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April 21, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-21

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy, warmer;
clearing tonight

VOL. LXXI, No. 140





Rep ort Russia Agrees


Laos Ceasefire

'U.S. Military Units
Move to Front Line
Americans Prepare To Offer Needed
Strategical Aid to Royalist Forces
By The Associated Press
LONDON - British officials reported last night Russia has
agreed to join Britain in a joint appeal for an immediate ceasefire
in Laos is the first step toward a peace settlement.
Ambassador Sir Frank Roberts is to meet with Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko in Moscow today to tackle a few unsettled
points in a three-step program designed to produce final agreement
on a unified, neutral and independent Laos.
On the Front
Meanwhile, on the front, United States military men in Laos
discarded all pretense of being civilians and made ready to enter










* *



Tax Package
To Swainson
LANSING (W) - Gov. John B
Swainson indicated yesterday he
would accept a continuation of
the $50 million yearly so-called
nuisance taxes beyond their June
30 expiration date if it would mean
higher appropriations for educa-
tion, mental health and other de-
The Governor's action was a re-
versal -of a former position in
which he had hinted that he
might veto an extension of the
nuisance tax package if such a
measure reached his desk.
In reversing his field, Swain-
son tied in any continuation of
the taxes on beer, tobacco, tele-
phone and telegraph services and
similar items with adoption of his
budget and a bonding program
%or construction of new buildings.
The Governor said he met with
a group of educators this morn-
ing in an emergency session called
by Lynn M. Bartlett, superintend-
ent of public instruction.
Attending the meeting, to which
newsmen were not invited, were
four university presidents and
some members of the governing
boards of Michigan's nine state-
supported colleges and universi-
The Chancellor of Michigan
State University-Oakland told
House budgetmakers it would be
"kinder" to close down ,the new
institution than try to operate it
under the Senate-approved budget
for 1961-62.
"We simply could not get along
on the $12,300 increase we would
realize in the Senate appropria-
tions bill for higher education,"
Durward B. Varner said.
Mixed Parties
in Apartments
Ruled Legal
Joint Judiciary Council said
yesterday it will interpret the
forthcoming regulation permit-
ting women to visit men's apart-
ments to mean that "apartment
parties are permissible as long as
all other rules applying to this
sort of gathering are not violated."
A statement released for Joint
Judic by Chairman Charles Gess-
ner. '62, said that "probably any
violations occurring under the new
ruling will stem from illegal
and/or excessive use of alcoholic
The statement explains that
the state law applying to the con-
sumption of alcohol very definite-
ly applies to apartment parties.
Minors are not permitted to con-
sume alcohol in Michigan.
The Joint Judic statement also
says students will be expected to
conduct themselves in such a
manner as not to bring themselves
to the attention of civil authori-
Students who violate the rule
and thus jeopardize the privileges
of the other students can expect
their actions to be viewed serious-
ly, the statement said.
Air Force Flyer
Attacked in Korea
6T.%^rr IV e- TT #. f Air.

-front line combat zones to in-
struct hard-pressed royal troops
on tactics to use against pro-
Communist rebels.
Brig. Gen. Andrew Jackson
Boyle of the United States Army,
commander of the Americans, told
an interviewer his men will be as-
signed to units as small as bat-
talions and will go frontline ac-
tion if necessary.
But he said they will not fight.
The main, difference facing a
Britain, speaking- for the West,
is insisting that any true in Laos
must be verified before a peace
parley is held.
Russia Accepts
Russia has accepted this de-
mand with some qualifications
that would give her a sort of veto
over any judgment that the truce
has in fact been breached.
This envisaged:
1) A Joint British-Soviet cease-
fire call at once.
2) An immediate meeting in
New Delhi of the Indian-Cana-
dian-Polish truce control com-
mission which then would check.
the situation in Laos.
3) Invitations to a conference
of 14 nations in Geneva May 5,
where negotiations would take
place to set up a neutral, Inde-
pendent government in Laos.
Regents Plan
To Examine
Discussion of the state Senate's
proposed University appropriation
will highlight today's Board of
Regents meeting.
The Senate approved $35.4 mil-
lion appropriation for 1961-2 is $2
million less than Governor John
B. Swainson's request for $37.1
million and $8.5 million below the
Regents' recommended $43.9 mil-
The Regents are expected to
consider various proposals for
both reducing University expen-
ditures and raising additional
one possibility for raising funds,
a tuition increase, will not be re-
commended to the Regents by the
administration at this time. There
have been five tuition increases
since 1950. The most recent, ap-
proved last year, raised instate
student tuition $30 to $280 and
outstate student' tuition $150 to
The -Regents will also consider
a literary college proposal for area
study centers, similar to the Cen-
ter for Japanese Studies, for
China, the Near and Middle East,
Southern Asia and Russia.

MSU Plans
To Freeze
Prompted by a feeling that "we
have just about reached the level
we should," Michigan State Uni-
versity has frozen its admissions
requirements for four years.
Under this policy students ap-
plying for admissions through 1964
will be judged on the same level as
the student who applies today,
MSU Vice-President Gordon A.
Sabine said yesterday.
The East Lansing school is buck-
ing a trend in other universities to
raise admission standards each
year because it feels that parents
should be given an "assurance"
that their son or daughter can
gain admittance.
New Tension
"The greatest new tension in the
secondary schools is the inability
of college administrators to give
such an assurance," Sabine said.
He stressed that it is the faculty
which sets the admission stand-
ards by their demands on the stu-
dents. "We evaluate these demands
and the students intellectual ca-
pacity to determine if he will be
able to do successful work."
Sabine said that MSU hopes to
be able to admit every Michigan
student who can meet the demands
of the faculty "provided only that
we get the necessary funds."
No Arbitrary Limit
He claimed that the school in-
tends not to place any arbitrary
limit on size, with the expectation
of increasing to an estimated 30,-
000 students by 1965 and 37,000 by
The current enrollment at MSU
is 23,383 with a freshman class
numbering 4,690. Corresponding
figures for the University are 23,-
278 and 3,642.
Sabine also announced an ad-
vance-admissions policy which
would enable a graduating high
school senior to be admittedgfor
any quarter in the next four years.
Such a policy would aid the per-
son who does not want to enter
college immediatelynafter high
school but may want to earn
money to finance his extra school
years or fulfill a military obliga-
Improve Quality
Sabine said that the MSU stu-
dents would continue to improve
in quality as there is a "natural
improvement in caliber as the high
schools get better."
Faculty men have been "a great
deal rougher" in grading MSU
students than in previous years,
Sabine said. "We've improved a
Advising the high school stu-
dent, Sabine said, "Tell him that
high grades count. Tell him they
count a lot. Tell him no one ever
gets admitted to MSU because he
or she is a member of 17 different
activities or has been elected queen
of the May."
"Grades," he said, "count a whale
of a lot."

Cubans to Reds
President Says U.S. May Act Alone
To Protect Itself Against Infiltration
WASHINGTON (M-President John F. Kennedy served
notice on Communist foes and non-Communist friends yester-
day that the United States will act on its own against Cuba's
Reds if necessary for United States security.
Kennedy did not specify when this time might come. But
in a speech delivered to an editors' meeting amid news of a
crushing defeat for anti-Cas-Q

tro invaders, he said somber-

--AP Wirephoto
EGG BOMBARDMENT-Anti-Castro pickets tossed eggs at the Soviet Embassy in Washington yes-
terday apparently while the policeman stationed in front was away on call. Some 60 anti-Castro
pickets marched in the vicinity of the Russian Embassy and also in front of the White House
during the better part of the afternoon. The three men in the background were struck with the
le ports-Differ On Cuba Crisis

By The Associated Press
MIAMI-Reports from the In-
ter-American Affairs Commission
in Miami, a private group, list
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro as incapacitated either phys-
ically or mentally-presumably
the former-as a result of rebel
plane bombings in Havana on
But an observer in Havana
claims that Castro and his asso-
ciates are in good health..

In Washington, President John
F. Kennedy had a secret confer-
ence with the chairman and five
members of the anti-Castro revo-
lutionary council of Cubans.
Salinger Tells
White House Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger told reporters yes-
terday that Kennedy's strongly
worded statement on the Cuban
situation to the nation's newspa-
pers was largely a result of that

In the wake of the parley, the
Cubans announced that Cardona
and other Council chiefs will hold
a news conference in New York at
10 a.m. today.
Telephone Reports
Telephoned reports from Ha-
vana claimed that large numbers
of Cuban citizens have been
rounded up and detained and
added that "about all United
States correspondents" are being
However, as the Castro govern-
ment once again observed that the
revolution had been put down, a
source close to Cuban insurgent
leaders said yesterday that the
landing operations in Cuba had
been successful, that the fighting
had been bloody and costly, but
that much of the contingent was
safely in the mountains.

Must Not Abandon
"Cuba must not be abandoned
to the Communists. And we do
not intend to abandon it either
I.. Any unilateral American in-
tervention, in the absence of an
external attack upon ourselves or
an ally, would have been contrary
to our traditions and to our in-
ternational obligations.
"Should it ever appear that the
inter-American doctrine of non-
interference merely conceals or
excuses a policy of non-action-
if the nations of this hemisphere
should fail to meet their commit-
ments against outside Communist
penetration-then I want it clear-
ly understood that this govern-
ment will not hesitate in meet-
ing its primary obligations which
are to the security of our own na-
'Go It Alone'
And should America have to go
it alone, Kennedy added-in ob-
vious reference to the Soviet Un-
ion, "we do not intend to be lec-
tured on 'intervention' by those
whose character was stamped for
all time on the bloody streets of
"Nor would we expect or accept
the same outcome which this small
band of gallant Cuba refugees
must have known they were
chancing, determined as they were
against heavy odds to pursue their
courageous attempt to regain their
islands freedom."


Witness Claims Meisenbach
Attacked Policeman in Riots

West Europe
Hits Kennedy
LONDON (A')- President John
F. Kennedy has lost stock in much
of West Europe by his handling
of the Cuban crisis,
Many non-Communist news-
papers across the continent yes-
terday deplored his backing of the
faltering invasion of Fidel Castro's
island and said United States pres-
tige would suffer.
Sample comments before the
President's speech yesterday:
Swedish Paper
Stockholm-Tidningen, often the
voice of Sweden's socialist govern-
ment, compared United States
policy toward Cuba with Russia's
intervention in Hungary in 1950.
It asserted "when Kennedy took
over, the damage was already
done. It is, however, difficult to
avoid the impression that he could
have chosen cleverer measures to
repair it."
The Manchester Guardian said
"few people have done more to
speed the advance of Communism
in Latin America than Kennedy
has in the last few days.
"No one has any obligation to
protect a rebellion against the
legal government of a sovereign
An undertone of sympathy for
the dilemma facing Kennedy
nevertheless ran through many of
the criticisms.
Natural Wish
Some West Germany, Austrian,
Italian and British editorial writ-
ers recognized as natural the wish
of any United States government
to topple a pro-Soviet regime only
90 miles away.
Britain's Spectator said:
"If Castro falls the United States
is tarred with the brush of im-
perialist aggression. If he stands.
the added charge of incompetence
can be levelled against her . . .
The New York Times -"The
language used by Kennedy was
strong and clear, which is what
the situation required. It can be
taken as certain that an over-
whelming majority of Americans
will applaud and support the poli-
cies he expressed."
Union Board
Forbids Chess,
Cards in MUG

cution witness in the city hall riot
trial testified yesterday he saw
RoberteJ. Meisenbach hit Patrol-
man Ralph E. Schaumleffel on the
head with the officer's billy club.
John W. Stansfield, a private in-
Russia Raps
U.S 'eceit'
By The Associated Press
Union declared last night the
United States has raised the bogey
of international communism to
cloak its aim of trying to over-
throw Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin made the charge
before the United Nations Political

vestigator, firmly identified Meis-
enbach in the court room as the
man he saw strike Schaumleffel
during student demonstration dis-
orders outside a House Committee
on Un-American Activities hearing
last May.
Under cross-examinationStans-
field acknowledged he had seen
Meisenbach for only three or four
minutes during his struggle with
the officer.
Stansfield said he had watched
the melee on the second floor ro-
tunda lobby of the city hall from
a third floor balcony overlooking
the scene.
Stansfield took the stand as the
second state witness after Schaum-
leffel stoutly maintained through
four hours of sharp defense cross-
examination that the student
clubbed him and was subdued only
after a grappling struggle on the
rotunda lobby floor.

Property Value Decline
Not Caused byNegroes
Luigi Laurenti, San Francisco planning consultant, in a speech
on "Property Value and Race" last night at Rackham Aud. said that-
an influx of non-whites into a neighborhood does not cause a decline
in property values.
He said that the myth that property values fall when non-
whites move into a previously all-white neighborhood is at the root
of all housing discrimination. This is a "guilt-free basis to support
discrimination" but not the real underlying"reason, which is fear of
losing social status.



Myth Ini
This myth influences buyers, s
many others and is the basic caus


Demonstrators Protest Intervention' iMCuba
About 75 demonstrators, including ten University students, pro-
tested "American intervention in Cuba" in front of the Federal
Building and City Hall in Detroit yesterday afternoon.l
Under the close supervision of at least 15 Detroit policemen, the
group picketed for an hour and a half, carrying placards claiming
"Castro: Your Cause is Lincoln's Cause" and "The Government of
Cuba is Christianity in Action."
'e~ 'U' Participation
The University participation was organized by the Committee
for Improved Cuban-American Relations and the Venezuelan Students
Association. Jack Erfurt, Grad., explained that the counter-revolution
must have been American supported because "the Cuban refugees
couldn't have done it with their own resources."
About 30 of the demonstrators were from Wayne State Univer-

ellers, builders and planners, among
e of the behavior that is generally
" observed in a changing neighbor-
hood. This behavior often takes
the form of "panic" to leave the
area, and causes white home own-
ers to sell their homes at a loss.
Laurenti did his research on
property values from 1943-1955 in
the, San Francisco and Philadel-
phia areas.
Research Compares
His research compared price
values in two identical areas, one,
the control area was totally
white, while the other, the test
area was becoming mixed. His re-
sults showed that 41 per cent of
the test areas had no difference
in price from the control areas,
44 per cent of the test areas had
higher price values than the con-
trol areas (this difference ranged
from 5-26 per cent), and 15 per
cent of the test areas had lower
price values than the control
areas (this range was only 5-9

The Union Board of Directors
last night passed a resolution for-
bidding the playing of cards,
checkers or chess in the Michigan
Union Grill.
Paul Carder, '62, Union Presi-
dent said the Board action was
basedon two considerations. First,
the Union maintains facilities
elsewhere for this type of activity.
Checker tables are found in the
lounges, and bridge tournaments
are sponsored weekly on the third
Second, at most times during the
day, tables in the MUG are in
great demand, Carder said.
Only one dissenting vote was

I g,=m -

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