"Shall We Resume Testing Human Beings?"
* h1 Aircfi.au PaiIy
Seventy-First Year
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the indiv~ulal opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in allreprints.
Sellers Steals
'The Millionaitress'
" HE MILLIONAIRESS" is a most puzzling motion picture. On the
whole it must be considered an enjoyable film and in it the viewer
has the opportunity of watching Peter Sellers stake his claim as the
foremost comic artist. Yet anyone expecting a great evening's enter-
tainment or continuous laughter will be gravely disappointed at the
dreary pace and heaviness of the plot.
Loosely adapted from a George Bernard Shaw play the screenplay
retains much of the subtleties and dry humor of the original. These
subtleties and wit are, however, overshadowed on the screen by Cinema-
scope, Technicolor, and the indominatable Sophia Loren. Miss Loren
RCH 24, 1961
SGC To Consider Proposed
Orgamzational Revisions
EFORE THE END of the semester, the Com-
mittee on Membership may present Stu-
t -Goyernment Council with one or more
ommendations for withdrawal of recogni-
i from a fraternity or sorority.
! not properly handled, the case could incur
ther reversal decision from the referral
kd. The recommendations will be presented
er Council PresidentJohn Feldkamp, one of
more responsible and influential members,
sleft. For these reasons, it is imperative that
uncil members take their work with the ut-
st seriousness. It is also important that
y think about the proposals before the Coun-
which are designed to reorganize it in a.
nner which encourages more serious and
gent participation by Council members.
ADDITION TO membership selection, the
Council will be asked to consider the two
rges in organization-a proposal to im-
ive contact with administrative officials in-
ved in Council business and to abolish the
ninistration wing, and a plan to increase
Incil meeting dates to twice a week, with
ultimate result of ending ex-officio voting
'he former proposals were presented to the
u l by Feldkamp as his farewell remarks
1 week, They would provide for addition of
ninistrative personnel to the Council. This
ff would keep Council records and aid the
.mil in its function of coordination and
proval of student activities.
reldkamp also recommended abolition of
;present "ad wing." The ad wing, which is
unposed of several committees staffed by stu-
it volunteers, would be replaced by a Coun-
committee structure of four committees with
L Council members and three non-Council
mbers each. The basic committees would be
dent concerns,.University, organizations arid
ivities. Appointments of non-Council mem-
a would be competitive.
HE PLAN WOULD distribute the seven ex-
officios among the committees and would
Ve room for the eleven elected members to
ye on the. committees. The intention of the
, is to make Council members concerned
. Council business.
kldkamp's -plant Is' a partial alleviation of
:problems with which the Council is faced.
e proposals would partially achieve the goal
Increasing members' interest in Council busi-
0s. It is to be hoped, however, that this com-
ttee structure will not result in Council mem-
's becoming so involved with the detailed
siness of their committees that they lose in-
est in issues that should concern both the
tncil and the entire campus. Feldkamp's
posals will be most valuable if they are seri-
sly examined, rather than blindly admired.
LTHOUGH THE PLAN is valuable in its
broad aspects, it often leaves something to
desired in its particulars. For instance, by
at rationale do the President of Assembly
sociation and the Interquadrangle Council
on the Committee, on the University? Is it
sible for an unusually interested and com-
ent elected member to sit on two committees
a system designed to have each member sit
'only one committee? Why do both the presi-
bt AND executive vice-president of-the Coun-
have to be members of all committees, espe-
flly when the Council has had a history of
icutive vice-presidents whose primary con-
'1 was administrative detail?
4nother proposal to mprove the Council is
e two-part plan of Thomas Hayden to in
The Laugi
activity that might otherwise exist on this
npus, the right-wing scene is being hogged
di downgraded by an organization of dubious
ue, the Young Americans for Freedom.
Nor some five- months they have been in
stence and their activities have totaled very
0, their accomplishments none.
Publicly, they have listened to Ann Arbor
tyor Cecil 0. Creal run for re-election and
T very little about conservatism, they have
Wted only a part of their required officers,
d those in violation of their own constitution,
ey have held an inept debate on the merits
hough not the lack thereof) of a communist
aker ban, and they- have organized a bus
p to go to Michigan State University and
ar Sen.. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz).
Reportedly, they have also heard Prof. Wil-
m Paton of the business school, Flint branch,
d met last night on some other matter both
beknownced to their members.
THER THAN THAT they have done nothing,
and from that list one may see that their
complishments total a big round zero.
However, in a certain sense, this is their
erogative. If they choose to form a mutual
crease meeting days to two nights a week, with
the ultimate abolition of ex-officio voting priv-
The first part of Hayden's plan is probably
less controversial and most obviously necessary.
The Council has often been on the verge of
making a decision and then postponed the ac-
tion because members felt they were not pre-
pared to vote. This results in repetitious de-
bate on the following week. This debate would
not be eliminated by more frequent meetings
but might be considerably reduced.
ANOTHER FACTOR IS that the Council sim-
ply does less business than it might. An I
improved Council would consider many issues
it does not presently consider-both local, na-
tional and international. Such issues as mem-
bership selection and a committee on student
rights are exceedingly complex. This complex-
ity requires that they not only be considered
'by adequate research but by as much debate as
is necessary. It is obvious that the more salient
facets of an issue are likely to be mentioned if
the Council knows that postponement means a{
decision within the next one or two days rather
than one week.-
Abolition of the voting power of ex-officios is
a subject of more heated debate. The rationale
of those who oppose this action is that ex-
officios are essential to a Council that is ex-
pected to regulate student activities. This is not
necessarily true. The assumptions of this argu-
ment are that ex-officio members, who have
had experience in student activities, are essen-
tial parts of a Council which is intended to
govern student activities. All Council members
have had considerable experience in student ac-
tivities, however. Many elected members have
received their experience in those same or-
ganizations which ex-officios represent.;
T HESE ARE VERY basic objections to ex-
officio voting. An ex-officio's prime re-
sponsibility is to the organization of which he
is either president or editor-he cannot be ex-
pected to spend as much time on a Council in
which he is one of eighteen members as in the
organization for which he is responsible. For
this reason, an ex-officio is often compelled to
vote on "common sense" opinion rather than
any serious attempt' to study the issue.
Another objection to an ex-officio voting is
the method by which these members seat on
the Council. They become Council members
automatically by becoming highest officials in
the organizations to which they belong. They
do not become members of the Council be-
cause of any interest in the Council. At times,
they have been excellent members of the Coun-
ci. At times, they have been terrible. Both ar-
guments are irrelevant to the question of the
ethicality of a student body having such a large
number of members chosen by small numbers
of ,students.
IF THE COUNCIL is to become a truly repre-
sentative and responsible body, it has to as-
sume certain things. It has to assume that as
long as students wish to govern their own ac-
tivities, the activities will go on. It has to as-
sume that membership on the Council, in addi-
tion to placing one in the student power elite,
necessitates and demands considerable work.
The ex-officios would not be without a place
in such a Council. They should be allowed full
speaking privileges at all times. Those ex-offi-
cios who are genuinely interested in the Coun-
cil will use these speaking privileges and con-
tribute to the Council. Those who have nothing
to contribute, will not use this privilege.
h son YAF
What might they have accomplished? A
number of things. The film "Operation Aboli-
tion" which was put out by the House Com-
mittee on Un-American Activities afforded
them a good opportunity. They could easily
have set up a forum to show the film and to
hear the tape which presents the students
side of the picture, plus any other relevant
BUT NO, THEY choose to have a private
showing, refused to hear the opposition's
recording, preferring instead to mouth their
own preconceived conclusions.
They could have invited noted conservatives
to come to the campus and address the student
body. Such dignitaries as MBC-newscaster
Fulton Lewis, Jr., Washington Star Columnist
Holmes Alexander, CBS-globetrotter Lowell
Thomas, and Rep. Marguerite Stitt Church
(R-Ill), and even Sen. Goldwater, are ad-
mittedly available to speak to a large audience.
and surely the University has that.
They might have become active in the recent
Student Government Council campaign and put
up some constructive conservatives for election.
TrHEY MIGHT EVEN have stager member-
Is the Countess de Prerga, the
world's-richest woman and Sellers
is Dr. Kabir, a humble Indian,
To the countess money is all
that matters. To the physician it
is good and service that counts.
Their minds supposedly can never
meet, but biology is stronger than
the will. East meets West, money
is matched by brains and after
ninety minutes the inevitable un-
ion is formed.
:=SELLERS IS TRULY, magnifi-
cent is the shy Indian doctor. His,
ability to submerge his own iden-
tity to the character which he
portrays is an effect that few oth-
er actors are able to achieve. You
-,_ are never aware that you are
- - _-watching Sellers. Instead you are
- {Fwatching an Indian doctor or
-u* whatever character he happens to
be portraying. It is hard to describe
Sellers as Dr. Kabir except to say
that he is real and sympathetic.
rreMiss Loren is supposed to be
brash antithesis of Dr. Kabir and
she is. However, something, most
likely Sellers finesse is lacking and
her performance lacks depth and
f-o , reality.
-.t r 10sv.- c. --Harold Applebaum
Governmental Revisions Imperative
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Seniors - Order your graduation an-
nouncements now. On sale at the Stu-
dent Activities Building. March 22-31
and April 11-13. Sales from 1-5 each
day except March 25 from 9-12. Price is
12c each.
Agenda, student Government Coun-
cil: March 24, 4:15 p.m. Council Room.'
Minutes of, previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President, letters;
Exec. Vice-President. interimaction;
Admin. Vice-President; Treasurer.
Standing Committees:
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Special Business:
Old Business: University Regulations
membership lists.
New Business: Seatinig of new Coun-
cil members, Credentials and Rules
Committee Report.
Constituents and Members' Time.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'-
clock noon on Tueeday prior to the
Fri., March 24.
Blagdon House, Mary Markley; Chi-
cago House, West Quadrangle; Geddes
House, Pletcher Hall; Hinsdale House,
East Quad, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Mu.
Sat.,, march 25
Adams House, West Quadrangle,
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Kappa Lambda,.Alpha Sigma
Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, BetaTheta Pl,
Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Theta
Phi, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu,
Evans Scholars, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi. Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon
Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kap-
pa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon, Scott-
Gomberg, South Quad, Sigma Alpha
.Mu Sigma Nu,. Sugma- Phi,. Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi, T au Kappa Ep-
silon, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri-
gon, wenley House, west Quadrangle;
Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
Sun.,. March 26.
domberg House, South Quad.
(Continued on Page 8)
Daily Staff Writer
OVER HALF A century ago the
people of Michigan passed a
"modern" constitution in order to
"secure the blessings of liberty
undiminished to ourselves and our
posterity." Since then, Michigan's
population has more than doubled
and it has become an industrial,
two-party state. The constitution
is basically the same; the posterity
is different.
Industry has transformed the
state. Her problems are industrial,
but her solutions remain rural, as
rural districts are overrepresented
and industry underrepresented un-
der the present system. The execu-
tive branch has grown unwieldy,
with a weak governor unable to
clean it up because many groups
are constitutionally equal to him
in weight. The constitution now
insures that a Senator from Oak-
land county can expect to repre-
sent 13 times as many people as
those represented by the Senator
from the Upper Peninsula's most
underpopulated district.
, ,« ,
economic problems, the legislature
is limited by constitutional ceilings
in its power to tax.
- The township, whose jurisdiction
provisionally overlaps that of a
more viable unit, the municipal
government of a growing city, is
prevented from dying by this same
Michigan, with its industrial and
natural resources, should be a
leading state instead of seriously
lagging, its economic difficulties
a grim national joke.
The constitution must be mo-
dernized; the first question is --
piecemeal or totally? This will be
decided by voters in the election
April 3. The question of a con-
stitutional convention is propoal
one on the ballot.
S* *
principle which will fact con-con
delegates include the long versus
the short ballot, fewer or more
elections, representation, voting
age and an appointive or elected
Proponents of a shorter form
'than the present "bedsheet ballot,"
which includes all minor officials,
say that it is impossible for the
average voter to judge the qualifi-
cations of so many candidates
validly. They propose to elect only
major officials who will appoint
the rest. It is argued however, that
elected officials are more respon-
sible to the people than appointed
ones. The qusetion is whether the
average voter is able to take re-
sponsibility for choosing all public
If the short ballot is decided up-
on, the elimination of the spring
election may follow automatically,
since fewer offices will be subject
to the voter. The question re-
mains, however, whether fewer or
more frequent elections draw the
voters' continued interest in gov-
The major proponents of the
eighteen year old vote argue that
anyone subject to the draft should
state is shamefully carved into a
republican and rural empire, with
the democratic urban areas criti-
cally underrepresented.
The University, which enjoys the
the unique constitutional right of
a corporate body separate from the
legislature but retaining the right
of eminent domain, would be sub-
ject to new provisions and a
change in status.
.* 'p *
IF CON-CON does not pass, the
constitution will be revamped
pragmatically, piecemeal, with
each amendment subject to in-
dividual consideration by the legis-
lature and the voter.
Opposition to con-con is spear-
headed by those who fear loss of
jobs or privileges in the new con-
stitution, such as township offi--
cials, farm interests and those
who fear that many interest group
"rider" considerations might be
passed if voters were forced to
consider the constitution as a"
whole. This latter group believe
the state's problems might better
be met by consideration of in-
dividual amendments by legisla-
tors who are familiar with the
state's problems.
Proponents of con-con argue
that legislators do not have the
time or impartiality required for
consideration of the constitution,
that a better integerated docu-
ment will come from total con-
sideration and that the cost of
the convention will be more than
covered by the savings of a more
efficient government and tax
for Michigan, the coordinating
for con-con, composed of eighteen
citizens groups, Democratic party
members and leading Republicans
find that the state structure needs
a through going over.
The Republican Party, which
supported con-con in 1948, 1958
and 1960 when opposed by the
Democrats, did not make it part
of their platform in the Februay
convention due to a "conservative
reaction," according to former
Republican representative from
Ann Arbor George Wahr Sallade.
Judicial revisions will again face
the issue of voter competence in
direct selection of judges. Does a
candidate's political strength over-
ride his judicial competence if he
is selected by the voter any more
than if he is appointed? At pre-
sent Michigan judges are elected;
is it better to give our judges in-
dependence from political pres-
sure if they are separated from the
people in the bargain? Are they
separated from either if they are
tion of the judicial system will also
be an issue- at the convention. A
simple understandable administra-
itve system in the courts is needed
to replace the four major over-
lapping systems now provided for
in the Constitution. Putting the
whole system under the Supreme
Court, with an administrative of-
ficer and judicial conference to
determine procedure, is the major
nronnmeds oution
sent the governor. shares -his
authority with other elected of-
ficials and more than 100 agencies,
boards and commissions. In this
: set-up, buck-passing and over-
lapping of duties is inescapable.
Reformers are asking for .a strong
executive through consolidation
of state administrative agencies
into a few functional departments,
permitting the governor to ap-
point his staff and top adminis-
trators and lengthening his term
to give his office constitutional
continuity. Thus the' governor
would be held responsible for the
functioning of his office and the
whole administrative procedure
would be more efficient.
* *. *
tations and the entire income tax
question will come up at con-con.
The first question that will have
to be decided is whether the
people should vote directly on
taxation, or more informed legis-
lators should be free to consider it.
Closely related to local and state
finances is the question of county
home rule. The present differen-
tiations of urban and rural popu-
lation and widespread population
shifts within counties seem to re-
quire individual country structures.
Some type of home rule would
provide this. Along with this comes
the question of overlapping func-
tions of present county, township
and municipal powers and offices..
The _ need for a general restruc-
turing of local government and its
powers of taxation, centering
around the question of county,
home rule will be a major prob-
lem facing the delegates.
Garg: Apologia Pro Vita Sua
To the. Editor:
SHOULD like to publicly offer
the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications my sincere
apology for having wasted so
much of their time, efforts and
good initentions. After reading the
Daily article in which the Board
"claimed Garg not Funny," and
hearing the statements of disgust
uttered by numerous Board mem-
bers concerning the quality of the
Gargoyle sample issue I realize
how much time was wasted; and
I am sorry.
Had I been aware of the Board's
exacting taste three months ago
I would have found a better staff
for the magazine. I apologize for
the epic poem that was included
in the issue. I should have known
when it caused me so much diffi-
culty that the Board would not
understand it-I should not have
wasted their time.
At the time I did not think that
those on the staff who had won
Hopwood Awards would be so
sneaky as to write articles of such
poor quality that the Board would
think they were written by high
school 'students. I must admit,.
they fooled me. My only excuse is
a poor one. I was busy organizing
the large staff that I was told
would be necessary to impress the
AS FOR the art work, I can
make no excuses, art school stu-
dents are difficult to work with,
especially the good ones.
Perhaps I should have been
more careful un the selection of
topics. I chose the University and
the administration, but apparent-
ly these have limited appeal for
neither the Board nor the admin-
istration seemed to think it was
funny . . . Its this respect I must
agree with the Board's statement
that the "humor did not have
campus-wide appeal."
Talking with Board members
has made me realize that the tense
political and economic crisis that
face us today are not fitting sub-
ject matter for a humor magazine.
all future groups will be as poor
as my own so that the Board will
find it as easy to give them its re-
Once again, I am sorry for put-
tifig the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications in such a trying
and embarrassing position.
--Lawrence R. Jacobs, '64 A&D
To the Editor:
.EVERAL objections should be?
raised with respect to the ac-
tion of the Board in Control of
Student Publications on their de-
cision not to renew the publica-
tion of Gargoyle.
The very fact that there were
two groups on campus willing to
work for the re-establishment of
the magazine demonstrates the
need for this publication. It is ob-.
vious that there is a certain cre-
ative talent which, not finding a
place within the already existing
structures of the Daily or Genera-
tion, has manifested its need for
expression ,via the Garg.
The Board's decision not to re-
new the magazine will serve to.
stifle this talent.
THE BOARD'S claim that the
magazine was "not humorous" is
obviously a matter of prejudice
and personal tastes which are not
at all indicative of the tastes of
the student body. Certainly an
administrator sitting on the Board,
recalling past satirical attacks on'
his person and office, is not going
to sanction such a publication
given the opportunity again.
Still another objection can be
raised over the criticism that the
magazine did not have campus
wide appeal. From the Quad. re-
ports and the even more recent
story on note taking services here
at the University, it is obvious that
administrators either do not know
what it taking place on campus,
or refuse to recognize many of
the problems which exist. The
ability of an administrative board
to determine what will appeal to
indeed encouraged, to make via
their support or lack of support for
the publication?
Certainly the choice should be
the students'.
-Lawrence J. Green, '63
Clothes and Manners .. 4
To the Editor:
WOMAN IS as woman does.
Dress alone does not make a
woman. A truly well-groomed
woman looks poised and feminine
no matter what she wears, from a
formal gown to a man's shirt over
a pair of blue Jeans. Dressing ap-
propriately for the occasion does
much to, put a' girl at ease, and
allows her to act graciously.
Miss Comiano criticized wom-
en's dress on this campus. It is
not. the bermudas and slacks that
prevent the creation of the wom-
anly illusion; rather it is the subtle
nuances of behavior 'lacking in
the individual. She also ignores
the fact that the majority of
women on this campus are young,
and their very youth makes it
wrong to constantly. maintain a
staid and "dignified" appearance.
Poise and dignity come from the
individual's bearing and action,
and -these are the things which
"set the tenor of a social situa-
AS FAR AS HER recommenda-
tion that girls attempt to wear
heels to classes-I wonder if Miss
Comiano has ever tried walking
from the third floor of Frieze
building to the fourth floor of
A&D in, ten minutes while wearing
heels. Besides, almost anyone who
knows the effect of heels on pos-
ture and the crippling effect of
the stylish pointed toes on the
feet would heartily endorse wear-
ing low-heeled shoes when the oc-
casion permits. There is ample op-
portunity for all of us women to
suffer from backaches and ham-
mer-toes later on in life.
Regarding a formal atmosphere