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March 22, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-22

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

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Say Note-Takers
Violate Agreement
Notes Taken Without Permission,
Dean, Faculty Members Charge
Two University faculty members disclosed last night that profes-
sional note-takers have been operating without permission and against
their wishes in several distribution courses.
They labeled the, practice "unethical" and "unscrupulous." Dean
James Robertson of the literary school promised a full investigation.
The courses involved are Philosophy 63, Philosophy 67, and some
sections of Sociology 1 and Zoology 1. Notes taken in these courses
are distributed, ostensibly free of charge, to students who subscribe
to and pay for a similar service in courses where permission has -been
Prof. Irving Cantrall of the sociology department said that
he learned of the situation a couple of weeks ago and, with Prof.

Senate Unit,
Opens Talks
On Taxation
LANSING (M)-The state Sen-
ate taxation committee held the
first of a series of public hear-
ings last night on several pro-
posed tax programs, but only four
witnesses appeared to testify.
The small turnout caused one
senator to observe it might be a
sign that people wanted no new
' taxes, in any form.
The committee chairman, Sen.
Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland)
told newsmen he has concluded
that voters don't want a state-
wide income tax such as the three
per cent levy proposed by Gov.
John .B. Swainson.
He said a solution to fiscal prob-
lems lies with local governments.
Geerlings, who has proposed his
own program, including a local
payroll tax, was echoed by Sen.
Carleton H. Morris (R-Kalama-
zoo) who led the fight against the
income tax two years ago.
"The income tax is, a dead is-
sue," Morris said. "Even if it
would result in saving Swainson
from defeat in the next election,
I will oppose an income tax.
"Any governor-Republican or
Democrat-who ran for reelection
after an income tax was passed
during his regime would lose the
Geerlings is proposing a one
per cent local. payroll tax, to be
authorized by a vote of the peo-
ple. He also would allow local gov-
ernments to continue the - state's
nuisance taxes, which are due to
expire June 30, to impose a local
tax on services and adopt other
specific taxes.
Claim Gar
A~ 9
'Not Funny'-
A proposed issue of Gargoyle,
the campus humor- magazine
which several students are trying
to re-establish, was called "not
humorous" by the Board in Con-
Strol of Student Publications yes-
Two student groups, headed by
Lawrence Jacobs, '64A&D, and
Mel Moore,' 164, combined to sub-
mit a dummy Issue to the Gar-
goyle committee of the board.
These groups had separately vol-
unteered to form a new staff for
the magazine, which was discon-
tinued, last year because of a lack
of qualified workers.
Their sample copy consisted of
a "guide .to freshmen," relating
nsome of the events on campus dur-
ing the past two "years. The fea-
tures included accounts of panty
raids and SGC elections, comn-
ments on the dean of women, Feif-
fer-type cartoons and a satire on
Oscar Wilde.
However, the board committee
was "unimpressed by the art work
and subject matter. The humor
did ,not have 'campus-wide ap-
peal," Prof.. Karl F. Zeisler, a
committee member, explained.
Although the committee did not
consider the sample of sufficient
quality to warrant, renewing Gar-
goyle,, Zeisler said that "this does
n rot jeopardize, any group from
trying -again:"
Union Names
New. Council
Selection of the Michigan

Charles Powers of the same de-
partment, brought it to Robert-
son's attention.
Previously Disapproved
"We had previously disapprov-
ed of the note-taking service
when originally approached," he
indicated. While the specific re-
quest had been for permission to
sell these notes, Prof. Cantrall said
he would have objected even if the
profit angle had not been involv-
ed. He regards the present ar-
rangement, in which students get
the notes in a package deal with
others for which they must pay,
as a "subterfuge to allow (the
service) to sell our notes without
permission." He called the prac-
tice unethical.
Prof. Carl Cohen of the philoso-
phy department said he was in-
formed by Robertson of the prac-
tice a week ago. He had no prior
knowledge that notes were being
taken, for profit or otherwise.
Explains Issues
"Two issues are involved," Prof.
Cohen said. "First, is it appropri-
. ate for me to give permission? I
believe that a careful appraisal
will shop note-taking ' is not a
good practice in any University
This matter was decided last
semester by Dean Roger Heyns of
the literary school, who ruled that
note-taking was permissible if
first cleared with the head of a
department and the individual in-
"Second, and more important,"
Prof. Cohen said, "is the fact that
the rules were deliberately and
unscrupulously violated and my
personal wishes defied. As far as;
I am concerned, this practice isj
wholly improper-any persons who
take notes in my classes are4
cheats and thieves and are pun-,
ishable as such."
Objects to Advertisement
He also objected to an adver-
tisement whichappeared in Sun-
day's Daily, listing his course as
one in which notes were available.
"This implied that I approved
their taking notes and associates
me with enterprise I vigorously
Robertson said that organizers
of the service "have no business
taking the notes, whether they are
paid for or not," if they do not
have permission. "This is com-
pletely out of keeping with their
arrangement with the University."
He said he did not know what
action would be taken, but would
confer with Heyns and the own-f
ers of the service.
Melvin Skolnik, '62, who owns3
the University Study Service, said
that two separate companies werec
involved in the note-taking. His
own company serves thoseclasses
in which permission has beenr
granted, paying its note-takersc
and charging its subscribers.. ec-
ture, Resume Company, whichs
operates in classes where no per-
mission has been obtained, neith-
er charges its subscribers nor paysJ
its employees.
Share Facilities
Both companies use the same
facilities and have the same ad-
ministrative staff. Skolnik would
not identify the owner of Lecture
Resume Company.
Skolnik emphasized that thev
free notes were not a sales in-
ducement or a gimmick. The con-
nection with University Studyo
Service provides the latter withF
cheap advertising.

Ease Hold
On Matadi
poldville government yesterday
relaxed its hold on the United
Nations' vital supply port of Ma-
Premier Joseph Ileo announced
that the Congolese army, which
drove UN forces out of Matadi
two weeks ago, now will allow UN
civilians back into the Congo Riv-
er port to supervise supply move-
ments. But, he emphasized, no
UN troops would be allowed to re-
turn. m
"There is no need for troops
here," he told newsmen. "The area
is calm and civilian technicians
can cooperate with the Congolese
workers in unloading the sup-
Loss Poses Problem
Loss of Matadi, the Congo's
chief port of entry, posed, seri-
ous supply problems for the UN
command. Negotiations to get UN
troops back into the port have
been fruitless.
Ileo emphasized his government
considers outdated a UN Security
Council resolution of Feb. 21 au-
thorizing UN troops to use force
to prevent civil war in the Congo.
"Civil war and civil disorder are
no longer dangers," he said.
"There is no longer any need for
international corrective measures
and no way they could now be car-
ried out.
"We will revolt against any en-
forcement of the UN resolution."
The premier accused Ghana's
President Kwame Nkrumah of
trying "to use the Congo situation
to further his own ambitions to
be the leader of African unity."
- Plan Criticized
Nkrumah considers the leftist
Stanleyville regime of Antoine Gi-
zenga the Congo's true govern-
ment and has criticized the plan
of the Congo's anti-Communist,
political leaders to form a con-
federation of semi-autonomous
"Certain African and Asian na-
tions have tried to sabotage the,
work we have done to reach a
solution to our political difficul-
ties," Ileo said, "particularly1
Nkrumah, who more than anyI
other African should be helping,
The Belgian radio last night re-
ported three clashes between Con-
golese and UN troops. It said Ma-1
layan troops fought with a band
of Baluba tribesmen who at-
tempted to raid a railroad near
Kasongo in Kivu Province.
In another clash Ethiopian
UN troops were forced to with-
draw from Nyunzu on the Albert-
ville-Kabalo railway in North Ka-
tanga where four Balubas were
killed. The radio report added
that Nigerian UN troops were1
driven from Kabalo in North Ka-I
tanga in a third. clash.
Asks Repeal
Of Auto Tax'
MONROE () - Repeal of the
federal excise tax on automobilesC
as an aid to education was urgeds
yesterday by Hugh H. Holloway ofI
Sault Ste. Marie, Republican can-.
didate for State Superintendent of
Public Instruction.C
Iolloway, campaigning in Mon-c
roe County, described this as "the1
quickest way not only to stimulatea
our economy but to open up taxe
sources for education." e'

Casbon Says
Total, Should
Reach 4,000
Low Turnout Called
Effect of Weather
Approximately 2,200 students
voted the first day of all-campus
elections, David Casbon, '63, elec.
tions chairman, said yesterday.
Casbon predicted that today's
voting would raise the total to
more than 4,000 ballots. "Bad
weather held down the vote some-
what yesterday. It was a higher
total than we expected in view of
the weather," he said.
Two thousands students voted
the first day of elections last
Polling places are the Michigan
League, University Museum Bldg.,
the Diag, the Fishbowl, the lobby
of Angell Hall, the Undergraduate
Library, the Engineering Arch,
the Michigan Union and the Busi-
ness Administration Bldg.
The polls will close at 5 p.m.
today. Tabulation of ballots will
begin at 7 p.m. tonight in the
Michigan Union ballroom and is
open to the public.
Running for the eight open seats
on Student Government Council
are John Curry, '63E; William
Gleason, '63; Brian Glick, '62;
Mark Hall, '63; Per Hanson, '62;
John Martin, '62; Kenneth Mc-
Eldowney, '62; Nancy Nasset, '63;
Arthur Rosenbaum, '62; Roger
Seasonwein, '61; M. A. Hyder
Shah, Grad., and James Yost, '62.
There are nine candidates for
six open posts on the Union Board
of Directors and two each for the
four open senior class officer posts
in the literary college.
Three students are running for
the presidency of the engineering
college. Other posts are uncon-
There are four running for the
three open posts on the Board in
Control of Student Publications
and two each are trying for the
senior positions in the business
administration school.
The other open posts are uncon-
Paper Sees
Cuba Revolt
NEW YORK (P)-The New York
Herald Tribune said last night a
provisional Cuban government
aimed at overthrowing the regime
of Prime Minister Fidel Castro
this year will be set up here this
The two main anti-Castro or-
ganizations ,in the United States
have reached a compromise agree-
ment to name Jose Miro Cardona
as president of the provisional
government, the paper said.
Miro Cardona broke with the
Castro government in 1959 after
serving 49 days as the first pre-
mier of the Cuban rebel govern-
The Herald Tribune said Miro
Cardona will serve with a cabinet
of 13 ministers and a council of
10 prominent Cubans who will
assume legislative powers pending
establishment of an elected gov-




E. Stevenson yesterday accused
the Soviet Union of reviving the
cold war in the United Nations in
an attempt to wreck peace efforts
in the Congo and get Dag Ham-
marskjold fired as secretary-
The United States chief .delegate
made the charge in replying to
an hour-long speech by Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko in the General Assembly
that was largely a restatement of
previous Soviet Congo policy.
Sums Up Position
In his first speech before the
assembly, Stevenson summed up
the United States position by mak-
ing three points.
"The Soviet Union demands the
resignation of the secretary-
general. We will oppose this de-
mand with all our strength," he
"Secondly, the Soviet Union de-
mands that the United Nations
withdraw from the Congo within
one month. The United States is
totally opposed to this effort to
replace constructive efforts of the
world at large to achieve peace
and reconciliation with anarcny.
"In the third place, the Congo
and the United Nations desperately
need a period of quiet and of con-
structive cooperation during which
we can help the Congolese to help
Assembly Hurried
He declared that the assembly
had been plunged by the Soviet
Union into a destructive attack
before a report of its 11-nation
Asian-African conciliation com-
mission could be considered.
The commission's lengthy report
published yesterday recommended
a broad program for restoring
peace to the Congo, including a
truce among rival political leaders
and aiding parliament to draw up
a new constitution.
Claims Congo
Should Solve
Own Problems
diplomat told President John F..
Kennedy yesterday that solution
of troubles in the strife-torn Con-
go "should be left to the Congolese
This view was expressed and re-
ported to newsmen by Emmanuel
Damongo Dadet, the new ambas-
sador of the Republic of the
Congo, a former French colony.1
Dadet went on to say the UnitedI
Nations can intervene to maintain
order and security, but an ulti-I
mate solution of the trouble must
be worked out by the people of the
Congo Republic.7

Campus Election Draws 2,20


but has never carried the demon-
strations through.
Quit Party
In opposition to this policy, a
portion of the original member-
ship has quit the party to form a
new group calling itself the Liberal
Student Party, which has applied
for and received recognition and
plans to endorse candidates in the
April elections for the. Student-
Gregg Nigosian, spokesman for
the Liberals, said that the party
name was essentially wrong -
"We're really more conservative
than the Student Party,"
He said that his group was not
oriented toward such radical ac-.
tions as demonstrating, against
the administration, and that they
were not primarily concerned with
the issue of the political clubs, as
the Student Party tended to be.
Follows Suspension
The formation of the Student
Party followed the suspension of
WSU's three political clubs' uni-
versity recognitions by their gov-
erning board.
The clubs have protested the
move as unjust and biased against
one, the Independent Socialists,
who would be unable to regain;
their recognition under the re-
gulations enforced by the board.i
The Student-Faculty Council
passed a resolution urging regrant-
ing of the recognitions and
dents have circulated petitions
protesting the suspensions.l

WASHINGTON (o)--Admitting
he does not have all the answers
about the future of the Peace
Corps, R. Sargent Shriver won
unanimous approval from a Senate
committee yesterday for his nomi-
nation as corps director.
Members of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee spent three
hours questioning Shriver before
approving him.
The corps would send trained
American overseas to work in un-
derdeveloped c ou n tries. Shriver
assured the committee he was fol-
lowing a go-slow approach in the
early stages of the program. The
corps would cost only $3 million to
$10 million during the first year,
he estimated.
Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper (R-
Iowa), who questioned Shriver
closely for more than an hour,
told the nominee that peace corps
plans were so indefinite it raised
a question "whether we are buying'
a pig in a poke."
He said Congress still was in the
dark about "the organization and
scope of the agency and what it
will do."
The corps already had received
17,300 letters from prospective ap-
plicants, Shriver said.

GENEVA (') - Reopening talks
looking toward the banning of all
nuclear tests, the United States
and Britain yesterday offered a
series of concessions to the Rus-
The United States went beyond
the proposal made last year by
the administration of former Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower and-
offered to let the Russians inspect
United States atomic devices to be
used either for seismic research or
for peaceful purposes.
At the suggestion of the United
States the 99-nation United Na-
tions political committee decided
yesterday to shelve temporarily
any discussion .of disarmament
pending the private East-West
To all these offers, Soviet dele-
gate Semyon K. Tsarapkin replied
that he would first have to get his
government's reaction, but warned
that chances .of producing a treaty
are in danger If France under-
takes any further tests.
Concede on Commission
A proposal for parity on the
control commission seemed the
West's major concession. Four-
Western, four Communist and
three neutral nations would have
seats. This was considered safer
than the previous plan of a 3-3-1
ration under which the lone neu-
tral would be subject to pressure
from both sides.
But even this offer was dulled
somewhat by a Soviet move to
turn the top executive setup of
the enforcement organization into
a committee-a move reminiscent
of Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
attempt to split up the United Na-
tions job of secretary-general.
Tsarapkin proposed an adminis-
trative board of one Westerner,
one Communist and one neutral.
Arthur H. Dean, new head of
the United States delegation, In-
troduced Western proposals for
breaking the two-year deadlock,
Proposes Changes
With the backing of Britain's
David Ormsby-Gore, Dean pro-
posed changes in administrative
detail but no surrender on basic
The aim, Dean told the confer-
ence, is to conclude "a sound and
fair . treaty as soon as possible
which would offer good prospects
for a permanent ban of nuclear
weapons tests throughout the
world under a system of adequate
international controls."'
There was no attempt to secure
a series of concessions from the
Russians but rather to get them to
accept the idea of enforcement by
tackling the problem on a broad
'Near Agreement'
"I believe that today the West-
ern proposals have. brought 'us
very near agreement on a treaty-
a fair, reasonable, effective and
adequately safeguarded treaty that
would give the world the prospect
of seeing no more nuclear weapons
tests of any kind" he added.
Another major Western proposal
was that to allow Soviet techni-
cians to examine the insides of
any atomic devices the United
States government intended to fire
for seismis research or for peace-
ful purposes.
If Russia undertook an indepen-
dent research program of this type
the United States and Britain
would insist on being allowed to
examine Soviet atomic devices.
Prnnn. Fnhuxlined

Governor Refuses To Ban
Speech at Berkeley Campus
SACRAMENTO ()-Gov. Edmund G. Brown yesterday flatly
refused demands that he bar a controversial speaker from the Uni-
versity of California campus.
"I couldn't if I wanted to," Brown told spokesmen for a group
of 300 persons from the San Francisco Bay ax ea, who demanded that
Frank Wilkinson, Los Angeles resident, be prevented from talking to
a student group on the Berkeley campus today. "Let the people say
'"anything they want to," he added.
."If they do anything criminal
while they're speaking or after
they're speaking, then they can be'
Brown said he had no power to
order the speaker barred, and in
any case, would not interferewith
university officials, "who are doing
a wonderful job.
"I don't heieve in nvin £cnor-

Former Professor Visits U'

Band i

The question of academic free-
dom in the college community is
inevitably connected with the
question of legally "coming of
age," Prof. Clement Markert of
Johns-Hopkins University saidlast
Prof. Markert was one of three

and went to Johns Hopkins in
1957 with the recommendation of
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin Niehuss. He deliv-
ered a lecture here yesterday aft-
Primary and high school teach-

objectively and understood the
forces and pressures at work. "One
feels bitterness only when he is
greatly disappointed. What ac-
tually happened was not far from
my expectations, and I was very
gratified by the support my col-
leagues gave me."

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