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April 21, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-21

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Seventy-First Year
)rials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
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'RIL 21, 1961


nvestigation f Birch Society
Could Help Destroy HUAC

"I Hold in My Rand a List of 179 Million
U.S. Underground Communist Agents!"
r s
T -
- s

THE OVERWHELMING APPROVAL won by Roger Seasonwein's
motion for a Student Government Council reshowing of "Operation
Abolition" is probably an indication that most of the Council members
do not agree with the rationale of E.xecutive Vice-President Per Hanson.
Hanson decided to go ahead with last Tuesday night's presentation
of the film even when it became obvious that the discussion following
it would have to be cancelled because no speaker had been found to
defend the film in a pro-con debate.
Hanson said he felt that since the entire program could be divided
into two objective parts, the presentation of the film and the playing

Full Debate Ne


On HUAC Film

E OF THE RESULTS of the intense clam-
r over the fanatic John Birch society is
despread demand that the House Un-
-an Activities Committee investigate the
like past delands, this request for exam-
n is being made by such liberals as Sen.,
Javits of New York. Javits commented
HUAC should investigate extremist right-
as wells as extremist left-wing, political
dtzations. ,
e reasons why HUAC should not investi-,
the society are the same reasons HUAC
d not investigate the Communist Party,
why HUAC should be abolished.
estigation of organizations which engage
bversive or illegal activities is ,not a funs-
of a Congressional inyestigatory commit-
rhich was ostensibly designed to gathir
nation pertinent to congressional legisla-
h groups as the Birch Society 'and the
nunist Party are the proper concern of
ulstice Department and the Federal Bureau
vestigation-not because their viewpoints
Langerous, but because these viewpoints
DEMOCRACY CANNOT exist as a per-,
kanent form of government. It can only;
until the voters discover they can vote,
selves largess out of the public treasury.
that moment on, the majority always.
for the candidate promising the most
its from the public treasury with the re-
hat democracy always collapses over a
fiscal policy, always to be followed by a
orship and then a monarchy.",
that's not 'sour grapes' from the Nixon.
nor even dire warnings from Sen. Barry
vater (R-Ariz).
was actually written some 200 years |go
ninent historian, Prof. Alezander Fraser
r, and he was not speculating. He was
ing specifically- to the decline and fall
ie first democracy in the . world, the
Tian Republic in Greece."
is significant that he wrote the words
is the newest republic, the United States,
3orn. Perhaps he saw the same fate for
lea, and perhaps, if history -does indeed
t itself, he is right.
w about it Mr. Kennedy?

may lead to action aimed at the violent over-
throw of the American government. Many who
have demanded investigation believe the John
Birch Society is a Fascist organization, com-
posed of racists and demagogues who are dan-
gerous to a democratic society because of their
beliefs and public assertions.
which has been used as the justification for
the existence of HUAC-an organization which
has existed for 22 years on the promise that
it will cripple the Communist menace, and
has no record to match that promise. HUAC
has not succeeded in eliminating, or even in
discovering, dangerous blocs of subversive ac-
tivity. Its methods of flagrant publicity are
the very opposite of methods used by those or-,
ganizations which more earnestly seek the
elimination of such Communist subversion as
there may be in this country.
However, the committee has created climates
of fear and timidity in various parts of the
country, caused numerous job-firing of harm-
less ex-Communists and socialists and has
aroused considerable antagonism among lib-
erals, whose opposition to the committee is not
tainted with Communist sympathies.
It therefore seems curious, indeed, that
HUAC should be asked to conduct such an in-
vestigation in view of the fact that the com-
mittee, like the society, prefers the easy path
of inflammatory and irresponsible charges to
a policy of honesty and discretion. HUAC, like
the society, indulges in vicious distortion, the
principle of guilt by association and excessive
THERE IS, HOWEVER, another important
distinction between HUAC and the society.
Members of the John Birch Society and leftist.
groups exercise their constitutional rights in
expressing their opinions, and even their dis-
tortions. HUAC, a government agency, has no
claim to this right. It has, instead, a responsi-
bility to be infinitely- more responsible in its
methods than- the political splinter groups
which it investigates.;
The Society has already defeated its purpose
with extreme allegations. But in raising anew
the question of HUAC jurisdiction and meth-
ods, the Society can be of some value-if it
contributes to further dissatisfaction with a
more powerful (and more harmful) body-the
house Un-American Activities Committee.


Germany'Key' to Khrushchev

State Can't Control 'U' Policy

ISCUSSING appropriations for the Uni-
rsity, many legislators seemed resentful
large percentage of out of state students
chigan's state-supported institutions.
Allison Green (R-Kingston) and several
lawmakers have suggested cutting down
amber of outstaters by a provision in the
re this becomes more than an idea, leg-
s should consider the constitutional stat-
the University because limiting the per-
e of outstate students could be considered
empt at internal control of the Univer-
ious attempts of this nature have been
d by clear decisions of the State Supreme
In each case the court has held that the
of Regents had exclusive control over
eration of the University, free from leg-
e interference.
POWER STEMS from article XIII, Sec.
of the Constitution of 1850 which says,
Board of Regents shall have the general
ision of the University, and the direction
)ntrol of all expenditures from the uni-
r interest fund."
of the delegates at the 1850 convention
"My object is this-to place the Uni-
beyond all political influence. There is,
ntleman, I suppose, in this convention,'
ed to put this institution within the
of either political party of the state, or
ig it under any improper influence."
t provision was continued in 1908 Con-
on and upheld in letter and spirit by
ne Court decisions in 1896, 1911, 1914
24. There is no reason why it would not
eld again.
Editorial Staff
~City Editor. Editorial Director
TH McELDOWNEY.....Associate City Editor-
[ DONER... .......Fersonnel Director
1S KABAKER..................Magazine Editor
D APPLEBAJM .. Associate Editorial Director
S WITECKI........... ...Sports Editor.
EL GILLMAN...........Associate Sports Edito'

IN THE 1911 CASE the court held that the
'auditor general of the state had no control
over University expenditures. The court ruled
that: "By the provisions of the Constitution of
1850, repeated in the new Constitution of 1909,
the Board of Regents is made the highest form
of juristic person known to the law, a' consti-
tutional corporation of independent authority,
which within the scope of its functions, is co-
ordinate with and equal to that of the Legisla-
ture... That the Board of Regents has inde-
pendent control of the affairs of the Univer-
sity by authority of these constitutional pro-
Visions is well settled by former decisions of
this court."
In 1914 the Legislature attempted to limit
the amount of appropriations going to a cer-
tain department of Michigan State University.
The court ruled that this was unconstitutional
because it was an effort to control the size,
quality, etc. of that department and that this
was a managerial function vested exclusively in
the State Board of Agriculture.
AN ATTEMPT TO LIMIT the percentage of
outstate students by the Legislature would
also be a usurpation of the managerial function
in a sovereign University.
Although the Legislature has, and rightly so,
the right of appropriation for the University,
its control should end there. Any attempt to
do otherwise would violate the original pro-
viso for a University in the Constitution of
Michigan, in spirit, if not in letter.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
final article in a series on an ex-
clusive interview with Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev.)
IT WAS CLEAR tome that the
end of a long talk that in Mr.
Khrushchev's mind the future of
Germany is the key question. I
sought first to understand why
he thinks the German problem is
so urgent, and so I asked him
whether, since agreement was so
fir off, a standstill of five or ten
years might not be desirable. He
said this was impossible.
Why? Because there must be a
German solution before "Hitler's
generals with their twelve NATO
divisions" get atomic weapons
from France and the United
States. Before this happens there
must be a peace treaty defining
the frontiers of Poland and Czech-
oslovakia and stabilizing 'the ex-
istence of the East German state.
Otherwise, West Germany will
drag NATO into a war for the
unification of Germany and the
restoration of the old Eastern
HiS feeling of urgency, the,
springs from two causes,his need
to consolidate the Communist
East German state-known for
short as GDR-and second his
need to do this before West Ger-
many is rearmed. He said several
times that he would soon bring
the German question to a head.
Quite evidently, the possibility of
nuclear, arms for West Germany
is not immediate.
BONN DOES not now have the
weapons and although the possi-
bility of it is real enough, the
threat is not so urgent as to be a
matter of a few months. The more
immediately urgent consideration
is, no doubt, the need to stabilize
the East German regime, particu-
larly in view of the flow of refu-
My general impression was that
he was firmly resolved, perhaps
irretrievably committed, to a
showdown on the German ques-
tion. But it was evident also that
he dreaded the tension-he refer-
red to this several times-and is
still looking for a negotiation
which will work out a postpone-
ment and an accommodation.
In the talks it transpired that
he is thinking of the problem as
having three phases.
THE FIRST is what he consid-
ers the real and also the eventual
solution. He has no hope, how-
ever, that the West will now ac-
cept it. His thesis is as follows.
The two Germanys cannot be re-
united. The West will .not agree
to a unified Communist Germany
and the Soviet Union will not
agree to the absorption and de-
struction of the GDR by West
There are in fact two Ger-
manys. The way to proceed is,
then, to "codify" the status quo
in the form of peace treaties with
what he called the three elements
of Germany. These three elements
are West Germany, East Germany,
and West Berlin.
This codification would require
de facto but not diplomatic rec-
ognition of the GDR. It would fix
by international statute the posi-
tion of West Berlin as "a free
city," with its right of access and
its internal liberty guaranteed by
the presence of "symbolic contin-
gnts" of French, British, Ameri-

ference of the Foreign Ministers.
It would call for a temporary
agreement. In the Russian view
but not in our view this temporary
agreement would have a short and
fixed time limit of perhaps two to,
three years.
During this time the -two Ger-
man states would be invited to ne-
gotiate on a form of unification--
perhaps, though he did not say
so specifically in this talk, a kind'
of loose confederation. At the end
of the fixed period of time, if a
new agreement about Berlin along
the lines I have outlined previous-
ly was reached, it would be em-
bodied in a treaty. If no agreement
was reached, the legal rights of
occupation would lapse.
This German solution was, as
we know, refused by the West.
But if there is to be another,
round of negotiation, variants on
it are likely to be the substance
of the bargaining.
* * *.
IF THIS FAILS, Mr. Khrush-
chev's third position is that he
will sign a separate peace treaty
with East Germany. Then the
GDR will in the Soviet view be
sovereign over the rights of ac-
cess to West Berlin. If the West-
ern powers refuse to do business
-with the GDR and use force to
enter West Berlin, then the So-
viet government will use the Red
Army to blockade West Berlin.
Though it would.be foolish to
undervalue his determination, the
threat is not quite so fierce as it
sounds. For he most certainly does
not want a military showdown,
and "doing business" with the
GDR is a flexible and 'not a rigid
* * *.
I HAVE confined myself strict-
ly to reporting my understanding
of the Soviet policy on Germany.
If I may venture an opinion of
my own, I would make these
First, Mr. Khrushchev will not

precipitate a crisis until he has
had a chance to talk face to face
with President Kennedy.
Second, he will surely sign a
separate peace treaty if he can-
not negotiate a temporary ac-
commodation which is described
under his "second position."
Third, the crucial points which
will determine whether the Ger-
man question is resolved by ne-
gotiation or goes to a showdown
are whether the prospect of nu-
clear arms for Germany increases
or diminishes, and whether or not
we say-that the freedom-of West
Berlin, to which we are pledged,
can be maintained only by a re-
fusal to negotiate about this fu-
I HAVE been asked many times
since we left the Soviet Union to
come to London whether I found
the whole interview encouraging,
or depressing. I found it sobering.
On the one hand, the evidence
was convincing that the U.S.S.R.
is not contemplating war and is
genuinely concerned to prevent
any crisis, be it in Laos, in Cuba,
or in Germany, from becoming
On the other hand, there is no
doubt that the Soviet government
has, a relentless determination to,
foster the revolutionary movement.
in the underdeveloped countries.
This .trelentless determination
springs from an unqualified faith
in the pre-destined acceptance of
Communism by the underdevelop-
ed countries. The Soviet govern-
ment has great confidence in its
own military forces. But it re-
gards them not as an instrument
of world conquest but- as the
guardian against American inter-
ference with the pre-destined
world revolution.
I was sobered by all this be-
cause I do not think there is any
bluff in it.
(c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.

of the tapes of the House Un-
American Activities Committee
hearings in San Francisco, the
overall effect would still bb objec-
tive even if the discussion was
the reshowing specifically requires
that it be followed by "a pro-con
debate by two qualified individuals
on the question: Does the film
present a distorted picture of the
student (demonstration in San
Francisco against the House Com-
mittee on Un-American Activi-
The approval of this motion by
everyone but Hanson, who voted
no, and Philip Power, who ab-
stained, indicates that the Council
does not consider the tapes alone
adequate refutation of the im-
pression created by the film that
the students who participated in
the demonstrations were Com-
munist-led and that all students
are potentially Communist dupes.
AT LEAST TWO Council mem-
bers. were not satisfied with the
newmotion for reshowing. Philip
Power and Kenneth McEldowney
both felt that the debate should
be waged on a broader basis. Mc-
Eldowney even proposed an
amendment to the motion which
would have included in the debate
a discussion on the film's effect
on student political activity, public
reaction to the film and govern-
ment programs which have ben
instituted to combat Communist
subversion. .
He agreed that it is necessary to
establish the fact that the film is
distorted and presents a totally in-
distorted in its presentation of
student demonstrationss.
* '* *
has a valid point if he is gearing
his presentation to a particular
type of audience. For those who
have seen the film several times
and have been following the ac-
tivities of the House Committee, it
is wasteful to devote further dis-
cussion to the question of the'
film's accuracy.
It is a monstrous distortion. This
is indisputably true, and many
people have come -to take this for
granted. Their problen then is
the one posed by McEldowney, and
it would be -a sound idea for SGC
to devote a discussion program to
this topic as soon as possible.
But the primary responsibility
of SGC, since it has already com-
mitted itself to censure of the
film, it to at least aim its presen-
tation at the grounds of the cen-
sure and to emphasize the dis-
tortions in the film and the dan-
gerous implications of such dis-
people flocked to Saturday after-
noon's showing of the film and
more than 750 attended Tesday
night's screening, many for the
first time, we must asume that
there is a great deal of unsatisfied
curiosity . about the film itself.
Until people have had an oppor-
tunity to see the movie at least
once and to hear both sides of a
discussion on the film's basic
charge; it is premature and un-
realistic to expect them to benefit
from a discussion as sophisticated
as the one McEldowney proposes.

Mar 'Pepe
IN SPITE OF Cantinflas and
elaborate name - dropping,
"Pepe" is a dull successor to
"Around the World in 0 Days."
It is basically a reiteration of
the classic, "A Star Is Born"-a
would-be movie star, Shirley Jones,
meets a has-been producer, Dan
Dailey (apparently he was type-
cast); they make a movie which
will be a phenomenal hit and fall
in love. This hocum is set into
action by a random Mexican
horse-lover, Cantinflas, who man-
ages to follow the wandering mo-
vie-makers because they have his
horse, Don Juan.
It would seem impossible to
steal a scene from Maurice Chew
valier singing "Mimi," Bing Cros-
by crooning past hits, Jack Lem-
mon in his "Some Like It 'Hot"
dress. and Janet Leigh in a bath-
tub-but Cantinflas, the baggy-
pants clown of Mexico, does it with
a quick two-step and a sly grim-
ace.- He is unbelievably delightful.
ONE OF THE especially fine
achievements of "80 Days"' was
its excellent photography, which
was often done under extreme cir-
cumstances. But George Sidney
could not keep his lighting' and
colors consistent even on the
sound-stages in this production,
and oh what happens 'to those
flesh tones in Acapulco .
There are several single scenes
of "Pepe" which are very enter-
taining. Miss Jones lives up to the
faith of her discoverers, Rodgers
and Hammerstein, as she parades
through the fiesta streets of Mex-
ico City singing "Pepe" and as she
dances a "Rumble" (which is far
too reminiscent of "West Side
Story") ..
The Las Vegas seuence tries
for the same hunorthat did not.
come off in "Oceans Eleven" and
achieves it with the whole Sina-
tra Clan on hand to throw quips.
* * *
NONE OF THESE scenes are
good in themselves. They are in-
teresting merely because of the
stars exhibited and because of
their overpowering ability to make
a dull moment humorous. One
remembers the balloon scene and
the Indian raid from "80 Days"
not' because of ,the stars but be-
cause these scenes were genuinely
"Pepe" balances its good mo-
ments with real duds. Donna Reed
. handles an unwitty exchange
with Dailey with, the grace of a
cow. An almost dream ballet is
set ,into, motion with the immor-
tal words spoken on top of a fog-
gy 'mountain: "I hear music."
"Funny, I hear it too." And the
conclusion cannot be saved from
sentimental tripe even with the
intervention of St. Anthony in the
guise of Edward G. Robinson.
-Milan Stitt


Reader Defends John Birch Society


To the Editor:
STEVEN HENDEL'S recent letter
to the Editor concerning the
John Birch Society suffers from
the common fault of most of the
critics of the society: they have
little or no understanding of the
principles or methods of either
the John Birch Society or of the
Communists. This makes diatribes
on the Society rather easy to
write, but also rather inaccurate.
For instance, Mr. Hendel states:
"..:r Ironically, the John Birchers
are similar to the ideology they
profess to hate-Communism-in
that they claim that they have
the whole truth, the indisputable.
If you disagree, you're a Red."-
and so on.
ROBERT WELCH makes the
following statement in his book,
"The Life of John Birch":
"None of us knows beyond all
question that a socialist or Com-
munist organization of society,
such as the Communists claim to
desire, would not make for a hap-
pier world. We do not believe it,
and there are sound reasons in
historical experience, in philo-
sophic reasoning, and in intui-

than coercion, on an honest pre-
sentation of their arguments and
blueprints " rather than oppor-
tunistic crimes of every nature,
to advance their cause, we should
have no right nor reason to con-
demn them.
S* *
"THE MEN, for instance, u iio
founded the Intercollegiate So-
cialist Society (there are listed,
and include Upton Sinclair, Clar-
ence Darrow, Jack London, Wal-
ter LippMann, Eugene V. Debs,
and Walter Reuther) were not
criminals or scoundrels.
"It was only as some of them,
swept along by the encouragement
of their fellows into a growing
fanaticism about their own super-
ior wisdom, joined the Communist
criminal conspiracy or at least

began. to condone the use- of any
means to bring about a socialist
society, that they lost the right.
to our admiration no matter how
completely we disagreed with'
-Ronald Fleming, Grad
Quarters ..
To the Editor:
N VIEW OF the widespread in-
terest in a possible University
year calendar, it is to be regretted
that Philip Sherman's otherwise
excellent article on the Pittsburgh
trimester system included one fac-
tually inaccurate statement re-
garding 'the quarter system: "Un-
der a quarter system, every course
must be radically altered because
of substantial time changes."

Since this seems to be a widely
held misperception, among my col-
leagues as well as among students,
I should life to call attention to
the fact that it would be entirely
possible and feasible to change
from a semester to a quarter sys-
tem wiki practically no alteration
in the number of class sessions,
their length or the total class
time devoted to any course.
For example, the present semes-
ter includes 15 weeks of classes. A
three semester hour course meets
three hours per weeks for a-total
of 45 class periods. In - a 12 week
quarter, the same class might meet
four hours per week for 11 weeks
for a total of 44 periods for four
quarters hour credits.
The essential difference is that
students would be registered for
and concentrating - on fewer
courses in any one session. Like-
wise, staff members would teach
fewer courses and have fewer stu-
dents in any one session. Some in-
stitutions preferring the quarter
system favor five quarter credit
courses with students registered
for only three courses at a time.
As one who has both studied
and taught under both the semes-

LAST NIGHT, the Union Board of Directors
showed an unusually status-quo attitude
in rejecting the proposal to consider the de-
letion of the third paragraph of its oath of
office. The paragraph says, "I shall not now
or at any future time suffer the good name,
prestige or traditions of the University of
Michigan Union to be violated.
The proponent of the change, Michael Oli-
nick, '62, argued that the meaning of the
paragraph was vague, that it committed the
Union to tradition for the sake of tradition,
and that its probable intention is covered in


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial

April 26 Student National Education
Assoc., business meeting and movie on
a Broader Concept of Method, discus-
sion; period. will follow, SAB, 7:00. p.m.

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