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April 25, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-25

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ti: r

*6 b


Mostly cloudy all day,
cooler in the evening

See Page 4

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


President Takes
Sole Cuba Blame
Refutes Udall's Charge Against Ike;
Spellman Blasted by Havana Radio
WASHINGTON M-)-The Kennedy administration moved yester-
day to disavow any attempt to shift responsibility for the ill-starred
Cuban invasion to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
A high administration official, who asked to remain anonymous,
said President John F. Kennedy takes full responsibility for whatever
decisions were made to back last week's unsuccessful effort to topple
the Fidel Castro regime. Kennedy has no intention or desire to share
this responsibility with Eisenhower, the official said.
Spoke to Newsmen
He spoke to newsmen after one of Kennedy's cabinet officers,
Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall, told a Sunday radio-TV
Saudience that the anti-Castro

Mutinous French

Generals Meet

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...new commissioner

Reed Heads
k dd
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Bill Reed, '36,
moved into the top spot in the
Big Ten from his position as as-
sistant to retiring Commissioner
Tug Wilson.
Reed, 44-years-old, had been
Wilson's assistant since 1951 and
was associated with Big Ten af-
fairs for 12 years before that. He
holds his bachelor and law degrees
from the University. He was sports
editor of The Daily in 1935-36.
Wilson, stepping down after 16
years at the helm of the nation's
leading athletic conference, reach-
ed his 65th birthday a month ago
and thus will retire this summer.
The league presidents chose
Reed, on the recommendation of a
special faculty subcommittee that
reported at the March meeting six
weeks ago. However, the secret
was guarded until the presidents
could reach a unanimous decision.
The newly-appointed commis-
sioner worked with the Univer-
sity's athletic publicity depart-
ment briefly before moving on to
the Big Ten.
Reed, a native of Oxford, will
take over July 1, at a yearly sal-
ary of $20,000. He is the third
Big Ten commissioner.
A mmistrator
Notes Policy
A University administrator yes-
terday declined to criticize Michi-
gan State University's 'frozen lev-
el' admissions plan, but stressed
that our policy is based on "a dif-
ferent philosophy" of education.
"The University has always ac-
cepted as many students as it
felt it could educate in a quality
manner," Byron Groesbeck,, as-
sitant director of admissions, said.
MSU's plan, which would hold
the admission standards it uses
today fixed for four years, is "just
a restatement of their past inten-
tions to accept as many qualified
applicants as apply."
An admissions policy is formu-
lated on four variables; number
of applicants, size of faculty and,
facilities; quality of education and
the selectiveness of admissions,
Groesbeck explained.
"Any three of them can be re-
garded as independent, but once
they are chosen, the fourth is de-
termined," he said.
According to Groesbeck's formu-
la, if facilities and faculty are
not increased as more and more

operation was conceived in the Ei-
senhower administration and car-
ried out under Kennedy.
Udal's statementnbrought a
protest from Senate Republican
Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Il-
linois who said "the President
ought to discipline Udall for what
he said."
Meanwhile, Francis Cardinal
Spellman joined the list of Ha-
vana Radio's targets yesterday,
as new streams of invective pour-
ed across the air waves.
Prelate Described
The New York prelate was de-
scribed as "the cardinal of the
Pentagon, the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the North Arerican
monopolists." He was also called
shameless and cynical.
The Cuban radio's anger stem-
med from a "pastoral letter of
sorrow" written by the Cardinal
and read from the pulpit of St.
Patrick's Cathedral. It accused the
Castro government of betraying
the revolution that brought it to
Spellman Tells
Some months ago Cardinal
Spellman told newsmen he would
be happy to contribute to a fund
for a medical examination of Cas-
tro, indicating he felt the Cuban
prime minister needed psychiatric
The Cuban government last
night continued televised question-
ing of captured rebel invaders,
who apparently believe they will
be shot when the propaganda
marathon ends.
The first prisoner to be inter-
rogated indicated in his answers
to a panel of Cuban newsmen that
the captives know they are doom-
"All men have to die and I am
not afraid," the prisoners said in
the Havana telecast monitored at
Key West.
Court Upholds
States' Right
To Use Oath
WASHINGTON ()-A sharply-
divided Supreme Court ruled yes-
terday that states may deny the
right of practicing law to those
who refuse to say whether they
belong to the Communist Party.
By a 5-4 vote, the court upheld
California and Illinois in refusing
to admit applications to the bar.
The Court also split 5-4 in hold-
ing that New York may disbar an
attorney for refusing to answer
questions in a judicial inquiry into
ambulance chasing. -
Justice John M. Harlan wrote
the majority opinions in the three
cases. Voting with him were Jus-
tices Felix Frankfurter, Tom Clark,
Charles Whittaker and Potter
Stewart. The dissenters were Chief
Justice Earl Warren and Justices
Hugo Black, William O. Douglas
and William J. Brennan.
Harlan said the Fourteenth
Amendment's protection "does not
forbid a state from denying ad-
mission to a bar applicant so long
as he refuses to provide unprivi-
leged answers to questions having
a substantial relevance to his qual-
GOP Attacks
Farm Plans
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman
brought the administration's farm
program before Congress yester-
day and immediately ran into a
sharp Republican attack.
The core of the administration
program-and the innovation that
sets it apart from previous ap-
proaches - is the setting u of

Send Appeal
Ask Governments r
To Thwart Mutiny
TUNIS (MP-Leaders of the Al-
gerian Moslem nationalist rebellion
yesterday launched a dramatic ap-
peal "to all governments respon-
sible for the destiny of the world,"
to thwart the coup of mutinous
French generals in Algiers.
A statement by the provisional
Algerian government based in
Tunis proclaimed that "more than
ever the Algerian people are ex-
posed to genocide" (systematic ex-
It charged that the generals who
raised the banner of revolt against
President Charles de Gaulle intend i
to reconquer Tunisia and Morocco """,
and "hence world peace is at
stake." PARIS ON ALERT-Mildly inter
Determined Opposition Grand Palais in anticipation of
The rebel government said it is mutinous- French general in Alge
determined to oppose "with the aid a state of marshal law, but as ye
of all brotherly and friendly
peoples the adventure of fascist
generals and to rid Algeria forever PEACE CORPS:
of all germs of colonial domina-
tion." rebel appeal was prompted G uskin R e
by an order launched earlier by
the Algiers junta leader, Gen.p
Maurice Challe, calling on French By IRIS BROWNl
troops to intensify the war on Alan Guskin, Grad, spokesmanj
Moslem natonalists. for Americans Committed to
The rebel government, the state- World Responsibility, resigned
ment said, "appeals to all peace- Wrd Rsosbltrsge
loving men to oppose, byconcrete from his position at a meeting
measures, the fascist enterprise in last night and established a nom-
Algeria" minating committee to select a slate
Diplomatic Activity of candidates.
Meanwhile, intense diplomatic Among his reasons for resigning
activity reigned in Tunis, gripped Guskin cited the danger to a
by fear and tension since the group having one leader for too
early morning hours. long a period of time. He also
United States Ambasador Walter fears that the frank expression of
Walmsley conferred with Bahi many of his opinions would be

Parisian Government
Prepares To Defend
France Turns into Military Camp;
Reservists Alerted for Duty Call
PARIS (M -- The mutinous French generals in Algeria were
reported jolted by opposition from the air force and navy yesterday.
In France, the government girded for a showdown by turning the
nation into an armed camp and again closing all air fields to bar
any airborne invasion.
Reservists were alerted for a call to duty in France. Paris and
other major cities were guarded by tanks and reinforced security
units as the government warned of a possible attack by parachute
troops from Algeria. Ten thousand security troops were on duty in
Paris alone. Ten million French workers rallied to the support of
President Charles de Gaulle with



-AP wirephoto
rested Parisians watch the French tank stationed in front of the
f a paratrooper invasion of the French capital by forces of the
eria. President Charles de Gaulle has placed the French nation in
et things are relatively quiet.

signs from ACWR Post

Lights Out
Usually extremely independ-
ent, the University was crippled
last night by a severe electri-
cal storm that doused the
lights across the campus for
about a half hour.
Only the Daily and a hand-
ful of surrounding buildings
switched to emergency power,
One casualty of the evening:
The Daily Associated Press ma-
chine became flustered in all
the excitement, and White
House Press Secretary Pierre
Salinger became Thite Wouse
Pless Sevretary Pperre Yal-
Ladgham, Tunisian minister in
charge of national defense, yester-
Tunisian government sources ap-
peared confident that the United
States was ready to intervene in-
case of any direct invasion by
French troops from Algeria.
According to earlier reports, such
assurance had been given by
Walmsley to Tunisians on several



detrimental to his responsibility to
the group.
Spoke of Direction
In closing, he spoke of the di-
rection he hopes to see both
ACWR and the peace corps fol-
Soviets Attack
Hammarskj old
delegates yesterday renewed at-
tacks on Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjold in the United Na-
tions Economic and Social Coun-
cil and its committees.
In the Council Soviet Delegate
E. N. Makeez refused to vote for
a program of listing national parks
and reserves throughout the world
because Hammarskjold was sup-
posed to draw it up.
In the Council's social commit-
tee, which reviewed reports on its
long-term project on freedom of
information. Soviet Delegate V. I.
Sapozhnikov attacked a United
States-French draft resolution be-
cause it called on Iammarskjold
to circulate the reports to mem-

low. "Our role now is not to fight
for a peace corps, but to fight
for our ideas in its establishment,"
he said.
"In our peculiar role as stu-
dents, we have no commitments
Dillon Seeks
Rates Slash
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of the Treasury Douglas Dillon
said yesterday he would like to see
further cuts in mortgage interest
rates and would view any increase
in basic bank lending rates as "a
serious blow to the economic re-
Dillon told a news conference
that the nation can look forward
to a considerable period of rela-
tively easy credit even though the
economy appears to be moving into
an upturn.
The Treasury chief said that
since the administration first tried
to promote lower mortgage rates,
interest on home loans has drop-
ped by one-fourth of one per cent
to about six per cent. He said that
a further cut of between one-
fourth and one-half of one per
cent would 'have quite an effect
on building-on private residen-
tial construction."
Asked how he would view any
attempt by banks to increase their
prime lending rate - about four
per cent - Dillon said,
Dillon said the administration
and the Federal Reserve Board
see the interest rate situation "in
identical fashion."

other than our basic beliefs; when
the Peace Corps office and Con-
gress disagree with our ideals
about the peace corps, we must
fight them."
Specifically he said that the
peace corps, to operate justly and
efficiently, must work through,
back and strengthen the United
Continue Study
Further, he urged the group
to continue some form of study
His suggestions for future areas
of study and action are: proposals
for United Nations university
training program control, Univer-
sity curricula changes to better
prepare future peace corps mem-
bers, a letter to inform faculty
members on happenings related
to the peace corps, a foreign stu-
dent poll, and the relation of the
peace corps to such programs as
the White Fleet and Food for

a one-hour solidarity strike that
spread across the nation.
Jet fighters were alerted to
shoot down any unauthorized
planes appearing in French skies.
Police raiders swept down on
suspected right-wingers, and some
French army officers were re-
ported arrested in the roundup.
Border police at Strasbourg were
said to have picked up two officers
from French forces in Germany
who were trying to get to Algeria.
Reports reaching Paris told of
serious air force and naval op-
position to the junta. The air
force said nine planes from Al-
geria flew in to join loyal units
at an unnamed French air base.
Junta paratroopers surrounded
Algiers' White House Airport after
navy and air force units demon-
PARIS ) -- The French
government announced it had
successfully exploded another
atomic device this morning at
its Reggane testing site in the
Government sources said the
bomb was of "weak power," was
exploded above the ground and
that it was the final test of the
French program in North Af-
strated against the rebellious gen-
erals, said other reports reaching
Refusal of the air force in Al-
geria to go along with the uprising
could be a serious blow to junta
leader Gen. Maurice Challe, him-
self an air force officer.

Feinstein Attacks Rationale
For 'Yankee Imperialism'
"The position of Yankee imperialism often lacks the power of
reason," Prof. Otto Feinstein of Wayne State University's Montieth
College said, speaking on the myth or reality of Yankee imperialism.
"Itis a question of myth or reason with which we are concerned.
Too often 'imperialism' is a slogan with nothing behind it."
Feinstein Notes
Prof. Feinstein noted that there are four primary directions in
which a nation may grow. The first of these is agrarian, and it is
"important in social revolutions as witnessed in Mexico at the turn
y>of the century." In nearly all

Pierce Calls
0 Is
Prof. Roy Pierce of the political
science department said last night
that "the boldness of the army
insurrection in French Algeria
came as a surprise, but the army
officers who attempted the coup
were out of touch with reality.
"The strength, that President
Charles de Gaulle has been able
to muster indicates that an over-
whelming majority of metropolitan
France is supporting his policies
of self-determination for Algeria."
Soldiers Defy
"It is difficult to see that the
soldiers will be able to defy the
overwhelming sentiment in
France," 1rof. Pierce said. He
expects the French to remain loyal
to de Gaulle.
President de Gaule's policy of
"self-determination" for Algeria
has been generally well-received
in France, although it is un-
popular with rightest groups.
These groups maintain that de
Gaulle is allowing Algeria more
freedom than it is ready to accept
The revolt's immediate effect
will be to bring a halt in the pro-
gress toward negotiation until the
question of army loyalty can be
resolved, he said.
Prof. Piecre also noted that the
insurrection will have long-range
results. If de Gaulle is successful
in putting down the revolt, "his
standing among the Algerian na-
tionalists (FLN) will be enhanced."
Become Cautious
"At the same time, the FLN
will be increasingly cautious about
a settlement of French difficul-
ties that involves the presence of
the French army."
A similar military uprising in
Algeria in 1958 was the immediate
cause of the toppling of the
Fourth Republic, but Pierce does
not think the 1961 revolt will
spell the end of the Fifth Republic.
"The government policy on Al-
geria was not clear then, but de
Gaulle has a policy now, and, in
addition, his government has won
the support of the French people."
Union Asked
To Arbitrate
Charles Action
The Development Council will
ask the American Federation of
Musicians to seek the refund of
the full ticket price of the Ray
Charles concert, Richard L. Ken-
nedy, council representative, said
He said the union will be asked
to serve as an intermediary be-
tween the council and Ray Charles
enterprises. "We are writing the
union because direct legal action
seems impractical at this time."
The letter does not deprive the
council qf its legal right to sue at a
later date, however.
In addition to ticket prices, the

'U' Band To Perform in, Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (P)-The Univer-
sity Symphony Band was booked
to perform yesterday in this Bibli-
cal city.
The band gave its first concert
in Jordan Sunday at the 2,000-
year-old Roman Amphitheater in
Prof. William D. Revelli of the
music school and his 94 musicians
were enthusiastically applauded by
the audience of 4,000 sitting on
ancient stone seats.
The concert was under the pa-
tronage of the Jordanian social
affairs minister and was attended
by the United States Ambassador,
several cabinet ministers and
members of the diplomatic corps.
Revelli and the band arrived in
Amman Saturday from Cairo.
They will give another concert to-

countries there is a movement
from the rural to urban centers~
The workers who move to cities
often are forced to live in slums
or "hodgepodge conditions."
Connected with this is the ap-
pearance of a new working class,
who instigate trade unions which
can exert political force in coun-
tries in which the governments are
either overdependent on them or
attempt to repress their growth.
"There is also the force of na-
tionalist movements which we can
witness in Africa today."
These four growth patterns have
difficulties because of imperial-
ism, Prof. Feinstein concluded.
No Argument
James Robertson, national exec-
utive committee member of the
Young Socialist Alliance, admit-
ted there was "no great argu-
ment over context and analysis."
Discussing the Caribbean area,
he mentioned that the Marines
"came in when anvone else inter-

. . .. .

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