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March 03, 1961 - Image 1

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Strong winds diminishing,
and colder

VOL. LXXI, No. 106




Guskin Sees 'Crucial' Period

The period before Congress acts on the proposed peace corps
is a "crucial time" for students who are not satisfied with the
program under State Department supervision, Alan Guskin said.
President John F. Kennedy's message to Congress Wednesday
ordering the corps, established only the temporary "pilot corps"
under the Mutual Security program. Therefore, it is necessary for
students "to make a definite commitment and to attempt' to influence
Congress" to detach the corps from past foreign policy before
legislation on the permanent corps is passed, Guskin said.
Guskin, the spokesman for Americans Committed to World Re-
sponsibility, said he was encouraged by part of Kennedy's message
jwhich recommended that much of

Power Says
All-Year. Sc.







' '.

Arrests End,
Bias Protest
In Carolina
COLUMBIA, S.C. () - Hymn-
singing Negro students from a
number of South Carolina cities
marched on the state house at
Columbia Thursday protesting
what one student described as "the
indignity and inhumanity of segre-
gation." .
Police broke up the demonstra-
tion and arrested 188 Negroes-
including 65 women - one white
youth and an official of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-'
vancement of Colored People. They
were charged with breach of the
peace and bonds set at $50 each.
About 150 white persons watched
the demonstrators. There were no
violent incidents.
Met at Church
The students met at the nearby
Zion Baptist Church for about an
hour and then began walking to-
ward the State House in groups
ranging in number from 12 to.
about 17. This was in keeping with
requests of city officials.-
At the capitol, the first group
was met by Harry Walker, legal
aide to Gov. ErnestF. Hollings.
Walker told them they could walk
around the State House like any-
body else, but said demonstrations
would not be tolerated.
One of the arrested Negro
youths, David Carter of Benedict
College, urged the students to en-
ter the state house grounds.
Protest 'Indignity'
"We are protesting the indignity
and inhumanity of segregation,"
he called out. "Do you want to go
to Jail for your rights?" The re-
sponse was a chorused "yes."
The group advanced and arrests
were made. Other groups singing
the hymn "We Are Not Afraid"
moved in and wholesale arrests
At Lynchburg, Va., six jailed
Negro students refused again to
eat while awaiting a hearing on
anti-trespass charges in a sit-in
demonstration. They began the
hunger strike Tuesday because
they said they were not allowed.

the permanent program be ad-
ministered by "private organiza-
tions and institutions, financially
assisted by the Federal Govern-
Several Plans
Under this plan, peace corps
members would be sent to develop-
ing nations through:
1) private voluntary agencies
carrying on international assist-
ance prqgrams;
2) overseas programs of col-
leges and universities;
3) assistance programs of inter-
national agencies;
4) federal assistance programs;
5) new programs which "the
peace corps itself will directly ad-
The corps would be responsible
for recruitment, training and de-
velopment of overseas projects in
the majority of cases, the message
said. In other cases, a pool of
trained.corpspersonnel would be
made available to private organ-
izations undertaking projects "ap-
proved by the peace corps." How-
s a
Applications for the peace
corps will be available in Wash-
ington on Tuesday, Prof. Sam-
uel P. Hayes of the economics
department announced yester-
Interested volunteers should
write to Peace Corps, Interna-
tional Cooperation Administra-
tion, Washington 25, D.C., he
said., Hayes has been active in
planning the national move-
ment and is advisor to the
campus Americans Committed
to World Responsibility organi-
ever, private organizations would
have the option to use the nation-
al manpower pool or to develop:
their own recruitment systems.
Leave for Conference
Guskin said that' he and his
wife, Judy, are leaving today to
take part in the National Coor-
dinating Committee meeting of the
National Conference on Youth
Service Abroad this weekend in
Washington, D. C.

... expresses doubt
I Ctes Value
Of Ideolog
lf gy 1 1
"We are in a life and death
struggle for the minds of men,"
John S. Pingel, Republican can-
didate for the' Michigan State
University Board of Trustees, told
a meeting of Ann Arbor Republi-
cans last night.,
He said that while the Com-
munists concentrate on the teach-
ing of engineering and scientific
technology they neglect the hu-
manities and cultural topics in
their schools. He emphasized that-
American citizens must not neglect
the importance of humanities in
educations in the quest to com-
pete with Soviet technology.
Referring to the teaching of
Communism to American students
he said, "Communism on campus
should be confined to social §tu-
dies classrooms. Furthermore it
should be taught on a biased basis,
biased in our favor."
The 1961 platform for the com-
ing city elections was also ap-
proved last night. The platform
stressed the fact that the Uni-
versity is the city's largest em-
ployer. The platform stated, "Rec-
ognizing this economic interde-
pendence of Ann Arbor residents,
we insist that all elected officials
... work for an equitable solution
to the financial needs of the Uni-
versity." '
WSU Students
Form Party
For Action
Wayne State University students
have formed a new campus politi-
cal party.
The primary issue the party has
taken a stand on at present is the
recent suspension of the three uni-
versity political clubs, Chuck Lo-
gan, spokesman for a group of
party members who visited the
University said last night.
The party, which presently con-
tains about only 20 members, plans
to hold an organizational rally on
the WSU mall at noon today.
Logan also said that the party
would present the university ad-
ministration with an ultimatum to
return the suspended political par-
ties' recognitions.
If the university administration
has taken no action by 10 a.m.'
Monday, the group then hopes to
start picketing the WSU Adminis-
tration Bldg.
Logan said that the group does
not intend the political club issue
to be its only issue.

Rift Cancels~
A planned showing of the film
"Operation Abolition" was can-
celled last night amid dissension
between campus political clubs,
Cinema Guild and Student Gov-
erment Council.
The film deals with student
riots at the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HU AC)
hearing in San Francisco last May.
SGC is currently considering a
motion to condemn it because of
alleged distortions and incorrect
Cinema Guild Board chairman
Fred Neff, '63, had arranged con-
tinuous showing of the film for
Monday night after SGC decided
not to makehtheir viewing a spe-
cial public showing.
Insure Fairness
Wednesday night SGC placed
several stipulations on the Cinema
Guild showing to insure fair pre-
sentation of the issue. The Council
asked that a short introduction of
both positions, excerpts from tape
recordings of the HUAC hearings
in San Francisco and an open
discussion accompany the film.
Neff said that he was willing to
comply with SGC's stipulations,
but he insisted that the film be
shown twice during the evening.,
Show Twice
"Cinema Guild has a policy of
either making a film available to
all students who want to see it,
or not showing it at all. The Arch-
itecture Auditorium only holds 300
people, so I think we must show
the film twice.dk
, SGC President John Feldkamp
said that when the Council asked
that the program include more
than just the film, it was no
longer a question of Cinema
Guild's two-showing policy.
A second issue involved was a
conflict between the "Operation
Abolition" showing and a Political
Issues Club sponsored showing of
"White Paper," a documentary
film on the Nashville, Tenn. sit-in
Avoid Conflicts
According to calendaring regu-
lations, SGC cannot calendar two
events on the same night when
they would conflict. "Both films
are political, although they deal
with different issues. A lot of the
same people will want to see both,"
PIC President Sharon Jeffrey, '63,
Because he and Feldkamp were
unable to find an equitable way to
present the full introduction, film,
tape and discussion program
twice Monday night, Neff can-
celled "Operation Abolition."
He then made tentative arrange-
ments with 'William Sikkemga,
'61BAd., president of YoungAmer-
icans for Freedor, to obtain
another film concerning HUAC for
showing Monday night. This film
is a debate between Martin Mc-
Kneally, past national commander
of the American Legion, and Rep.
James Roosevelt (D-Calif) on the
question "Should Congressional
investigations of loyalty be curb-

-AP wirephoto
NORTH AFRICAN LEADERS-Premier Ferhat Abbas of the Algerian Rebels, right, Tunisian President
Habib Bourguiba, left, and Morocco's King Hass an II held a conference in Rabat Morocco Wednes-
day. It resulted in the acceptance by the Algerian rebels of French President de Gaulle's proposal for
talks to end the Algerian War.
ee FencGoodwill Gesture

TUNIS (R')-The Algerian rebelv
command said last night it expects
France soon will make a spectacu-
lar goodwill gesture aimed at
speeding direct negotiations to end
the Algerian rebellion.
The rebels, who this morning
accepted French President Charles
de Gaulle's bid for peace talks,'
said they have "strong indica-
tions" France will transfer a top
rebel leader from prison to a
guarded residence near Paris as a
gesture of good faith.
He is Ahmed Ben Bella, honor-
ary rebel deputy premier captured
by the French in 1956 and impris-
oned since on they island of Aix.
Ben Bella hold enormous prestige
Approves Area
Fund Measure
banking subcommittee late yester-
day approved a $394-million de-
pressed areas bill largely in line
with President John F. Kennedy's
On one important aspect, how-
ever, the subcommittee voted 5-4
to put the new program under an
independent agency rather than
in the Commerce department as
Kennedy had recommended.
The President said a new agency
would be acceptable if congress
thought it best.
The legislation is expected to be
cleared by the full banking com-
mittee early next week and taken
up in the Senate soon thereafter.
The measure, whose chief spon-
sor is Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill),
the subcommittee chairman, was
approved in the subcommittee with
only one dissenting vote, that of
Sen. Wallace F. Bennett (R-Utah).
But Sen. Prescott Bush (R-
Conn), said he reserved the right
to seek changes in the full com-

among the rebels and they have
demanded he be included in any
peace talks.
Accept Offer
Rebel Premier Ferhat Abbas an-
nounced acceptance of de Gaulle's
bid at a conference in Rabat,
Morocco, with King Hassan ITof
Morocco and President Habib
Bourguiba of Tunisia.
He softened rebel demands for
independence, saying in a joint
communique after the conference
that Algeria intends to join Mor-
occo and Tunisia in a loose feder-
ation that would retain friendly
ties with Paris.
Rebel officials said only "techni-
cal details" now separate them
from meeting the French to dis-
cuss an end to the war that in
6% years has cost thousands of
lives on both sides.
Unexplained Absence
In Paris, the unexplained ab-.
sence of Algerian Affairs Minister
Louis Joxe gave support to re-
ports of behind-the-scenes activ-
ity. It appeared efforts toward a
cease-fire were being intensified
through secret channels.
But a cease-fire no longer is a
French condition for talks. Infor-
mation Minister Louis Terrenoire
disclosed de Gaulle told Bourguiba
in Paris Monday he no longer in-
sists the rebels lay down their
arms before negotiations start.
Rebel leaders always have refused
this condition, saying a cease-fire

would rob them of their most im-,
portant weapon-the war itself.
Europeans Riot
Meanwhile, more than 2,000
irate Europeans marched into the
center of Oran, Algeria, last night,
manhandling Moslems and burn-
ing their vehicles to avenge the
deaths of two middle-aged French.
women at the hands of a mob
Tuesday. \
Emergency reinforcements of
troops and mobile guards set up
barricades to ,separate mobs of,
Europeans on one side and a
quickly growing mob of Moslems
on the other.
NIvew .Petitions
In Circulation
The following students took out
petitions for Student Government
Council yesterday: Bill Gleason,
'63, Mary Beth Norton, '64, and
John H. Martin, '62.
John Feldkamp, '61, and Doug-
las B. Vielmetti, '63L, took out
petitions for the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
New petitioners for senior class
officers are Richard Gustavson,
'62E, Mike Lgndwirth, '62, and.
William Blaton, '62BAd.
Neil 0. Cohen, '62, and Roger E.
Menear, '62, took out petitions for
the Michigan Union Board of Di-

Of January
Board Action
Future Pressures
Of Population Rise
Important Factor
The University will very likeb
go on a full-year cale'ndar b
September 1962, Regent Eugen
B. Power said last night.
The decision was made in prin
ciple at the Board's January meet
ing, he added.
It was based on the anticipated
demands for hiher education b
an expanding population, and th
Board's realization that state capi.
tal outlay appropriations woul
not allow for sufficient physica
expansion to meet them. The full
year calendar will help the Uni
versity to meet its obligations t4
the state's citizens, Power said.
Open Minds
He said the Regents do not'hav
1 "closed mind" on the matter
and would listen toany objection
but he argued that many relevan
factors have already been care
fully considered.
The eight-man faculty calenda
commission; appointed Wednesda:
by University . President Harla
Hatcher, will work out detaile4
proposals which the Regents wil
act upon at their May or Jun
The committee was appointe
because the Regents would lik
"the benefit of the thought ani
discussion of the faculty," Powe
said. He "supposed they could sa:
no if that. was their conviction,
but doubted they would.
To Meet SAC
(Power said that the Senat
Advisory Committee met with th
Regents in January and wa
"overwhelmingly in favor of th
full-year academic schedule," fo
the same reasons the Regent
adopted it in principle.)
Prof. William Haber of th
economics department, commissio
chairman, declined to speculat
about the alternative calenda
plans the commission will stud
Its first meeting takes place to
day, he said.
"The alternative arrangement
are not mysterious," he continue
"Our main objective must be t
maintain the high standards c
instruction and research whic
have made, the University grea
nationally and internationally.
Explore Arrangements
"It is a proper inquiry to ex
plore whether some arrangemen
other than the semester syster
can make it possible for a large
number of qualified students" t
attend the University.
"There are important consider
ations to keep in mind in 'an
change that may be formulatec
The object of the commission is t
explore all aspects of the probler
and, particularly, to provide th
fullest opportunity for consulta
tion with all faculties in the Uni
versity and with student opinio:
as well."
(The committee is also charge
to review such matters as regis
tration proceedures, course offer
ings and similar items.)
Finish Faster
Powers said that students ea:
finish college faster under th
proposed plan, if they want t
"The idea. of getting the sumime
off to work on the crops is. nc
applicable any more."
Financial details of the calen

dar lengtheninghave not bee:
worked ,out because its exact na
ture has yet to be determined.
However, teachers will not teacl
more.hours than at present. Mor
academic staff, will have to b
hired, he explained.
Regent Donald M. Thurber sai
the Regents had considered a cal
mder alteration "from time t
time" in the past. Also, he added
there were some informal discus

l'M' Swimmers Trail
Indiana 91/2 Points

Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS-The first day's
competition at the Big Ten swim-
ming championships saw favored
Indiana open up a 9% point lead
over defending champion Michi-
Indiana has 34/2 points after
completion of two events to Mich-
igan's 25, followed by Minnesota
with 13, Michigan State 9, Iowa
51, Ohio State 5, and Illinois 1.
The Hoosiers picked up firsts
from sophomores Alan Somers in
the 1,500 meters freestyle (17:49.9)
and John Roethke in the 200-yd.
individual medley (2:04.0). Both
times set new Big Ten records.
Michigan piled up a whopping
21 points when Win Pendleton,
Warren Uhler, John Dumont, and
John Urbancsok took the next
four places behindSomers- in the
In the one-meter diving, Michi-
gan's Bob Webster is third in a
field of eight finalists with 252.1
points. The other two Wolverine
divers, Ron Jaco and Pete Cox, are
fifth and sixth with 237.7 and
219.5 points, respectively.
Juan Botella of Ohio State was
the leader with 262.5, and team-
mates Lou Vitucci (257.95) and
Tom Gompf (247.2) were second
and fourth. John Vogel of Purdue
t91 0 wA m . t 1..Io RaioVip hh p

Betas Continue Injunction,
'etsCDelay nitiation at WIl iams
Beta Theta Pi members at Williams College yesterday announced
that the national fraternity had extended an injunction against the
chapter preventing it from initiating any of its 20 pledges.
These students have had their initiation delayed since November
when the national claimed an "unfavorable climate" at Williams re-
quired an injunction lasting "until further notice." One of the pledges
is a Negro. The injunction will now presumably hold until the national
'convention of Beta this August,



Pollock Discusses Resignation Reasons

... Ohio Stater leads divers
Warns Reds
NEW YORK (MP) - Adlai E.
Stevenson counseled the Soviet
Union yesterday to "think twice"
about intervening in Africa. to

Chairmen of large departments
are the "forgotten men" of high-
er education, Prof. James K. Pol-
lock, head of the (large) political
science department, said yester-
Prof. Pollock, who will leave the
chairmanship at the end of this
semester, pointed out that the
"reputation of a university is made
or lost" at the departmental level,

associate deans-but I have only
my two secretaries," he added.
Prof. Pollock continued. it is "dif-
ficult to properly supervise the
work of the department."
Prof. Pollock has been chairman
of the political science depart-
ment for fourteen grim years. He
will continue as a University fac-
ulty member after his resignation
as chairman. During his tenure,
Prof. Pollock said that the politi-

limited the time he could devote
to it. He intends to resume han-
dling a recitation section in a
large introductory course so that
he will come into more contact
with undergraduates.
Prof. Pollock did not speculate
on a successor. He said that the
executive committee of the liter-
ary college would make recom-
mendation to the Regents, and
that he would have no say in the

Williams chapter President Alvord
Rutherford said.
Rutherford expressed his belief
that his chapter will be able to
answer'satisfactorily any questions
which have been, posed.
The extension action was the
result of a high council of the
national which met with chapter
members last month to discuss the
problem at Williams. The original
injunction came after a Beta
alumnus complained to the na-
tional about the situation at the
Williams chapter.
The Williams group will have
to show that Beta has no discrimi-
natory clauses by the time of the
August convention, or it faces the
nossibility nf hecnming a local


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