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February 26, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-26

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>ods Seizure in Tennessee
)t To Affect Local Action

Jennings Designs Original Fountains





the attachment of supplies for
groes in Haywood and Fayette
tnties, Tenn., will not immedi-
ly affect the local Tennessee
mpaign, Chairman Carol Cohen,
, said yesterday.
['he campaign will continue col-
ting food and clothing because
attachment notices do not af-
t Haywood county, she said. The
ites were placed on supplies
d by John McFerren in a le-
quarrel between leaders of a
ro, civil rights group.
The split shifts emphasis from
at the issue should be, the vot-
rights of the' Tennessee Ne-
[ame Lea.der
Stephen VanderVoort '62, has
m appointed new general
airman of MUSKET.
Petitions for the Central Com-
ttee will be -available on March
,nd will be due March 20, retir-
MUSKET Chairman John J.
.ed, '81, said,.

groes, and makes it an internal po-
litical issue. It is unfortunate that
this should happen when harmony
and cooperation are imperative if
anything is to be accomplished,"
Miss Cohen said.
McFerren is chairman of the
Fayette County Civic and Welfare
League which organized a drive to
register Negro voters. It claims
that Negroes'/ are suffering eco-
nomic reprisal because of the reg-
istration campaign.
One of the major points of the
split concerns the distribution,
David Giltrow, '61Ed, said. "Mc-
Ferren believes that aid should
go only to registered Negroes,
while Franklin feels that distri-
bution shouldn't be limited," he
"We delivered to Haywood be-
cause we didn't want to interfere
with the local politics in Fayette
County. Also, we knew that Fay-
ette already had a stockpile.
,-"We will cooperate with the
Memphis NAACP, thecoordinating
group for distribution of supplies
from other communities," Giltrow
added, speaking as chairmah of
Voice political party, which spon-
sors the Tennessee Campaign.

The do-it-yourself cult, mani-
fest in mosaic ashtrays and num-
ber paintings, has the same spirit
in which Prof. Richard P. Jen-
nings of the architecture college
has been experimenting with
He has been experimenting with
high cones, low cones, and pud-
dings, various mushroom-shaped
water sprays, for the past two
In the high cone, the water
reaches a greater height than, the
diameter of the unit. The low
cone is wider than it is high, and
the pudding is a giant bubble of
Debut at Fair
Six of Prof. Jennings' low cones
will make their debut at the In-
ternational Agricultural and Pro-
duct Fair in Cairo, Egypt, begin-
ning March 15. They will be used
in a pool outside of the United
States pavilion.
"In the past fountains were very'
complicated," explained Prof. Jen-
nings. Consequently, he noted, pro-
jects such as the one outside of
the Michigan League "are for-
ever doing the same thing." His
aim Is to have -a fountain that can

be continually modified to provide
a relief and contrast to the in-
trusiveness and static quality of
the building.
Prof. Jennings' invention for
this purpose consists of a small
submersible motor to which a pro-
peller has' been attached. This
electrical unit "is essentially a
portable fountain," he said.
Show Seashore Energy
In his fountains Prof. Jennings
is "seeking an event to obtain
more of the dynamics of the sea-
shore" that are derived from a
spray of water.
"A spray is expressing speed,"
he explained. "I am trying to get
water into the air in a solid sheet
which would denote, instead, en-
Prof. Jennings sees great pos-
sibilities for the use of his foun-
tains at state and world fairs as
well as for smaller ones in private
homes. These latter units would be
"exceedingly inexpensive," he said,
"but I would emphasize that the
big ones are not.
First Interest
Prof. Jennings first became in-
terested in fountains when the
University asked for his help. A
kidney-shaped lake had been de-
signed for the Dearborn campus
before any thought was given to
placing a conventional fountain in
The three units installed at
Deaborn are much cruder than his
recent developments, Prof. Jen-
nings explained, but they gave
him a chance to test the function
of the motor and the propeller in
relationship to the laws of physics.
He plans to rebuild his first
attempts for the University this
Most of his work on campus has
been done in the naval tank of the
West Engineering Bldg. After hav-
ing designed a small scale foun-
tain he applied for a Rackham
Grant to continue his experimen-
. One of the early attempts, which
he dubbed "The African Queen,"
can still be seen outside of the
Architecture Bldg.

FOUNTAIN DESIGNER-Prof. Richard Jennings of the art de-
partment sits at the side of a tank in which a simple experimental
fountain splashes and sprays. Prof. Jennings is the creator of a
fountain type which will make its debut at an Egyptian interna-
tional fair in March. Six of his "low cones" will be outside the
United States pavilion.

Choreographer, Writer Tops Billing.
4 .7



, , in Platform Attractions
Choreographer and writer Agnes
le Mille will be featured in a
program "On Your Toes" at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Aud.
Miss de Mille, the author of
new trends in ballet, and her -own
experiences in staging,, directing
and participating in many musical
and dance productions.'
She is famous for her choreo-
graphy, in such Broadway hits as
Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Ok-
lahoma" and "Carousel," Lerner
and Loewe's "Brigadoon" and
Anita Loos' "Gentlemen Prefer
Miss de mille, the author of
many magazine articles, and two
books, "Dance ',o the Piper" and
'Promenade Home," will be pre-
sented by the University Platform
Tickets will be on sale at the
Hill Aud. box office from 10 a.m.
o 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Opera.. .
The music school and speech
:epartment will present Claude
Debussy's opera "Pelleas and Mel-
sande," at 8 p.m. Friday and
Saturday nights, and March 7, 8,
10 and 11 at the Lydia Mendels-
Sohn Theatre.
The production will be directed
by Prof. Jack E. Bender of the
speech department- and Prof. Josef
Blatt of the music school.
The audiences -are asked to be
prompt, because no latecomers will
be seated during the first act.
Choral Union..
Metropolitan Opera tenor Brian
Sullivan will. present the eighth
:oncert in the choral union series
Mon., March 27, 8:30 P.M.

at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Aud.
He will open the program with
"Where'er You Walk" from Han-
del's "Semele," followed by the
recitative and -aria, "Sound 'and
Alarm" from'. Handel's "Judas
The program will also feature
"Widmung" and "Die Lotusblume"
by Schumann; "Heimliche Auf-
forderung," "Traum dirch die
Dammerung," and "Zueignung" by
Richard Strauss; "Lamento di
Federico" from Cilea's "L'Arle-
siana," and "Vaghissima sembian-
za" and "Spirate pur, spirate" by
Andre de Ia Varre is set for the
second program in the current
Burton Holmes Travelogues Series,
presenting his recent color motion
picture, "The Alps,"' at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday in Hill Aud."
The "four-season" travelogue
will include "delights" of spring,
summer, autumn, and winter in
the Alpine countries of Switzer-
land, Germany, Italy, Austria and
* * *
Peace Corps...
National Broadcasting Com-
pany's television newscaster Chet
Huntley will present a preview re-
port of the proposed (President'
John F.) Kennedy Peace Corps
plan and how it would affect to-
day's college students at 5:30 p.m.
today over NBC-TV stations.
Prof. Maurice. H. Albertson of
Colorado StateCollege, appointed
by the International. Cooperation
Administration to head the group,
will report on its proposals for
establishment of the Corps.
* * *
,japan .. .
John D. Rockefeller IV will dis-
cuss the lives, problems, and hopes
of Japanese students at 9 a.m.
today over station WXYZ, Detroit,
with Prof. Robert Ward of the
political science department.
A student at Harvard Univer-
sity, Rockefeller recently spent
three years as a student at In-
ternational Christian University in
Tokyo, where he witnessed many
of the recent political demon-
strations that have swept Japan.
* * * .
Families .. .
Prof. Jessie Bernard of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania Sociology
department will discuss "Families
without Fathers" on the Univer-
sity's television series "Family
Living" at 12 noon today over
station WWJ, Detroit. '
Mrs. Bernard says that children
who lose their father through
death, divorce or separation suffer

from lack of an accurate picture
of how grown-ups live together.
* * *
WU *HM..
Poet Archibald MacLeish will
discuss "Poetry and Journalism"
at 1 p.m. tomorrow over the Uni-
versity's radio station WUOM.
The lecture is one of the Gideon
Seymour lectures and will be
Prof. Marshall Stearns of Hun-
ter College, New York, will talk
about "The Roots of Jazz" in his
first in a series of commentaries
concerning "Jazz in American
Life" at 7 p.m. Friday on WUOM.
Florence Henderson opens to-
morrow in a five-week engagement
of the national company produc-
tion of R'odger's and Hammer-
stein's "The Sound of Music," with
Beatrice Krebs, Jack Collins and
John Myhers, at the Riviera
Theatre in Detroit.
And monologue comedian Shel-
ley Berman will open Thursday
night at the Cass Theatre for a
three-day stand with an all-new
Seats are still available for both
Tickets are now on sale for
seven Metropolitan Grand Opera
productions which will be brought
to Detroit's Masonic Temple from
May 22 through 27.
They may be ordered by mail
from the Detroit Grand Opera
Association, 417 Ford Building,
until May 1.
* * *.
Quartet .. .
The quartet-in-residence from
the University of Alabama will
present a concert of string music
by Hayden, Persichetti, and Beet-
hoven tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Members of the group are Mar-
garet Christy, cello; Henry Bar-
rett, viola; and violinists Roland
Johnson and Emil Raab, who for-
merly belonged to the University's
Stanley Quartet.
Their program here will consist
of "Quartet in D major" by Haydn;
"Third'- String Quartet (in one
movement)" by Vincent Persichet-
ti, commissioned by the University
of Alabama for its quartet, and
"Quartet in E minor" by Beet-
** *
The music school will hold a
Composers Forum this Thursday
at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Scheduled for performance and
discussion are works by Roger
Reynolds, '61M, Jerry Bilik, '61M,
Donald Matthews, '62M, Kenneth
Roberts, '61M,' Bernard Folta,
'64M, and Gregory Kosteck, '61M.

A Festival of Musical Premieres
the most brilliant creators of our day
performed by professional musicians.
Fri., March 3 at 8:30 Paul Jacobs, Pianist
Sat., March 4 at 8:30 Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap
First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw
Tickets: single $1.77, week-end $3, DAC members
10% less, on sale at Marshall's Book Shop
The Famous American Choreographer
Creator of Modern Ballets




In a Discussion of the Modern Dance
Tickets: $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50
STUDENTS: $1.75 - $1.40 - $1.05
Phone NO 3-1511, ext. 479
Box office opens tomorrow 10 A.M.


Hill Auditorium




.-Leading Tenor,

Metropolitan Opera Company



in recital
TUES., FEB. 28 8:30
in Hill Auditorium
s PROGRAM: Songs by Schumann, Richard Strauss, Dor
audy, Lehmann, Bridge, Quilter and Malotte; and
operatic arias from Handel's "Semele" and "Judas
Maccabaeus;" Cilea's "L'Arlesiana," Lalo's "Le Roi
d' Ys;" and Bizet's "Carmen."
TICKETS: $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50
University Musical Society, Burton Tower
Don't Say It with Flowers


Caepna ujwd
TONIGHT at 7 and 9
Will be shown at silent speed.

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