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March 15, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-15

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(Continued from Page 4)
by Mendelssohn, Medtner, and Ginas-
tera. Open to the public without
Tomorrow at 4:10 p.m. the depart-
ment of speech will present its first
Laboratory Playbill of the spring semes-
ter. The Dark Lady of the Sonnets, by
George Bernard Shaw in Trueblood
Aud., Frieze Bldg. Admission will be
Lecture: "Life and Geomorphology of
Some Semi-Arid Islands in the Carib-
bean Sea" will be discussed by Dr.
Jacques S. Zaneveld, College of William,
and Mary, on Thus., March 16 at 4
p.m. in Aud. C.'
Lecture: Dr. Tracey Sonneborn, de-
partment of zoology, Indiana Univep-
sity, will speak on "The Genetics of
Diversity in Cellular Organization" on
Thurs., March 16 ap 4 p.m. in the Natu-
ral Science Aud.
Chemistry Lecture, Thurs., March 16,
8 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg. Dr. A. D. F.
Toy' Victor Chemical Company, will
speak on "Selected Aspects of the
Chemistry of Phosphorus."
Communication Sciences Colloquium:,
Robert Lees of IBM Corp. will speak on
"A Method for Studying Grammatical
Behavior" at 4:15 p.m. Thurs., March
16 in Aud. B. Dr. Lees is on the staff
of the Mohansic Laboratory of the
International Business Machines Cor-
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof,
Josef Meixner, Direqtor, Institute of
Technical Physics, Aachen, Germany,
will speak on "New Characterization of
Hyper-Geometric Forms," ThursM ar.
16, at 4 p.m. in 246 West Engineering.
Refreshments in 274 West Engineering
at 3:30 p.m.
'Anatomy Seminar: Dr. Theodore Sip-
pel will speak on "Measuring Low Rate.
of Oxygen Consumption byan Oxy-
gen-Electrode Flow Respirometer"; Drs.
Raymond H. Kahn, Maynard X..Dewey,

Girls!! .

and James L. Conklin will speak on
"Cytochemical Evidence for Synthesis
of Muopolysaccharide in the L-cell
(929) Vibrobast; and Sam Townsend
will speak on "Regeneration of the Gas-
tric Mucosa of the Rat." Thurs., March
16, 4 p.m., 2501 East Medical Bldg.
Placement Interviews: Bureau of Ap-
pointments-Seniors and grad. students
please call Ext. 3371 for interview ap-
pointments with the following:
Travelers Insruance Co., Hartford,
Conn. (a.m)-Location: Hartford home
office & field offices throughout U.S.
Men & WOMEN with degree in Lib.
Arta,. Bus. Ad. for trng. in Actuarial,
Claim, Sales & Service, Underwriting,
or Administration.
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Hart-
ford Conn. - Location: Anywhere in
U.S. Men with degree in Lib. Arts,
Bus. Ad., Math for Actuarial, Insur-
ance, Sales, Promotion, Mgmt. Trg.
Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC-Loca-
tion: NYC & 23 foreign branches. Men
with degree in Econ. or Bus. Ad. for
ITRNG. as Sr. Investment :Analyst, Cred-
it Analyst, Branch Platfrom Operations
Asst., Corporate Trust Admin. Asst.,
Personal Trust Admin. Asst., Foreign
Arrangements Sr. Analyst or District
Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New
,York, NYC-Men with degree in Lib.
Arts, Bus. Ad., or Law for Mgmt.
VIEWS-128H West Engrg. Bldg., Ext.
2182. For seniors & grad. students.
Baker Perkins, Inc., Saginaw, Mich.
-BS: EE, IE, ME & Met. Des., Res. &
Dev., Sales & Prod. "
Calif. Texas Oil Co. (Caltex), N.Y.
City w/opportunities for eventual over-
seas assignments-BS-MS: CE & ME.
BS: EE. Des., R. & D., Prod., Refining,
Engrg. & Constr., Process Engrg., &
Product Dev.,
Electro-Voice, Inc, Engrg. Staff at
Buchanan, Mich.-BS-MS: BE. BS: E.
Physics. Des., R. & D.
Hercules Powder Co., Research 'Cen-
ter, Wilmington, Del-PhD: ChE re-
ceiving degree in 1962. I. & D.
Autonetics, Div. of North American
Aviation, Inc.-Al Degrees: EE, ME,
Physics & Math. Des., R. & D., Sales,
Prod., Inertial navig., guidance & con-
trol, compter & info. processing sys.
Oakland Unified School Dist., Oak-
land,,Calif.-MS: BE. To teach at city
college level. Openings in Sept. 1961.
U.S. Gov't.-Defen se(Navy), David
Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Md.-
All Degrees: AE, CE, EE, EM, Instru.,
Marine, ME, N. Arch. Prof.: Applied
Mech. BS: E. Math, E. Physics & Sci-
ence. U.S. citizenship or permanent
resident visa required. Des., R. & D.
MARCH 16-17-
Bendix Corp., Eclipse-Pioneer Div.,
Teterboro, N.J.-Ail Degrees: BE & ME.
BS: E. Physics. Des., R. & D., Test.
Bendix Corp., Missile Div., Mishawa-
ka, Ind.-BS: EE & ME. Trng. Prog.
Bendix Corp., Research Labs. Div.,
Southfield (Det.), Mich.-AlL Degrees:
AE, Ch, EE. Prof.: Applied Mech. MS-
PhD: EM, Instru. & Nuclear. BS-MS:
Met. BS: E. Physics. Des., R. & D.
Bendix Corp., Bendix Systems Div.,
Ann Arbor, Mich.-Al Degrees: AE, EE.
MS-PhD: Instru. & Nuclear. BS: E.
Math & E.. Physics. R. & D.
Bendix Corp., All Divs. not scheduled
to be on, campus-All Degrees: EE.
Des., R. & D.
Don't Miss The
Now Going On
Photo Dep.

Calif. Institute of Tech., Jet Pro-
pulsion Lab., Pasadena-MS-PhD: AE,'
ChE, CE-structures, EE, EM, Instru.,
ME, Met. & Nuclear. All phases of
Chem., Physics, Math, Bacter. & Bio-
chem. BS: Meteorology. Des., R. & D.
The Trane Co., Positions in La Crosse,
Wis.-Tech. Sales in one of 101 sales
offices through U.S. & Grad. Trng.
Program for European Sales offices-
Belgium, Holland & Germany BS-
MS: ChE & ME. BS: AE, CE, EE, IE.
U.S. citizenship not required for Eu-
ropean Sales Positions. Interested in
Belgium. Dutch & German Engrg. stu-
dents, who desire to return to native
country for permanent residence. Des.,
R. & D3., Sales & Prod. & Grad. trng.
General Tire & Rubber Co. Aerojet-
General Corp., Sacramento, Azusa,
Downey, Calif., & Fredericks, Md.-
All Degrees: AE, ChE, CE, EE, EM, IE,.
ME, Met. & Nuclear, Math, Physics,
Phys. & Org. Chem. Prof.: Applied
Mech. BS & PhD: Analyt. Chem. BS-
MS: Mat's. BS: E. Math, E. Physics &
Science. Des., R. & D., Prod.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Akron, O.
BS: ChE, IE &ME. Des., R. & D., Sales.
Goodyear Aircraft Div., Akron, 0.-
All Degrees: EE. BS-MS: AE, ME & Met.
MS: ChE, & CE. BS: E. Math & E.
Physics. Des., R. & D.
Camp Easton, Ely, Minn.-Boys' camp.
Douglas Bobo interviewing for men
counselors today from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m.
Camp Nahelu, Mich. - Coed camp.
Stan Michaels interviewing Thrs. from
1:30 to 4:55 p.m.
MARCH 16, 17-
Camp Sequoia, New York - Coed
camp. Mr. Shapiro interviewing Thurs.
& Fri. from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m.
El Monte Motor Lodge, Granby, Col.
-Walters, waitresses, maids, office
work, & PBX operator. Applications on
file at Summer Placement Service.
Kingswood School for Girls, Bloom-
field Hills, Mich.-'Teacher for Sum-
mer Session-mornings only. English
Lit. & Creative Writing (College Prep.)
Small classes, 8 week term.
For further information go to Sum-
mer Placement Service, D-528 SAB.
Open every afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00
p.m. and all day Friday.*-
Mobil Oil Co., Detroit-Sales Terri-
tory Rep.--1Man with degree in any
field of Lb. Arts, Bus. Ad. Also In-
dustrial Sales Rep.-BS in ME or ChE.
Avco, Wilmington, Mass. - Aerody-
namics research positions for grad. stu-
dents in applied math, engrg., physics
in Research & Advanced Development
Div. PhD. Will consider MS.
U.S. Army Signal School,. Fort Mon-
mouth, N.J.-2 Res. Psychologists to
design & conduct res. toward im-
provement of trng. for enlisted & of-
, ficer personnel. Req. 2 yrs. grad. trng.
in psych. or 1 yr. grad trng. & 1 or
more yrs. relevant work exper. Will in-
terview interested candidates at East-
ern Psych. Assoc. Convention in Phila-
delphia on April 7, 8.
Detroit Civil Service-Latest listing
of current openings posted on bulle-
tin bd. outside 4021 Admin. Bldg.
Magnet Mills, Inc., Clinton, Tenn. -
Sales Rep. Senior or recent grad. for
mktg. of quality hosiery to major dept.
stores, Chicago area.
Please contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 4021 Admin., Evt. 3371 for fur-
ther information.
The following part - time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic
Personnel Office Room 1020 Administra-
tion Building, during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. .
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employes should
contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Bm. 1020 daily.
25-Psychological subjects, hours to be
1-Experienced car salesman, as many
hours as possible.
1-Electronics technician, 30 hours or
more per week, must have trans-
2-Salesmen, commission basis, must
have car.
1-Student wife, with training in Arts
& Crafts or occupational therapy
(9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.).
8-Psychological subjects, (21 or over,
for drug experiments).
1-Girl for housework,. and care for
five children from April 1 through
April 16, live in, must have car.

Monmouth Practices
Condemned by AAUP
By MAIJNDA BERRY tion has charged the Universit
MONMOUTH, N.J. - The ad- Chicago's student activities o:
ministration of Monmouth College with 'surpressing' the organr
has been charged with having tion's attempt to stage a pro
"little appreciation or understand- demonstration before recrui
ing of the academic profession and officers of the Marines, who
professional standards of the ited the dormitories last week,
scholarly disciplines' by the Amer- Kevin Krown, president of
ican Association of University Progressive Insight organizal
Professors. said that Assistant Dean of
A report based on an on-campus dents James E. Mewman "left
investigation by an AAUP com- doubt in our minds" that
mittee also concluded that the col- wanted plans for the demons
lege administration "is guided tions dropped. Krown had plar
chiefly by the criteria of satisfied to stage an"On the Beach" ]
customers, and in a period of ty, complete with signs say
growth has fumbled badly." "Replace Vitamin C with St
It said the college in West tium, 90," and little red pills, s
Long Branch, N.J., which in 1956 as appeared in the film.
acquired its own campus and Newman explained the sit
changed from a two-year Junior tion, saying, "it was very c
college into a four-year institu- plicated. Student Peace Union
tion, still adhered "to a philosophy come in before Krown and
of administration and to manage- asked to put a table opposite
ment practices inappropriate to a Marines' display.
four-year college."
"Of its 14 department heads and
directors of programs, Monmouth Russian Tour
lost five, or more than one-third
in a little more than a year," the '
report said. Sees Victors
Between June, 1959, and March 1
22, 1960, the report went on,.15 Favorite Son
faculty members, including five
department heads had left.
It also charged the administra- The University Symphony B
tion with trying to use students' continues to win Russian po
testimony against members of the larity with an arrangement
faculty. "The Victors" marching song
The Committee on College and which they sing the lyrics as I
University Government of the play, inviting the audience to
AAUP said the Monmouth admin- in clapping in tempo during
istration had""precipitated embar- final chorus.
rassing and avoidable crises." Completing is third week
touring in the Soviet Union,
band has already travelled
CHICAGO-A student organiza- 7.600 miles by train in the1



March 13-24
"the oldest
original production
on campu"s"

Ellwood To Speak
on Architecture
Craig Ellwood, Los Angeles ar-
chitect, will speak at 3:30 p.m.
today in Architecture Aud.
His illustrated lecture, "Non-
sensualism," is a critical analysis
of the arbitrary stylism and sym-
bolism of current architecture.
The lecture. is sponsored by the
architecture school.
Alpha Phi Omega, Exec. Board Meet-
ing, Active Members Welcome, Mar. 15,
7:30 p.m., 3524 SAB.
* * *
Democratic Socialist Club, "Modern
Marxism," Mar. 15, 7:30 p.m., Union,
Rm. 3B.
* * * *
Folklore Society, Informal Folksing,
Bring Instruments, Mar. 16, 8:30 p.m.,
Cafe Promethean. Everyone Welcome.
No Charge.
* * *
Gamma Delta, Lenten Vespers, Mar.
15, 7:30 p.m., & 9:15 p.m.,, Univ. Luth-
eran Chapel, 1511 Washtena*. Sermon,
"The Seamless Robe."
* * *
Lutheran Student Assoc., Lenten
Service, Rec. Hans Dumpys, Guest
Preacher, Mar. 15, 7:15 p.m., Hill St.
at Forest Ave.
S* * *
Voice Political Party, SOC Candi-
dates' Panel Discussion and question
and answer period, Mar. 16, 7-8 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 30.
. * * *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Movie "Calle
Mayor" (it won the International
Award of Venice), Mar. 16, 8 p.m.

322 S. State

NO 3-3371

Ut '!~.1


VViIWy dil iVWVi].liWlil Ar--,VVIi Li LiWll.

" t - , ..

Since the beginning of his intellectual awareness, Man has
looked upward to the outer void surrounding his planet
Earth. He has watched the twinkling stars and wondered
at theriever-ending dance of the planets around the Sun.
He has dreamed and written of the possibility of exploring
outer space and speculated endlessly on what he might
find :ould he but explore those silent spheres.
A practical beginning to these century long yearnings
has already been accomplished with man-made satellites
already girdling the Earth. Now, the next stage is under
way-the daring attempt to explore the Moon and the
planets of our Solar System and their environments.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
has assigned Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
the responsibility for the Nation's program bf unmanned
lpnar, planetary, and interplanetary exploration. The
objectives of this program are to contribute to mankind's
fundamental knowledge of space and the space envi-
ronment and to the development of the technology of
space exploration. For the next ten years, as larger booster
vehicles become available, spacecraft with ever-increas-
ing scientific instrument payloads will be developed.
JPL will conduct the missions, utilizing these spacecraft
to orbit and land on the Moon, to probe interplanetary
space, and to orbit and land on the near and far planets.
Earliest of these spacecraft will be the "Ranger" series
now being designed, developed and tested at JPL. The
mission of this particular series will include first, explora-
tion of the environment and later the landing of instru.
mnent capsules on the Moon.
Subsequent steps will continue a constant probing for
the knowledae of what is beyond and will require all the


initial flight spaecrf

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