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March 10, 1961 - Image 1

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VouLT.L7XT . . III


-Daly-Jerome Starr
POWER OF EDUCATION-President Harlan Hatcher last night
stressed the increasing, power of student movements to affect in-
ternational relations, saying that in the long run the answer to
world problems "lies in education in the highest and purest sense."
Hatcher Evaluates Force
Of GrowIng Student Power
Dangerous expressions of the tremendous power of students'
thirst for knowledge result from "A Growing Community in a Shrink-
ing World," University President karlan Hatcher asserted last night.
The growth of technical achievement and urbanization have suc-
ceeded in "shrinking" the world, but at the same time the expanding
self-consciousness of the communty into a context of international
relations. has increased the stresses and strains of human relation-
ships. "One of these newly-created problems is our tendency to under-
rate the youth of our time," Presi-

Size Charge
State Sen. Stanley G. Thayer
(R-Ann Arbor) yesterday coun-
tered Sen. Clarence F. Graebner's
(R-Saginaw) charge that the
University was "too big for its
britches" and said 'that he would
not support Graebner's proposal
for a new four year college.
After stating "The University is
not too big and should continue
to accept as many qualified stu-
dents as possible," Thayer explain-
ed the financial inconsistencies of
Graebner's proposal.
Budget Cramped
"Our budget for higher educa-
tion is so cramped as it is that
the- University and other state-
supported schools are going to be
hurt this year-it is unthinkable
that the state would create a new
four-year college in ,the current
fiscal crisis," he said.
Graebner's" proposal for the
present two-year Delta College,
scheduled to- open in September,
would enlarge the college to a
four-year school, with the state
providing support only for the
junior and senior years.
Dilute Quality
Thayer said the new college, lo-
cated in the Saginaw-Midland-
Bay City area, would "severely di-,
lute" the quality of the Univer-
sity and other existing institutes
of higher education in the state.
"The University has always
been large and its growth has been
natural. Partly because of its size
it enjoys its present position as
one of the world's top institu-
tions," Thayer said.
Thayer called Graebner's plan
"inconsistent, because he talks
economy to the public and then
backs this project which would do
great harm to our economy."
ROTC Grade
BERKELEY W) - The flunking
grade given a University of Cali-
fornia sophomore after he picket-
ed in uniform against compulsory
ROTC became a national student
issue yesterday.
The United States National Stu-
dent Association asked the univer-
sity's Academic Senate to review
the "F" given James Creighton in
military training for the fall term
"in an effort to establish the gracte
he ought to have received for his
class-room and drill field per-
The request came from Richard

dent Hatcher told the annual Ann
Arbor churchmen's dinner.
"When frustrated by this lack
of understanding, university stu-
dents may unleash the explosive
power of human emotions fired by
a quest for knowledge, an evolving
sense of social justice, an acute
desire for fair play and what they
believe will be a better world."
lie then cited several examples
of the "ominous exercise of this
powerful force"-the student riots
in Japan which forced cancella-
tion of ex-President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's trip there, the stu-
dent disturbances in Korea culmi-
nating in the fall. of Syngman
Rhee and student malcontentment
in Cuba bringing about the rise of
Fidel Castro.
"We must harness this tremen-
dous power," President Hatcher
continued, "to establish a better
world of understanding and ban-
ishment of prejudice.
"The world looks to the United
Nations, to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and programs
such as Point Four to solve these
"But in the long projection the
answer lies in education in its
highest and deepest sense."
Educationdmust put young people.
into an environment in which,
President Hatcher said, they real-
ize that their goals are actually a
common goal-to establish a free,
peaceful world.
These early settlers, of divergent
races and cultures, came from
lands which were also enmeshed
in conflicts and restlessness.
"Yet these people proved it is
possible to weld divergent charac-
teristics into a common culture
and still retain much that was
good in their individual heritage.
"When people are placed in an
environment where it is natural
to show good will and have a dedi-
cated ideal, then bigotry and pre-
judice are likely to become sub-
ordinated to the common good."
Hatcher called the education of
1,533 foreign students at the Uni-
versity a small-scale re-enactment
of these historical conditions in
"Perhaps these young people
learn more from contacts with stu-
dents of other lands and faiths
than they do in the formal atmos-
phere of classroom and labora-
Voice SuPorts
Four for SGC
Voice political party voted at
last night's meeting to support the
following candidates for Student
Government Council: Brian Glick,
'62; Kenneth McEldowney, '62;
Nancy Nasset, '63; and incumbent
Roger Seasonwein, '61.

Loan Plan
Vote Due
Gov. John B. Swainson's pro-
posed state industrial development
authority amendment," recently
approved by the House of Repre-
sentatives for the April 3 election
ballot, will be up for Senate ap-
proval today or tomorrow.
The governor'sproposal which
passed the House by an 83-21 vote
with all opposition coming from
Republicans, must clear the Sen-
ate this week to get on the spring
A two-thirds majority of legis-
lators voting will be necessary to
place the plan before the elector-
Extend Credit
Swainson's proposed authority
would extend credit to local in-
dustrial development corporations
as a method of attracting new
business to the state and as a
means of inducini plant expan-
Swainson's proposal would per-
mit the state authority to extend
credit, up to a total of $5 million
at a time, to finance industrial,
manufacturing or municipal de-
velopment projects.
The state could lend up to 30
per cent of the cost of a project,
with local private sources paying
the rest. The governor asked $1.5
million to put the plan into opera-
tion this year.
In Wednesday's approval by the
House, Republican pressure led to
the adding of a $15 million ceiling
on use of tax money under the
Ann Arbor Park
Although the Ann Arbor Re-
search Park would qualify for
funds if the Swainson plan were
enacted, William Bott, executive
officer of both the Greater Aun
Arbor Research Park Corporation
and the city chamber of commerce,
said yesterday he was not yet
familiar with the program and
thus had no comment.
At present, plans for the re-
search park call for no state or
federal aid, requiring only city
funds for installment of utilities
which would later be paid back
by the park's private developers.
Soviet Vehicle
Returns Dog
From Space
MOSCOW (P)-Soviet scientists
took another step yesterday to-
ward putting a man into orbit as
a five-ton space ship carrying a
female dog circled the earth and
landed safely, the government an-
About 200 pounds heavier than
the first dog-carrying space ship
recovered lasttAugust, the vehicle
followed close to a calculated orbit
and landed on target somewhere
in the Soviet Union, Tass reported.
It was the fourth launching of
what the Russians call space ships.
Aboard was Chernushka (Bru-
nette), and she returned from her
venture more than 150 miles above
the earth suffering no apparent ill
effects, the Soviet news agency
- Chernushka thus joins Strelka
(Arrow) and Belka (Squirrel) as
astronautical pioneers of the So-
viet Union. The Russians said
Strelka and Belka rode a space
ship for about 435,000 miles at a
maximum altitude of about 190
miles before being retrieved. last
Aug. 19. Both are still healthy and

Strelka has given birth to six pups,
Tass said.
(In Washington, George M. Low,
chief of manned space flight for
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, said the
latest achievement indicated the
Russians are "about ready to put
a man up." The United States
hopes to put a man aboard a
rocket within a month, but a man-
ned flight in orbit is not expected
before late this year.)
How far Chernushka traveled
was not indicated, but Tass said
the orbit of her space ship reach-
ed a height of 154.5 miles and a
minimum orbital height of 113.4
miles. Also aboard in the vehicle's
special cabin were other "biologi-
cal objects."
Facilities Opened
TT NpfroStuiden ts




Propose Abolition
Of SeMor Posts
The literary college steering committee yesterday considered a
recommendation to abolish senior class officers and to select in their
place three literary college seniors who would serve as class alumni
"Since the elections for officers of the class of '62 have already
been set up, this proposal if adopted would first affect the class

Congo .Head
tary-General Dag Hammarskjold
has sent Congolese President
Joseph Kasavubu a sharp remind-
er that the Congo is pledged to
allow the United Nations force
freedom of movement on its terri-
The note bears on the impasse
created by Congolese troops driv-
ing UN forces out of Matadi Port
last weekend.
An authoritative source told re-
porters last night the reminder
was in a message Hammarskjold
dispatched to Kasavubu in Tana-
narive, Malagasy Republic, where
the president and his premier,
Joseph Ileo, are seeking a settle-
ment on neutral ground with rival
Congolese political leaders.
Message Sent
The message went Wednesday
night after Albert Delvaux, styling
himself Acting Congo Premier,
made a formal demand in Leo-
poldville that the UN surrender
control of its air traffic and troop
movements to the Congolese au-
The informant said Hammar-
skjold recalled to Kasavubu that
when the Security Council created
the UN force last July, the Congo-
lese government agreed to freedom
of movement and special immuni-
ties for the troops. He said Ham-
marskjold also pointed out that
the Council's original Congo reso-
lution of July 22, linked the main-
tenance of law and order in the
Congo with the maintenance of
international peace and security,
so that things no longer could be
thought of in, "domestic or even
provincial terms."
The source remarked that UN
officials in the Congo the last two
days had been doubtful of the
status of the Congolese they were
negotiating with, since different
men have claimed the title of Act-
ing Congo Premier.
No Word
United Nations headquarters, he
said, has no word of any ouster of
Antoine Gizenga, head of the
Stanleyville rebel government, or
of any agreement for joint UN-
Congolese air traffic control.
Rajeshwar Dayal, Hammar-
skjold's special representative in
the Congo, has been negotiating
with Leopoldville government au-
thorities to get freedom of move-
ment for the UN force and its re-
admission to Matadi and the Ba-
nana Naval Base on the Atlantic.
Hammarskjold met privately
with his 18-nation advisory com-
mittee on the Congo to discuss
such matters.
Students Take
New Petitions
Richard Ogar, '64, Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, Nancy Nasset, '63,
Barry Litvin, '64, Ned F. Dike-
.man, Grad, and Arthur Rosen-
baum, '62, took out petitions for
Student Government Council yes-

of '63," committee chairman
James Seder, '61, noted.
The committee voted to submit%
the proposal to the literary col-
lege and to Alumni Hall. If no
major revisions are made, they
agreed to submit it to Student
Government Council and to Senior:
The functions of the Senior'
Officers are enumerated as: shar-
ing with the Union the responsi-
bility for U-Day, a day when 300
high school students visit the Uni-
versity; attending Senior Board
meetings; taking charge of the
election of officers for the liter-
ary, the business administration,
the engineering, and the educa-
tion colleges; and taking respon-
sibility for student relations with
Alumni Hall.
The senior president and vice-
president also sit on the Literary
College Steering -Committee.
Seder suggested three alterna-
tive methods of selecting the
members of the committee who
would in turn name the alumni
The first was that the commit-
tee should consist of a representa-
tive of the Alumni Association,
representative of the literary col-
lege, and the chairman of the lit-
erary college steering committee.
The second was identical with
the first except that a SGC offi-
cer who was a literature school
senior should take the place of the
steering committee chairman.
His final suggestion was that
SGC should select the literary col-
lege seniors who would make up
the committee,
House Establishes
New Committee
House subcommittee was set up
yesterday to investigate and watch
over the conduct of all federal
regulatory agencies.


Submit Tax
LANSING (M)-Two Democratic
legislators yesterday submitted a
plan for revising the state tax
It was the third to be proposed
this year. Gov. John B. Swainson
mapped out a blueprint geared to
a three per cent tax in personal
and corporate income taxes.
Sen Clyde Geerlings (R-Hol-
land) and 18 other Senate Repub-
licans proposed legislation to per-
mit local governments to increase
their taxes substantially, from new
revenue sources.
In other action yesterday the
House killed a bill to require book-
stores operated by colleges and
universities to charge a sales tax.
The same bill cleared the legis-
lature last year ,but was vetoed by
former Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
In some ways, the plan drawn
up by Reps. E. D. O'Brien and
Walter H. Nill is a combination of
the others.
The proposed repeal of the busi-
ness activities tax and cutting the
corporation franchise tax from
five to two mills.
To make up the difference, they
called for a five per cent tax on
corporation profits. It would pro-
vide about $110 million annually.
Bills to carry out those features
of the tax plan were readied for
introduction today. Other meas-
ures were introduced earlier.
Among them are those to repeal
some exemptions on sales and use
taxes, close loopholes in the in-
tangible taxes law and amend the
constitution to increase local gov-
ernment's share of the four per
cent sales tax from half a cent to
a penny,
O'Brien said his tax program
would be more acceptable to tax-
payers than the Governor's pro-
posals "at this time."
"The Governor'sis too diffi-
cult for most people to under-
stand," he said.
The House yesterday killed a
bill to require bookstores operat-
ed by colleges and universities to
charge a sales tax. The same bill
cleared the Legislature last year
but was vetoed by former Gov. G.
Mennen Williams.
The House also got set up to
vote on a proposed constitutional
amendment that would limit as-
sessments on both real and per-
sonal property to 50 per cent of
true cash value.

reaffirms Berlin pledge
U.S. Renews.
Berlin Stand
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk yesterday
pledged anew the United States
committment to a free West Ber-
If anyone thinks the United
States is about to yield or sur-
render its position on the Com-
munist-encircled German city,
Rusk said, he should think agail.
At the same time, Rusk raised
speculation in the minds of some
listeners that the Kennedy Ad-
ministration might make some
changes in the United States posi-
tion on Berlin as the administra-
tion prepares for negotiations with
the Soviets on the cold war issue.
Rusk declined to say the American
stand would remain unchanged
An advocate of the theory that
a Secretary of State can get more
work done if he stays at home,
Rusk stuck with that principle
yesterday but also said travels
were worthwhile for meeting in-
ternational leaders and making
progress at conferences.
In responding to inquiries on
problems ranging around the
globe, Rusk had these commer s
on Red China:
A very serious situation would
be created if Red China was seat-
ed in the United Nations and Na-
tionalist China ousted.
The United States was disap-
pointed by the Communist Chinese
rejection of a United States pro-
posal to exchange newsmen. The
Reds also made no move at Tues-
day's United States-Chinese meet-
ing in Warsaw toward freeing the
five Americans still in Red
Chinese jails.
But the Warsaw discussion, held
between ambassadors, was on
civil terms, and no, official word
has been received from London
-yet that the British intend to push
for the seating of Red China in
the United Nations at this fall's
General Assembly session.
The situation in Laos is not
stalemated, Rusk added, but
rather is under negotiations among
interested governments. While all
of them including the Sovies
agree that Laos should be neutral
and independent, the disagree-
ment lies in how to bring this
Rusk believes agreement on a
treaty to outlaw atomic tests can
be reached at the Geneva con--
ference resuming March 21 pro-
vided all three participants-Ru
sia, Britain and United Stares
seriously want to negotiate.
Party Leaders
Back Con-Con
Both Democratic and Republi-
can leaders have joined George
Romney's Co-ordinating Commit-

To Promote
Of Majority
Harrison Refuses
Request To Leave;
Charges Racial Bias
Amidst controversy over -eje
tions of several non-members fro
the Michigan Union Grill, The U
ion Board of Directors early th
morning declared it would co
tinue to take "such firm and po
tive action" as is necessary to pri
mote the interests of the majo
ity of its members and guests.
In a statement adopted in exe
utive session, the board attemp
ed to define the basis for aski
the removal of four men from tJ
MUG during the past month.
As charges of racial discrimin
tion were raised, the board s
monopolization and misuses of f
cilities as causes of difficulties
maintaining 'an organzat-i
"within which. students of a
faiths, cultures and races may i.
teract and communicate."
Defines Misuse
Defining misuse as loiteri
which does not contribute to
Union's objectives, the Boa
claimed that it often leads to a
tivities "harmful to the prol
utilization of the Union's se
' Union President Perry Mot
'61, said he "could not at this ti
specify what these activities ar
Just before the statement i
released, Joseph Harrison, an A:
Arbor resident who was eject
from the MUO Wednesday, said
had again been asked to leave l
Gives Warning
Harrison said that Union Ge
eral Manager Franklin Kuen
told him, "This is my last war
ing. Stay out of the Union.''
Harrison had come into the g
about a half hour before he w
ordered to leave.
The local real estate salesm
said he plans to see his attor
this morning about taking to
mal action against the Union.:,
plans to return to the grill t
afternoon and use its facilities.,
Guesses Reason
Harrison claimed he could thi
of no reason why he should hw
been asked to leave. "I could o
guess at one. I can imagine
other reason than the fact tha
am a Negro, if this is a reason
Harrison charged that Kuenr
ordered him out of the Ml
Wednesday on the grounds th
he was a non-student, and i
because of any specific disti
bance or violation of house rul
The full text of the statem
The Board of Directors of. I
Union has always been and
continue to be dedicated to furl
ering those purposes of the U
versity which it can best sen
One of these purposes is to ma
tain a facility within which si
dents of all faiths, cultures a
races may interact and commu
cate. The Board of Directors rei
firms its dedication to this PI
Board Concerned
In view of this, the board is
ways concerned with whate'
may defeat the achievement
the above stated purposes. DU
culties are presented when boo
tables, or any other facilities,a
monopolized or misused by in
viduals or groups.

Loitering which in no way co
tributes to the Union's objectih
constitutes such a misuse. Loit
ing has led to other activit
harmful to the proper utilizatii
of the Union's services, and whi
have, in the past, resulted in d
ciplinary actions.
T'h hnrd w.Aiiiihec totress th



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