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March 08, 1961 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-08

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dwell Sets Hoop Scoring Marks

Grapplers Lost Meet,_But It Was Close

It's often easy for a Monday
morning quarterback to sit back
and look at a meet and find places
where a loss could have been
turned into a victory.
The recent Big Ten wrestling
meet is an example of this. Michi-
gan lost the meet to Michigan
State by the narrow margin, of
four points and many are the
places where these points could
have been made up.
If Nick Armelagos could have
held on for 15 seconds more for a
decision over the Spartans' George
Hobbs. Or if a referee's decision
had gone against Michigan State's
John McCray, and even he was
shocked when it didn't, he would
not have reached the finals.
Or if there would have been ten
more seconds in Spartan Mike
Senzig's match (he was flat on his
back at the buzzer). Or maybe if
Michigan's Corriere hadn't lost his
quarterfinal match. Or possibly if
Michigan State's Olka Johnson,
Norm Young and Merle Prebel
hadn't managed to eke out their
wins (all of them by one point).

... adds to mark

time we expected too much of
John, but when the other players
started to take up some of the
slack, John did better, too."MN i
Praises Everybody
Strack had special praise for by MIKE GILMAN
each member of the tem. "(Jon)
Hall and (Charlie) Higgs did fine
defensive jobs against Illinois, and
(Scott) Maentz, (Bob) Brown, and Tale of a Benchwarmer
(Tom) Cole did tremendous jobs
on the boards, with Maentz and 'OLUMNS LIKE THIS are usually about the stars-the touchdown
Cole scoring well too.
This brought the happy coach kings, the home-run hitter, the big goal-getter, or the guy who
back to Tidwell. "I sure hate to hits 20 points a game with his long jump shot.
see John finish his career. I was Newspaper writers can easily fall into the trap of thinking that
extremely lucky to have him here these are the only people on the sports scene.
in my first year and. when he
leaves, Michigan will have lost a Today, let's talk about the sub. You know, one of those guys that
great ball player as well as a fine doesn't even start most game, the kind that has to fight like heck to
person, even make the squad, a squad made up of a lot like him.
Try Tom Wilson. Heard of him? If you're a died-in-the-wool
hockey fan you might have seen him in action-occasionally-in the
ia vZe past three years. He seldom makes the paper. You can usually find
his name in the fine print of statistics-if you look hard. We even ran
ACA a picture of him earlier this season. It was after an away game and
l lee we didn't had many unused pictures in our files, so we used Tom. His
distinction that night? He picked up the most penalties.
Tom isn't exactly the smoothest player on the ice. Sometimes even
the advantage of diving on a fa- the Michigan fans start riding him when he draws an apparently
miliar board and in familiar sur- unnecessary penalty. But they all have to admit he's aggressive and
rounding, "won." Webster was one of the hardest-hitting defensemen in the league. Little Louie An-
certainly on a par with his per- gotti the hot-headed Michigan Tech forward, is probably still wearing
formances throughout the year. bruises from a check Wilson threw on him here in Ann Arbor in early
As further proof of Vitucci's bril- January.
lance, Tom Gompf, who was sup-,
posed to have given Webster his This was Wilson's last season of play for the Wolverines. He
biggest competition, finished third wanted very badly to make theteam. As a sophomore he had lettered
and fourth. on an injury-decimated team that skated much of the year with two
Legacki'Loses, But lines and three defensemen. Last year, as a junior, he just went along
Frank Legacki lost his 50 and for the ride. His only claim to fame was in being able to consume
100-yd. freestyle titles to fabulous larger meals than anyone on the team-and top them off with two
Steve Jackman of Minnesota but malteds.j
the Michigan captain almost sin-
glehandedly won the 400-yd. free- THIS YEAR he was a senior. Reports strted filtering out of the
style relay over favored Michigan practice, sessions: "Wilson is a tiger this year." "Wilson is hitting
State. harder than anyone in praptice." "Wilson lost some weight."
Legacki picked up ten feet On Lost some weight is right. The easy-going Wilson rapidly shed!
Wood as he was timed in :47.6 20-plus excess pounds, going from 220 down to the sub-200 range-
for the final 100-yds. Adding the still leaving him one of the biggest men in the league.
customary half second for the roll- The first big stretch of competition this season came during the1
ing start to individual times in a Christmas road trip to the West. Opening in North Dakota with a
relay, Legacki swam a :48.1 which win and a tie, and moving quickly to Colorado College for a win and
beats Jeff Farrell's American rec- a loss, the Wolverines were a tired bunch of hockey players and
ord of :48.2. Wood swam a :49.0, mighty Denver loomed ahead.
but looked like he was standing
still alongside the churning Le- Wilson hadn't seen a lot of action. Coach Al Renfrew still wasnt
gacki. sure of the Ontario senior. But the other three defensemen were just
However, in what have been the plain tired.
single maneuver that finished off So Renfrew called a meeting. Wilson and roommate Pat Cushing
Michigan, Indiana entered Mike left training table early and the rest of the squad quickly huddled._
Troy and Pete Sintz. The two Renfrew left the decision up to the team.
picked up third and fifth respec- Wilson played a regular shift that night.
tively and ten points. On the bus trip to that game, while the rest of the team talked
"We thought that Slntz would half-heartedly about beating the Pioneers, Tom was the only one
probably swim the .100, 220, and who sounded like he meant it.
an anchor leg on one of the re-
lays," commented Stager. "But he He played that way, too.
can also go longer distances such Sure, he made mistakes. Some of them cost goals. too. But he
as 440-yds. and 1,500 meters. didn't quit hitting, and that would have been easy to do when Denver
(In 1960 the versatile Sintz fin- was playing its best period of hockey this season, getting six goals in
ished second in the Big Ten 1,500 seven minutes of the first period.
meters and won the 440. Troy,
more renowned' as the world's N FACT, he'll probably never forget that Denver series. A substitute
premier $ butterflyer, made the defenseman doesn't often get more than a casual glance from a
Olmpic freestyle relay team last hockey crowd. But by the midpoint of the game, he'd bumped home-
summer, town heroes Jerry Walker, Bill Masterson and Co. often enough and
Dave Gillanders swam his two hard enough to have the fans in an uproar.
best butterfly races ever as he
almost beat Troy in the 200 and It may never happen again, but for the rest of the series, every
won the 100. time Wilson took the ice, 500 rabid partisans rose to their feet with
Stager now turns his attention a chorus of boos.
to the NCAA meet, March 23-5 at He's played out his career at home and has never scored a goal
Seattle. Defending champion in a Michigan uniform. When kiddingly told that a column might
Southern California will be fav- get written about him if he ever scored, the reply was: "Forget the
ored to retain its crown. The Wo- column, I'll just dive into the net and get the puck!"
verines will not have to contend The playoffs are ahead, but Ann Arbor fans have seen him for
with Indiana who is not permitted the last time.
to enter NCAA, championship tels ie
events as punishment for football Here's a tip of the hat to Tom and the dozens like him on every
recruiting violations, team. They outnumber the headline-getters by quite a margin.

If one or more of those ifs had
happened, the conference crown
might have stayed in Ann Arbor.
"It sure was disappointing,"
mused Michigan Coach Cliff Keen
on the Monday after.
"But I'm very proud of the way
my boys looked," he quickly added.
This last statement seemed to
hold a little water, because "his
boys" had come home with three
first places, two seconds, a third
and a fourth. The three cham-
pions - Fritz Kellerman; Jim
Blaker, and Dennis Fitzgerald .--
were repeats from last year.
And naturally Keen was eager
to reflect on some of the key
points of the meet. In some places
he disagreed somewhat with the
discretion of the referees, but
made it a point to say that these
were not excuses.
"Nick (Armelagos) would have
won his match if he had been
given the three points for a near
fall," he commented. This would
seem to be in agreement with some
of the fans who groaned when
Armelagos was given one point
when he almost pinned Hobbs.
What about Corriere? "I think
Don was subconsciously looking
toward a match with Bob Mar-
shall (167-lb. champ from Purdue)
and got a little careless," Keen
said. Joe Mullins of Iowa defeated
Corriere on a take down he got in
the first period.
"After Mullins got ahead on that
take down, he laid back and Don
Corriere wasn't able to get close
to him," he added.
And then there was McCray.
"All the good moves that were
made, were made by the Illinois
boy (McCray's opponent)," Keen
But then its always easy to win
the meet on Monday.
And then again the crying towel
bit doesn't seem to fit Keen.
For, as he watched some of "his
boys" skirmishing on the mat, his
talk turned to the future and the
NCAA meet.
Wings, Clinch
P'lay'off Berth
DETROIT (A) -- Gordie Howe,
the Detroit Red Wings' super star,
holds another record today and
the Wings have virtually clinched
a national hockey league playoff
Howe set up two goals last night
to tie the Wings' record for con-
secutive game scoring. Detroit
beat the Boston Bruins 3-1 and
moved 10 points ahead of fifth-
place New York in the NHL race.
It was the only game last night.
Howe, already 12 times the
highest point-scorer in the NFL,
scored two assists and extended his
streak of at least one point a game
to 14 straight. He tied the record
set earlier this season by team-
mate Norm Ullman.
NHL Standings
W L T Pts.
Toronto 37 18 10 84
Montreal 36 18 i0 82
Chicago 27 22 15 69
Detroit 23 27 15 61
New York 21 34 9 51
Boston 13 18 13 39


SOPH IN FINALS--Sophomore Jack Barden was one who coach
Cliff Keen was proud of in the Big Ten Championships. His
loss in the finals to Northwestern's Al Jaklich was only the
second loss Barden suffered all year. The other was also to
Jaklich, pictured above.


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