Center To Sponsor Program
Boulding Cites Passage
To 'Post Civilization Era'
The International Center will
present its third international tea
of the semester tomorrow, Kath-
leen M. Mead, administrative as-
sistant ,of the center announces.
"The teas are a very good form
of relaxation and opportunity to
get acquainted with the students
from the 84 countries represented
at the University," she said.
Sponsored by the International
Center in cooperation with the
International Students Associa-
tion, the teas are held each Thurs-
day afternoon from 4:30-6 p.m. in
the lounges of the International
Center. All teas are open to the
public and refreshments are serv-
They are held primarily for both
American and foreign students
who are interested in meeting
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persons from other countries and
like to chat. informally.
"It is an excellent opportunity
to form friendships with people
from other countries and have a
cup of tea besides," Mrs. Mead
added. "Many people form more
than Thursday afternoon friend-
"The teas fill a need of getting
acquainted with students from
other countries and aid in learing
more about customs, politics and
social life in other societies," she
Volunteer Hostesses
Faculty wives or members of the
Neighborhood Wives Group, a
club of wives of foreign students
and women from the Ann Arbor
area serve as hostessbs for the
teas, she said.
"Sometimes the guests of the
International Center are present
and students of the country from
which the guest has come are
specifically invited,"aMrs. Mead
Even though the teas are held
in an informal atmosphere, certain
holidays are celebrated with table
decorations- and explanations of
customs are given. These holidays
are either American, such as
Thanksgiving or George Wash-
ington's birthday, or from other
countries, such as Turkish In-
dependence Day.
Increased Attendance
"There has been a big change
in the American student atten-
dence. It has grown increasingly
over the last few years," she noted.
Since the University has the
largest enrollment of international
students of any university and
attendence by American students
has so increased, the facilities
sometimes become a little crowd-
ed. "But if we move the location
of the teas we will lose the sense
of purpose, informality andfriend-
liness," Mrs Mead explained.
Union To Sponsor
Seminar Today
The Michigan Union will hold
the first of its international sem-
inars at 4 p.m. today in rm. 3S.
Panel members include prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department, Prof. Roy Pierce
of the political science depart-
ment, Aron Kandie, chairman of
the African Student, H. J. Krum-
land, '61L, and Praim Singh, Grad.
They will discuss "American So-
cialism versus Soviet Capitalism."
The purpose of the seminar pro-
gram is to promote greater under-
standing and exchange of ideas
among foreign and American stu-
dents at the University. An infor-
mal question-and-answer period
will follow the panel discussion.
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"The world is passing from the
civilization era to a post civiliza-
tion era,". Prof. Kenneth Boulding
of the economics department said
yesterday in, his lecture on "Eco-
nomic Theory and Sociological
He noted that many of the
characteristics of civilization are
... changing eras
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disintegrating. Cities, national de-
fense, poverty, and exploitation
which distinguishes this order are
now changing.
National Defense
As an example he cited national
defense. "National defense as a
social system ended in 1945," he
He explained his hypothesis by
the theory of oligopoly. In a bi-
polar situation, for example, each
nation has a certain basic home
strength and declining foreign
power as the distance from that
nation increases. A boundary of
equal strength exists between the
two which shifts with variations
in power until one is no longer
However, today nations are at
a point where they are no longer
unconditionally viable due to their
lack of desire or inability to re-
duce the power of the opposition,
he said.r
"Oligopoly can be demonstrat-
ed by two firms, A and B, which-
produce identical commodities.
The total costs of transportation
increase with increasing distance
from the firm.
"A boundary of indifference
exists between them where the
consumer goes equally ,to both.
Push Boundary
"If A should cut his price, the
boundary will be pushed toward
B. This price cutting and shifting
of boundaries will continue until
one can not cut his price. He can
then no longer be viable," Bould-
ing explained.
"This is analogous to the arms
race," he said.
In discussing social theory,
Boulding noted that all social sci-
ences are essentially one. Each
discipline takes pieces of the so-
cial system, often in incompatible
In their studies social scientists
take different levels of abstraction
and parcel out the various insti-
tutions. The first action, he said,
is laudable while the second is
However, social scientists can
not study people, as they are much
too complicated. So they try to
develop a series of abstractions
which are relevant to reality,
Meet Difficulties
They run into difficulties, how-
ever, in trying to find the level
of abstraction. Society encom-
passes the entire social systems
which is fundamentally symbolic,
he explained.
"Social scientists have never
succeeded in developing a level
of abstraction to deal with sym-
bolic systems. They do not know
what to abstract out of them or
what gives these symbolic sys-
tems power," Boulding said.
Sociology can learn a great deal
from economics as many social
phenomena have exchange rela-
tionships like those that occur in
The basic unit of economics, he
noted is the commodity. This
world of commodity is seen in
terms of price. "It is only acciden-
tal to the economist that people
move commodities," Boulding not-
Generalize Exchange
However, exchange can be gen-
eralized, missing important factors
in social relationships. As an ex-
ample, Boulding cited labor rela-
tions. "The economist pulls out the
commodity from labor, but leaves
a great residue. Group relations
and alternative uses of time are
important factors. A great cloud
of reality overshadows- the eco-
nomic framework of labor rela-
tions,. Boulding said.
He noted other comparisons be-
tween economics and sociology.
The economist, he said, looks at
behavior as fundamentally a prob-
lem of choice.
The individual looks over the
field of alternatives, puts an eval-
uation In terms of ordinal num-
bers on each possibility, and
chooses number one.
However, "rational behavior
may not be sensible behavior" as
rationality is merely ordering the
The economists view people in
terms of this field theory, Bould-
ing explained. Behavorial action
tends toward the point of highest
To Hold Panel
On Negro Bias
Voice political party will hold a
panel discussion on the conditions
of the Negro farmers in Fayette
and Haywood counties in Tennes-
see at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 30 of
the Michigan Union.
The six member panel will be
composed of the students who de-
livered supplies during the semes-
ter break to the sharecroppers al-
legedly thrown off their land for
attempting to vote.
A question and answer period
and a short business meeting will
follow the discussion.
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