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April 16, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-16

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MajorFlig h Information

-AP Wirephoto
ACCOLADES-Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev led a mammoth reception at Moscow airport
for the Soviet's "man in space," Maj. Yuri 'Gagarin Khrushchev hailed the 27'year-old flyer as a
man whose name will live forever, and awarded him the nation's highest award, Hero of the Soviet

Goldberg Asks Program
To Ad Migrant Workers

WASHINGTON (A) -Secretary
of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg yes-,
terday called the lot of 400,000
migrant farm workers and their
families "a black mark" on the
American economy.
Goldberg asked public support
for a two-way administration pro-
gram to provide more government
safeguards for American migrant
farm workers and to make it
tougher to import laborers from
Iviexico, the West Indies, the Phil-
ippines and even Japan.
The labor secretary said he may
soon tour some agricultural areas
to try t6 bring public attention
on "the shadowy migrant world
where poverty, privation; lack of
opportunity and illiteracy are the
stuff of everyday life."
"This administration does not
accept the proposition that Amer-
ican agriculture is dependent on
poverty and destitution to sur-
vive," Goldberg said in a state-
"Nor do we believe the major-
ity of American farmers, or the
American public, accept this prop-
osition. The time has come to
back up our beliefs with action."
Goldberg said that, under the
preceding administration, the La-'

bor Department proposed help for
farm workers but the Agricuilture
Department opposed it. Now,he
said, "for the first time in his-
tory" all departments are work-
ing to improve labor conditions in
Goldberg said the average farm
workers earn barely over $1,000 a
year while unemployment and un-
deremployment ase extensive. Mi-
grants ase even worse off, he said.
Jail .Brazilians
For Criticism
President Janio Quadros yester-
day responded to criticism from
a general and an admiral by put-
ting them under military arrest.
Gen. Idalio Sardenberg, who
was president of the state oil
monopoly Petrobras under ex-
President Juscelino Kubitscheck,
was arrested after telling news-
men Petrobras was in a financial
mess. Details of the charge against
the admiral were not made pub-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President,
John F. Kennedy has asked Sen.
Albert Gore (D-Tenn) to report
to. him Monday on the stalled
Geneva conference on nuclear
weapons test ban.w
Gore was a member of the Unit-
ed States team that has been
meeting with representatives of
Russia and Britain. Kennedy
wants Gore's views on.Russian in-
Differences on a nuclear +inspec-
tions system have snagged the
conference. Russia has proposed
a three-member inspection com-
mission. Its decisions would have
to be unanimous; in effect, this
would enable the Russian commis-
sioner to veto commission actions.
* * * .
WASHINGTON-Americans are
claiming larger average income
tax refunds this year-$117 com-
pared with-$108 in 1960.
This was disclosed yesterday by
the Internal Revenue Service
which said $2.7 billion in refunds
had been mailed to 23.2 million
taxpayers by April 10. By the
same date a year ago, $2.2 bil-
lion had been refunded to 20.6
million taxpayers.
IRS expects to pay out about
$4.5 billion in refunds this year
to about 7 out of every 12 tax-
s s s
WASHINGTON - President
John' F. Kennedy yesterday an-
nounced he will appoint Cecil F.
Poole, a Negro San Francisco
lawyer, as United States Attorney
for the Northern District of Cali-
If the Senate confirms him,
Poole will be the first Negro to
serve as a United States District
Attorney in the continental Unit-
ed States.
Justice Department records
show that four Negroes have
served as United States district
attorneys in. the Virgin Islands,
but none in North America.
Poole, an active Democrat,
would succeed Lawrence E. Day-

Press Asks
For Details
Of Landing
Unsolved Questions
Include Space Gear
MOSCOW (A") - Maj. Yuri A.
Gagarin met representatives of
the world press yesterday with
poise, confidence and a minimum
of scientific information about
man's first flight into space.
But he spoke freely of the plea-
sures of space flight and said "I
want to do a lot more."
The 27-year-old Soviet astro-
naut did little to clear up sev-
eral discrepancies that- have aris-
en about his 108-minute flight
Several scientists flanking him
at the crowded news conference
fielded the tougher questions, and
one said scientific data about the
flight will be published as it is
Landing Method
One unsolved mystery is how
Gagarin landed after his flight.
The original announcement by the
Soviet Union said the space ship
landed in a "pre-arranged area of
the Soviet Union."
One scientific writer said the
ship came down by parachute to
slow its fall. Westerners assum-
ed Gagarin was inside when it
Then the Communist youth
newspaper Komsomol Pravda said
workers on a collective farm-its
location not disclosed-saw him
parachute and greeted him as he
landed. A scientist said he land-
ed "on both feet, without even
Parachute Possible
Correspondents asked Gagarin
about this at a news conference
in Moscow yesterday. He would
only say that a parachute tech-
nique was one of several worked
out by Soviet scientists and the
flight demonstrated that "all sys-
terns" of landing worked success-
Here are two other questions
that arose in the West:
Did the space ship have a win-
dow in it? Soviet statements take
both sides of this question.
Did Gagarin really make his
historic flight on Wednesday as
the Soviet government said he
Speculation on this question
arose because of persistent rum-
ors in Moscow early last week that
a Russian already had been sent
into orbit.
As for the -fate of his space ve-
hicle, Gagarin said:
"The entire space ship and its
parts can be used again."
That was all Gagarin would say
on the subject.

JERUSALEM (A'-- The his-
toric trial of Adolf Eichmann
hung in the balance yesterday as
an Israeli court deliberated wheth-
er it has authority to judge the
one-time Nazi Gestapo leader on
charges of directing the wartime
murder of millions of Jews.
Eichmann's German defense at-
torney, Robert Servatius, has
challenged that authority on
grounds that:
Eichmann was kidnaped in Ar-
gentina last May and forcibly
brought to Israel.
Charge Coercion
He signed a statement under
duress saying he came to Israel
of his own free will.
The crimes with which he is
charged were not committed on
Israeli soil.
And the law under which he is
being tried-the "Nazis and Nazi
Collaborators Law" passed in 1950
by the Israeli Parliament - was
enacted after the crimes with
which Eichmann is charged took
A special panel of three Israeli
judges began deliberating their
decision on Servatius's challenge
after the traditional Jewish Sab-
bath at sundown.
Major Climax
Their discussions brought the
trial which opened in the Beit
Ha'am (community center) in
Jerusalem last Tuesday, to its first
maJor climax.
They will announce their deci-
sion at the resumption of the trial
Servatius also has told the
three-judge panel he will seek
West Germany's protection for
Eichmann-former chief of the
Gestapo's Jewish affairs section.
In a dramatic session yesterday
the Cologne defense attorney de-
slared: "The accused has a claim
against his state for protection. He
can demand intervention by suit
if his government is inactive and
he will do so.
Shriver To Go
On Corps Trip
l Corps Director Sargent Shriver
will leave for Asia and Africa
shortly to discuss possible corps
projects with the leaders of un-
derdeveloped countries.
The trip will take him to Ni-
geria, India, Pakistan, Burma,
Thailand and the Philippines,
corps officials have announced.
In India, he will be an official
guest of Prime Minister Jawaharal
Nehru. Nehru has invited Shriver
to discuss the corps with him on
May 2.
B ud-Mor


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