating the proper street in
Ann Arbor now.
Workmen began installing new
green and white reflectorized
street signs through the city yes-
terday, according to Theodore M.
VanderStemple, city traffic direc-
DIAL NO 2-6264

ioriCt e


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Presented in Hill Auditorium, Fri., April 14
STRAVINSKY . . . Symphony of Psalms
University Choir and Orchestra
Joseph Blat, Conductor
DALLAPICCOLA . . . Songs of Captivity
Michigan Singers and U. Orchestra
Maynard Klein, Conductor
One LP record with pictures of performers
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Orders must be given and paid in advance
for the privilege of obtaining this special
subscription recording of SELDOM HEARD
Special Subscription price $3.00
Orders being taken Week of April 23.
LANE HALL Room 130

Shows at 1 :00)
3:35 - 6:20 and 9:10
Features at 1 :00
3:45 - 6:30 and 9:15

1429 Hill Street
Last chance to submit petitions for offices:
Pres., Vice-Pres., Secy., Treas.


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