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March 19, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-19

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"Now, About Conflicts of Interest-Uh,
Let's See, Where Was I?--"

0.. . I4gan Daily
Seventy-First Year

Are Free

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted, in all reprints.

t, MARCH 19, 1901


New NCAA Eligibility Rule
Exceeds Legislative Bounds'


iE NATIONAL Collegiate Athletic Associa-
ion, steadily growing in its power to enact
slation concerning individual schools and
ferences, has apparently overstepped its
nds by an amendment that would enable it
enforce eligibility rules for regular season
.t least that's what the Michigan Board in
itrol of Intercollegiate Athletics thinks re-
ding the constitutional action at the 1961
AA convention in Pittsburgh. The NCAA
1, in the past, only established eligibility
uirements for its post-season championship
'ow, however, marks the first time that the
,ional body has the power to legislate eligibil-
rules for games "in season."
ESSNCE, the NCAA enacted three rulessat'
he Pittsburgh meeting. 1) It limited a stu-
t's three year's of 'eligibility to be used in
consecutive years after his entrance into
ege (the Big Ten says four); 2) It provides
t a student will lose a year of college eligi-
by if he competes in an unapproved high
ool football or basketball all-star game in
summer following graduation and preceding
ege enrollment; 3) It restricts an alien's
ibility by setting an'upper age limit..,
dthough the Big Ten had to adjust three
its own rules to conform to the NCAA re-
ements, the Michigan Board in Control is
cncerned with the actual legislation, but
her with the threat posed by the NCAA in
king such rules concerning eligibility. As
ir report to the Regents indicated, the Mich
i student now has to meet three eligibility
uirements in some areas: Michigan's, the
Ten's,, and that of the NCAA. This highly
aplicates athletic administration.
HE NCAA'S new-self-appointed power raises
a question: just how much control should
lave over intercollegiate athletics?
'his query can only be answered, and the,
AA's power controlled, by the some 550
nber schools, of which around 500 are small
itutions, each having one vote to match
ir bigger counterparts. (The NCAA. divides
and small colleges on an arbitrary enroll-
at figure.)
Michigan's concern with the NCAA's policy
s 'from the fact that it has always been
ipathetic and cooperative with the national
anization; and naturally wants to continue
s relation. But, as one of the minority group
big colleges, Michigan has to look out for
own interests, too, as. do the other Big
i and major college schools.
Chpugh the Michigan Board in Control has
made any specific recommendations relat-
to the new NCAA'power, the Big Ten has

taken positive action, formulating a committee
to study the situation. Two athletic directors
and two faculty representatives have been ap-
pointed by the Conference-to make the investi-
gation, and any subsequent Conference action
will stem from their findings. ,
TE BIG TEN and the Michigan Board have
now voiced its concern publicly, but the
Board doubts that its basis has been unde?'
stood fully, especially by the new members of
- the NCAA, many of which are small colleges.
As the Board pointed out, the problems of the
small colleges differ, radically from those of
the big ones, and therein lies a basic sore
point of the NCAA system.
It is doubtful, whether action in the part of
the Big Ten or any other Conference would
have an effect on the august ruling body with
its increased power. However, as the Michigan
report points out, someone or something has
to control the NCAA's creeping legislation be-
fore it goes too far.
Prof. Marcus L. Plant, secretary of the Board,
and the University athletic faculty representa-
tive, has compared the member colleges rela-
tion to the NCAA as one analagous to that of
the state and federal government.
Plant inferred that the line must be drawn
somewhere limiting the NCAA to its originally
broad power to focus attention on national
abuses or conditions that require correction in
bringing together the diversified ideas of its
WHERE SHOULD the power be controlled?
The NCAA should stay out of local and re-
gional affairs where it has Conference "assist-
ants" to govern. Only in cases where the mem-
bers involved ask for itervention should the
NCAA step in to alleviate a situation of pos-
sible national importance. It should maintain
its broad aim of helping. members run their
athletic systems smoothly and setting down
national rules such as those currently existing
in basketball and, football.
Even in following such a .hands-off policy,
problems will arise concerning the big vs. small
colleges. A 'possible solution to this dilemma
was offered at the Pittsburgh convention which
called for dividing the NCAA into two distinct
entities; the small institutions on one hand,
and the big ones on the other, with each group
now having its own specific problems to solve.
If the latter were to become a reality, coupled
with the NCAA's returning to its pre-encroach-
ment status regarding eligibility, reports of
the concerned nature that the Michigan Ath-
letic Board in Control released Friday would
have no cause to be repeated.

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Policing for Peace:
Doctrine That Persists
Associated Press News Analyst
THE DIFFICULTIES of the United Nations armed forces in the Congo
have not served to kill the old idea that eventually a disarmed
world will have to keep the peace with a central police force.
The Commonwealth nations have Just endorsed the idea, which
would leave individual countries with only enough military force for
internal security.

toward individual disarmament. is
back to the same point. Its place in
as the other widespread belief, that
peace will come only when all, na-
tions are willing to submerge sel-
fish interests in favor of morality
-the golden rule,
* * ,
SOME PEOPLE at the Com-
monwealth meeting expressed the
belief, after South Africa's with-
drawal, that apartheid will even-
tually be recognized as an econom-
ic impossibility.
Oddly enough, while apartheid
is an extreme right-wing policy in
South Africa, looking toward es-
tablishment of an all-black com-
munity, it was and has remained
a cardinal policy: of the Commu-
nist party in this country, and has
been revived just recently.
The distance between extreme
right and extreme left is never
very great.
KING SAUD'S order to the
United States to get out of her
military air base at Dahran em-
phasizes that he is no longer truly
king in his own country. He has
yielded too many powers to his
half brother, Prince Faisal, some-
times amounting to almost com-
plete sovereignty. Faisal is a Nas-
ser man. He supports the policy
barring Jews from working with
foreign oil companies in Saudi
Arabia, 'or from serving in the
American armed forces at the.
The next manifestation of anti-
western policy undoubtedly will
be directed against the oil com-
panies. The danger is not the loss
of Arabian oil to the West, which
is rapidly approaching a position
where it will not be needed, but
in the possibility that the Com-
munists will grab the oil and add
it to the flow from their own
wells which they are now using to
upset the world market.r
* * *
United States army established in-
formational "red herring" outposts
in various places. They pretended'
to brief newsmen; and others about
various activities, particularly
those of the enemy, but actually
were designed to mislead about our
own intentions. One report plant-
ed in this fashion was that Eisen-
hower was due home for consulta-
tions almost on the eve of the in-
vasion of North Africa, which he
The principal result of such
practices was to kill a lot of faith
in the office of war information
and other government sources.
One peacetime equivalent is the
floating of trial balloons from
Washington. It still goes on.

in. sight. But people keep coming
the world's dreams is as persistent
AN INCREASE in the number
of film licensing boards ap-
pears inevitable to film industry
spokesmen as a result of the U.S.
Supreme Court's January 23 rul-
ing upholding the constitutional-
ity of state and local censor
boards, according to a recent re-
lease by the Department of Jus-
tice. While an appeal for a re-
hearing will be made to the high
court, the industry is making plans
to cope with the expensive and
time-consuming court battles that
will result from the growth of
these boards. As of now there are
such boards only in four states;
Kansas, Maryland, New York and
Virginia, and 11'cities.
Lawyers who have waged past
fights against film censorship,
however, are not disheartened by
the Supreme Court's ruling. Eph-
raim London, who fought "The
Miracle" and the "Lady Chatter-
ys Lover" cases, and Felix J.
Biigrey, who handled the "Don
Juan" case decided by the high
court on January 23, have already
put forward new approaches to the
difficulties facing the film indus-
Atlanta, Ga. appears to head
the list in the number of cases to
be fought in the courts. Accord-
ing to Variety, the entertainment
weekly, the test suit planned by a
group of distributors will go on.
The Atlanta ordinance is being at-
tacked on the due process ground
that the standard by which films
are to be Judged are too vague.
The censor, Mrs, Christine Smith
Gilliam, wife of the chairman of
the Atlanta Police Committee, ap-
parently exercises complete con-
trol of the movie fare in that city.
Among the films banned recently
in Atlanta are "Room at the Top,"
Academy Award nominee; '"The
Case of Dr. Laurent" and "Hiro-
shima Mon Amour;" "Never On
Sunday" and '" Tunes of Glory." In
another film, "Come Dance With
Me" starring Brigitte Bardot, the
censor demanded the deletion of
a closeu3 of' 'a female impersbna-
tor before a license will be grant-



Conflict with PratBuies



Something Missing

' THE PRESIDENT'S address and message
dealing with- Latin American affairs, we
ve the outline of a new approach to the
ole complex question of , foreign aid. The
ential difference between the old and the
vv approach is this:, the old approach, first
mulated in the Marshall Plan, 'was based
the idea that the critical need was foreign
ital. President Truman's Point Four program
plemented this idea with a propbsal to
e underdeveloped countries technical aid.
Che Kennedy administration's view, which
es much 'to Prof. Galbraith, is that foreign
ital alone will no longer do what is wanted.
a country is to be helped and the money
not to be wasted, the country must have
>ugh education, there must be enough social
te, there must be some administrative
npetence, and there must be a sense of what
elopment means. Not every country which
ds aid can meet these conditions.
n the Kennedy administration's policy coun-
s must first be persuaded and helped to
et the conditions before considerable capi-,
loans and investment can be used effec-
ely. A country like Laos does not, for ex-
ple, meet the necessary conditions. Coun-
s like India and Brazil do meet them.
OOKING BACK OVER the history of for-
eign aid we can now see that the first
Lntries which received aid were the most
anced countries in the world. Britain,
nce, West Germany, Belgium, the Nether-
ds, were the very opposite of "under-
'eloped" countries. They had the education,
administrative experience, and the like.
iat they lacked in order to recover from
war was the foreign exchange to buy es-
tial imports to feed their people and to
onstruct their industries.
3ut when the policy of foreign aid was ap-
d to truly underdeveloped countries with
illiterate pppulation and a feudal or tribal
lal order, the results have been very dis-

explained. That 'cannot, of course, be done in
one speech and one message.
THERE IS, HOWEVER, something missing,
so it seems to me, in the presentation of
the new policy. What is missing is an effective
answer to those who, when they are confronte;
with proposals to continue and- probably to
increase the American contribution to foreign
aid, will say: Why should we do this? Why
should we take upon ourselves as much as
let us say, two-thirds of the burden of helping
the non-Communist countries?
THE PRINCIPLE OF the true answer is to be
found in President Kennedy's inaugural ad-
"To those people in the huts and villages of
half the globe struggling to, break the bonds
of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to
help them help themselves,.for whatever period.
is required-not because the Communists may
be doing it, not because we seek their votes,
but because it is right."
We shall help them, said the President, to
help themselves for as long a period as may
be needed because it is right. Why' should the
President not translate this noble principle
into concrete form? There is an idea, often
proposed in recent years, one that all sorts
of people have written about. Each nation
should impose upon itself the obligation to
help other people by contributing to foreign
aid a fixed amount--say one per cent-of its
gross national product. I believe it would be a
great moment in the history of our time if the
United States publicly acknowledged such an
THE ADOPTION OF the principle would
normalize the procedure of raising the
money and it would not be necessary every
spring to beat the tom-toms and decide how
much we are afraid of Khrushchev. It would
permit a long term commitment. It would

Daily staff Writer
ago about whether to have a
University-owned book store, the
Board of Regents espoused a re-
markable statement of policy.
It was a reaffirmation of a
stand which the Regents original-
ly took in 1927, and stated:
Resolved, that it is not and
'will not be the policy of the
Regents of the University of
Michigan to encourage or ap-
prove the 'establishment of co-
operative mercantile organi-
zations within University
buildings or under circum-
stances that will give such en-
terprises special advantages
in the way of lower rents,
freedom from taxation or oth-
er cooperatoi on the part of
the University.
, * I
IN EFFECT, this statement says
that the University will not com-
pete with legitimate private busi-
ness in Ann Arbor.
This is a very important, and
unfortunately nebulous, state-
ment of policy. It las pertinence
not only to the book store issue
,>ut also to several areas in which
the University actually does com-
pete with private business.
For instance, the snack bars at,
Mary Markley and South Quad-
rangle definitely compete with lo-
cal eating establishments. They
are not like the dining rooms in
those residence halls which pro-
vide a service that the private
businesses in Ann Arbor would
find difficult to fulfill. Thus there
is a direct line of competition be-
tween these snack bars and local
private eating places-more so
than between the residence hall
dining rooms and private restau-
THE' SNACK BARS contradict
the Regents' policy statement be-
cause of the state sales tax law,
which says that state university
agencies will sell food, books and
school supplies need not charge
the sales tax nor pay it when pur-
chasing supplies. However, non-
students must pay the tax.
Since the snack bars can auto-
matically have prices four per cent
lower than those of -privaterbusi-
ness, it is reasonable to assume
that this action contradicts the
clause on "special advantages in
the way of freedom from taxa-
tion." This phrase would not real-
ly apply to the residence hall din-
ing rooms because since there is
not much significant competition,
there is little opportunity for "spe-
cial advantage."
A slightly different situation
exists in the Michigan Union Grill
and the League cafeteria. Both
the Union and the League are
not University buildings but non-
profit corporations, technically
separate entities from therUniver-
sity. However, if one read the
Regents' statement carefully, he
could infer that the area of au-
thority outlined is not restricted
to University buildings only. Thus
these student organizations and

facilities, however, seem to con-
form to the tone of the Regents'
policy because they provide serv-
ices which private businesses are
unable to undertake: dontinually
serving major pmeals to students.
Many students eat at either place
much of the time and thus these
cafeterias may be said to fulfill a
function similar to that of the din-
ing rooms in residence halls.
Why the Regents back in 1927
adopted this policy is difficult to
ascertain. Newspapers of that
period give no clues as to the
reasons or issues involved.
However, it is fairly easy to
see why they reaffirmed the state-
ment in December 1959. At that,
time there was a controversy over
whether the University should es-
tablish and operate a book store,
which is done at most other state
* * *
IN RESPONSE to demands by
students the Union took a survey
of the efficiency of local stores
and the costs of books at other
colleges to determine if the prices
here were higher.
The findings were that the book
stores here serve the students ef-
ficiently and economically, that a
University book store would not
give substantial savings to the
students except for the sales tax,
that expenditures for the'capital
to begin the operations would be
prohibitive, and that private stores
would be needlessly driven out of
Thus when the Student Govern-
ment Council moved to refer the
question -of having a University
book store to the Regents, they
would have been expected to re-
ject the book store idea on the
grounds of the results of the sur-
Instead, they issued their fuzzy
policy statement to turn down the
* * *
IT IS RATHER puzzling then to
ascertain why the Regents allow
the Student Book Exchange to
function. Private book stores make
little profit on new books (accord-
ing to the Union survey) as nini-
mum prices are set by the authors,
but they do make some profit on
selling used books. Thus the SBX,
which deals solely with used books,
is in theory supposed 'to save the
students money not only in avoid-
ing the sales tax but also by the
lower base price. However, once
again a useful operation is con-
trary to the policy statement be-
cause the Regents tolerate an or-
ganization which gets "special ad-
vantage in freedom from taxa-
tion," a freedom which the pri-
vate book stores of course do not
Probably the only clear reason
why the SBX is approved by the
Regents is because it is needed,
whereas a University book store
selling new books is not needed
and would actually be harmful. If
this is the case, and it probably
is true, then the policy statement
issued by the Regents had little
relevance to the book store issue.
* * *

of the students. They are prob-
ably in the best interests of the
city of Ann Arbor because the
competition tends to make private
businesses do a better job.,.,
The University has an obliga-
tion to the students that is more
than intellectual. It has the right
and also the duty to provide these
mercantile services for the stu-'
dents, as long as these operations
do not unduly infringe upon or
duplicate the functions of private
business. Therefore, (according to
the Union survey) it was prudent
that a University book store was
not established, for it apparently
would have bankrupted private'
book stores without good reason.
However, if the private businesses
ever start (or, in the opinion ,of
some students, continue) charging,
exorbitant prices or giving shoddy
service, the University would be
justified in establishing a book
It is not these University-sanc-
tioned operations that are ques-
tionable. Rather, it is the Regents'
statement of policy that needs
changing. Not only is it unreason-
able but it is also unclear and
difficult to interpret.
Exactly what are "cooperative
mercantile organizations?" Do
they include operations which are
considered essential to the stu-
dents, such as the residence halls'
serving of three meals a day, or
does the clause pertain only to
services feasible for private busi-
ness? What do the Regents mean
by "University buildings?" Are
they buildings which are owned
by the University or do they also
include buildings which are pri-
marily used by and maintained for
students, such as the Union? Do'
the Regents mean by their state-
ment to discourage all University-
city competition or just some of
* * *
THE REGENTS should- answer
these questions and clarify the
implications of their policy as to
whether they wish to allow useful'
services which are contrary to
their policy statement to continue
to function. If these services by
the University are not contradic-
tory to their declaration the Re-
gents should explain why not.
It must be understood that the
Regents' statement was not a by-
law.Thus the SBX, residence hall
snack bars and Union and League
cafeterias are not doing anything:
illegal. However, it is ridiculous
for these operations to be tech-
nically against 'the Regents' poli-
cy. This'is the fault of the Re-
gents, not of the students. For-
tunately the Regents' statement
has not yet evoked the city com-
plaints about its misapplications.
There is little awareness, and con-
sequently little rebellion, on the
part of students against the poli-
' But before unnecessary trouble
may arise, the clause should be
changed. It should be altered so
that it recognizes and -sanctions
in the wording of the statement,
what actually exists in practice.
The following revision might
heln the statement conform with

To The Eto


To the Editor:
NOW THAT IT IS in writing as
well as in words, let's hope,
that something will be done. I
speak of the recently published
survey which dealt with problems
in the quads. The simple fact that
the survey was conducted by a
couple of staff men shows that, at
the Resident Adviser level, some-
body,, knows that something is
wrong and wants to'do something
about it. The only trouble is that
their efforts are being thwarted
by their supervisors.
Having lived in the quads for
almost a year I experienced many
of the same troubles and prob
lems which* were pointed- out in
the survey. Poor food and dining
facilities, poor maid service, poor
phone service (this'is not due only,
to the operators, but due to the
lack of phones), ridiculous dress
regulations and too many archaic
and outdated rules and a judiciary
that is a puppet of the Resident
Director, are just some. of. the
many gripes that the residents
* * *
plaints dealing with the complete
lack of respect that the mainte-
nance staff has for- the students.'
For instance,i a minor change was
planned for the dining rooms so a
pneumatic drill went to work to
accomplish this task. This is fine,
but was it necessary to do this
.during FINALS? Why couldn't
they wait another week? There
are other complaints, but they
are too numerous to mention. The
fact is that nothing is being done
about this deplorable situation.
It is a known fact to everybody
(except the heads of the quads)
that something has to be done,
and fast, for the quads are rapid-
ly sinking downhill to oblivion.

in a beneficial way. Their super-
iors, on the other hand, live in
their own homes, have little or
no personlal contact with the quads
and as a result do not have too
good an idea as to what is really
wrong. Yet it is these men who
strike back at the survey as be-
ing false. It is also these men who
prevent all advancements that the
residents bring up from being car-
ried out.
Isn't it about time that some-
thing was done to Improve 'the
conditions at the quads? Words
and surveys are fine. Now let's
see some improvements, With a
little work and energy the quad
system can be transformed into a
going concern instead of a lethar-
gic, oversized boarding house.
-Stanley Lubin, '63E,
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official publication of The Univer-
sity of 'Michigan for which The
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before, 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Recital Cancelled: The faculty rect-
tal on Sun., March 19 at 8:30 p.m. in
Aud. A, featuring Millard Cates, tenor,
and Eugene Bossart, pianist, has been
cancelled and will be' postponed in-
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for the academ-
ic year 1961-62 for Betsy Barbour Resi-




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