See Page 4
Scattered showers today,
mild tonight and Sunday
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
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Establish Centers
For Area Studies
To Formalize Existing Programs
On China, Asia, Russia, Mid-East
Establishment of area studies centers for China, the Near and
Middle East, Russia and Southern Asia was approved by the Regents
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss com-
mented, "These centers are a formalization of existing University
programs. Establishment of area studies centers will, however, improve
coordination of courses and programs within a department."
He also noted establishment of the four new centers, which will
be similar to the present Center for Japanese Studies, will facilitate
foundation support for area studies at the University. Niehuss said
in Algiers
'U To Study
New Housing
For Grads
The University is considering
building a separate housing facil-
ity for graduate and foreign stu-
dents, Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis said.
Lewis cited the demands of these
students for wider food selection,
more flexible meal schedules, and
general disinterest in quadrangle
social programs as reasons for the
new building.
He saw finances as the main ob-
stacle to such construction.
If it is built, the structure would
-ot be -ready earlier than the fall
of 1964.
It would include suites, apart-
ments and single rooms to fit the
individual needs of various stu-
Assistant Dean of Men for Resi-
dence Halls John Hale noted the
lack of interest among graduate
students in present quadrangle
Graduate students are now
housed in two houses in East
"They do have a role in student
government. They are interested in
basic questions of rates and serv-
ices," he said.
"If they had their own building,
they would have their own stu-
dent government and be able to
participate at a level meaningful
to them."
This separation of graduates
into two houses was made because
"grad students could get to know
each other more easily that way."
"They prefer associations on
their own level of maturity."
Group Seeks
New Program
On Diseases
Members of the President's Con-
ference on Heart Disease and
Cancer yesterday made several re-
commendations for a national pro-
gram to combat these diseases, Dr.
Myron E. Wegman, dean of the
University's school of public health
and a member of the conference
said last night.'
In the report sent to President
Kennedy, the group stated that
government, as a national policy,
should take a leading role in sup-
port of fundamental and clinical
research as a means for conquer-
ing the two diseases.
The conference recommended
increased aid to medical schools,
greater use of data processers and
electric computers applied to re-
search and dissemination of clini-
cal information. It also urged in-
ternational cooperation in attack-
ing the problem.
In a statement concerning the
cause of cancer, the conference
reported that research has brought
forth sound evidence that a num-
ber of environmental factors may
be responsible.
R ren is Pi ek New
the University is currently negoti-
ating for substantial support.
Four Institutes
Niehuss said he plans to recom-
mend directors for the four insti-
tutes at the May Regents meeting.
The proposed directors will be:
China-Prof. Albert Feuerwerker
of the history department and
language and area center in Chi-
nese and Japanese. Russia-Prof.
William Ballis . of the political
science department.
Prof. Park
Southern Asia - Prof. Richard
Park of the political science de-
Near and Middle East - Prof.
William Schorger of the anthro-
pology department. .
Burton D. Thuma, associate
dean of the literary college, said
there is a chance that an inte-
grated program will be established
to integrate all University area
African Program
Niehuss also said that the Uni-
versity is discussing the possibility
of adding programs in African and
Latin American studies. Latin
American studies, which used to be
a separate University program,
was dropped several years ago.
Niehuss commented it may be re-
vived in the near future, if the
University is able to attract Latin
American specialists in the area.
He said the African program,
like Latin American studies, was
not yet strong enough to justify
requesting an area studies center.
The University presently has only
three specialists in African studies,
Niehuss explained.
Prof. Ballis said the Russian
studies program was presently at-
tempting to add a behavorial sci-
entist who specializes in Russia
to its faculty. He also said there
is an effort being made to expand
existing library holdings and bring
visiting specialists to the campus.
Development Expert
Addition of a developmental
economist, one who specializes in
the economies of underdeveloped
countries, and an anthropologist
specializing in India are the cur-
rent projects of the Southern ,Asia
program, Prof. Park said.
Prof. Schorger said that a spe-
cialist on recent economic de-
velopment and modern history of
the Middle East would be added to
the department next fall.
Expansion of existing research
activities and fellowship programs
will be the prime concern of the
Chinese studies center, Prof. Feu-
erworker said.
Only Algiers
Under Rule
Of insurgents
PARIS (M)-The French Gov-
ernment announced early today
that the city of Algiers was in
control of insurrectionist army
An announcement by the Infor-
mation Ministry said "certain
leaders and certain units" had
seized military and civil power in
the capital of the vast North Afri-
can territory.-
The court communique said the
rest of the territory was calm.
Telephone communications be-
tween Paris and Algeria were sub-
jected to an "indefinite delay."
Grave Consequences
There was no immediate indi-
cation of the size or importance
of the military rising. However,
any such outbreak was certain to
have grave consequences in the'
territory where a nationalist re-
bellion has raged for almost sev-
en years and the European popu-
lation is enraged at coming peace
negotiations with the national-
A similar military uprising in
May 1958 wrested the whole of
Algeria from 'the power of the
Paris government and paved the
way for the toppling of the inef-
fective Fourth Republic.
There seemed little doubt that
the present rising was also direct-
ed against Paris-this time against
towering French President de
Gaulle who has skillfully brought
the country to the brink of a
settlement with Algeria's nation-
Situation Calm
The information ministry in
Paris said, "The indiscipline of
certain chiefs and certain units
has put, this morning in Algiers,
the civilian and military powers
in the impossibility of exercising
their command. The situation is
calm in the other parts of Al-
"The government has taken,
during the night, the necessary
measures which shall be published
during the day."
More Details
The information ministry prom-
ised more details later today but
had only sketchy information as
dawn broke in the French capital.
Telephone and cable communi-
cation with Algeria was suspend-
ed and Radio Algiers did not come
on the air as scheduled.
The military coup in Algeria
apparently took place in the early
pre-dawn hours. The telephone
lines were suspended about 5 a.m.
Government sources indicated
that the soldiers moved in and
took over all the main public
buildings of Algiers.
French Premier Michel Debre
was first informed of the coup
and immediately informed Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle.
M' Power Trips Minnesota
The home run did it again yes-
terday for Michigan..
This time it was shortstop Dick
Honig, who connected in the bot-
tom of the ninth with Ed Hood on
first to give the Wolverines an
uphill 5-3 victory over Minnesota
in one of the most spectacular
Big Ten openers ever seen on
Ferry Field.'
Today Michigan can extend its
winning streak to six games-3-0
in conference play-by sweeping
a doubleheader against Iowa.
Game time is 1:30 at Ferry Field.
Honig's homer produced a happy
ending to a goat-turned-hero
drama in which the sophomore
shortstop played the difficult
leading role to perfection.
Early Errors
Earlier, he had booted two
ground balls, one of which al-
lowed Minnesota to score an un-
earned run. But when he rang
the curtain down in the ninth on
a fast ball delivered by right-
hander Howard Nathe, all previous
sins evaporated. Hood had walked
ahead of him.
Big sophomore right - hander
Mike Joyce went the distance for
Michigan, besting Nathe and up-
ping his record to 4-0 for the
season. But neither pitcher de-
served to lose yesterday.
Nathe allowed the Wolverines,
only seven hits and made but two
bad pitches-but they cost him
five runs and his first defeat of
the season.
Marshall Blast
In addition to Honig's gopher
ball, he also served one up to
Barry Marshall in the sixth with
two men on, and in capsule form
See JOYCE, Page 6
WSU Plans
New Center,/
Wayne State University Board
of Governors has approved a plan
to integrate its College of Medicine
with the proposed Medical Center
of Detroit.
WSU President Dr. Clarence B.
Hillberry said the plan would give
WSU "the equivalent of a univer-
sity hospital with more than 2,000
beds which will provide an ideal
research and teaching center."
The Legislature authorized $2,-
250,000 for a medical research
building last year and the National
Institutes of Health has allocated
$1,692,000 in matching funds.
The Board of Governors ap-
proved a request to the legislature
to transfer $250,000 in planning
funds which the legislature had
allocated for planning an addition.
to Wayne's present medical col-
lege, to the new project.
Tuition Increase
Not Considered
To Consider Alternate Measures
If State Appropriation Inadequate
The Regents yesterday outlined a drastic set of policies
the University might have to adopt if the proposed state
"austerity budget" is approved as it now stands.
A tuition boost was ruled out.
In a unanimous resolution, they instructed the adminis-
tration to study possible stabilization or even reduction of en-
rollment deficit operation andt- _
-Daily-David Giltrow
WELCOME HOME PARD-Dick Honig gets a friendly welcome
from third base coach Bob Marcereau after clouting his game
winning blow in the ninth inning of yesterday's game.
State Case Completed
In Meisenbach's Trial
SAN FRANCISCO (R) - The prosecution declared its case com-
pleted today after three witnesses gave widely differing accounts
of the clubbing of a police officer at a Congressional hearing last
Robert J. Meisenbach, 23, University of California senior, is
being tried on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. He is ac-
cused of hitting patrolman Ralph E. Schaumleffel on the head with
the officer's own night stick. Riot
charges were dismissed against 63
others arrested at city hall during
protest demonstrations against
hearings of the House Committee
on Un-American Activities.
State Witness
Albert V. Morris, the final wit-
ness, said he saw a husky young
man run across the lobby, grapple
upright with an officer holding
another student and wrest the
officer's night stick from the
policeman's upraised hand.
Morris said the husky young
man then struck the officer at
least two blows on the back of
the head. The officer fell to his
knees but grabbed his attacker
and held him until other police-
men came to his aid.
Schaumleffel testified he had
tripped or fallen in front of a
barricade before the hearing room
door. He said his club was wrench-
ed away and he followed it in a
crouching position as it was pass-
ed from hand to hand across the
Tackled Student
The patrolman said the club
finally reached Meisenbach and
he tackled Meisenbach as the stu-
dent struck him one blow behind
the left ear.
John W. Stansfield, a private
investigator, testified he saw
Meisenbach hit an officer from
the back while the officer was try-
ing to rise after tripping or falling.
Morris was unable to pick out
MSU Denies
Koch Remarks
EAST LANSING, Mich. (R) --
Michigan State University Presi-
dent John A. Hannah yesterday
disavowed comments made on
campus by Leo Koch, ex-professor
at the University of Illinois, who
was fired for advocating free love.
Plan French
Study Center
The University will ask for pri-
vate funds to co-sponsor a junior
year abroad program in France
with the University of Wisconsin.
Associate Dean of the Literary
College James H. Robertson and
Wiscon's Dean Mark Ingram are
seeking foundation grants and
money from their colleges which
will help finance three to five years
of operation.
The program - to be centered
around a French provincial uni-
versity - still needs approval by
the governing bodies of the Uni-
versity and Wisconsin, Robertson
said yesterday.
Ready in 1962
If the program is approved by
the respective schools and founda-
tion support is guaranteed, a joint
committee will. be formed to put
the program in operation by Sep-
tember, 1962.
They will select a director and
determine the criteria for choosing
the 40 to 50 students who will par-
"Any undergraduate in any part
of the University may apply for
the program," Robertson said, but
he stressed that the committee
would seek those of "honors cali-
ber" who have proficiency in
Students going abroad are ex-
pected to take most of their
courses in French, though some
visiting professors from the Uni-
versity might be invited to teach
courses in English.
French Dormitories
Robertson hopes that dormitory
accommoddations in France may
mix the French and American stu-
dents or that other community
resources might be used.
The students who are selected to
continuing cutbacks of serv-
ices, maintenance and equip-
ment purchases in case the
Legislature does not give the
University additional funds
this year.
'Painful Precedent'
"This is a painful precedent to
establish," Regent Donald M. D.
Thurber, who introduced the res-
olution, said. "We approach even
the suggestion of such a course of
action with great reluctance and
will not adopt it unless forced to
do so."
The policies would aim to main-
tain the "high quality'of the Uni-
versity's faculty and educational
program," the resolution says. Any
fiscal savings would go first for
increased faculty salaries, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss explained.
University President Harlan
Hatcher said the University hopes
for fiscal relief from the state be-
fore it's "necessary to pose the
serious decisions we would have to
make." The proposals are being
studied so the University will be
prepared to act if the extra funds
are not appropriated.
Final Approval
The Regents must give final ap-
proval to next year's operating
budget by June.
(The University asked $43.9
million, Gov. John B. Swainson
recommended $37.1 million and
the Senate last weekend passed a
$35.4 million allocation, an in-
crease of $147,000 over last year.)
The Regents noted that a final
appropriation decision has not
been reached and acknowledged
present efforts to boost higher ed-
ucation appropriations, but said
the proposed level of appropria-
tions would present the University
with "serious consequences with-
out precedent.
Various Alternatives
"They require a tough-minded
appraisal of the various alterna-
tives facing the institution," the
resolution continues.
Acknowledging that the propos-
ed austerity policies are an "emer-
gency measure to protect the Uni-
versity's educational standards,"
the resolution reaffirms the Re-
gents' intention to press for a
"more constructive long-range so-
lution to higher education needs."
Makeshift Basis
Regent Eugene B. Power pointed
out that in the past few years the
University has been proceeding on
a .makeshift basis as itsneeds
became more pressing and sup-
port from the state increasingly
Both Power and Thurber said
the Legislature hadhconsistently
refused to consider the tax reform
recommendations of a series of
committees and called attention
to the University's need for a sta-
ble, predictable source of income
if it is to maintain high quality
But reiterating their commit-
ment to low-cost, publicly sup-
ported higher education, the Re-
gents said they are not contem-
plating a fee increase.
Expresses Fears
They explained that in-state
tuition has been increased 40 per
cent in the last four years and
outstate 60 per cent. In the same
time, the legislative appropriation
has increased only 14 per cent.
Power expressed fears that the
quality of the student body would
Give Views
Comment from state legislators
on the University Regents' state-
ment ranged from tacit approval
to scepticism.
"If I were the Regents, that's the
kind of statement which I would
make," Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-
Traverse City), chairman of the
House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, said last night. "The Uni-
versity is protecting itself."
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) said that the Regents' were
placing themselves in an inconsis-
tent position.
Need To Compromise
"Their three-pronged attack
does not leave much room for a
workable compromise. To preserve
its educational quality the Univer-
sity should be willing to take less
than it requested.
"The major problem of higher
education has been the cumulative
effect of past low budgets over a
number of years. In the attempt
to gain additional funds a work-
able method must be used.
"A feasible proposal would have
gone to the House if Governor
John Swainson had not prevented
us from getting the two votes
necessary to pass a corollary pro-
posal to the appropriation bill
which would have renewed nui-
sance taxes," Thayer said.
Earmark Revenue
At a meeting yesterday Swain-
son said that the extension of
nuisance taxes would be "realistic"
if they were for a "specific"pur-
pose. But the realization of the
minimum appropriation recom-
mendations is a major prerequisite.
Engstrom said that his com-
mittee would not make any
changes in the appropriations bill
until after the hearings with the
state universities next Tuesday
and Wednesday.
"The legislature can appropri-
ate only that revenue which it
has," James Warner (R-Ypsi), a
committee member said. "As of
today it has divided all the reve-
nue it has. There are only two
solutions: an increase in revenue
through nuisance taxes or an In-
crease in tuition."
UN Refuses
Walkers for Disarmament
A delegation of six members of the San Francisco to Moscow
Walk for Peace stressed to campus organizations the need for uni-
lateral disarmament and the means the group is using to attain this
9 end.
The group is composed of Mrs. Regina Fischer, of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
Philip Leahy of St. Louis, Mo., Bran Luckom of Brooklyn, N.Y., Miss
Mardy Rich of North Newton, Kan., Tony Spachtholz of Phoenix, Ariz.,
and Barton Stone of Tallahassee, Fla.
The six spoke yesterday at the Congregational Disciples Evangeli-
cal and Reformed Guild House, and sang an original song on the diag.
They discussed their problems with members of the Conflict Resolution
Center and'with the Young Friends.
The group explained their program for disarmament. The first
step, they said, was the renunciation of massive retaliation.
Renounce War
Closely related to this was their demand that governments re-
X . ...:. linounce violent means of solving international disputes and preventive
Congo Budget
The United Nations was plunged
into a serious financial crisis early
today when the General Assembly
failed to approve a $100 million
budget for the Congo peace opera-
tion during the first ten months of
The Assembly voted 45-25 for
the proposed budget but Latin
American and Soviet bloc opposi-
tion robbed the resolution of the
necessary two-thirds majority.
Twenty seven countries ab-
stained. The failure to vote the
funds in the final session of the
15th Assembly threatened to throw
the question into a special session.
Secretary-General Dag Hammar-