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February 14, 1961 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-14

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Awards Encourage Writers

men alone are permitted to enter
the Freshman Contest.
First place major awards usually
are worth about $1,000, second
place $800, and third place $500.
Minor awards range from $200 to
$300. Freshman and Summer
Awards vary from $20 up to $75.
Hopwood himself encouraged the
new and daring in writing. The
successful American playwright
wrote in his bequest, "It is especi-
ally desired that the students com-
peting for the prizes shall not be
zonfined to academic subjects, but
shall be allowed the widest possible
latitude, and that the new, the
unusual, and the radical shall bo
especially encouraged."
Hopwood Room
The needs and interests of Hop-
wood contestants is met by the
Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall.
Prof. Roy W. Cowdon, director of
the awards from 1933 to 1952,
established the room, and con-
tributed part of his library to it.
Current periodicals and books
are available to readers, and a file
of prize-winning manuscripts is
The Hopwood Committee also
sponsors a weekly Thursday after-
noon coffee hour from 3.:30 to 5
P m. for faculty and students.
teach spring when the awards
announcements are made, the an-
nual Hopwood Lecture is given.
S&me of *merica's most famous
living writers have addressed Uni-

versity audiences as Hopwood Lee-
These include John Ciardi (1958,
"The Silences of the Poem"), Ar-
chibald MacLeish (1955, "Why
Can't They Say What They
Mean?"), Norman Cousins (1950,
"In Defense of a Writing Career"),
Stephen Spender (1953, "The"
Young Writer, Past, Present, and
Future") and last spring's lec-
turer, poet Theodore Roethke who
spoke on "The Poetry of Louise
Over 50 prize-winning Hopwood
manuscripts have been published
since the awards were instituted.
Hopwood winners who went on tc
achieve greater fame incluce Ar-
thur Miller, John Malcolm Brin-
nen and John Ciardi.
Judges in the major and minor
contest form a list of literary
greats that is probably undupli-
cated by any other writing contest.
They include Sinclair Lewis, Ezra
Pound, Conrad Aiken, W. H
Auden, Stephen Vincent Benet,
Edgar Lee 'Masters, Karl Shapiro,
Mark Van Doren, Thornton Wild-
er, Lionel Trilling, Conrad Richter,
John P. Marquand, Albret Ouer-
Ard, Granville Hicks, Jacques Bar-
zun, Van Wyck Brooks, Joseph
Wood Krutch, Clifford Odets, and
many more.
Students interested in the Hop-
Nood awards can obtain more in-
4ormation from Prof. Arno L.
'3ader at the Hopwood Room.

Now at SAB
Applications for general un-
dergraduate scholarships are now
available, Ivan W. Parker, assist-
ant dean of men, announced.
They may be obtained in the
scholarships office of the Student
Activities Bldg. and must be re-
turned by March 1. Applicants
must have completed 15 credit
hours with an overall B average.
The available scholarships range
from $75 to $1,000 yearly, depend-
ing on financial need.
Since such general scholarships
are not renewable, present award
holders must reapply for aid in
Nine University units are accept-
ing applications for scholarships
not available through the scholar-
ship office, Parker said. Inter-
ested students should contact the
respective administrative offices
for applications and other infor-
Applications can be obtained
from the architecture and design
college, business administration]
school, engineering college, liter-
ary college, music school, natural
resources school, pharmacy col-
lege, and nursing school..
Applications are also being ac-
cepted for LaVerne Noyes schol-
arships. These awards cover se-
mester fees of blood descendants
of World War I veterans.
Applications for this scholar-
ship are due Feb. 15 for the spring
semester and Aug. 1 for the fall.

Department Considers
New Graduate Prograi


Prof. George E. Hay, mathe-
matics department chairman, said
the department is informally dis-
cussing two changes in its gradu-
ate program.
One of the changes, which must
be approved by the graduate school
curriculum committee as well as
the mathematics department,,
would replace the present degree
of Doctor of Education in Mathe-
matics with a degree of Doctor of
Arts in mathematics.
"This would necessitate the
complicated action of dropping the
10 hours of education credits re-
quired for the present degree."
Considering Degree
Prof. Philip S. Jones of the
mathematics department is head
of the committee which is con-
sidering the Doctor of Arts in
mathematics degree.
Prof. Jones explained that the
difference between the present
Doctor of Education program and.
the regular Ph.D. is that an- ex-
pository, rather than an original
research thesis satisfies the re-
quirement for the Doctor of Edu-
cation degree.
Understand Research
An important principle to re-
member in considering such pro-
grams, he explained, is "good
teachers don't necessarily have to

do original research, but
must be able to understand
explain the original research
is being done in their fields
"At present a crying need
for improving the qualit
mathematics teachers," Prof.
The other change, design(
imprgve mathematics teachi
the elementary and .seco
school level, would create a "
ter's degree plus" program,
would involve a year of
beyond the master's level.
Chairs Committee
Prof. Edwin E. Moise, for
a member of the University,
ematics department and'h
professor of education and m
matics at Harvard University
ch'airman of the national joi
ganizational committee and
submit the report to several
uate schools throughout the
Consider Program
Prof. Charles Brumfiel o
University mathematics d
ment is the head of the comp
to consider establishment o
master's degree plus progran
"The purpose of the pr
would be to alleviate the
need for supervisors of m
matics in the elementary an
ondary schools," he explain

Trow Cites Growing Need
For Recruitment of Teachers

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. Frames replaeed



Traditional ways of recruiting
college teachers are inadequate,
Prof. William Clark Trow of the
education school said recently.
The shortage is caused in part
by increasing numbers of students
and competing opportunities in
business and industry, he pointed
"Selection today must be com-
bined with recruiting if college and
university faculties are to be
maintained," Prof. Trow said. "We
cannot begin with the vacancy,
but must start earlier and so con-
tribute to a talent pool from which
selections may be made."
Note Superior Students
Prof. Trow cited four ways in
which this may be done: "First,
we can identify superior junior and.
senior students, encourage them
to continue, and sponsor their
graduate work so far as is neces-
sary. This is done in some institu-
tions through an honor system.
But often no one finds the A stu-
dents in the scattering of courses
they have taken, or what is worse,
the potential A students have not
been motivated to get their A's
and so have given an impression
of mediocrity.
"Second, we can take advantage
of National Defense Education Act
fellowships and others, as for ex-
ample, those in comparative edu-
cation, to encourage able students
with varying backgrounds to un-
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dertake specialized training in the
more unusual fields in which there
are now but few competent peo-
"Area-and-language studies can
and do follow this procedure,
which can be supplemented by
field experience at home or
abroad to arouse a dormant in-
terest and kindle enthusiasm
among those who had not pre-
viously received a call."
Attrac Broader Fields
'Third, i combined fields we
can make appointments from
among the abler masters or doc-
toral graduates in one of the basic
disciplines. For education, they
couldbe, from psychology, sociolo-
gy, history or philosophy.
"This procedure should be fol-
lowed only if the possible candi-
date has sincere educational in-
terest, and is willing to take ad-
vantage of a year or two of ap-
prenticeship to work up his new
"Fourth, again for combined
fields, we can develop training
programs in the two fields," Prof.
Trow said. "This can be done
more often than it is on an'in-
formal basis by permitting and re-
quiring work at the graduate lev-
el in both fieldis instead of limit-
ing elections just to one.
Combine Programs
"Usually more satisfactory would
be a combined program, for ex-
ample psychology with education,
sociology, or social work. Such
combined programs, worked, out
and operated by joint committees,
produce not only college teachers
but also school psychologists, vis-
iting teachers and school person-
nel directors."
Professor Trow points out sim-
ilar joint arrangements, can be
made to advantage with educa-
tion and a teaching field: "An
able education and English PhD or
EdD for example, would be avail-
able for a joint appointment to
teach one or two courses in an
English department and to train
future English teachers.
"Or, if 'his English specialty is
linguistics, he will be in demand
at home and abroad to teach Eng-
lish as a foreign language, fol-
lowing and developing the modern
linguistic methods.


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SMany more unusual items


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