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April 13, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-13

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Sir i4rn


Clearing later today,
becoming fair and cool.

See Page 4

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom












Opposes Fee Increase;
Fears Loss of Quality
Council's Unanimous Decision Asks
No Reduction in Out-of-State Students
An appeal from Student Government Council urging reconsidera-
tion of the recommended, budget for higher' education will be tele-
graphed to Gov. John B. Swainson and the State Legislature today.
The statement, which passed unanimously,, points out that the
quality of the University as an educational institution is in jeopardy
if the present proposed budget passes. The Council stressed the dis-
advantages of a tuition boost or a decrease in out-of-state students,
and of a further loss of high caliber faculty.
Present Motion
The motion was originally presented by Kenneth McEldowney,
'62, Philip Power, Spec, and Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61,


Tnayer Sees
No Increase'
In 'U Funds
The University's chances for an
added $800,000 to $1,000,000 from
the Legislature faded last night,
State Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) said,
But the possibility for the ex-
tra money remained, as Republi-
cans split down the middle in a
caucus yesterday when eight
"moderates" held out for the in-
creased funds.
Their proposal, which would add
$5 million to the higher education
budget and $1 million to the men-
tal health appropriation, has met
with resistance by the rest of the
Senate Republicans.
Thayer said that another cau-
cus would be held this morning,
but refused to predict whether the
"moderate" proposal would be ac-
cepted as the official party posi-
"At present the proposal is tied
up in the telephone tax," Thay-
er said. "Our proposal includes
renewing the tax on telephone
bills to pay for the increased ex-
penses in the budget." ,
(The telephone tax was one of
many "nuisance -taxes" enacted
during last yea''s financial cri-
sis; and due to end this June.)
Because Democrats have refus-
ed to renew the tax, the prospects
for the Republicans adopting the
position of the "moderates" are
doubtful, Thayer said.
He added that Gov. John Swain-
son's bonding proposal to finance
construction-including projects
at the universities.
National Group'
May Readmit
Phi Delt Unit
Phi Delta Theta may reinstate
its Lake Forest chapter in view
of an affidavit signed by the lo-
cal's only Jewish student, the
school's president said here Tues-
day night.
Donald Schiller, whose pledging
resulted in a suspension action
against the group at the Illinois
college, claims to have participat-
ed in the fraternity's secret ini-
tiation ritual and read its bylaws.
He indicated in his affidavit that
he was willing to abide by them.
Religion Prevents
Lake Forest President William
G. Cole said the national claimed
that Schiller's religion would pre-
vent him from upholding the by-
laws or completing the initia-
A five man council of national
Phi Deit officers ordered Schil-
ler's depledging in February be-
cause of the fraternity's close link
with the "Christian faith."
The Lake Forest chapter fought
the depledging and declared it
would resort to court action, if
necessary, to protect its charter
from suspension.
No Act Yet
Cole said no definite action re-
garding a legal struggle had been
taken yet, because of the possi-
bility that Schiller's statement
"might clear the matter up" and
lead to a lifting of the suspen-

and amended by Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61.
"For the past 13 years the Leg-
islature has been pursuing a poli-
cy of approving an inadequate
budget for the University every
two or three years on the assump-
tion that we will have to make up
the deficit by increasing tuition,"
Hayden said.
In that period of time there,
have been six such forced in-
creases. "It's no longer a case of
the normal give and take between
Legislature and University; a slid-
ing scale of appropriations and
tuition boosts is developing that
increasingly violates the tradi-1
tional American ideal of free pub-
lic education.'"
Seasonwein stressed the loss of
faculty members through uncer-
tainty about the appropriations.
Brian Glick, '62, explained that a
reduction in the proportion of out-
of-state students would hinder in-
teraction between students of dif-
ferent backgrounds.
The Council statement also
urges students, faculty and inter-
ested individuals to immediately
express their opinions "in any ap-
propriate manner."
In a second unanimous action
early this morning, the Council
moved to send a four-part state-
ment to Gov. Swainson concern-
ing his recent action to discon-
tinue promotion of the film
"Operation Abolition" by the an-
ti-subversive squad of the State
Conunend Governor
The statement will include the
Council's commendation of the
governor for his stand, and a
copy of the SGC motion on the
movie which was passed March 8.
It notes that the Council has not-
seen the film "Communism on the
Map," which was also affected by
the governor's action.
A reiteration of the Council's
appeal to students to see the film,
listen to tapes of the May demon-
stration in San Francisco, hear
the record "Sounds of Protest,"
and read all available material
regarding the demonstrations in
an attempt to determine the mo-
vie's truth or falsity comprises=
the fourth section of the state-
The motion further states that,
"The manner of distribution car-
ried on by the state subversive
squad violates any possibility of
the goals."
A fourth section reiterates the
Council's desire that students first
see the film, hear the tapes and
record of the May demonstrations
in San Francisco.

The Ray Charles concert went
on last night, but with no Ray
Consequently, ticketholders will
be refunded 50 per cent of their
original price. The other part will
go to meet expenses of the con-
cert officials of the sponsoring
organization, the Board of the
University Development Council,
They were unable to specify in
detail the expenses to be met by
the half of receipts not returned.
There are charges for advertising,
promotion, Hill Aud. and some
payment to Charles' group.
Book Entire Show
Booking agent Morris Richman
explained that, as the whole show,
not simply Ray Charles had been
booked, that part of the show
which appeared should be com-
Charles had not arrived in Ann
Arbor at 8:20 p.m. when the con-
cert started-20 minutes late-nor
was there any word of him. He-
was supposed to fly in from Chi-
cago in his private plane.
The master of ceremonies did
not tell the audience that Charles
had not arrived.
Forecast Arrival
Student Relations Board Chair-
man John Ross, '61, said members
of Charles' company said he would
arrive in time for his performance,
which was not to begin until the
second part of the concert.
During the first half of the
show it was learned by telephone
that Charles was still in Chicago,
and could not make the perfor-
Decision Made
A group including Ross, Maurice
Rinkel, auditor of student organ-
izations, Rickman, Student Rela-
tions Board advisor Richard Ken-
nedy and others made the deci-
sion to announce Charles would
not perform and to refund 50
per cent of the customers' fees.
This was announced after the
intermission, 9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Though the band continued to
play, spectators began to file out
and Hill Aud. gradually emptied.
It was learned Charles' private
plane took off from Chicago about
4:30 p.m. Ann Arbor time, but
was forced to return by bad
weather. Charles was actually able
to re-land about 5:30 p.m. due
to heavy air traffic.
Offers Apology
Ross apologized on behalf of
the council for the spectators' in-
convenience. He said the concert
had two purposes: to publicize
the work of the Development
Council, and the Student Rela-
tions Board; and to raise funds
for a special scholarship program.
As no profit will be made, the
latter will not be put into effect,
he said.
The refunds on tickets will be
made starting today in the Stu-,
dent Activities Bldg.







Russia Presents
To MachAstroi

laut' s Feat

-AP wirephoto
FIRST SPACEMAN-Maj. Yuri Gagarin landed safely yesterday
at a prearranged spot in Russia after rocketing around the earth
in an orbit taking approximately 90 minutes.
U' Experts Deny Value
Of Soviet Space Fligh
Two University space authorities yesterday played down the
scientific value of the Soviet man-in-space feat, while a political
scientist de-emphasized its political impact.
Both space experts fgreed that the experiment's main signifi-
cance was in proving the Soviet Union's superiority in rocket power.
Less Interested
"The Russians were less interested in finding what it was like
out there in space than showing they had the hardware to put
someone there," Prof. Richard B. Morrison of the aeronautical and
astronautical engineering depart-

Man Returns
After Flight
Into Space
Russians Promise
To Put Achievement
At World's Disposal
MOSCOW (l)--A Russian astro-
naut's orbit around the world at
five miles a second sent humanity
across the frontier of space yes-
terday and left the Soviet Union
challenging the West to try to
catch up.
The pioneer astronaut, 27-year-
old Maj. Yuri Alekseyevich Gaga-
rin, plumbed the cosmos for an
hour and a half, sending back
messages of reassurances as he
passed into the realm of weight-
His feat taxed the Soviet Union's
supply of superlatives and won the
plaudits of scientists everywhere-
including experts - in the United
Khrushchev Challenges U.S.
IMoreover, last night Nikita S.
Khrushchev, whohad promised a
few weeks ago that the first hu-
man flight into space was soon to
be realized, declared in a tele-
phone conversation with Gagarin:
"Let the capitalist countries try
to catch up with our country,
which has blazed the trail into
space and which has launced the
world's first cosmonaut."
Soviet announcements promised
to place the achievement at-man-
kind's disposal. But the tone indi-
cated that the feat-with its enor-
mously important military over-
tones-would echo in the political
cold war in a toughened Soviet
attitude toward world problems.
Whips Around Earth
Gagarin--already fondly dubbed
"Gaga" by a feverishly excited
Soviet public-was in the air for
one hour and 48 minutes. He was.
in outer space one hour and 29
minutes, the time it took his five-
ton space ship to whip around the
earth. That was at a speed of
about 17,000 miles an hour, or six
times as fast as man ever flew
The Soviet government and
Communist party, in a statement,
promised to "place our achieve-
ments and discoveries not at the
service of war but at the service of
peace and the security of peoples."





COSMONAUT ORBIT-The drawing provides a rough idea of the
path followed by the Russian space ship which carried the first
man into space yesterday.
Kennedy Recognizes Russia
As Leader in Space Race
WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy said yesterday
Americans must recognize that Russia is now first in the race for
space but he declared the United States aims to be first with achieve-
ments of greater benefit to mankind.
"It will be some time before we catch up," in probing the skies
above, Kennedy told his news conference.
"No one is more tired than I am," he said, of seeing the Russians
beat the United States in a spectacular space feat.
But the fact is, Kennedy said-and repeated it-that "We are
behind." The chief executive sent.

-er 0
/ p - *

EVANSTON, Ill. (P)-The na-
tion's largest awarder of college
scholarships yesterday announced
it will give $400,000 worth of
scholarships this year to 85 tal-
ented youngsters of the type it
normally passes over.
The program, part of a search
for new sources of talent by the
National Merit Scholarship Cor-
poration, is designed for students
who have shown talents in special
ways, but who do not have an im-
pressive over-all record.
Twenty-five of the scholarships
will go to high school students
whose private projects have shown
an exceptional creative perform-

Compares Political Systems

ment said.
Separate Contrasts
In assessing the orbiting's effect
on the Soviet-American space race,
Prof. Morrison divided the'overall
race into three separate contests:
"1) the missile race, which is a
"2) the man-in-space race,
carrying heavy propaganda ad-
vantages, which the Russians are
"3) the quest for scientific in-
formation, in which the United
States is way out in front."
American astronomers are more
interested in sending payloads of
instruments - not men - into
space, Prof. Freeman D. Miller,
acting chairman of the astronomy
department, commented.
Spectacular Experiments
"The Russians tend to concen-
trate on spectacular experiments
instead of those which are really
designed for scientific progress."
In the long run, the achievement
may pave the way for more space
exploration, Miller pointed out..
But he cautioned that the world's
scientists should not expect Rus-
sian scientists to share much of;
their newly-acquired information.
Prof. William B. Ballis of theI
political science department con-
sidered that the Soviet space
achievement may have only minor
political implications.
Not Traumatic
"With all Khrushchev's boasting
about putting a man into space,
the orbiting was not as much a
traumatic experience as the first
sputnik," he said.
However the Russians are al-
ready using their achievement for
propaganda advantages, he noted.
Group Creates
'Lost' Element,
BERKELEY W)A - An element
believed to have decayed out of,

Sophomore Writes Summary
Of Judicial Retirement Plans

congratulations to both Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev and
"the man who was involved," the
Russian astronaut who yesterday
safely completed man's first
round-the-globe rocket flight in
"A most impressive scientific
achievement," Kennedy called it,
and one which all humans may
admire. He added, however, the
Russians concentrated on develop-
ing mighty booster engines to hurl
heavy objects aloft and thus scor-
ed with Sputnik, the first earth
satellite, and now the first man
in space.


The British political system does
not deserve as much praise as it
has gotten and the American sys-
tem is much better than it has
been depicted in many ways, Prof.
David Butler of Oxford Univer-
sity said at a political science
roundtable last night.
Americans are more self-criti-
cal about their institutions be-
cause the faults of the American
system are much more obvious to
people, he argued. The British
system is morefundamentally
misinterpreted because Britons
are usually more complacent and
less critical of their system, he
Cautions Americans
Butler cautioned Americans

British Parliamentary System, he
asserted, is the concept of altera-
tion in office. At the present time
the Conservative Party has been
in power for ten and a half years
and has an excellent chance of
winning the next election and a
good chance of winning the one
after that.
Senses Role
Due to this the Labor Party
seems to carry a sense that their
natural role is in opposition, and
therefore they are less ingenious
in finding ways of getting back
into power, and are less ready to'
make compromises on principles,
he declared.
They have also suffered from
changes in the nature of British

expansion of public ownership and
unilateral disarmament, he said.
Tradition of Rule
Switching to the Conservatives,
Butler declared that they had a
long tradition of ruling the coun-
try, having suffered major de-
feats only in 1906 and 1945. "This
has given them the feeling that
they should rule," he said. .
Up till three months ago the
Conservatives had not shown
signs of growing fat in office, But-
ler declared. But since then there
have been some disquieting signs.
Seeing the impossibility of a La-
bor victory in the next election,
some of the Conservative right-
wingers have been advocating a
less strict tax system, capital pun-
ishment, and a harder policy to-

Working under the auspices of
the American Judicature Society,
Alice Winters, '63, has written a
summary of the Judicial retire-
ment provisions in the United
States. Canada and Puerto Rico.
The 117-page book, recently
published, is designed to guide
legislatures in considering im-
provements of judicial retirement
programs and pension plans.
Began Work
Miss Winters began working for
the society during the summer
after her graduation from high
"They set me to work re-
organizing their filing system,"
she said. When completed, this
system proved to be a good index
for outlining the field of judicial
The following summer, the so-
ciety asked Miss Winters to com-
pile and summarize information
on the judicial retirement pro-
visions, a job which a law student

Birch Group
By eator
WASHINGTON ()--The head
of the John Birch Society was
denounced in Congress again yes-
terday-this time for labeling 7,-
000 American Protestant ministers
as Communists or Communist
The denouncement of Robert
Welch by Sen. Gale W. McGee (D-
Wyo) came as Sen. Jacob K. Jav
its (R-NY) renewed a call for a
Congressional investigation of the
The Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee discussed the ques-
tion of an investigation and de-
ferred a decision. More study was
needed, said the Chairman, Sen.
James O. Eastland (D-Miss).
McGee told the Senate Welch's
remarks about American Protes-
tant ministers was "another of
the kind of reckless slurs and
smears this man and his society
are visiting on respected_ seg-
ments .
In Los Angeles Tuesday night,
Welch, a retired Boston manufac-
turer who founded the John Birch
Society in 1958, told an audience
of 6,000, "Protestant ministers do
not become Communists - but
Communists do become Protestant
"There are about 200,000 min-
isters, and only about 7,000 of
them could be called comsymps."
He defined a "comsymp" as a
"Communist or a sympathizer with
Communist purposes."
State Senate Bill
Defeats Rule Nine

... writes summary
the summary had been approach-
ed before "simply wouldn't work."
Her book gives the basic statu-
tory provisions under five head-



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