See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t t
Fair and mild throughout
the day with low west winds
LXXI,'No. 128
Mobutu Talks to Rebels-
seph Mobutu said yesterday a
team of his officers has opened
negotiations with the rebel Stan-
leyville regime's army that could
lead to a military settlement in
the Congo.
Premier Joseph Ileo indicated at
the same time he is not hopeful'
of a political settlement soon be-
tween Leopoldville and Stanley-
Mobutu, the army commander,
refused to commit himself on the
possibility of direct talks with
rebel army commander Qen. Vic-
tor Lundula, but he said he had
Diversity Key
To Goebel's "Life
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the third of four profiles of the Demo-
cratic and Republican candidates for the University's Board of Re-
gents. The statewide election for the two open posts will be held April
Diversity has been the key to Paul G. Goebel's life.
Earning a, degree in mechanical engineering from the
University in 1922, Goebel turned his proficiency as a football
player to a professional career on the gridiron. Using the money
from his brief athletic employment, he opened a sporting goods
store in Grand Rapids in 1926 instead of entering the engineer-
ing field. Since that time he has also been actively engaged in
politics as a Republican.
Goebel believes the present state appropriations for the
University are inadequate. This inadequacy must be made up
by the state "and possibly from private grants."
He is wary, of federal aid as the solution to the lack of
funds. But "on a matching basis, some federal aid might be
in order," he admits.
Effective Aid
"I feel that President John F. Kennedy's proposal of federal
aid to education would be effective in aiding the University, but
this same aid could be secured at the state level with less cost
to the taxpayers of this state.
"In both cases the burden must be shared by the same
taxpayers. For every dollar we taxpayers of this 'state hand
over to Lansing, we receive one dollar's worth of education.
"However, for every dollar in taxes we taxpayers of Michi-
gan hand over to Washington, we receive in Michigan con-
siderably less than one dollar's worth of education."
The tall, white-haired ex-captain' of the football team
does not look to student tuition increases for more monies.
"Student tuition charges are about what they should be," Goe-
bel explaihs.
Oppose State Scholarships.
He is cool to the idea of state scholarships, endorsed by
Gov. John B. Swainson, "In view of the fact that present
annual state appropriations to state colleges and universities
are inadequate, this is not the time to initiate a state program
of scholarships."
Goebel, who as an undergraduate won the Big 'Ten medal
for proficiency in both athletics and scholarship, still retains
the impressive figure of an athlete. He is one of several can-,
didates backed br a newly-formed non-partisan organization
of former state college athletes interested in electing other
college athletes to state office.
By a stroke of coincidence, the Republicans have nominated
two 1922 graduates of the University's mechanical engineering
department with Goebel and James C. Zeder as 'unning mates.
"The University's most pressing need is to provide the
faculty and the necessary physical facilities to accomodate,
given his word "there will be no
aggression from my side."
He told a news conference the
rebels claimed to have withdrawn
their troops in Oriental Province
100 miles from the tense border
of Equator Province and asked him
to do the same to prevent clashes.
He said he refused, adding:
"I am not willing to withdraw
my forces. For I have more pru-
dence after what the Gizengists
did at Luluabourg."
Stanleyville troops 'based in
Oriental Province attacked Lu-
luabourg, in the southern Congo,
after the United Nations assured
the rebel leader, Antoine Gizen-
ga, that he need not fear a Mo-
butu invasion from the west.
Negotiation Team
Mobutu said he sent a negotiat-
ing team headed by Lt. Col. Louis
Boboso to meet Tuesday with a
delegation of 12 officers from
Lundula's camp. They met near
the Oriental-Equator border, he
said, but he gave no details of
what transpired.
Ileo told the newsmen little
progress is being made toward a
political 'settlement with Gizenga.
"I have been trying to work out
these problems with Cleophas Ka-
mitatu," he said.
Leopoldville President
Kamitatu is the president of
Leopoldville Province and a col-
league of Gizenga who has been
trying to negotiate with the Stan-
leyville regime.
Mobutu read a communique
drawn up after a three-day meet-
ing with military representatives
of independent Katanga and South
They agreed on cpncrete com-
mon action against internal sub-
version and interference by the
United Nations in Congolese do-
mestic affairs, Mobutu said. He
emphasized the three states would
resist UN attempts to disarm the
Congolese armies.
To Present
Tax Plans
WASHINGTON () - President
John F. Kennedy's new tax pro-
gram is expected to be presented
to Congress soon-probably next
week-with the central provision a
system of tax credits to spur busi-
There has also been speculation
he would recommend withholding
taxes on income from interest and
No details of the tax message
have been officially disclosed but
Kennedy has made quite clear his
concern over the need to mod-
ernize American industrial plants
to keep them competitive in world
In a speech before the National
Industrial Conference Board here
Feb. 13 he said he planned a tax
incentive program to accomplish
And last Monday:Stanley S.
Surrey, a Treasury Department of-
ficial, indicated the PresidentI
would propose a tax incentive
plan, retroactive to March 1..
Surrey, assistant secretary for
tax policy, told the tax executives
institute the greatest stimulation
would come from tax credits to
companies that invested more in
new plant facilities than they had
in the past, say a base period cov-
ering at least five years.
Area Bill
By House
WASHINGTON (a) - Adminis-
tration forces yesterday defeated
a Republican counter-attack and
carried through the House Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's plan to
rejuvenate areas hit hard by the
First they pushed aside a Re-
publican effort to cut the dollar
value of the program from the
$394 million favored by Kennedy
to $275 million.
Then they passed the bill by
a vote of 250-167. On the final
roll call 207 Democrats and 43
Republicans supported the 'meas-
ure, while 42 Democrats and 125
Republicans opposed it.
Senate Passage
The Senate already has passed
a depressed areas bill with the
same dollar volume of grants and
loans but with a different method
of financing-one very likely to
bring another battle before both
chambers agree on a program.
The House bill would require the
$300 million provided for job-
stimulating loans to go through
the usual Congressional process of
appropriating money.
The Senate version permits
what critics call backdoor finan-
cing, or obtaining necessary funds
through Treasury advances. Pro-
ponents of the administration bill
were able to defeat a move to sub-
stitute appropriations for ad-
vances by a shaky 49-45 margin.
No Thought
The House gave little or no
thought to Treasury advances.
Sen. Paul H. Douglas '(D-Ill) on
the other hand, said neither he
nor the administration wants the
appropriations procedure in this
case. Douglas steered the adminis-
tration bill through the Senate
and would be its chief advocate in
trying to settle differences with
the House.f
As of now, at least, the adminis-
tration leads 3-1 in its major con-.
tests of the session. Kennedy's
tentative victory on depressed,
areas followed triumphs with job-
less pay legislation and enlarging
the House rules committeeto,
overcome possible frustration by a
Republican-Southern Democratic,
Opponents of the depressed
areas bill argued it would raise
false hopes, but administration
spokesmen insisted it would help
establish or revive industries in
the coal regions of Pennsylvania,
West Virginia and other places
especially tormented by unemploy-
Both House and Senate bills
would authorize $300 million in
loans divided evenly for three pur-
poses-plants and facilities in in-
dustrial areas, the same in rural
areas and for such public projects
as water systems to make it pos-
sible for new enterprises to locate
in either industrial or rural sec-
Rusk Travels
To New Delhi
BANGKOK (P) - Secretary of
State Dean Rusk, on his first
diplomatic mission abroad, left1
Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-3
tion headquarters yesterday fori
New Delhi talks with India's Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru oni
Southeast Asian problems.I
Administrators, Senato
Sets, Meetii
For .Today
To Confer on
Officials Surpr
By Sudden De
Lack Usual Tip
-Daly--Len Lofstrom
SGC OFFICERS-Student Government Council last night elected officers for the coming term. Left
to right are Richard Nohl, '62BAd, president; Per Hanson, '62, executive vice-president; John Martin,
'62, administrative vice-president, and James Gleason, '63, treasurer.
-El-ect Nh oHead :SGC
: >.
Richard Nohl, '62BAd, won the
presidency of Student Government
Council last night on the third
round of balloting.
Nohl and Per Hanson, '62, tied
for the post on two ballots, but a
one-vote margin on the third gave
the post to Nohl. Hanson was sub-
sequently elected by acclamation
to a second term as executive vice-
Also by acclamaton, the Council
designated John Martin, '62, ad-
ministrative vice-president, and
William Gleason, '63, treasurer.
Three Proxies
Three proxy ballots were cast in
the first round of the presidental
race. Two were for Brian Glick,
'62, who had not been nominated
for the office.
A motion by Roger Seasonwen,
'61, allowing student organizations
to file statements of compliance
with University regulations in
place of membershp lists each
semester passed with one dissent-
ing vote.
The new regulation requires stu-
dent organizations to submit at
the beginnng of each term either
a membership list or a statement
containing the following informa-
Name List
1) The names of prospective
members who wish to be listed.
2) A statement to the effect that
at least 20 University students are
members of the group.
3) The total number of mem-
bers and a breakdown on the
number of student and non-stu-
dent members.
In introducing the motion sev-
eral weeks ago, Seasonwein com-
mented, "We are all aware of a
climate of fear in this country
brought on by widespread use of
the tactic of guilt by association..
"The real menace is the national
atttude which tends too often to
accept guilt on circumstantial evi-
dence. As I see it, one way we can
combat this, and protect our stu-
dent body from it, is to uphold the
student's right to belong to an
organization without making it
New Procedure
In order to follow the new pro-
cedure, an organization must re-
quest SGC's permission.- Hanson
explained that formerly the Coun-
cil could have taken exception to
University regulations to grant
special permission for an organi-
zation not to submit a membership
list. This would have required a
two-thirds margin to pass while;
the new ruling takes .only a ma-
jority for permission.
Any group which chooses to sub-
mit a statement must be prepared
to submit a full membership list
on University request. The motion
further stipulates that "as 'soon
as such lists are no longer neces-
sary for the enforcement of Uni-
versity regulations applicable to
student organizations they shall
be returned to the organizations.'%
Francis Gives'
College Data
Tro Co mmittee
SACRAMENTOW (-Republican
Assemblyman Louis Francis said
yesterday he has turned over in-
formation on subversion in Cali-
fornia's colleges to the House.Com-
mittee on Un-American Activi-
He did not specify the evidence.
Earlier, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation said it had invited
Francis to substantiate his alle-
gations of subversion in Califor-
nia colleges.
University officials will c
with the state Senate appro
tions committee in Lansing t
to discuss the institution's 1
62 budget request.
The University has requesti
general operating budget ap
priation of $43.9 million. Gov. ,3
B. Swainson has recommenad
$37.1 million figure. Decrease
capital outlay for construction
expansion have also been adv
although exact figures are d
cult to pinpoint in the goveri
outlay message.
The state, budget for all s
educational institutions is exp
ed to come before the Legisla
some time next week.
Word from Cross
Word of the appointment
came at approximately 11
yesterday from Robert Cross,
ministrative assistant for Uni
sity relations, shortly after
talked with Sen. Elmer Porter
Blissfield), appropriations ,
mittee chairman.
Today's hearing for the Un
sity will begin at 10:30 a.m.
last for approximately one b
University President Harlan 1
cher said. Michigan State Uni
sity's hearing was scheduled
lier in the morning.
Announcement of the hea
caught University administr
slightly off-guard. President I
cher noted that institutions
ually have a little more'ti
between announcement of the.
and the actual hearings.
hearings for educational insi
tions have generally occurred
hler in the year.
Administrators Uncertain
Niehuss and President Hat
were not certain whether the h
ings would include members
the House ways and means c
mittee, although Niehuss sa
joint session -of the two h
committees was quite possible
The University delegation
the hearings will include v
President for Business and
nance Wilbur K. Perpont, V
President for University Relat
Lyle M. Nelson, President Hate
Niehuss and Cross. Regents
gene Power and Otto Eckert,
also attend.
Legislators Invited .'
President Hatcher said that
legislators had been invited
hold the hearings in Ann Ai
but had not been able to m
these arrangements because e
cramped schedule.
Emphasis in discussion il
placed on additional faculty
justments ("especially for yo
er' and developing faculty im
bers"), additional staff and
creases in the general opera
and maintenance budget, P
dent Hatcher explained. He n
a "serious deficiency" in the t
Niehuss Calls
Niehuss, who has called Sw
son's January request of $7)
lion for the University shc
ingly inadequate," said the 1
versity was "as prepared as '
sible" to present a favorable
to the legislators.
President Hatcher pointed
that many of the committee in
bers have been acquainted
the "general operations" of
University so that the lini
time aloted for the hearing cE
be utilized in "stressing cer
pressing needs" rather than
senting a general explanatioi
the budget.
Judges, Pick
SkitF Fialists
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Direetor Hopes Corps
Will Tap Skill Reservoir
City Editor
special to The Daily
WASHINGTON-Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver told
the National Conference on Youth Service Abroad yesterday that the
peace corps' objectives could be summed up in a few sentences.
"We are trying to tap the reservoir -of skilled manpower and
womanpower in the United States.
"This will demonstrate to the world that America is what it has
always been in its best moments-a country where all men are created
free and equal." He de-emphasized the role of the corps as a "soapbox"
for democracy, saying that "we're not going to get involved in political
' questions. However, we hope that
Amendment Gives Vote
To Residents of Washington
WASHINGTON (R)-Citizens of the nation's capital were en-
dowed yesterday with what they have been seeking for a century or
more-the right to vote in national elections.
Just 13 minutes elapsed between ratifications by the 37th and
38th states of the -23rd Amendment to the Constitution allowing per-
manent residents of the District of Columbia to vote for President
and Vice-President.
The New Hampshire House approved at 1 p.m. EST with" a
sprinkling of "no" votes. The Kansas House, which had stood ready
for several days to achieve the
distinction of being the last
U.S., Britain
Propose Plan
On Atom Tests
GENEVA (M)-The United States
and Britain proposed yesterday
that the Soviet Union join them
in creating an intricate scanning
and satellite patrol system to. de-
tect nuclear blasts in outer space.
Orbiting satellites would sweep
as far as 30,000 miles above the
earth or even circle around the
sun, United States Delegate Ar-
thur H. Dean said.
He outlined the program to the
three-power conference on sus-
pension of nuclear weapon tests.
See Related Story, Page 3
Peace Corps members will be able
to have rational intelligent discus-
sions" on the subject.
At a press conference after
Shriver's dinner speech, Thomas
H. E. Quimby, in charge of the
selection of corps members, said
that he would not select members
until requests from other countries
started to come in.
These requests would then be'
compared with the questionnaires
filled out by prospective members.
Written and oral testing would
follow this.
Approximately 500 persons gath-
ered at American University yes-
terday for the three-day confer-
ence sponsored by the, United
States National Students Associa-
They will discuss the purposes
and objectives of the corps, the
selection and training of members,
and the methods of control, organ-
ization and administration. The
last point includes such questions
Haber Predicts Six Per Cent Unemployed
Prof. William Haber of the
economics department yesterday
predicted a possible six per cent
unemployment rate at year's end,
whether or not the nation's econo-
my has recovered from the present
He called for public and pri-
vate measures to ensure a vigor-
ous economic growth rate to re-
duce this long-term unemploy-
ment which could extend well into
the 'Sixties and suggested as a
prerequisite that the "primary
focus of the economy" be shift-
ed from price stability to growth.
At the Industrial Relations
Conference, sponsored by the In-
stitute of Labor and Industrial
Relations, Prof. Haber saw three
growth is insufficient to do away
with both the recession and dis-
tressed-area technological unem-
ployments, he argued.
Because of its fear of inflation,
the nation has accepted low
growth and unemployment, but if
this continues the economy will
emerge from the present reces-
sion with a substantial body of
unemployment and carry it into
the 'sixties.
Priority Placement
Prof. Haber suggested "we put
the priority in the right place"
and step up the growth rate. He
minimized the danger of infla-
tion as compared to that of unem-
The economic caution being
shown by Kennedy is in response
to this overwhelming public sen-
The government should vigor-
ously push job-creating measures,
despite the inflationary dangers of
budget deficits, to reduce the
"normal" five per cent unemploy-
ment rate to a more acceptable
two-to-three per cent.
There are two alternative solu-
tions to the distressed areas prob-
lem: inducements for people to
leave the areas and attraction of
new industries. The former is dif-
ficult to achieve, Prof. Haber
said, as Kennedy's proposal rec-
ognizes. Attraction of new indus-
try will take time, however. .
No Problem
Technological unemployment
will be no problem at all if the
economy is growing adequately in
periods of substantial dislocation.
Accommodation to technologi-
necessary state to act, was quick-
ly summoned and the state's rati-
fication followed.
Permits Vote
The amendment, submitted by
Congress last June, ;will permit
residents of Washington, D.C. who
do not cast absentee ballots in
states where they claim a legal
home, to vote for president for the
first time in 1964.
The district will have 3 elector-
al votes, the minimum now allow-
ed the six least populous states.
The amendment does not grant
statehood, although some of its
opponents said it was a step in
that direction. Neither does it
change the local form of govern-
ment, which is administered by
three commissioners appointed by
the President, with Congress en-
acting its laws.
Kennedy Speaks
President John F. Kennedy said
residents of the District of Co-
umbia should he giren "the ryt
. . . problem of the sixties
Spring Weekend skit n
ticipants were annour
night by Gary Roggin,