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February 14, 1961 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-14

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Seventy-First Year
Wil Prevail"
irials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Anyhow, There's A Definite DISarmament Gap"

'Virgin Spring':
Bergman Comes of Ag
WITH THIS ONE picture, "Virgin Spring," his latest, Ingmar :
man takes his place as one of the most important and pe:
the finest film-maker working today. The cultists can relax anc
critics need no longer worry over his awkward popularity, for Ber
is growilg. He is not growing like a caged cultist freak, one
at a time, but proportionately according to the natural law
drama and technical mastery.
His technical abilities themselves are so developed nom
fact, that he has assumed the posture of a pioneer; watching

" 14, 1961


Honors Program Fails,
Needs Thorough Revision

e and one-half years now, this has
special opportunities for a select group
ary . college students. The designation"
has meant special courses, special
special counsellors,: less enforcement
inistrative regulations and higher
he program has not come up to expec-
It is not providing the opportunities
should, nor is it selecting or creating
of students that were desired.
ecent report of research on the program
hat: "honors students are seen to prefer
ganization to self-direction in the class-
and reaches the somewhat weak con-.
that "evidence of a liking for indepen-
holarship (among honors students) is
dily forthcoming."
S SUPERFICIAL conclusion would be
the program has failed, either in its
f students or in its training of them.
report also states that "a desire for
work is apparent in the high priority
. questionnaires to this job characteris-
e idiocy of this statement is apparent.
ivity requires individual, independent
mnd honors students have been shown
same report to prefer directed, "or-
work. Their supposed preference for
e" jobs is most likely a combination of
to conform to the value standards of
stioner and a perversion of the mean-
'creativity" to include pseudo-creative,
ed" Jobs.
ng more closely at the program's offer-
is found, that a few of the special hon-
rses, particularly those in the College
group, are well worthwhile and may
>e better than most of the regular
in the college.
ONE ALSO FINDS that many of the
ses, particularly those. which are merely
recitation sections in large lecture
are no more worthwhile than the
, in fact, students in honors sections
rn less and find less of interest in a'
that students in some of the regular
possibly because of poor selection of
members to teach, and to challenge,
ooking at the selection of the honors
, one finds that the primary factor is
ity, nor intelligence, nor capability for

independent work, but grades, whose definite
correlation with any of the traits desired for
honors students seems unlikely.
AN INTERVIEW with Prof. Robert C. Angell,
previous director of the prgram, exposed
the fact that, although at the beginning of
his tenure, students who could show ability but
had low grades were given a chance in the
program, grades became more and more para-
For those invited into the program at the
beginning of their freshman year, aptitude test
scores still play a part, if only a small one, in
their admission. But for those already in the
college, selection is based entirely on grades.
A 3.5 average is necessary to be admitted, while
a 3.0 is necessary to remain in'the program.
The latter provision seems perfectly satis-
factory-honors students should be required to
do better than the norm, even on the somewhat
questionable scale of grades.
BUT THE MAINTENANCE of entrance re-
quirements based on a grade point alone,
and a particularly high one at that, is unsatis-
factory. This is eten more apparent when it is
noted that a 3.5 outside the program means
more than a 3.5 within it, and therefore much,
much more than a 3.0 in it, the standard for
remaining in honors..
And this fact is admitted even by the honors'
council, when it stated in one of its annual
reports that a student receives higher grades
in honors courses than in regular courses.
As a defense to charges of failure, advocates
of the program may point out that it is still
young, and that it has done at least some good.
This is true.
But it is also true that the program is almost
four years old, about to graduate its first
regular crop of seniors, and that it is time
that something was done to improve the
IT IS TIME that "honors" became more than
a password to academic self-glorification for
a select, but poorly ;selected, few. It is time
that word meant what is says--that it became
a truly descriptive title of an honor open to
any literary college student who could prove
himself worthy of it. And it is time that the
"honors" course offerings ,were brought up to
a standard of quaiity worthy of the best stu-
dents in the college.
It is time for a change.

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Somae Diplomatic Appointments


TORIAL in the January issue of the
igan Technic" emphasizes the fact
Daily has advocated the combining of
,ry college and engineering school's
spartmets-nothing could be further
ily has never advocated the junction
o departments. In fact, on December
front page article described a survey
by Professor Robert P. Weeks of the
ig English department, which showed,
difference in the background of engi-
udents as compared to literary stu-
e to this difference, it was suggested
two departments should remain sep-
noted, however, that the separation
artments resulted in "a lack of cross-
n of ideas with students of the
eges in the University." The article
it the fact that many professors feel
present engineering English program
idequately prepare the engineer.
TION to these problems of the non-
cal education of engineers was sug-
a Daily editorial on December 13,
editorial stated that the solution
in a modern humanities-social science
designed specifically for the engineer-
nt. In order to implement such a
it was suggested that perhaps this
should be taught by faculty members
erary college. However, the. adminiis-
ze curriculum, and even, perhaps, the
s for such a program should remain
e engineering school.
is of this sort have been successfully
it in some of the nation's best engi-
illeges, among which are the Massa-
nstitute of Technology and the Call-
stitute of Technology. However, the
only used this as an illustration of
d be done. The solution to the prob-
Editorial Staff
y Editor Editorial Director

lems of. the non-technical education of engi-
neers should not be tied up with any one
method of implementation.
present engineering curriculum. There is no
reason why one student who majors in chemis-
try should receive the strong program offered
sin the literary college and another student
majoring in chemical engineering should re-
ceive a weak course which in its initial stages
emphasizes merely getting your point across
rather than. emphasizing the development of
a critical'literary appreciation.
Faculty members, students, and even ad-
ministrators of the\, engineering college have
pointed out the need for a study of the present
curriculum. Everyone agrees that something
should be done, but nothing is being done.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that the engi-
neering English faculty is afraid that any move
to change the engineering non-technical cur-
riculum will result in the incorporation of the
literary and engineering English departments.
The recent Technic editorial would seem to
point out the fact that this ever-present con-
servatism is due to just this cause. For as one
'engineering English professor says, "The liter-
ary college's faculty is a red-hot major league
, HERE is no reason why the changing of the
engineering English curriculum should be
associated with the breaking up of the present
faculty. It is most probable that the present
faculty would become the nucleus of a new and
exciting program which in its final outcome
would benefit both faculty members and stu-
dents alike.
The engineering college should come out
of the educational dark ages. The engineer is
no longer just a super calculating machine. He
is the cornerstone of a new technical era. He
is entrusted with the future of our country.
He deserves the education which will enable
him to lead with authority, for in every sense
the engineer will be our future leader.
THE ENGINEERING college's Committee on
Curriculum should awake to the needs of
the engineer. It is now the time to do more
than investigate just the fate of the engineer-
ing English department. Because linked-up with

ITH notable exceptions the
Kennedy diplomatic appoint-
ments have seemed to experienced
observers more conventional and
less distinguished than the do-
mestic appointments. There must
be a number of interesting reasons
for this, not least among them
that the field of choice has been
mu'ch narrower. Our foreign serv-
ice has not yet recovered fully
from the devastation of the Mc-
Carthy era and from the sacri-
fices imposed upon it and the fears
engendered among it by the ap-
peasement in the Dulles period of
the radical extremists of the right.
Furthermore, it has been quite
normal and possible for the lead-
ing domestic appointees to have
fruitful public careersoutside the
government service. But there is
not much, except to do some teach-
ing and writing and to work for
a foundation, which a man inter-
ested in foreign affairs can do
when his party is out of power.
The President has been able to go
into the law schools and the de-
partments of government and eco-
nomics to find men with experi-
ence in public affairs who have
enriched their knowledge while
being out of office.
Nevertheless, it must be said,
that there are no fat cats selected
for the big posts. There are, how-
ever, one or more cases of per-
sonal favoritism, there are several
cases of men chosen for one Job
to get them out of a more critical
job. But we do not yet know the
full story of the Kennedy diplo-
matic appointments. For what is
going to be done to staff the em-
bassies at the second and third
levels will make a ,very big differ-
ence in the end.
THIS IS especially important in
France. There is no disguising the
fact that in view of Gen. de
Gaulle's known distaste :for the
company of Generals, the choice
of Gen. Gavin is a strange one.
But having just read the relevant
portions of Gen. Gavin's book, I
can see why this appointment, un-
promising at first glance, could
possibly turn out to have been a
good one. This is because the most
critical issue in Franco-American

affairs is to reach an understand-
ing about how to modernize and
reform the largely obsolescent
strategical doctrine of NATO.
Gen. Gavin does not, I am told,
speak much French, certainly not
the kind of French which would
enable him to negotiate in French
with Gen. de Gaulle. What is
more, Gen. de Gaulle, who can
be amiable in English, is the kind
of Frenchman, the kind of literary
Frenchman, who feels that the.
truth is best stated, perhaps can
be stated only, with the precision
and the elegance of the French,
Nevertheless, these two Generals
have a common language in that
both possess what is so rare in the
armed services, truly inquiring and
original minds. Both are insiders
in the military profession with
brilliant military experience. But
they are not conventional and con-
formists, and they are not over
impressed by the big brass.
But if Gen. Gavin is to do what
he is especially qualified to do in
Paris, the Embassy will have to be
greatly strengthened to handle
other business.
PRE-EMINENT among the not-
ably good appointments are those
of Mr. David Bruce to London and
Mr. George Kennon to Belgrade.
Mr. Bruce has been Ambassador to
France, to Germany, and to the
Coal and Steel Community, and
there is no other American with
a comparable knowledge of the
crucial problem of Europe. That
problem is the schism of Western
Europe between the Inner Six and
the Outer Seven. The closing of
that schism is a primary Ameri-
can interest in Europe, fully as
important as, perhaps even more
important than, the rejuvenation
of NATO.
The return of George Kennon
brings back into government serv-
ice a most perceptive, learned,
and distinguished mind. It was a
brilliant idea in the State Depart-
ment to send Mr. Kennon to Yu-
goslavia. For there is no better
place, not even in Moscow itself,
to observe what is so very impor-
tant and so little known-the for-
eign policy of the Soviet Union
within the Communist orbit, with

China of course, but also with the
smaller Communist states,
The choice of IKenneth Gal-
braith for India is excellent, pro-
vided he can be spared in Wash-
ington. And so too, it seems to me,
is the choice of Ellsworth Bunker
for Brazil. In Italy and in India,
where he has served, he has been
extremely successful in his quiet,
old-fashioned, American way.
Then, very high marks are de-
served for the choice of Prof. Rei-
schauer for Japan. For with his
knowledge not only of the Japan-
ese language but of Japanese his-
tory and culture, he should be able
to make a kind of contact with the,
Japanese which has not been
achieved by any of his predeces-
T PE DECISION to keep Llewel-
lyn Thomas in Moscow and Wal-
ter Dowling in Bonn is, in view of
all that is pending, a wise one. We
have no more competent diplomat
than Thompson, none more expert
in the art of quiet diplomacy
which the President and Secretary
Rusk believe in. The time will
come, of course, when Thompson
will be entitled to a change. Mos-
cow is a hard post for an Ameri-
can, as Washington, no doubt, is
a hard post for a Russian.
The trouble with such an inven-
tory as this one is that, in limit-
ing it to the critical posts, it seems
to cast a shadow on all the others.
That is not my intention. More-
over, there are a lot of appoint-
ments still to be made, and many
of them will prove to be very im-
portant. One of these, for example,
could be that of William Attwood
to Guinea. In making this choice
the Department of State acted
with the kind of freshness of mind
that is expected of the Kennedy
For Mr. Attwood and his wife,
who are entirely fluent in French,
are young enough, adventurous
enough, and yet from his wide
journalistic experience is quite
seasoned enough, to take a very.
interesting gamble. The gamble is
to see whether Sekou Toure, who
is much involved with the Com-
munists, is not at heart, if he is'
befriended and understood, in the
end and after all, an African na-
(c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.

film in which the artist and the
brain are so intimately involved
with such a massive medium of
expression, one feels bound
to prophesy that Bergman threat-
ens sooner or later to introduce a
revolutionary method or system--
not as well articulated as the
theorist Eisenstein's montage, but
no less definite.
this film whether it is the broader
effects or the 'touches,' the de-
tails, which add up to a sort of
Rorschach Triptych, except that
there are two cinematic themes
which convert them into a medi-
eval alterpece. One is what might
be called the aesthetic of violence;
the other is a masterly advance
on the fundamental cinematic vir-
tue known as continuity.
Physical violence as a part of
drama flourished on the Eliza-
bethan stage and has made a
great comeback in the cinema,
whose nature is movement. It is
perhaps no accident that Eisen-
stein's first film, "Strike," was
largely an essay on violence. But
I think Bergman's most immediate
inspiration for this movie was
Hitchock. Recall the murder
scene in "Dial 'M' For Murder,"
when the low key of the movie
is both carried through and dis-
torted in the prolonged attack and
final arythmical dance of the dy-
ing assasin. It is nothing less than
aesthetic violence. Bergman has
added to this the Elizabethan use
of violence as a help in resolving
the drama, except that here vio-
lence becomes the drama as vio-
lence answers violence. Rape leads
to murder and murder is answered
by the most perverse of physical
occurances, a miracle.
the characters and leads them al-
most as a palpable drive, so Berg-
man has adjusted the pace of the
film to this his most perfectly con-
ceived symbol. The slow, low-
keyed scenes which surround the
scenes of action are simply an-
other level of the film's emphasis
on paradox and lift the film com-
pletely out of the context of time.
So it is that inthis isolated medi-
eval fort of faith that the un-
natural becomes the natural. A
man waits for the cock-crow to
commit murder and murder leads
them all (in a scene suggestive
of the final shot in "The Seventh
Seal"), all seven, to a union with
God. It could be the unraveling of
the unstated dream of the mother.
But it is not a sleep of reason,
and the vision becomes distinct
upon awakening..-
a* * *
his characters in these surround-
ings? Visually he concentrates on
Max von Sydow, the father. He
resembles, with his long neck and
meditative glance, the Medicis of
Michelangelo, the bore, leaders,
and his daughter, when she speaks
of him, describes him as a king.
But the others-the closer Berg-
man moves in on them the more
like puppets they appear, con-
trolled by an act whose implica-
tions they cannot grasp.
-Robert Kraus
Review, the "Save Walden"
committee is still active. The "im-
provements" of 1956 have been
removed (they included a bathing
beach and soft drink concessions),
but restoration is proving diffi-
cult -

(Continued from Page 2)
Phila., Atlanta, Chicago, Fort Worh
San Fran., San Juan, Puerto Rico
GRADUATES-June or August. on-
cerneci with physical planning and obel
ter problems of Metropolitan sa
Provides Financial & Tech. Aseistanci
for Urban Renewal ,& CommunityPa.
cilities Programs. MEN & WOMEN, d.
grees in Public Administration, Bus-
ness Admin. or Social Sciences foi
Field Reprs. Also degrees in City Plan-
ning, Lw, Econ., Landscape Archit, foI
various other positions.
VIEWS-128H West Engrg. Bldg., Ext
2182, for seniors & grad students 1%8
degree candidates).
FEB 14-Eastman Kodak Co., Rock.
ester, N.Y.-Summer Employment: Stu
dents in Engrg., Sci. & Bus. Mu'st le
within- 1 yr. of completing an under-
grad program, or at any level of grad
study. Available for a minimum wor
period of1 Wees.Assignments i
Ch.E., EX., I.E., ME, Chem. & Phyi
& Business.
International Business Machines Corp
-To be held at the Michigan Unior
at 8:00 p.m. for students interested
Representatives will be avalable to dis
cuss opportunities with the company
FEB. 14 & 15-
Spade Technology Labs., Inac, Loi
Angeles, Calif .-M.S., Prof. & Ph.D.
A.E., E.E., Instru., M.E. Res. & De
M.S. & Ph.D.: E.M. B.S.: E.E. & B. Math
-(For Computer Programming Only).
Please sign the right schedule. Th"~
vary in degree areas. June & Aug
American Airlines, Detroit-(Reloca
tion will be-necessary).B.S.: A.E., E.E
& M.E. June grads. Prod, \
Boeing Airplane Co., vertol Div., Moer
ton, Pa.-B.S.-PhD.: AE., C.E., E..
M.E. June grad. Des., Aerodynamic.
Stress, Flight ;Test, Structural Test &
Columbia-southern Chemical Cot
(See Pittsburgh Plate Glass Chemica
Kaiser Aluminum & ChemicalCor.
Plants & Sales offices throughout coun
try-B..-M.S.: Ch.E., E.E., S.E., M.E. .5
Met. Des., Res. & Dev., Sales &. Prod
(1 in Engrg. & 2 in Bus. Ad.)
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Chem. Di
vision,Barberton, O.-.S-M.S.: ChhE,
C.E., Constr., E., Instru., & M.E. Des,
Y. & D., & Prod.
standard oils(N.J.)Jersey Productic
Res:, Co., Tulsa, Okla. - Ph.D.: Cli.!
Summer Employment: Grad. student
only. R. & D.
The Timken Roller Bearing Co., Bear
ing"& Steel & Tube Divs., Canton, .-
B.S.: I.E., M.E., & Met. Age: Not ove
29. Des., Sales & Prod.
United States Rubber Co., Corporat
& Det. Plant-B.S.-M.S.: ChE., E.E.;
I.E. & M.E. R. & D.
U.S. Naval Avionics Facility, Indian
apolis, Ind.-B.S.-M.S.: E.E. & Met
Des. R. & 1.
FEB. 15& 1-
Standard Oil (N.J.) Esso Res. & Engr
Co., Florham Park, Linden, N.J. Ee
Standard Div. of Humble Oil & Re
fining Co., Linden, N+.J. & N.Y, N.Y-
B.S.-Ph.D.: Ch.E B.S.-M.S.: CE., I.E
Mat'is., M.E., & Met. M.S.: Constri
M.S.-Ph.D,: Instru. Des., R. & D., Sale
& Prod.
Student Part-Tim
The following part-time jobs ar
available. Applications for these job
can be made in Room 1020 Ad~inr
Bldg. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.n
to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part
time or temporary employees should
contact Jack Lardie, at NO 3-1511, ext
Students desiring miscellaneous job
should consult the bulletin board i
Room 1020, daily.AL
0-Psychological subjects, two 1% hou
1-Latin Tutor (Thursday eveningi
for 1-2 hourM).
20-Psychological subjects (hours to b
1-Campus representative, Freshma
or Sophomore.
1-Drug store clerk (Mon., Wed., a
Friday 3-7 p.m., Tuesday, Thursda;
4-6 p.mi..
1-Latin Tutor (Thursday eveninga 7-
i-Room and board in exchange to
50-Psychological subjects, two 1% hou
1-Reader (hours to be arranged).
1-Assistant for ~housework, sewing
cleaning, etc.
1--Waitress (12 noon-2 p.m., Monday
r-Typist for Persian and/or Arab
must be capable of prooreadin
and corrections.


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