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April 18, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-18

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"We've Been Killing 'Em in Washington".

Seventy-First Year
will Prevail STUDENT PUBIcATIONs BLDG. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Appropriations Hassle
ghlights Senate Irresponsibility




Greer Enhar

~p I
./ 1

SUNDAY'S FACULTY PROGRAM of Latin-American music at Rack-
ham Lecture Hall provided a pleasing and spirited conclusion to
the weekend series of concerts in the University's First Festival of
Contemporary Music.
Prof. Frances Greer, who is heard much too infrequently here, gave
a performance of Juan Orrego Salas' song cycle "The Fragrant Dawn,"
which must be accorded special praise. Her disinctive and appealing
lyric soprano plus the charm and taste of her interpretation made
these songs a delightful listening experience.
Written in the manner of Falla and Turina, the cycle offers few
musical surprises but manages to effectively convey a wide range of
poetic, moods. Prof., Greer's vocalism: was virtually above reproach--

RIDAY'S session of the state senate both
nocrats and Republicans decided it was
to support stubborn and arrogant party
Ons than to increase the meager higher
tion appropriation.
en Gov. John B. Swanson announced his
nillion recommendation for- the colleges,
Lstrators of all the state's schools ex-'
d shock at the inadequacy of the sum.F
on Friday the Senate approved without
iments the suggestion of its appropria-
committee - Senate substitute bill No.
calling for $7.7 million less than the gov-
had requested.
en the afternoon session began at 1:30
there were chances that $2.5 million would
ded to the appropriation. This was the
se that eight Republican "moderates"
ed they wanted for the bill. Together
the Deniocrats, they could vote the in-
4OCRATS, while criticising the inade-
Oicy of the increase, had indicated days
o that they would support it.
then, seemed to depend on what would
sn to the'other' half of the Republicans'
am-a renewal of the nuisance tx on*
ipne bills to provide the added revenue.
nocrats had been pretty explicit in their
ition to the nuisance tax, and a proposal
iew thetax had been defeated' in the
Ing's session,
rertheless, the eight Republicans began
ing their amendment to the ,Senate Bill.
n.. Farrell Roberts (R-Pontiac) brought
e first of the '20 'amendments, the Demo-
and the dissident eight voted it in despite
[ard AOP opposition."
ere awere 20 amendments, although only
hange was suggested, because every time
ase of a bill is stricken out and another
, there must be, technicailly, a separate
dmet. The. sub-totals for the various
is were increased-according to formula,
ac increase needed a separate amend-
i nrmally, the procedure would be to
:ier all 20 amendments at one time, since
bg is gained by passing each technicality
'HI TIME the first amendment was
ad 'off by itself-and the support it got
alyzed. When Republicans saw that the
scrats were supporting the' measure, they
a caucus.
iy were out for one hour and 45 minutes;
g this time Democrats relaxed and con-
that Tthe ,conservatives are trying to get
eight back into line. But if they hold out,
we'll get that appropriations increase."
file this secret .information was being
ged by one Democrat, another was reading
"How TO Find Oil In Canada," and a
was busily making a symmetric pile out
egrams urging him to support an increase
e public health appropriation.
is bill was later passed as the Republi-
had desired-with a $16 million appropri-
. A token Democratic amendment to n-
e the allotment by $1.6 million was sound-
efeated on party-line voting. Nobody
k surprised.)
9 REPUBLICANS marched back in, and
iparently the eight were holding up-the
of their amendments passed en masse.
se votes were on whether or not to add the
idments to the bil. Actual passage of the.
yas not at stake.)
a little later the results of that caucus
revealed by a new Republican consensus
taxes' should be considered before appro-
Pearl Harbor?
RGING THAT THE United States was
trectly responsible for Sunday's air attack
uba, Fiidel Castro compared the alleged
ican action to the bombing of Pearl Har-
but- added that at least the Japanese
bted their raid.
the attack on Pearl Harbor is considered
e American people as a criminal, traitor-
cowardly act, then our people have the
to consider this act twice as criminal,

as cunning, twice as traitorous and a
sand times more cowardly."
hough we may reject Castro's diatribe and
ion the fairness of his analogy, it does
that U.S. action furnished its proclaimed
y with a very convincing line.
is it necessary to accept a grout of raiders
this country as political refugees and add
er to the d'erogatory propaganda pointing
he U.S. as the Cuban aggressor?
wasn't official policy to accept all Hun-
n -raidesrs as refugees, nor did we invite
Santa Maria 'raiders from Portugal to our
shores. But we do been over backwards to
it every Cuban without reservation. Let's
ast be consistent, shall we?

priations-and that nuisance taxes should be
passed before the appropriations bill was
Before anything could core to a head, the
body adjourned for supper. There was an air
of quiet caution everywhere, except around
old-guard Sen. John Smeekens (R-Coldwater),
who didn't want to go to supper, but seemed
to prefer to stay and fight.
After dinner various other bills were vpted
on, while t e fate of .the education- bill re-
mained in doubt.
FINALLY, the Democrats caucused with Gov.
Swainson, and announced at 9:30 p.m. that
they would not, any of them, vote for the nui-
sance tax. Instead, they decided to fight for
the purity of the governor's own-his very
own-tax program.
This settled it. Red-faced, indignant Farrell
Roberts blasted the fiscal irresponsibility of
the Democrats, and moved that he be allowed
to reconsider his amendments.
On party lines ,the Senate decided to let
him do so. He reconsidered and decided to
withdraw his amendments.
After that the rest was easy. Democrats said
that the Republicans controlled the Senate,
and were therefore responsible for the inade-
quate education allowance.
UEPUICANS declared that the obstinancy
of the Democrats in refusing to vote for
nuisance tax renewal caused the downfall of
the increase. Both sides were happy; and only
in the galleries was there anyone not red-faced
with pride and indignation.
Did those eight Republicans really expect the
Democrats to go along with them on the nui-
sance tax, or was their whole position a sham,
a support for an increase they knew couldn't
be voted in?
If they were really expecting to get Demo-
crats to vote for the nuisance tax, on what
basis did they expect this?
-Surely the Democrats had been consistent
in all their announcements: they would not
renew any of the hated emergency bills.
But maybe, as Republicans have claimed,
they were hoping for support from two or
three of the Democrats, and this, they said, was
all that 'was needed to get their program
BUT IF THIS is so, why, did they make it
impossible for any maverick Democrat to
withstand party pressure, by announcing mili-
tantly that they were going to get the tax
voted in before the appropriation?
If the Republicans felt sure of minority sup-
port among the Democrats, why did they pro-
voke the dictum of the evening caucus, which
made it a point of honor for Democrats to
oppose the nuisance tax?
In addition to these questions, one could
always ask those eight "dissident" Republicans
why they didn't vote for the higher appropria-
tion even without the nuisance tax.
But if the record of the eight is questionable,
and their motives doubtful, there is little con-
fusion about either the record or the motives
of the Democrats.
" UR 'NO' VOTE on the appropriation is a
protest vote," Sen. Harold Ryan explained
kindly. "We want to show the people of this
state that the Republicans are responsible ..
In supporting the governor's moribund tax
program (which probably never stood a chance
of passage) the Democrats fell into a trap.
Maybe the Republicans hadn't set the trap;
maybe it was circumstance.
But at any rate there is no way to excuse
the Democrate refusal to go along on the phone
tax. It was not that passage of the Insignificant
phone tax could affect passage of the governor's
program. Rather, the Democrats wanted to an-
nounce that they were against any and all Re-
publican proposals.
True, they could advance good arguments
against the nuisance tax, and true, they were
pledged by their campaign to do away with
BUT THE COLLEGES they were supposedly
championing would have been glad to get
that extra money. And the voters too, were
probably less concerned with the "principle of
the thing" than the capitol Democrats were.

Each side can blame the other; there is noth-
ing unusual in this, for they do it all the time.
But this time they can sleep easier, for they are
both right, probably more right than they have
ever been before.
When two high school boys get into their
Fcars, and go riding down the road toward each
other, each tries to steer straight ahead until
his nerve gives out. When it gives. (as it usually
does), the loser turns "chicken" and swerves
away, avoiding catastrophe.
But state senators are more mature than high
school boys; they don't chicken out.
INSTEAD, they let the rest of the state suffer
while they play their games. Unhurt, they
emerge from one crash after another, leaving
the wreckage of countless bills littering the

Q , 4

writers Hit Barton on Fraternities

To the' Editor:
J CANNOT CLAIM to be an "em-
ployment expert" such as Mr.
'Lon Barton, but after reading the
article in Sunday's Daily, I shall
venture to say that I know as
much about. fraternities as he. I
am appalled that so many mis-
conceptions can be harbored in
one "expert."
Mr. Barton has noted an atti-
tude of "the world owes me a ;iv-
ing among college graduates
-which he calls "fraternity syn-
drome, for want of a better
'phrase." Although such an atti-
tude may or may not be prevalent
on other campuses, I believe that
t is extremely scarce on the Michi.
a an campus. The very few indi-
viduals of this type whom I've
met have not been affiliated, al-
though I might concede this fact
to coincidence.
Mr. B. states that industry to-
day tends to look upon fraterni-
ties as "an insulation from the
problems of the world," but I find
this hard to believe. College stu-
dents in general may indeed be
insulated from the problems of the
world, but I can see no reason for
this defect being limited to affil-
iates. With what worldly problems
does the independent, but not the
affiliate, come in contact, unless
it be food riots, panty raids, or
regimented staff supervision? On
the contrary, it seems to me that
the Michigan fraternities, all of
which are self-governing, provide
much more contact with adult at-
titudes and responsibility than do
any other type of college living.
* *
own officers which are respon-
sible for the maintenance of a
reasonable amount of' order and
decorum within, the house. Most
of them do a pretty good job of'
governing themselves. In addition
to the respect which men of'this
system have for their supervising
officers, this system has the ad-
vantage of teaching the elected
officers something of the skills
and talents which are required of
any sort of management person-
Mr. B. has declared the day of
of the "white, Nordic Protestant"
to be a thing of the past, indicat-

ing that these are the criteria by
which a fraternity choses its mem-
bers. It is unfortunate that there
are still a few fraternities which,
have bias clauses of one form or'
another. He is justified in his
criticisms of these fraternities, but
is greatly misled if he believes
these clauses to be typical of all
fraternities. These membership
restrictions, which are. remnants
of a past generation (a generation
which, incidentally, constitutes to-
day's business world to which Mr.
B. refers), are on their way out,
just as are hell weeks and many
of the admitted shortcomings of
yesterday's 'fraternity. Mr. B.
would find, if' he ;took time to in-
vestigate the fraternity system,
that the system is adapting tote
demands of today's society pri-
marily as a. result of internal,
rather than external, pressures.
If a fraternity may be called a
"glorified eating club,' may I ask
Mr. B. what terms he would use
to describe a dormitory, other than
an "unglorified eating club?" it
is not my purpose here to condemn
the quads, for this again would be
the pitfall of stereotyping, but Mr.,
B. has certainly missed the con-
cept of fraternalism if he would
brand a fraternity with such a
title. Fraternalism consists of liv-
ing with men who one has chosen
as lifelbng friends and fraternity
brothers, of occasional bull ses-
sions with these men, of attending
social functions with these men, of
pitching in with these men to win
a campus award such as Michi-
gras, of mutually contributing to
the proper functioning of the
fraternity as an organization, of
taking pride in one's fraternity,
and much more. Though difficult'
to describe, the concept of fiater-
nalism is much tooimportant for
Mr. B. to ignore..
Mr. B's statement of the "ar-
chaic financial procedures" within
the fraternity system seem com-
pletely unfounded.
-Max W. Legatski, '61E
Good Look .
To the Editor:
CONCERNING the article on so-
cial fraternities by Lon D ar-
ton, "tle preisdent of one office

of an employment service which
places executives in -industry:"
I am reminded that this is not
the first time such a thing has
happened;-'nor, indeed, shall it be,
the last. Only the form of Mr.
Barton's attack is new. The first
fraternity was assailed for its pri-
vacy. Nineteenth century busy-
bodies deemed the secrecy of Phi
Beta Kappa dangerous, perhaps
cloakingasome sinister motive. The
attacks mounted until the Harvard
chapter finally said: Here is what
Phi Beta Kappa means-take a
good look at it." The ideals were
so lofty the critics retired in em-
barrassment. To this day Phi Beta
Kappa, now purely an honorary
organization but with the same
objectives, is universally regarded
as having only the highest princi-
All fraternities have been under
fire from time to time. All the Old
Line fraternities exist because they
won hundreds of such battles.
* * *
I AM PROUD to say I am a fra-,
ternity man. For ours are priceless
traditions,. However, no fraternity
si a slave to yesterday, or wor-
shipper of the "status quo." A
fraternity treasures the best of the
past while insuring the future by
developing today the moral, men-
tal, and spiritual capacities of each
new Pledge Class.
Fraternities have money, prop-
erty, and economic strength, but
they never forget that a fraternity
really is men, not things. The pride
of a fraternity is in the develop-
ment of all of their amen-by a
formula unexcelled. As one fra-
ternity founder once said of his
fraternity- "right principles and
the right kind of men to back them
Fraternities sweep fromcoast to
coast, a time-tested and oft-proved
battle array of united fortresses.
They stand together, invincible
against ignorance, regimentation,
boorishness, and intolerance -
against confinement of mind. or
soul, against narrow or selfish
views, and against forces which
would destroy faith in God and
So, Mr. Barton: Here is what
the American social fraternity sys-
tem means-take a good look at
-Hugh . Crossland, '63

-only in the "Bridge of Swal-
lows" song were there a few slight-
ly constricted high notes - al-
though a relative unfamiliarity
with the work, indicated by her
use of the score, may have in-
hibited somewhat this fine artist's
talent for communication of tex-
tual values.
Aurelio de la Vega's atonal
Woodwind Trio, deftly played by
Nelson H. Hauenstein, Florian F.
Mueller and Albert Luconi, opened
the concert. Itis not a particularly
memorable work.
The "Short Symphony for
Strings' 'by Bas Galindo, on the
other hand, seemed to have attrac-
tive rhythmic and melodic quali-
ties which merit repeated hearings.
Robert Courte's student orchestra
played with admirable feeling and
OPENING this wide-ranging se-
ries Friday night was a program
which presented three imposing
specimens of ,modern ;music. Web-
emn's "Variations for Orchestra,"
the most truly original of all the
programmed works, was conducted,
in a lyrical manner by Prof. Jo-
sef Blatt which was less tight and
intense-than the well-known re-
cording by Robert Craft. Univer-
sity Symphony members, eyes
glued to the score, gavea remark-
ably fine performance.
The two choral works on the
prograni, unlike the Webert, look
back to the foundations of West-
ern music for their inspiration.
Dallapiccola's "Songs of Captivi-
ty," so'clearly in the Italian vocal
tradition was given a sympathetic
and :moving interpretation by the
Michigan Singers and symphony.
Their work in the' Stravinsky
"Symphony of Psalms" seemed
more exciting and effective than
that of the Choral ;Union last
of music by William Schuman was
Perhaps the highlight of this
concert was his "String Quartet
No. 4" competently crafted and
most appealing in its evocation of
the introspective, tragic mood
found in his best work. The play-
ing of the Forum for New Music
Quartet had precision and poise,
though not always impeccable in-
Of the choral works performed
by ,the Michigan .Singers under
Prof. Maynard Klein, only the
"Carols of Death" were musically
interesting. "Four Rounds on Fa-
mous Words" and the choruses
from "The Mighty Casey" suggest-
ed the embarrassingly trivial non-
sense which for so many years af-
flicted the Saturday afternoon
concerts of the May Festival.
In the discussion period which
followed the music, Mr. Schuman
displayed sharp wit but tended to
deal with pertinent and challeng-
ing questions regarding modern
music in a glib and evasive man-
A merican1
"We shall try to make .it clear
that we as a nation are not al-
lergic to change and have no
desire to sanctify the status quo.
This. nation not only has a birth
certificate, it holds the patent
rights on change and revolution by
'-Edward R. Murrow

E ihma nn
It is surprising that with the
wealth of iniquitous material from
which "Operation Eichmann"
could have been produced, movie-
makers should come up with the
bland and innoffensive film cur-
rently playing at the State theatre.
Perhaps the inability to portray
Eichmann successfully was ac-
tually due to the unwillingness of
the man charged with the murder
of !' million people.
The characterization of Eich-
mann in his later years while run-
ning from justice and trying to
regain his pre-eminence in the
Nazi party is objective to the
point where the viewer is almost
led to sympathize with the fugi-
tive's plight. Because Eichmann is
the focus of attention throughout,
one is inclined to be oit his side
in the same way that one Is often
for the bad guys.
This sympathy is encouraged by
the imbalance created when the
director presents a Couple ofin
nocuous Israeli agents. Elchmann
is the only character in the film
worth rooting for. The director
couldn't have meant this to be so.
One of the requisites for doing
Eichmann justice-bth as judge
and as artist-would lie in com-
prehending the enormity of his
crime. This seems beyond the
powers of imagination.
A -judge could count the Victims"
and then choose the' mostsevere
punishment ,available ,within "hisf
judicial powers. Anbartist expect
ing to tell Eichmann's story would
not be able to get by this easily.
Insight and some degree of under-
standing becomes necessary, but
there' wasi ,$t too much of either
in the film.
The director doesn't seem to
have taken the liberty to distort
or rearrange Eichmann's life for
artistic effect. This cause .the
focus to blur, the narrative to skip.
A strict documentary would have
been more inormative; a fictional
parallel more enlightening.
-Thomas Brien
(Continued from Page 2)t
1-Animal caretaker, 8 an.-12 noon,
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1-Experienced bus driver (Saturday
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1-Anatomy major, natura sciences
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1-Dishwasher, ..eve ing hours."
2-Meal jobs.
1-Experienced electronics technician,
full-time or 20 hours per week.
10--Psychological subjects, hours to be
4-Psychology subjects, 1 ull iday per
week, for 3 weeks.
1-Busboy,,12 noo-i :30 p.m., M oi-
2-Telephone solicitors, as many hours
as possible, commission, basis.
1-waitress, 10:30-12:30 p.m.; Mondays
3-waitreases, evening work.
1-Typist, 8 a.m.-12 noon, Monday-
1-Student wife with training in Arts
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2:30-1030 p.m., 5 days/wee.



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