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April 23, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-23

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SUNDAY. AP 2:1.1.4411


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legents Approve Appointments

Behavior Report Asks
Employee Involvement.

Concertgebouw Ends Series


The Board of Regents Friday'
approved 24 new faculty appoint-
Prof. Aarre K. Lahti of the ar-
chitecture department was ap-
pointed acting department chair-
man for the fall semester of
1961-62. He will serve in the ab-
sence of Prof. Robert Eigelhart
who will bedon sabbatical leave.
Prof. Fred T. Haddock of the
astronomy department has been
appointed director of the Radio
Astronomy Observatory at Peach
Mountain. Prof. Haddock has
taken charge of design of the
observatory's 28- and 85-foot radio
Ramsdell Chairman
',Prof. Lewis S. Ramsdell, chair-
man of the department of min-
eralogy, who will retire on June
4, was named professor emeritus
of mineralogy.
In medical school appointments
announced by the Regents, Prof.
Merle Lawrence of otalaryngology
and physiology was appointed di-
rector of the Kresge Hearing Re-
search Institute.
Dr. Myron E. Wegman, dean, of
theh school of public health, was
given an additional appointment
as professor of pediatrics and com-
mhunicable diseases, effective July.
1. Prof. James K. Avery,,of 'the
school of dentistry, has also been
appointed associate professor of
anatomy in the medical school,
effective July 1.
Dr. Bernard W. Agranoff, re-
search biochemist in. the Mental
Health Research- Institute, was

appointed as associate professor
of biological chemistry, effective
July 1, 1961, on a part-time basis.
Lester F. Rutledge was named
assistant professor of physiology,;
and Richard E. Tashian, assistant
professor of genetics.1
Literary college appointments
approved by the Regents include
Prof. Norman E. Hartweg of the
zoology department to the assist-
ant director of the Museum of
Zooolgy. Prof. James R. Hendricks
of the University of North Caro-
lina's zoology department has been
named visiting associate professor,
for the year 1961-62.
Ian G. Stewart of the University
of Edinburgh has been named
visiting associate professor of eco-
nomics for the second semester of
the 1961-62 year. Prof. Clifford
Spector, who has spent the past
year at the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton, has been
named associate professor of
mathematics beginning next year.
Spector, however, will be on leave
at the Institute for Defense An-
alysis; at 'Princeton.
English Professors
Robert T. Lenaghan from the
University of California and Prof.
James L. Rosier of Cornell have
been named assistant professors in
the English department.
Stephen R. Towne, who is re-
tiring as a commander in the.
United States Navy, was appointed
associate professor of naval archi-
tecture. Chai Yeh, who has been a
University lecturer since 1956, was
named associate professor. Ronald

TON IGHT at 7 and..9
The Red and The Black
with Gerald Philippe, Danielle Darrieux,
Antonella Lualdi
50 cents

J. Lomax, a recent graduate of
Cambridge University, will be visit-
ing assistant professor of electri-
cal engineering for the 1961-62
Miss Shirley Ann Howard has
been named associate supervisor
in the department of physical edu-
cation for women and assistant
professor in the school of educa-
tion for the 1961-62 year. Garry R.
Walz has been named assistant
professor of education.
Dean Emeritus
Emil Lorch, professor emeritus
of architecture, was given the title
of dean emeritus of the College of
Architecturerand Design by the
Jerold H. Israel, who is now,
serving as law clerk to U. S. Su-
preme Court Justice Potter Stew-
art, was named assistant professor
of law.
Gyorgy Sandor, who has been
artist - in - residence at Southern
Methodist University, was named
professor of piano in the school of
Dr. David F. Striffker was named
associate professor of public health
dentistry in the school of public
China Could
Reject U.S.
Regardless of our position, Red
China could decide that it does
not want United States recogni-
tion, Prof. Owen Lattiore of
Johns Hopkins said yesterday at a
Challenge colloquium.
He said that recognition must
be satisfactory to both parties and
that many forms of dealing are
possible even if diplomatic rela-
tions do not exist.
"The Chinese list the office of
the British charges d'affairs as the
office for the recongition of Great
Britain," he pointed out. Thus
they don't actually recognize Bri-
tain yet.
The question of seating Red
China in the United Nations will
not be decided by the United
States. He cited India's favorable
attitudes as evidence of the likeli-
hood that it will be voted in this
Therefore the United States
could handle the situation most
gracefully by encouraging the na-
tions of southeastern Asia to meet
and formulate a common attitude.
Lattimore stressed two basic
problems in our policy toward the
emerging nations: the problem of
going too slowly and the problem
of statesmanship which arises
from not diagnosing a nation's
difficulties until after it has
Socialists Set
Cuba Debate
Prof. Otto Feinstein of Wayne
State University and James Ro-
bertson, member of the Executive
Committee of the Young Social-
ists Alliance will debate "Yankee
Imperialism: Myth or Reality" at
8 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 3RS of
the Michigan Union.
The debate will be sponsored by
the Democratic Socialist Club.
DIAL NO 2-6264

A straight-forward approach
and the involvement of employees
in policy decisions are the best
ways to bring about management
changes in industry, a report re-
leased yesterday by the Founda-
tion for Research in Human Be-
havior states.
In "Managing Major Change
in Organizations," authors Prof.
Floyd C. Mann of the psychology
department and program director
of Survey Research Center, and
Franklin W. Neff, study director
of SRC analyse the implications
and effect of organizational
Consumer demand for more and
better products and management's
concern with efficiency, profits,
and growth combine with a sharply
rising curve of scientific discovery
and technological innovation to
thrust our society squarely against
the problems of managing
change," the researchers reported.
Overthrow Tradition
Change itself, of course, means
the overthrow of tradition, and
the established' pattern of life, so
that, in the final analysis, people
not only plan and direct changes,
but they also become the targets
of them.
"While no one can be expected
to be pleased with changes which
will affect him adversely, em-
ployes would probably prefer to be
treated openly, honestly and as
human beings who have the right
to know about and make decisions
about their own future involve-
ment in the organization," the
study states.
The University researchers
found that participation in grup
decisions tends to give an in-
Any student organization wishing to
calendar an event(s) for the school year
1961-62 may send or bring their requests
(indicate the nature of the event and
your choices for dates for the event) to
the Calendaring Committee of Student
Government Council in the Student
Activities Building. The deadline for
requests for calendaring is April 24,
Comm. for Improved Cuban-Am. Re-
lations, Debates "Yankee Imperialism-
Myth or Reality?", April 24, 8 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 3R-S.
Congregational Disciples E & R Stud.
Guild, Informal Chat with Owen Lat-
timore, April 23, 1:30 p.m., 524 Thomp-
Folklore Soc., Frank Hamilton Con-
cert, April 23, 2 p.m., Union Ballroom.
f a
Full-Gospel Stud. Fellowship, Meet-
lng, April 23, 6:30 p.m., 409 S. Division,
Speaker: Don Atherton.
* * *
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper, Talk by Pastor Scheips
on the New English Bible, April 23 6
p.m., 1511 Washtenaw.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertula, Ap-
ril 24, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
Lutheran Student Assoc., Concert:
Robt. Noehren, Univ. organist, & U. of
M. Tudor Singers directed by M. Klein,
April 23, 7 p.m., Chapel, Hill & S.
Forest Ave.
* * *
Voice Political Party, Business & Is-
sues Discussion, April 25, 7:30 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 3B.
* * *
Wesley Fdn., Christian Marriage Class:
"Marriage as a Personal Relationship,"
(film), April 24. 7:30 p.m., let Meth.
Church Green Rm.

dividual: an opportunity to con-
tribute his ideas; an understand-
ing of all the facets of the prob-
lem under discussion; a clearer'
definition of the objective; a
sense of responsibility for the
success of the desision; and a
feeling of satisfaction with the
course of action agreed upon.
Reorganization Involved
In cases where reorganization
involved only short-term effects,
employee participation may help
them see the long-range benefits
and will facilitate acceptance of
the change,
Where long-range negative ef-
fects are involved, workers may
not be encouraged to invest their
energies in achieving the organ-
izational change, but it will help'
them make alternate plans for
their future, the report said.
"Management would be well ad-
vised to try to obtain the bene-
fits of encouraging employe. par-
ticipation through real, not ap-
parent participation gbecause
people tend to see through such
ruses, and react negatively quite
rapidly," they said.
'Change Catalyst'
During the study, the concept
of a "change catalyst" was devel-
oped. This person is responsible
for administering the change, but
holds himself apart as a "side
line monitor" who forsees longer
range effects and interprets data.
This idea is now being tried in
several companies, Prof. Mann
The publication was a report
of four cases presented in two
seminars, begun in 1952. The par-
ticipants included ,persons in posi-
tions of responsibility for changes
in business organizations and
government agencies.
Unified Approach
To provide a unified approach
to the four cases studies, five
phases during the changes were
The state of the organization
before the change, described the
normal equilibrim of the com-
pany. When a recognition of a
need for change is perceived with-
in the organization, a plan for
the change will follow. Action
steps are then taken to make the
change, and finally the organi-
zation must stabilize itself under
the new system.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra of
Amsterdam, Eugen Jochum, con-
ductor, will present the fifth and
final concert in the Extra Concert
Series today at 8:30 p.m. in Hill
The program will include: Tone
Poem, "Don Juan," Op. 20 by
Strauss; "Symphonic Music," Op.
50 by Marius Flothuis; and "Sym-
phony No. 3 in E-fiat Major," Op.
55 (Eroica) by Beethoven.
Woodwind Quintet.
The University of Michigan
Woodwind Quintet, assisted by
Charles Fisher, piano, will present
a public concert Wednesday, 8:30
p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The group will play "Musica
Leggiera," "Three Miniatures for
Woodwind Quintet," "Quintet No.
2" and "Sextet, Op. 6."
Outdoor Concerts .. .
Outdoor concerts are in the
offing for the University Sym-
phony Band, now on tour in Egypt
and Jordan.
This weekend there are four out-
door concerts at the Agricultural
Exposition, as well as a concert
in Alexandria. In addition, a 15-
member jazz group from the band
will play for students at the Uni-
versity in Ciaro.
Outdoor concerts in an old Rom-
an amphitheater are also on the
schedule for Amman in Jordan,
Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
E. E. Cummings . .
Poet e. e. cummings will appear,
at Eastern Michigan University on
Wednesday at 8:00 in Pease Audi-
torium, in a reading of his poetry.
Also appearing in Pease Audi-
torium will be Emily Mutter
Adams, head of the violin depart-
ment at Eastern, who will present
a concert of violin music on Fri-
day at 8:15 p.m.
Two Concerts . .
Two concerts planned for this
week include a performance by
Catharine Crozier, organist, Thurs-
1103 S. University NO 2-6362

day at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium;
and a performance by Nancy Hol-
linger, cellist, Christine Paraschos
and Helen Tseng, pianists, on
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Both concerts will be presented
by the University school of music.
University television will present
a program entitled "Trade Talk,"
a discussion of the importance of
communication lines, today at 9
a.m. on WXYZ. Dr. Richard Judge,
a psysician, Prof. William Hays, a
psychologist, and Prof. Robert
Iglehart, artist and art educator,
will preside.
Prof.sArthur Eastman of the
English department will discuss
Shakespeare's "Richard II" today
at noon on WWJ as part of the
University television series, the
"Plays of Shakespeare."
Eastman's analysis of the play
will be highlighted by scenes from
"Richard II" as presented by ac-

Concert Broadcast. .
A delayed broadcast of a concert
given by the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra and Rackham Choir,
conducted by Paul Paray, will be
heard at 8 over WUOM.
The two groups will perform
Bach's "Magnificat" and Faure's
Sacred Music ..
The first of three sacred music
programs will be presented today
at 7 p.m. by the Lutheran Student
Chapel, Hill Street at S. Forest.
Robert Noehren, University or-
ganist, and the University Tudor
Singers, under the direction of
Maynard Klein will present com-
positions of Redford, Schlick, Ca-
bezon and Sweelinck.
Ruins of Rome .
The Detroit Institute of Arts will
present an illustrated lecture on
"The Ruins of Rome: The Artc:
Ancient Rome -- Painting and
Sculpture," on Friday at 7:30 p.m.
in the conference room.



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As Commencement Day draws near, the question on everyone's
lips is: "How did the different disciplines come to be marked by
academic robes with hoods of different colors?" Everybody-
but everybody-is asking it. I mean I haven't been able to walk
ten feet on any campus in America without somebody grabs my
elbow and says, "How did the different disciplines come to be
marked by academic robes with hoods of different colors, hey?"
This, I must say, is not the usual question asked by collegians
who grab my elbow. Usually they say, "Hey, Shorty, got a
Marlboro?" And this is right and proper. After all, are they not
collegians, and, therefore, the nation's leaders in intelligence
and discernment? And do not intelligence and discernment de-
mand the tastiest in tobacco flavor and smoking pleasure? And
does not Marlboro deliver a flavor that is uniquely mellow, a
selectrate filter that is easy drawing, a pack that is soft, a box
that is hard? You know it!


= h

Have a ball
this Summer
(and get college credits, too!)
Imagine the fun you can have on a summer vacation in
Europe that includes everything from touring the Conti-
nent and studying courses for credit at the famous Sor-
bonne in Paris to living it up on a three-week co-educa-
tional romp at a fabulous Mediterranean island beach-club
resort! Interested? Check the tour descriptions below.
FRENCH STUDY TOUR, $12.33 per day plus
air fare. Two weeks touring France and Switzerland,
sightseeing in Rouen, Tours, Bordeaux, Avignon, Lyon,
Geneva, with visits to Mont-Saint-Michel and Lourdes.
Then in Paris, stay six weeks studying at La Sorbonne.
Courses include French Language, History, Drama, Art,
Literature, for 2 to 6 credits. Spend your last week touring
Luxembourg and Belgium. All-expense, 70-day tour in-
cludes sightseeing, hotels, meals, tuition for $12.33 per
day, plus Air France Jet Economy round-trip fare.
$15.72 per day plus air fare. Escorted 42-day tour
includes visits to cultural centers, sightseeing in France,
Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Den-
mark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, England, Holland and
Belgium. Plenty of free time, entertainment. Hotel, meals,
everything included for $15.72 per day, plus Air France
Jet Economy round-trip fare.
CLUB MEDITERRANEE, $13.26 per day plus
air fare. Here's a 21-day tour that features 3 days on
your own in Paris, a week's sightseeing in Rome, Capri,
Naples and Pompeii, plus 9 fun-filled, sun-filled, fabulous
days and cool, exciting nights at the Polynesian-style
Club Mediterranee on the romantic island of Sicily. Spend
your days basking on the beach, swimming, sailing -your
nights partying, singing, dancing. Accommodations, meals,
everything only $13.26 per day complete, plus Air Frarice
Jet Economy round-trip fare.

'"Chukrai has truly composed
a 'ballad'. Lovely imagery... -
a picture poem, that has tempo
and feeling. It is humorous, *,
exciting, tender and strong." 4r V
-Crowther, N. Y. Times
-Wanda Hole, N Y. Doily News
"One of the great ones...fine entertainment"
-Archer Winsten, N. Y. Post





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But I digress. Back to the colored hoods of academic robes.
A doctor of philosophy wears blue, a doctor of medicine wears
green, a master of arts wears white, a doctor of humanities wears
crimson, a master of library science wears lemon yellow. Why?
Why, for example, should a master of library science wear lemon
Well sir, to answer this vexing question, we must go back to
March 29, 1844. On that date the first public library in the
United States was established by Ulric Sigafoos. All of Mr.
Sigafoos's neighbors were of course wildly grateful-all, that
is, except Wrex Todhunter.
Mr. Todhunter had hated Mr. Sigafoos since 1822 when both
men had wooed the beauteous Melanie Zitt and Melanie had
chosen Mr. Sigafoos because she was mad for dancing and Mr.
Sigafoos knew all the latest steps, like the Missouri Compromise
Mambo, the Shay's Rebellion Schottische, and the James K.
Polk Polka, while Mr. Todhunter, alas, could not dance at all
owing to a wound he had received at the Battle of New Orleans.
(He was struck by a falling praline.)
Consumed with jealousy at the success of Mr. Sigafoos's
library, Mr. Todhunter resolved to open a competing library.
This he did, but he lured not a single patron away from Mr.
Sigafoos. "What has Mr. Sigafoos got that I haven't got?" Mr.
Todhunter kept asking himself, and finally the answer came to
him: books.
So Mr. Todhunter stocked his library with lots of dandy books
and soon he was doing more business than his hated rival.
But Mr. Sigafoos struck back. To regain his clientele, he began
serving tea free of charge at his library every afternoon. There-
upon, Mr. Todhunter, not to be outdone, began serving tea
with sugar. Thereupon, Mr. Sigafoos began serving tea with
sugar and cream. Thereupon, Mr. Todhunter began serving
tea with sugar and cream and lemon.
This, of course, clinched the victory for Mr. Todhunter be-
cause he had the only lemon tree in town-in fact, in the entire
state of North Dakota-and since that day lemon yellow has of
course been the color on the academic robes of library science.

Shows at 1:00
3:35 - 6:20 and 9:10
Features at 1 :00
3:45 -6:30 and 9:15






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