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March 18, 1961 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-18

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legents Announce Leaves of Absence

The Regents 'yesterday an-
nounced the granting of leaves of
Prof. Gardner Ackley, professor
of economics and chairman of the
economics department, was giv-
en leave for 1961-1962. He receiv-
ed a fellowship to continue his
research on the problems of eco-
nomic growth and regional devel-
opment in Italy.
Prof. Mathey Alpern of the
physiology and opthalmology de-
partments was also given leave for
1961-1962, without salary. He was,
granted a special traineeship in
order to study for one. year in the
physiology laboratory of the Uni-
versity of Cambridge.
Margarita Anderson - Imbert,
Undergraduate Librarian was
granted leave to permit her to
travel in Europe.
Study Opera
Prof. Josef Blatt of the music
school was granted leave for the
first semester of 1961-62, for a
sabbatical. He will travel in Eu-
rope and will do research on the
state and development of opera'
in Scandinavia.
Prof. Frank Cassara of the

architecture and design school was
given leave for the first semes-
ter of 1961-62, for a sabbatical.
He received a Rackham Grant
to help him carry the findings of
his research in new methods of
metal-late printmaking in black
and- white into the field of color.
Prof. Fred M. Davenport of the
department of epidemiology in the
public health school and profes-
sor of internal medicine in the
Medical School was assigned to
duty off campus in 1961. He has
been invited to be one of a group
of six American investigators who
are to make a study of virological
investigation in the Soviet Union.
Observe Teaching
Prof. Benning Dexter of the mu-
sic school was given leave for the
second semester of 1961-62, for a
sabbatical. He' plans to observe
teaching in music schools in West-
ern Europe.
Prof. Oliver Edel, professor of
violoncello and chamber music,
was granted leave for the second
semester of 1961-62, for -a sab-
batical. He plans to do writing on
the interpretative process in music.

Prof. Thomas Francis, Jr., Hen-
ry Sewall University professor of
epidemiology, was granted leave
for 1961-62 for' a sabbatical. He
plans to study certain concepts
of immunology and pathogenesis
of diseases and complete a mono-
gram on virus variation and im-
To Malaya
Prof. L. A. Peter Gosling of the
geography department received
leave for 1961-62. He has been in-
vited to accept a lectureship at
the University of Malaya.
His duties will involve lectures
and giving assistance in organiz-
ing a graduate program in geog-
Prof. Nelson G. Hairston of the
zoology department was given
leave from April 1, 1961 to the
end of the University year 1961-
62. He hast been asked to serve as
consultant to the World Health
Organization to assist in the
WHO's research program in schis-
tosomiasis. .
Prof. Harold Haugh of the mu-
sic school was granted leave for

the University year 1961-62 for a
sabbatical. He plans to spend the,
year in Great Britain studying the
oratorical chorus situation in that
Natural Science Fellow
Prof. William L. Hays of the
psychology department received
leave for the University year 1961-
62. He has been invited to serve
as a fellow at the Institute for
Advance Study in the Behavorial
Sciences at Stanford University
and will, in addition, hold a senior
post-doctoral fellowship from the
National Science Foundation.
Prof. James D. Prendergast of
the history of art department was
given leave for the second semes-
ter of 1961-62. He plans to use
the time for a general study of
a variety of art forms in Europe.
Prof. Edward C. Roeber of the
education school received leave for
the first semester of .1961-62. He
will spend part of this time with
the organizational activities in-
volved in his being president of
the American Personnel and
Guidance Association.
Finish Book
Prof. Leo A. Schmidt of the
accounting department was given
leave for the second semester of
1961-62. He plans to finish writ-
ing a book on "Management Ac-
counting for Executives.'"
Prof. Donald E. P. Smith of
the education school and chief of
the Reading Improvement Service
for the Bureau of Psychological
Services was given leave for 1961-
Wray Smith, assistant director
of the Institute of Science and
Technology, was given leave from
March, 1961 to Feb. 1962. He is
serving as education chief of the
House Committee on Education
and Labor.
Prof. Paul A. Sere of the biolog-
ical chemistry department was as-
signed to duty off campus from
June through August. He has an
opportunity to continue his re-
search work at the Nobel Medical
Institute in Stockholm, Sweden
and also has been invited to at-
tend the International Biochemi-
cal Congress in Moscow.
Government Work
Prof. Robert E. Ward of the
political science department was
given leave for the second semes-
ter of 1961-62. He will work in
Washington, D.C., with classified
documents related to the allied
occupation of Japan, now held by
the World War II Records Center
of the National Archives.
Prof, Raymond E. Wilder of the
mathematics department was giv-
en leave for 1961-62. He has been
invited to accept a visiting ap-
pointment at Florida State Uni-
Prof. Herbert C. Youtie was as-
signed to duty off campus from
April 1 to May 31, 1961. He is
engaged in preparing Volume Nine
of the Michigan Papyrus Series
and it is necessary that he make
a personal examination and
transcription of a group of papyri
in the British Museum.

Creal Lauds
State Plans
WHAT'S THE Development Council?
Get your tickets to the Ray Charles
Mayor Cecil O. Creal yesterday Jazz Concert and find out on April
described the State Highway De- 12. Reserved seats available Monday
partment's proposed plan to widen in Union lobby, 1-5 P.M. F113
Forest Ave. between E. Huron St. GRACE G.-Hope transfer Ed. School.
nd Washt A s "badl what is your phone number? Walt.
H. 60'. 109
needed and helpful.".
Highway Commissioner John C. A diamond is forever, but WEDI-
Mackie said that more than $300,- QUETTE comes only once a year. Fil
000 has been budgeted for the VOTE in All-Campus elections Tues-
widening of Forest Ave. and for day & Wednesday. F97
the development of a proposed JUNIORS - ELECT ROGER PASCAL
one-way street system in Ann LSA PRESIDENT. F96
But Creal was cautious about any Would you like to be a SPRING
B, WEEKEND jester. For information
state plan for creating a one-way call Irwin, NO 5-8367. F107
street program in downtown Ann
Arbor.- PETE SEEGER mail orders: -
Ar-rFolk Arts Guild
The one-way street system Box 454, Ann Arbor
would involve both Huron and Tickets; $1.50, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.50
Washington Sts., both east-west
routes, and Fourth Ave and Main MJQ Ann Arbor concert to be covered
St., north-south streets. by DOWN BEAT. Tickets now at
Disc Shop and Hi F and TV Center.
Mackie indicated that this work F104
will depend on agreements reach- TO THE Girl in Cher lecture-Why
ed between Ann Arbor officials don't you wear slacks, then?'
and the State Highway Depart- BOB F9o
ment on these projects. Join the DAILY and see the world -
through an Associated Press Teletype
Machine. P11
AM-"ts OU GET the finest KOSHER HOT
B oard Acce t wOGwith sauerkraut, only 35c at the
Cafe Promethean. Open for lunches
G f'ts, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. every day. F20
now accepting bookings for spring
The Regents accepted gifts and dances. Phone the Bud-Mor Agency,
grants totalling $56,174 at yes- CAR SERV1CE, ACCESSORIES
terday's meeting.
The largest donation, $12,131 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE
from Mrs. Alvan Macauley, was
for the establishment of the Ma- Friendly service is our business.
cauley Fund for medical student Atlas tires, batteries and accessories.
aid. The dean of the Medical Complete Automotive Service-All
Schoou is to administer the fund . products and services guaranteed.
which will support gifted students Road service
needing scholarship assistance. "You expect more from Standard
Consumers Power Co. of Jack- and you get it."
son provided three grants. One 1220 South University.
was a $7500 fellowship in engi- NO 8-9168
neering, the second a $2250 engi-
neering scholarship and the other
a $300 scholarship for freshmen. FOREIGN CAR SERVICE
From the Pan American Health
Organization came $9500 in sup- We service all makes and nodels
port of a prject by Prof. S. J. of Foreign and Sports Cars.
Axelrod of the public health school Lubrication $1.50
for the economic evaluation of
malaria eradication.
The Regents also accepted a Nye Motor Sales
$7500 gift from the Michigan di- 514 E. Washington
vision of the American Cancer Phone NO 3-4858, 82
Societyfor the University Cancer UE
Research Institute. BUSI NESS PERSONAL
Raybestos Division of Raybestos- BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at
Manhattan, Inc. gave $3600 for a the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat-
fellwshi in hemitryterson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni-,
fellowship in chemistry. versity, NO 8-8887. FF2
A $2500 gift came from Sinclair
Research Laboratories, Inc. for a WANTED TO RENT
fellowship in chemical engineering. UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR desires to
Hercules Powder Co. bestowed rent home in or near Ann Arbor for
an unrestricted grant-in-aid of academic year 1961-62. Call HU 2-5293.
$2500 for the chemistry depart-
A $1500 was made by Oak ROOM MATE wanted to share large,
Ridge Institute of Nuclear Stu- attractive, newly furnished room;
dies Inc. for the Atomic Energy Contact w. Blatter at 518 s. Division
Commission Fellowship in Health after 7:00 p.m. E9
The Regents also accepted $1000 NEEDED: Rides to Texas. Will pay all
for a fellowship from the Julian expenses & share driving. Tex Curry,
and Helene Sprague Foundation. NO 3-7541, ext. 767. G5
Anthropology 128 Sociology 62
Astronomy 11 Philosophy 63
Astronomy 2 Philosophy 67
Economics 51 Psychology 5,1
Economics 52 Psychology 142
Chemistry 2 Psychology 182
Geology 12 Zoology

Sociology Psychology 94
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