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February 26, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-26

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


XXI, No. 102


Statements Clash,
At Rights Session
Kennedy Presses for Open Schools;
Southern Leaders Express Doubts
By The Associated Press
WILLIAMSBURG, Va.-The views expressed in President John F.
Kennedy's telegram to the Civil Rights Commission yesterday clashed
with those of the citizens of Prince Edward County, Vag, who spoke
at the commission's third annual conference on school segregation
Kennedy said, "This is no time for schools to close for any
reason, and certainly no time for schools to be closed in the name
t of racial discrimination."
He noted that "the constitutional requirement of desegregation
has presented them (educators) with many new responsibilities and
%hard challenges" He said the re-

,Deans L aud

. discusses peace corps

Hayes Tells
Of Support
For Corps
The idea of a peace corps, which
was advanced by William- James
at the turn of the century, is
gaining great backing because
President John F. Kennedy sup-
ported it, Prof. Samuel Hayes of
the economics department said
last night.
Speaking in Rackham Amphi-.
theatre, he cited the requests by
over 100 congressmen to co-spon-
sor the peace corps legislation as
evidence of enthusiasm in Wash-
He also cited a UNESCO esti-
mate that over 150,000 people at-
tend international work-camps
each year, while Germany and the
Netherlands hire volunteers to as-
sist United Nations experts in.un-
derdeveloped countries.
While underdeveloped nations
have plenty of unskilled man-
power, and also some high level
advisors, they lack the 'middle-
manpower' to explain the engin-
eer's work to the people who have
to do it," he said..
"These are the people the peace
corps could provide. Not all the
skills needed are college skills.
Farming and mechanics are also,
important. But because teachers
are in short supply in most of the
world, a great many of the volun-
teers would be teachers.
"Volunteers would be paid ac-
cording to the regular pay scales
of the countries in which theyj
"Many support a reciprocal pro-
gram, in which foreign volunteers
would - attend work-camps in the
United States side by side with
Americans. Americans working
overseas would also be with native:
Soviet Station
To Intercept
Venus In Ma
MOSCOW (P) -- Russia's inter-
planetary space station will ar-
rive in the vicinity of Venus be-I
tween May 19-20, Tass reported
last night.
The news agency said by that
time the minimum distance be-
tween the station to Venus will be
less than 100,000 kilometres (62,-
500 miles).

sponsibilities have been met "with
quiet intelligence and true cour-
Closed Two Years
W. Edward Smith, School Board
Chairman of Prince Edward, where
public schools have been closed for
two years to avoid integration,
told the commission that "the
people have no confidence either
in the conditions that might be
maintained in an integrated school
or in the educational advantages
that might be given in such a
school." He said they are deter-
mined their children will not at-
tend integrated schools.
In the telegram, Kennedy said,
"If we are to give the leadership
the world requires of us, we must
be true to the great principles of
our constitution-the very prin-
ciples which distinguish us from
our adversaries in the world.
Exchange Views,
He noted that "It is a continuing
contribution for you (the com-
mission) to bring together for an
exchange of views the men and
women responsible for maintain-
ing our public schools and for
carrying through the process of
Speaking to the commission,
Collins Denny Jr., attorney for the
Prince Edward school board, said
that the U.S. Supreme Court rul-
ings on schoolsegregation have
not changed the, minds of south-,
Speaking to Frank D: Reeves, a
special assistant to President Ken-
nedy, he exclaimed emphatically,
"There are great areas in the
south that won't send their child-
ren to desegregated schools."
Belgium CUts
UAR Relations
Over Riting
BRUSSELS (A) -- Belgium
broke off diplomatic relations with
the United Arab Republic yester-
day because of mob attacks on the
Belgian embassy in Cairo last
Jeon Van Den Bosch, foreign
ministry secretary-general, said
the UAR had rejected all Belgian
protests against the attacks by
rioters seeking vengeance for the
slaying of Congolese ex-premier
Patrice Lumumba. r
-Van Den Bosch said the UAR
on Feb. 14 gave Belgium assur-
ances the building would be pro-
tected. The next day a huge mob
battered its way into the embassy
and set\ the building on fire.

21'edical Bill
Three University medical school
deans expressed their support for
PresidentJoin F. Kennedy's pro-
gram of medical and dental schol-
arships yesterday as the bill went
before Congress.
The proposed legislation would
provide rants of up to $2,000 to
needy medical and dental students.
"These points coincide exactly
with those which were made by
the Association of American Medi-
cal Colleges, Dean William N.
Hubbard of the medical school
Distribution Vital
"The important thing is that
the administration (of the medical
school) distributes the scholar-
Concurring with Kennedy's
statement that "We are not pres-
ently training enough (medical
personnel) even to keep pace with
our growing population," Assistant
Dean Charles J. Tupper of the
medical school noted, "It is now
recognized that medical manpower
is .in short supply and it will be-
come worse."
Assistant Dean H. Waldo Bird
said of the new legislation, "It
makes it possible for each medical
school to meet the needs with
which it is confronted and to meet
the needs of its own student body."
Defray Cost
"It will give us a means of de-
fraying the cost of medical educa-
tion which is a pressing problem,
It recognizes a nation-wide need.
In addition to the scholarship
program, the bill will provide a
decade long, $60 million annual
fund for construction of medical,
dental, osteopathic and public
health teaching facilities on a
matching basis.
An added $15 million would pro-
vide for renovation and replace-
ment of obsolete teaching facili-
ties and a $47 million increase in
appropriations for construction of
research facilities to $50 million.
Coiioo Claims
Lack of Guilt
Katanga government acknowledg-
ed yesterday it had carried out a
number' of political arrests but
said it had "a clear conscience
about so-called political assassin-
ations,, deportations, illegal ar-
rests and atrocities."
President Moise Tshombe, in a
reply to a United Nations, note
condemning "injustices," said Ka-
tanga had inherited. the western
system in which traditions of de-
mocratic liberties and fundamental
law were obseived.
U.S. Makes Film
On Communism
WASHINGTON (A') - The de-
fense department is producing its
own film on anti-communism.
. The film, a spokesman said to-
day, has been in production for
some time, and was begun before
the new administration took of-
fice. Earlier the department had
said it was not producing such a


Soviet Union
Destroys UN
Says Organization
Stops Infiltration
WASHINGTON (A') - United
Nations Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson said yesterday it is
self evident the Russians are out
to destroy the effectiveness of the
UN because it has blocked Soviet
penetration of central Africa.
Stevenson conferred at the
State Department yesterday with
Secretary Dean Rusk. They talked
mainly about the Congo problem,
Stevenson said after the meeting.
A reporter asked what he
thought was the pu'rpose of the
letter sent by Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev to Indian
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
in which Khrushchev renewed at-
tacks on the UN operation in Af-
UN Obstacle to Soviet
"It is self evident," Stevenson
replied, "that the UN has been an
obstacle to the Soviet penetration
of central Africa-hence the ef-
fectiveness of the UN must be
Stevenson added, "It seems a
pity the Russians won't give the
Afro-Asian resolution a chance for
implementation before renewing1
their attacks on the Secretary-
General and the UN itself."
The essence of the Khrushchev
plan, rejected by the UN Security
Council -earlier this week, is -to-
have African states with UN troops
in the Congo bring them home
and then form a conciliation com-
mission to deal with the Congo's
warring factions.
No Force Allowedt
Thus they would try 'to make
peace without military force to
back up their decisions.I
In addition, he suggested that4
the commission be instructed in
advance to deal with the Com-
munist-backed rebel regime in
Stanleyville as the Congo's legal
government because it is headed
by Patrice Lumumba's political
Using the killing of the deposed
Congolese premier as a wedge to
renew his attack o Hammar-
sk old, Khrushchev charged the
UN secretary-general was to blame
because "whoever held the knife
or revolver is after all not the
sole murderer."
Most of his fire was directed at
Hammarskjold for allowing Lu-
mumba to fall into the hands of
authorities in Katanga, at the
Belgians for failing to get out of
the Congo and continuing to sup-'
port Katanga President Moise
Tshombe and at Tshombe as "the
hangman" of Lumumba and the
"puppet" of Belgium.





- AP wirephoto
AMBASSADOR, SECRETARY CONFER--United Nations Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson and See-
retary of State Dean Rusk met yesterday to confer primarily on the Congo situation. They discussed
a letter from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in
which Khrushchev repeated his plan for the Congo situation which is opposed by-the United States
Castro Demonstrators Picket


WASHINGTON (') - Some 600
pro-Castro pickets staged a mass
demonstration in a downpour in
front of the White House yester-
day protesting this country's Cuba
About 60 Washington policemen,
reinforced by secret service agents
and extra White House police, kept
the sign - carrying, flag - waving
marchers moving briskly in a
serpentine, three or four abreast.
Picket Picketers
Extra precautions against vio-
lence were taken because a group
of around 30, anti-Castro Cubans
showed up to picket the picketers.

Deputy police chief George R.
Wallrodt, considered something of
a genius at handling demonstra-
tions, kept the anti-Castro group
isolated from the others by for-
bidding them to come closer than'
a block from the White House.
They carried their signs on the
sidewalk near the United States
Wallrodt ordered pedestrian
traffic detoured away from the
White House side of Pennsylvania
Ave .where the major body of
demonstrators paraded in the rain.
Giving orders to his lieutenants,

School Administrator Sees
NDEA as Federal Control
SAN FRANCISCO (A') - The president of the American Associa-
tion of School Administrators yesterday attacked the National Defense
Act of 1958 as representing "the very worst type of federal control
of education."
Forrest E. Conner, superintendent of schools in St. Paul, Minn.,
said, "This is categorical control. By giving aid in certain areas, the
government is' telling the schools what to teach." The NDEA provides
government funds for the im-
provement of high school instruc-
tion in science, mathematics and
modern foreign languages.

White Weather SnowsC

5 WV gAgo'Q-Y

The ground-hog died last night.
Winds swept a power line against
a local house, starting a fire. Sev-
eral telephone poles were knocked
While pedestrians struggled
against the wind and ice, drivers
tried to control their autos against
the almost-sure skids at the cor-
One of those troubled was a "U"
administrator who tried to get
back from Cleveland.
The airport fogged in, he waited,
then rented a car and decided to
drive to a meeting here last night.
By the time he reached Toledo the
road had a quarter-inch of ice on
it, and at a particularly slippery
spot he skidded into the middle
of the expressway.
There was another car waiting
for him. It had also skidded and
the driver (not in the car) was
located later in a phone booth.
Everyone was relieved.

"Funds have been drained off
the occasional education, art and
music programs," Conner said, "to
get the money to match the federal
grants in the three areas. The
English and social studies pro-
grams also have suffered."
Conner said he had no argu-
ment with the college student
loan program in the NDEA but
believed it could be handled sep-
Conner spoke at a news con-
ference marking the opening of a
four-day regional -convention of
the school administrators.
The NDEA is scheduled to ex-
pire on June 30, 1962, unless Con-
gress and the new administration
take steps to extend it.
"I'm not only in favor of letting
the act die," Conner said, "I'm
willing to assist its demise in any
way possible.
"The funds now going to the
NDEA should be used for direct
grants to the states to improve
education in every subject matter."



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