Is Boost
i Salaries
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For Military
The proposed pay increases for
tilitary servicemen outlined re-
tly by Secretary of Defense
,obert S. McNamara have been
avorably received by the Univer-
ty Air Force personnel, a spokes-
tan declared recently.
The defense department has re-
gested a new pay bill with a 14.4
er cent average salary increase
)r military personnel. This would
dd $900 million to the $12 billion
annual military payroll for fiscal
ear 1964.
"However, the proposal calls for
>me ranks to receive larger in-
reases than others, with junior
fficers to benefit more noticeably
han most other grades," the
pokesman explained.
The results of the bill, which
ent to Congress two weeks ago,
'ill be carefully studied. A House
ibeommittee has begun inquiries
ecently on the possible effect of
'e increases.
"The primary purpose of in-
reasing the salaries of the junior
fficers is to place the armed
>rces in a better position to at-
:act college graduates. In order
> do this, we must offer as high
salary as industries and busi-
esses pay," he continued.
The last pay raise for the mil-
arywas in June, 1958. It is hoped
hat the new increase, besides ob-
ainng more college-trained of-.
cers, will offset the relatively
mall salary increases in the past.
The defense department pur-
oses that the bill also replace
verseas pay with a new bonus for
remote and isolated duty pay,"
>talling 15-25 per cent of the
ase pay.
VleCrary Sees
ed ieal Role
[n Literature
The medical theories of the 16th
rd 17th 'centuries strongly in-
.uenced character creation in the
'olden Age of drama, Prof. Wil-
am McCrary of the romance Ian-
uage department believes and
ould like to prove.
To prove his idea, McCrary will
Pend this summer in Madrid
udyingh16thand17th century
panish medical treatises. The
merican Council of Learned So-
eties and the American Philo-
ophical Society have awarded him
rants for this research.
The medicine of these times
>nsisted of ethics, morality,
heology and psychology. Just as
de individual of the 20th century
influenced by the ideas of the
reat psychologists like Freud, the
7th century "fell heir to the tradi-
ons of the philosophers and doc-
>rs," McCrary said.
Playwrights created characters
1 terms of the medical under-
anding of the human spirit. If
person was said to be in "black
uumor," his "body humors" were
ot operating correctly, thus mak-
ig him angry. Today's psycholo-
ists create the same effect by
ttributing various psychoses to
he characters of ,their patients,
e said.
The 17th century was a poetic
orld whose rationality was not
ased on cause and effect. It had
ie greatest number of creative
minuses, McCrary believes. He de-
.dbd to study the material that
he creative genius used and work
Ith it as they did. To do this,
e must be transported totally
ito the spirit of the 17th cen-
ry and try to re-create the at-
osphere of those times, he said.
He wants to understand how
ie dramatist and his audience
)nceived the characters. To do
his he must consider their "ap-
aratu$ of perceptivity." Modern
tan can only see the aesthetic
alue of these plays and not the
soul of the drama" because he
oes not have the same apparatus.
( 3)
(Continued from Page 2)
interested students are invited and
engrs, who expect to grad this year
are especially urged to attend one of
these meetings.
Camps interviewing during the week
of Feb. 11-16 are:
Feb. 12-Camp Birch Trails for girls
in Wisconsin. Camp Tamarack, a coed
camp in Mich. operated by the Fresh
Air Society. Camp White Pine for boys
and girls in Ontario, Canada.
Feb. 13-Camp Walden for boys ;and
girls in Mich. (Cheboygan). Camp
Birch Trails for girls in Wis.
Feb. 15-Camp Copneconic, a YMCA
camp near Fenton, Mich. Iron City
Youth Camp for boys and girls near
Crystal Falls, Mich.
Feb. 16-Camp Pembroke for girls
in Mass. (interviewing 9-12 a.m.) Camp
Nakonah for boys in Mich.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
THURS., FEB. 14-
J. L. Hudson Co.--June grads. Men
and women with degree any field of
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Exec.
Trng. & Dev. Candidates are recruited
for this prog. for specific openings-
this is not just a trng, prog. from
which to fill positions. Openings in
Control Div, Merchandise Div., Oper-
ating Div. & the Publicity Div. Loca-
tion: downtown Detroit and suburban
area stores.
The LaSalle & Koch Co.--June grads.
Men and Women. LaSalle's is a div. of
the R. H. Macy & Co. in N.Y. Degree
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Jr. Exec.
Trng. Squad. Classroom instruction
and on-the-job rotational assignments
throughout the store. This 6-mo. trng.
prog. is primarily aimed toward careers
in Merchandise Div., however, assign-
ments may also be made in another
div. for those interested. Location:
Toledo, Ohio.
Detroit Civil Service-June & Aug.
grads. Men and women. 1. Liberal Arts
& Bus. Ad. grads for Technical Assist-
ance - Personnel, Purchasing, Public
Housing, etc. 2. Jr Recreation Instruc-
tors. 3. Accountants. 4. Chemists. 5. Jr.
Public Health Nurses & Jr. Foresters.
6. Jr. Museum Curator-Zoologist.
Equitable Life Insurance - June &
Aug. grads. Men with degree in Liberal
Arts or Bus Ad. for opportunities as
Admin. Trainees, Sales Trainees, or
Mgmt. Trainees. Location: N.Y. and
throughout the U.S.
Tennessee Valley Authority-June &
Aug. grads. Men and women with any
major appropriate to following jobs:
Training Officer on Mgmt. Services
Staff; Stat, in Market Analysis Branch;
Specialist In Property Mgmt. in Reser-
voir Properties Div.; Research Analyst
on Power Res. Staff; Purchasing Agent;
Mathematician in Computing Center;
& Personnel Officer.
CIBA Pharmaceutical Co., New Jersey
-June & Aug. grads, men and women.
BS/BA & MS/MA candidates in Chem.,
Pharmacy, Bacteriology & Biochem. for
Research & Dev. positions. Would also
like to interview a few Juniors (or
Seniors planning a 1-yr. Master's Prog.)
with majors in Chem. or Biology for
summer positions. MEN only-a sales
trainee prog. for any Liberal Arts
FRI., FEB. 15-
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N.Y.-
June grads. Men and women with de-
gree in any field. Male trainees will
enter Mgmt., Actuarial, Sales Mgmt.,
Group Specialist & Sales Trng. Frog.
Women will receive trng. in Actuarial,,
Group Specialist, Underwriting, Elec-
tronics & Accounting areas. Location:
N.Y. and" throughout U.S. and Canada.
The Pontiac Press, Pontiac, Mich.-
(a.m. only)-June grads, both men and
women. Interviewing for Editorial and
Reporting people. Will accept applica-
tions from any others (adv., etc.).
Travellers Insurance Co., .Detroit,
Mich.-Trainee for Claims Adjustment
Dept. New grad. Exper. not required.
Excellent oppor. for advancement,
Sinai Hospital, Div. of Research,
Detroit, Mich.-Biochemist-new posi-
tion for research in allergy field. MS
or BS. Exper. not necessary.
The Procter & Gamble Co., Detroit,
Mich.-Sales Trainees Degree any field
of Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. Exper. not
required. Trng. in field territory in-
cludes personal selling, sales promo-
tions and territory mgmt.
Motor State Products, Div. of Dura
Corp., Ypsilanti, Mich.-Recent gradu-
ates for positions as: 1. Industrial Re-
lations Assistant-Courses in Indust.
Mgmt., Personnel Admin., etc. Degree
required. 2 Accountant Trainee - at
least 30 hrs. acc't. Degree required.
General acc't. with some traffic mgmt.
City of Pontiac, Mich. - Graduate
Chemist - to supervise activities of
sewage treatment lab.
International Bank for Reconstruc-
tion & Dev., Washington, D.C. - Ass't.
Chief of the Research Files Sect. of
the Archives Div. Degree & pref. a de-
gree from a Library Sch. Fluent in
Chess Club, Meeting, Feb, 13, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L. Vital Election
will be held. Everyone should come.
* * *
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-
dent Guild, Cost Luncheon Discussion:
"People vs. Activities," Robert Heath,
Feb. 12, Noon, 802 Monroe.
* * *
English & reading knowledge of French
& Spanish, Basic knowledge of inter-
national economics essential. Exper. in
Documentation & Library Work. Age
Peninsular Service Co., Detroit, Mich.
-Need man with Accounting trng. for
the acc't, of various trusts. Must be
able to keep books & records neatly.
Require trng. in investment analysis.
Must be .a man who is committed to
finance as a career & prefers the in-
vestment field.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
. Beginning Feb. 15, the following rep-
resentatives will be at the Bureau to
interview candidates for the school
year 1963-1964:
FRI., FEB. 15-
Anchorage, Alaska - Elem.; Engl:,
Engl/Drama, Math, Math/Sci., Biol.,
9th Gen. Sci., Couns.
Crystal Falls, Mich.-Engl/Hist,, Ment.
Belvedere, Calif. (Reed Union HS)
Dist.)-Fields not yet announced.
Campbell, Calif. - Libr., Girl's PE,
Phys, Engl., Soc. St., Math, For.
White Plains, N.Y.-- Elem.; Libr.,
Engl., Soc. St., Math, Sol., Ind. Arts,
Span., French, Art, Voc. Mus., Girl's
PE, Home Ec., Ment. Retd., Math Dept.
Mount Kisco, N.Y.-Elem.; Fr./Span.,
Fr./Russ., Engl., Math, Set., Soc. St.,
Bus., Guid.
MON., FEB. 18-
Lakewood, Ohio-All Fields.
Livonia, Mich.-Elem.; Secondary All
Fields; Visiting Teacher; Sch. Psych.
TUES., FEB.19-
Bassett, Calif.-Elem.; Jr. HS Ind.
Art, Home Ec., Soc. St./Engl., Math/
Sci., Art, Span., Sch. Nurse, Att./Wel-
fare, Psychometrist, Sp. Corr.
Lompoc, Calif. - Elem.; Sec., For.
Lang., Span., French, Ger., Engl., Girl's
PE, Math (SMSG), Sp. Ed.
Phoenix Ariz. - Engl., Math, Biol.,
Phys. Sci., For. Lang. (Span., Latin,
French, Germ.), Soc. St., Girl's PE
(Dance), Bus. Ed., Home Ec., Spec.
Ed. (Slow Learner), Inst./Voc. Music,
Speech/Drama, Read., Ind. Arts. Must
have a Master's plus 30 Hours in teach-
ing field.
WED., FEB. 20-
Engewood, Colo. (Cherry Creek Sch.)
-All Elem. and Sec. (No Guid.).
Willoughby, Ohio--Elem.; Jr. HS Engl.,
Soc. St., Girl's PE, Math, Ind. Arts,
Sci., For. Lang. (Fr., Germ., Latin,
Russ., Span.) ; HS Engl., Soc. St., Sci.,
Girl's PE, Math, Ind. Arts, For. Lang.
(Fr., Latin, Ger., Span., Russian), Girl's
PE, Guid. (Woman), Libra
Stockton, Calif.-Elem.; Jr. HS Engl.,
Girl's PE, For. Lang., Spec. Ed.
Niles, Mich.-Elem.; Elem. Voc.; Jr.
HS German, Couns.; HS Engl.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for the following:
FEB. 13-
Gulf Oil Corp., Gulf Res. & Dev. Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Gulf Oil Corp,-Refin-
ing Dept., Phila., Pa.-All Degrees: ChE,
EE, ME, Physics. MS-PhD: Met., Math,
Geology, Chem.-(all phases), Account-
ing. Men & Women. R. & D.
Gulf Petro-Chemicals, Pittsburgh, Pa.
-1) Chem. or ChE with Bus. Ad. de-
gree or financial exper.; 2) MS-PhD:
ChE with preferably Industrial exper
prior to getting MBA. 1) Marketing Res.
Ec. Analysis (Projects in this country
& abroad). 2) Tech. Dev., Ind. Chem.,
Process Engrg., Ec. Eval.
M & T Chemicals, Inc., Formerly
Metal & Thermit, Rahway, N.J.-BS:l
ChE, CE, EE & ME. M & T Trng.
Prog. leading to positions in R. & D.,
Des., Prod. & Sales.
Mich. State Highway Dept., Lansing
& Statewide-BS-MS: CE. Men & Wom-
en. Des.-Rotational Trng. Prog (16
mo.), Construction-(Road & Bridge).
Texaco, Inc., Sales Dept. & Res. &
Tech. Dept.-All Degrees: "ChE, EE, ME.
BS: Met. R. & D., Sales See details
posted on placement bulletin board.
Texas Instruments, Inc., Apparatus
division, Dallas & Housto, Tex.; Semi-!
conductor Components Div., Dallas, Tex.
-All Degrees: ChE, EE, Met. BS-MS:
ME. Men & Women. R. & D., Des.,
Prod. & (Sales for the Semiconductor/
Components Div).
U.S. Army Engineer District, Detroit,
Engrg., Construction & Operations Divs.
of the Det. District; Engrg. & Res.
Div. of the U.S. Lake Survey-BS-MS:
ChE, CE, Meteorology, Chem. & Math.
MS: Construction, Geodetic & Sanitary.
BS: E Math & Sci. Engrg. R. & D.,
U.S. Gov't-Navy Bureau of Ships,
Washington, D.C.-BS-MS: EE, ME &
NA & Mar. Men & Women. R. & D.,
Des., Sys. Engrg., Project Engrg. &
Project Mgmt , Nuclear Propulsion &
Adv. Ship Des.
FEB. 13-14-
Arthur Andersen & Co., Locations
throughout U.S.-BS-MS: IE or other
prog. interested, pref. with MBA Na-
tionals of Great Britain, France, or
South America with some Accounting.
Consulting in Oper. Res., Prod. Con-
trol, Mgmt. Services.
Motorola, Inc-, Chicago, Ill. & Phoe-
nix, Ariz.-BS-MS: EE R. & D., Des.
Square D Company, Midwest & East--
BS: EE, ME & (IE for Mktg.). Des. &
United Aircraft Corp., Hamilton
Standard Div., Main Plant-Windsor
Locks, Conn. Electronics Plant-Broad
Brook, Conn.-BS, MS & Prof. degree:
AE & Astro., EE, Instru., ME & Met.
Prof. Applied Mech's. BS-MS: EM,
Mat'ls. BS: E. Physics & IE. Men &
women. R & D., Des., Prod., Sales, Re-
liability, Prelim., Des., Quality Control,
Instru. & Measurement & Systems &
Data Processing.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 56 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Eng. or tech. students to sell slide
rules. Substantial commission.
1-Senior with Micro-Biology back-
ground. 20 hours per week. Who is
at the MS or PhD level in Physical
or Organic Chemistry to do re-
search. 20 hours per week.
-Meal jobs available.
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 56 credits in a field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or 'afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
2-Engrg. or technical students to sell
slide rules. Substantial commission.
-Baby sitting positions available.
k m
Feum Demolep~rats, Business Meeting,
Feb. 13, 7:30 p m. Union, Rm. '3C.
Some 2000 Jobs in
40 States Listed for
College Guys and Gals
Whether your summer job ob-
jective is money, experience,
adventure or fun, you'll find the
kind of work you're loolping for
in SUMMER JOBS 1963 . . .
This exclusive report lists jobs
from Maine to 'fexas in camps,
resorts, industrial and commer-
cial firms for students with and
without experience.
The best jobs go fast so order
your report today.
SEND $1 And Coupon Now!
College Division A-100
Box 1131, Hanover, N.H.
Send copies at $1 ea.*
City State
*Add 50c if air mail redly desired
Don't Forget
with student I.D.
discount records,.
Pet itioning for
Publi~c Relations Board
o Publishes SGC Newsletter
* Provides press releases for off-campus publicity
* Provides speakers to housing units and organizations
Petitions available SGC Offices, SAB
337 S. Main St.
Phone 5-4469
Open Mon. and Fri. 10-8:30; Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 10-7; Sat. 9-6
All-Campus Elections
Tuesday, February 12th
Closes Thursday, February 21st
Following Elections involved:
M.S. and Ph.D. graduates will find room to expand at STL's new ultra-modern Space Technology Center,
Redondo Beach, California, near Los Angeles International Airport.
Here, in an environment conducive to expanding your special interests, you will find thought provoking prob-
lems requiring the optimum of your talents. And, while associating with recognized authorities in your field,
you will have the opportunity to see developed products of your endeavors in such vital space programs as
OGO (NASA's Orbiting Geophysical Observatory), and in Titan and Minuteman ballistic missile programs.
If you are searching for space to expand your ideas, theories and thoughts, in a campus-like atmosphere, we
invite you to investigate the technical specialties listed below: There is creative space for you at STL. The-
nretica1 Physic * SvtemsE neineerina . Radar Svtems . Exnerimental Physics . Anlied Mathematics . Snace
-' w