Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
FEBRUARY 14, 1963
The Bicycle Thieves:
Begged, Borrowed or Stolen
~01i 4
PA~LS "~
University Committee
Views Honors Housing
URING THE recent freshman orientation,
new University students were warned by
:pathetic upperclassmen to "Lock Your
ke !" The administration has records which
ow that these warnings are well founded.
sifteen per cent of the 6000 bicycles on
npus are stolen, stripped of parts, or re-
ted missing each year. If a freshman does
t heed the warnings, his first impression of
University may well be a stolen bicycle.
Who steals the bicycles? It would be com-
ting to be able to place the blame in-
tively on external elements that are ex-
iting unknowing students. Such a basic
th in the campus. community would be
founded though. Statistics and evidence
ow that most of, the bicycle thieves are.
PPROXIMATELY -600 or two thirds of the
900 missing bicycles are recovered each year
the police department, the University, or
students. Both the University (which re-
ers 400 of the missing bicycles), and the
ice department pick up most of these in
campus vicinity. East Quadrangle, certain
ners of the campus and certain fraternity
d sorority houses have been notoriously
isistent abandoning grounds for stolen bi-
University and police officials report that
ycles are "taken" by students in order to
from here to there. It seems to be a
nmon practice for someone with a long
1k across campus to take the first unlocked
ycle, ride it to his ,destination, and 'abandon
HE HIGH FREQUENCY of bicycle "taking"
is not a petty or minor campus character-
c. As the enraging and immobilizing ex-
lence of a stolen bicycle becomes part of
iversity life, the University, as an institu-
n of high academic discipline loses, per-
ps paradoxically, claim of being an in-
ution of high ethical discipline. The most
fortunate consequence to all students is that
prduent act of locking a bicycle becomes
manifestation of mutual student distrust.
Pesent action against bicycle "taking" is
ried on by the police department which
orded 259 bicycles stolen last year of which
3 were recovered, and the University ad-
nistration with approximately 900 bicycles
orded "missing" of which 600 were recover-
The administration's higher recovery score
due to its more elaborte and efficient method
recovering missing bicycles left in the Uni-
sity areas.
ERIODIC INVENTORIES are taken of all
bicycles on campus, at University housing
its, and at approved off campus housing.
ycles which have been reported missing are
pounded. The registered owner is notified
d the bicycle is returned after a three dollar
has been paid. Under this system and cir-
cumstance an owner will probably keep his
bicycle if locked, and he has a two out of
three chance of recovering a stolen bicycle if
the bicycle is licensed.
Action taken to decrease the high incidence
of bicycle theft must handle both student
"taking" and commercial stealing (stealing
done for profit rather than for a ride). Police
officials feel that there has been little com-
mercial stealing in the last 10 years, yet 300
bicycles (or one third of those reported miss-
ing) are never recovered.
Bicycle frames have been found dumped
along the Huron river and in the court of
East Quadrangle.
Last summer a garage in which a sorority
was storing bicycles was broken into and the
bicycles stripped of parts. These parts would
be useless without a commercial outlet. A
more alert and energetic police force in re-
spect to commercial bicycle stealing could
do a great deal towards limiting bicycle thefts.
THE ADMINISTRATION'S response to the
"taking" problem is now limited to recover-
ing those bicycles reported missing. Records
are kept though, which pin-point certain areas
as recurrent stealing grounds and which show
that the stealing occurs in waves. With time
and place generally defined, a closer com-
munication with the police force might permit
effective police action without an unreason-
able increase in cost.
The most effective way in which bicycle
"taking" can be prevented though, is the de-
velopment of a higher student code of respon-
sibility and respect. It is characteristic of the
University that there are as many patterns of
behavior as there are currents in an ocean,
but the undefinable sensation of mutual stu-
dent respect and esprit de corps are as univer-
sally refreshing as distrust and cynicism are
The spirit under which we as students must
work is decided by the sum total of each in-
dividual decision on what degree of disrespect
and irresponsibility, as shown by such things
as bicycle stealing, will be tolerated.
THE FREQUENCY of bicycle theft and the
fact that these bicycles wind up at group
housing units indicate that offenders are not
hiding their actions from those around them.
As long as stealing is tolerated it will continue,
for the remote chance of police apprehension
is not half as effective a preventative as pos-
sible social ostracism.
The high incidence of bicycle stealing is
unacceptable at this University. The removal of
the problem has to include the energetic efforts
of both the police department and the admin-
istration. But it is the formation of a student
concensus against bicycle "taking" that will
do the most to free the campus from this
unethical blight.
To the Editor:
te scurrently preparing
proposal for an opportunity for
those honors students v ho wish
to do so to be able to live to-
gether. It is taken for granted
that many honors students are
not interested in participating in
such housing and that any such
program should therefore be made
available on an entirely voluntary
The proposed plan would allow
limited numbers of students in
the literary college and music
school honors programs and the
science engineering program, who
chose to do so, to live together
with non-honors students in in-
tegrated houses, providing a nu-
cleus for extra-curricular honors
programs which currently lack
suitable facilities.
The proposal would involve a
one-year experiment to be care-
fully evaluated to see whether it
offers a useful extension of the
University principle of "choice
housing," i.e. offering students a
wide range of choices in housing.
-Prof. Robert Blood
Service .. .
To the Editor:
telephones in East Quadrangle,
West Quadrangle, and Fletcher
Hall has been completed. A form
letter from the Residence Halls'
Business Manager informs us that
charges for these phones will be
applicable "effective Spring Se-
mester 1963."
This charge of eight dollars is
added to the room and board ac-
count of each individual resident.
Thus the fellow across the hall
pays eight bucks for his private
phone, while I and my roommates
pay $24 for a single phone in
a triple room. And apparently this
same charge will be made again,
every semester for years to come.
And this is for phone service
which is, to put it charitably, "in-
-No intra-dorm calls are per-
-A wait of as long as five min-
utes is frequently necessary be-
fore the operator responds to a
lifing of the receiver.
-The switchboard shuts down
completely at midnight, or be-
fore if its suits the caprice of
the operator; orders for pizza de-
livery after that hour must be
made on a pay phone.
WHY THE gross inequity in
rates? Are we helping to pay for
the phone in the single room
across the hall? If so, should we
not be furnished with a key to
this room, that we may be as-
sured of ready access to the in-
strument? Quadrangle residents
are on record as being opposed to
the installation of room telephones
several months ago.
Perhaps a boycott would be in
--Audie Stevens, '65A&D
Vice-President, Fletcher Hall
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to me that if Daily
Editor Michael Olinick would
devote more time and effort to
his journalistic endeavors and less
to petty campus politics he could
bring about a much needed higher
quality newspaper.
Certainly, one of the primary
responsibilities of any newspaper
editor is not to get personally
envolved in situations (e.g., cam-
pus politics) which necessitate
sound and constructive criticism.
An aloofness must be maintained
in oi:der to insure such an at-
* '. .
has failed in this respect. A samp--
ling of his editorial comment will
verify this. The subject matter he
concerns himself with is for the
most part restricted to campus
and student government politics.
Furthermore, as already mention-
ed, Mr. Olinick has actively par-
ticipated in many of these ac-
tivities. To be sure, these parti-
cular associations have no doubt
created many onesided, biased no-
tions for the editor. The end re-
sult is a clear violation of good
journalistic practice. r
A respected newspaper editor
must have reasonable knowledge
and insight into all areas of news
his publication reports on. In ad-
dition, it is basic responsibility to
editorially voice his opinions on
a wide range of subject matter.
One cannot help but get the
impression that the editor of The
Daily is primarily interested in
student government affairs. Un-
fortunately, this is being accom-
plished at the expense of the once
great Daily.
-David E. Braun, Grad
, 3 V
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Issue of Implementation
The Delta Decision
iIRRENT TALKS between Delta C
ficials and the University could 1
ch-needed four-year college in'the
ley area, with the advantages o
cation as offered by the University
'he Michigan Coordinating Cou
her Education composed of repres
mn Michigan's state colleges. has opp
rger between Delta and the Universi
the motives for the opposition? ,C
t the other state colleges and un
allowing feelings of rivalry to inter
at would be a very beneficial mov
ter higher education in the stat
4embers of the Council, and othe
s, say they fear that a merger of D
ollege of-
lead to a
f quality
ncil for
osed any
lege and the University would "subvert the pur-
pose of junior colleges." At this point it is wise
to point out that there is, indeed a purpose for
Junior colleges. One is to offer terminal courses
not offered at a university. Another is to pre-
pare students for attendance at a university.
Still another is to provide higher education for
those who, for financial or personal reasons,
cannot live away from home.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of two articles analyzing the
proposed merger between the Michi-
gan League and the Michigan
mandate to study the present
Michigan Union and Michigan
League activities and administra-
tive structures and to make rec-
ommendations to the respective
governing boards for their im-
proved operational effectiveness
(including the possible desirability
of a merger), much work has been
done by the Union-League Study
Committee, initiated last fall.
The first four meetings of the
group were spent familiarizing its
memberg with the present struc-
tures, functions and operations of
the two student organizations.
With this information providing
a basic background, thecommittee
proceeded to gather data from
other sources, sending question-
naires concerning the structuring
of student activities on other cam-
puses to all member schools of
the Western Conference and meet-
ing with students, faculty and ad-
ministrators of this campus.
cittee late in November, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis told the group that
his office felt that the whole
program of student activities
would "be. enhanced" if a start
could be made towards coordinat-
ing the activities sponsored by
existing student organizations.
Lewis also advocated clarifica-
tion of the relationship among
Student Government Council, the
Union and the League.
Accompanying Lewis to this
meeting were other members of
the OSA, John Bingley, director
of student activities and organiza-
tions; Walter B. Rea, director of
financial aids and Elizabeth
Davenport, special assistant to the
Prof. Richard Cutler, chairman
of the Student Relations Commit-
tee of the Faculty Senate, met
with the committee in mid-
December and urged that the mer-,
ger issue be examined "in light
of the educational purpose of the
* * ,*
PROF. CUTLER'S recommen-
dation: "If the League offers op-
portunities for development that
the Union does not, or vice-versa,
and if under examination they
prove desirable to the educational
process, I would definitely move
toward a merger."
An evening session with student
leaders on campus revealed a def-
inite consensus in favor of the
merger, although a few students
interviewed feared that comoin-
ing the two organizations would
narrow the scope of activities of-
fered and that the elimination of
present duplications in the two
structures would reduce opportuni-
ties for leadership.
Meeting with the study com-
mittee Just before Christmas vaca-
tion, vice-president for Business
what kinds of activities students
want and try to establish an or-
ganization structure to accom-
modate these.
"Students do not come to the
University to undertake the opera-
tion of a business enterprise but
rather come in search of scholar-
ship and student activities in a
broad sense," he warned.
"Somehow, on this campus, we
got off the track and student ac-
tivities became involved in hotel
management, labor relations and
financial management."
* * *
ON THE BASIS of these inter-
views with campus officials, re-
plies to the questionnaires and
closed discussion sessions of the
study group itself, individual mem-
bers of the committee submitted
written recommendations on the
merger question in mid-January
just before the onset of final
Although these documents ex-
hibited some variance of opinion,
they appeared to be in agreement
on several general principles.
These were:
"The desirability of merging the
Union and League student ac-
tivities programs under a single
co-educational student board;
"The desirability of reducing
student responsibility for business
operations of plant and facilities
although it is acknowledged that
student representation on the
managing authority is essential;
"The desirability of making a
governing board charged with
business operation of the stu-
dent activities center responsible
to the Regents, with a co-ordinat-
ing relationship with the vice-
president for business and finance;
"The desirability of a student
activities center with guarantee
of adequate and appropriate space,
facilities, equipment and; financ-
ing by the University;
"Recognition of the co-educa-
tional student activities board's
need for close coordination with
the vice-president for student af-
fairs, but that it would work most
effectively if it had maximum re,
ulty members of the committee are
presently involved in drawing to-
gether these principles of general
agreement in a first draft work-
ing document of the recommenda-
tion to be made to the Union and
League governing boards. This
working document, scheduled for
presentation to the entire com-
mittee later this month, will be
the first paper coming out of the
committee to present a unified
stand on the merger question.
After its presentation, much
work will still lie before the group.
Using the first draft recom-
mendation as a basis for discus-
sion, the committee will confer
with the Union and League boards
and University officials. Revisions
and amendments in the paper will
be made. A second and, if need be,
a third draft will be completed,
approved by the study committee
and submitted to the Union and
League boards for ratification.
If this document recommends
that no merger take place between
the Union and League, and the
two governing boards accept the
recommendation, the committee's
work will end there. At the present
time, it appears unlikely that the
committee will come up with a
"no merger" recommendation.
* * *
IF, HOWEVER, the recommen-
dation is that a full or partial
merger be effected and the two
governing boards accept it, a way
must be found to reconcile this
decision with the present Union
and League constitutions; these
must be amended or altered be-
fore any merger can be imple-
Amending such a change to the
League constitution should pose
little difficulty; it can be amended
by a vote of the League Board of
However, amendment to the
constitution of the Union is a
more difficult matter. At present,
the Union constitution can be
amended only by referendum to
the members of the Union (all
full-time male students as weli
as Alumni life members). A two-
thirds affirmative vote of all
those voting in the referendum is
necessary for adoption of an
In the case of the amendment
considered here, approval by ref-
erendum might prove impractical.
To conduct a meaningful referen-
dum on the question of merging
the Union and the League, the
entire electorate must be educated
about all aspects of the issue,
especially the work of the study
committee. Informing the entire
male populace of the University
about all particulars of the issue,
or at least enough to conduct an
intelligent, meaningful election, is
at best, a difficult matter.
Perhaps the most effective way
of implementing the necessai y
changes in the Union and League'
structures would oe by regentai
ruling, by-passing (in this case)
the inefficient amendment pro-
ONCE THE MERGER is effect-
ed, (and the question is still an
open one as to whether this pro-
cess would take place in a series
of integrated steps or in one
major changeover), the single co-
educational student activities
group would have no small effect
on existing campus institutions.
How it would interact with the
OSA, SGC and student affairs in
general is a question that still
remains to be settled definitively.
At present, the study committee
seems to favor the formation of a
new coordinated student activities
body, comprised of the officers of
all major student groups, which
work directly with the OSA. Ssich
a group would be the logical place
to lodge the calendaring powers
Something for Everyone
to please everyone.
It certainly includes everything
-war, love, psychological drama,
good and bad acting, excitement.
Unfortunately it is disjointed and
"The Caine Mutiny" divides its
plot between a handful of char-
acters and plots. It consequently
lacks the time for treating such a
broad subject matter thoroughly,
and must often revert to stereo-
type characterizations and thumb-
nail sketches.
A love story begins the plot.
That Willis Seward Keith (Robert
Francis) is rich, young and hand-
some is clear in a series of blunt
remarks. "Do you have, enough
money?" worried mama asks as
Keith leaves for duty aboard a
battle ship. "Better take this extra
hundred dollars.,
WITH THIS outline of the love
interest the plot proceeds to more
basic conflicts. Brief incidents
present Keith's conflict with crew
and captain. The new captain,
Philip Francis Queeg (Humphrey.
Bogart), arrives, more incidents
occur, and a new conflict between
new captain and crew result.
Suddenly the schmaltz is over.
From a pleasant war ldg, inter-
spersed with exoiting incidents
land cute dialogue, "The Caine
Mutiny" bopemes a deep psycho-
logical study of basic moral issues.
In the limited time remaining,
Humphrey Bogart, Van Johnson
and Jose Ferrer brilliantly com-
bat often hackneyed dialogue and
background music to explore the
justification of the mutiny.
* * *
WITH THE trial of the mutt-
neers, a new depth of character
appears; along with a clean view
of theresponsibility of eachrchar-
acter involved. These ideas. are
established by- Jose Ferrer in the
last five minutes of "The Caine
But part of the story remains.
Will Keith stand up against mama
and will Keith get the girl? Natur-
ally yes, and after a touching em-
brace, Keith boards the boat and
as the music swells into the
-Elizabeth Roediger
LL THOUGHTFUL men tend ins
gree to identify themselves wit]
forces of history"--Alan Nevias.
his is definitely true of Charles d
.. which Napoleon?
Business Staff
LEE SOLAR, Business Manager
FOOTE. ................Finance
H STEPHENSON............ Account
TURNER.E........Associate Busine
WMAS BENNETT ........... .AdvertisinE
ity. What
udit T IS NOT necessary that a joint program be-.
iuld itibe tween the University and Delta subvert any
fere with of these purposes.
e toward First of all, using the existing facilities at
ee, Delta for a four-year college would provide a
degree-granting institution for those qualified
r oppon- students who might not be able to live away
elta Col- from home. It would be too bad if the state
would deny a university education to those
whose only limitation is financial.
In order that the advantages of a junior
college remain, Delta could retain its present
two-year terminal course and admission stan-
some de- dards. Then, for students who wished to remain
h figures and attend the University-connected senior col-
lege, admissions would be on the same basis as
le Gaulle they are in Ann Arbor. This way, the same
opportunities are given to junior college stu-
-'C.D" dents in the area, while the senior college would
maintain the same high standards as the Uni-
versity. A degree from the Delta extension
would thus be as valuable as one from Ann
This plan offers an alternative to dark pre-
dictions of "destruction of the Junior college
sociation of Producing Artists
(APA) returned to Ann Arbor and
began their Shakespeare Festival
with "A Midsummer Night's
It was, in the main, a distinctive
production with many notable
highlights. And while it afforded'
a delightful evening of theatre
for those from seven to seventy,
as last night's audience proved,
to those 1 familiar with earlier
APA presentations there may be
some pertinent reservations.
The play everywhere evinces the
same confident and graceful move-
ment that have typified Ellis
Rabb's earlier efforts. Under his
supervision, the actual physical
actions of the actors has become
a kind of wonder in itself.
move swiftly and sprightly, im-
parting the sense of music and
dance that are so much a part of
f ,h ,-kCno v*. 'i,,nL nf'a mI
APA Re-Enters Well,
Despite Weak' Staging
THE COSTUMING of the pro-
duction was extravagant and col-
orful, if sometimes disconcertingly
inconsistent. At one point, while
all the other characters appeared
in basically Elizabethan dress, the
queen, Hippolyta, emerges bedeck-
ed in garb vaguely reminiscent of
ancient Athens.
What was most disappointing
was the setting.' Compared with
the work done at the Lydia Men-
delssohn, in "The School for Scan-
dal" and "Ghosts," it is surpris-
ingly unimaginative, indeed inap-
propriate. For the crude wooden
bower-balcony strikes a harsh
note in a play attempting to create
an atmosphere of 'gay fantasy.
The plan tended, at first, to take
itself too seriously and conse-
quently the dreamy mood became
a languorous one.
BY CHOOSING to emphasize
the dark and. sinister powers of
the Fairy-King, and by underplay-
ing the role for its humor content,
Editorial Staff
torial Director City Editor
A.LIE nLOW---- .....Pers nne Director
THE BILL introduced by a committee of the
Legislature headed by Sen. Lester O. Begick
(R-Bay City) provides for a senior college
linked to Delta, but with a separate faculty.
This plan is very similar to the University-
Delta merger one, except that it lacks the
benefits the University can offer.
T 4. s hi a-t ninrnn.laP hin-rfnr.Prl fn