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, t cl i an

:43 i14p

Partly cloudy and slightly warmer,
today and tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

LXXIII, No. 98





SGC Group Forms Criteria

A special Student Government
Council comhmittee reached tenta-
tive agreement last night on a
statement outlining criteria for
Regental cand'dates.
The proposal, which will be re-
vised and presented to Council
tomorrow night, details 10 major
problem areas with corresponding
policy statements. Council will
submit such a statement to the
Republican State Convention in
Grand Rapids this weekend for
consideration in nominating can-
didates and will use it in evaluat-
ing the four contestants for pos-
sible endorsement.
Included in the'i recommended
proposals are statements on Uni-
versity autonomy, student affairs,

academic f r e e d o m, tuition
charges, out-of-state student en-
rollments, undergraduate instruc-
tion, research, University financ-
ing, faculty participation in de-
cision-making and campus dis-
Policy Platforms
SGC voted last week to invite
the Regental candidates to speak
at the University and present
their policy platforms and to ar-
range panel discussions and de-
bates between them.
Council also decided to meet in-
dividually with the candidates for
further explanation of their views
and consider endorsing one or
more of them for the April elec-
Drawn up by four SGC mem-

Romne Y Promises To Exert
No ressure at Convention
By The Associated Press
Gov. George Romney promised yesterday that he will not inter-
vene in the selection of Republican candidates for the April 1 election.
He asserted that the Republican convention, meeting in Grand
Rapids this weekend "will select its own candidates. No one will be
able to say that Romney has expressed a viewpoint."
However, the Governor said that he might indicate his choice
for the party's state chairmanship. At present there are two, and
tpossibly three, candidates for the

. . . hands off

Leader Backs
Kennedy Stand
On Cuba Crisis
Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana hit back yesterday at
Republican critics of President
John F. Kennedy's Cuban policies.
He reminded them that the
problems arising from Fidel Cas-
tro's Communist takeover in Cuba
began under the Eisenhower ad-
Replying to statements made
over the. weekend by New York
Republican Gov. Nelson A. Rock-
efeller, Sen. Kenneth B. Keating
(R-NY) and other senators, Mans-
field called for "more restraint
on irresponsible public utterances"
and said, "What we really need
from the Governor and from the
Senate are constructive sugges-
tions that will help ease the Cu-
ban situation.
No Change
The Republicans showed no
signs of subsiding.
Keating issued a statement re-
peating that "the Soviet buildup
in Cuba has turned the island
into a base of subversion and ter-
rorism throughouot the hemis-
phere." He said he will continue
to call attention to "this untenable
situation" as long as it exists.
In the House, Rep. Earl Wilson'
(R-Ind) contended in a news-
letter to constituents that "the
no-win eggheads" behind the Ken-
nedy administration are trying to
"sweep the Cuban debacle under
the rug'."
Charges Deal
Republican Sen. Hugh Scott of
Pennsylvania revived the charge
of a secret deal between Kennedy
and Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev during the Cuban
Mansfield told the Senate "there
is absolutely no foundation" to
Scott's charge.
city To Seek
Housing Funds
A-- A, *k.t. r Of'I s 4. ~ i i In 1 1 .

chairmanship: Arthur G. Elliott,
Jr., Romney's fall campaign man-
ager; and John A. Gibbs, the GOP
campaign coordinator.
Third Candidate?
The third possible candidate, ac-
cording to a Kent County Repub-
lican who refused to be identified,
is John B. Doty of Grand Ledge, a
GOP Con-Con delegate.
The apparent favorite, Elliott,
is now being supported by a "blue
ribbon" committee which will push
his candidacy at the GOP con-
The group, headed by Washte-
now county GOP Chairman Wen-
dell Hobbs, includes former gub-
ernatorial candidate Paul Bag-
well, former state chairmen Law-
rence Lindemer and John Feikens,
central committee chairman Nor-
man 0. Stockmeyer, former con-
gressman Alvin Bentley, and state
Senators Stanley G. Thayer (R-
Ann Arbor) and William G. Mil-
liken (R-Traverse City).
Back Gibbs
The backers of Gibbs, a close
colleague of Elliott in the Oak-
land County GOP, insit that a
majority of that county's dele-
gation is iheady to vote for Gibbs
at the convention.
The third potential candidate,
according to the Kent County
source, may be drafted by a group
of Grand Rapids delegates.
"There are those in Kent County
who think the convention should
consider electing someone more
capable than either Elliott or
Gibbs," he commented.
So far, Doty has neither ac-
knowledged any support for him
nor declared his candidacy.
GOP Leaders
Rap Kennedy
For Policies
WASHINGTON (R)-Republican
congressional leaders denounced
yesterday . the administration's
conduct of foreign affairs, claim-
ing it causes anti-Americanism
They were promptly accused of
injecting politics into sensitive
policy areas.
Five GOP senators and six House
members issued a statement criti-
cizing what they called "the inept
conduct of foreign affairs by the
Kennedy administration." The
group was headed by the Senate
and House minority leaders, Sen.
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) and
Rep. Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind).
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) took the flo
to deny the Republicans' asser-
tions' and to say, "The time for
politics in our foreign policy is
long past. The time for backing
up our government is long past
The Republicans demanded that
President John F. Kennedy reas-
sess policies they said are "devel-
oping more friction and less
friendship daily" in the free world.
They claimed anti-Americanism is
sweeping Britain, France and
Canadabecause of United States

bers, the proposed statement calls
upon Regental hopefuls to pledge
themselves to guard the Univer-
sity's autonomy against encroach-
ments by governmental and non-
governmental bodies.
Seeks Stand
It asks them to oppose restric-
tions on academic freedom by
guaranteeing that faculty promo-
tions and appointments be based
on academic competence and not
on political beliefs and to remove
proscriptions against advocacy of
civil disobedience from the present
speakers bylaw.,
In the area of student affairs,
the committee asks the candidates
to support the ideas that the Uni-
versity should act as an educator
and not as a parent to its stu-
dents, student self-government
should be extended, and SGC
should be given authority over
student social regulations.
Both students and faculty
should be given a greater role in
framing the University policy, the
Council members asserted, asking
the candidates for the two posi-
tions to work toward this end.
No Promise
Also included is an admonition
to the candidates that they should
not promise to keep tuition low
unless they intend not to support
any large increase or unless they
can suggest methods of increas-
ing the University's appropria-
tion. The candidates should see
to it that out-of-state enrollment
is maintained at its present per-
centage to insure a high quality
student body, according to the
The statement also asks that*
Regents be .committed to improv-
ing undergraduate instruction and
tobalancing off the research ex-
penditures by more concentration
on teaching.
In addition, it calls for an at-
tack on racial and religios dis-
crimination by the Regents, em-
phasizing aspects of student or-
ganizations, off-campus housing
and scholarship grants.
Committee members include
SGC President Steven Stockmey-
er, '63, Robert Ross, '63, Michigan
Union President Robert Finke,
'63, and Daily Editor Michael
Olinick, '63.
Union Claims
Papers Cause
Strike Discord
NEW YORK W)-A charge that
disagreement among publishers-
under pressure from advertisers-
is holding up settlement of the
city's 66-day-old newspaper black-
out was aired by union officials
yesterday and promptly denied by;
the publishers.
Instead, the publishers an-
nounced that their determination
to remain united against union
demands had been renewed at a
meeting last night.
The exchange followed an-.
nonueements by Mayor Robert
Wagner, v.ho has kept the union.
and publishers talking almost
continuously for more than two
weeks, that he was recessing the
city hal talks indefinitely.'
Elmer Brown, International
President of the striking Typo-
graphical Union, referred to "dif-
ferences of opinion" among the
publishers of the nine dailes as
he left for his Colorado head-
quarters after a weekend visit toe
the city hall talks. y

Macmillan Plans Moves
To Counter French Veto
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Harold Macmillan proposed urgent
measures yesterday to meet French President Charles de Gaulle's
veto of Britain's bid for Common Market membership.
He argued that de Gaulle's policies might "bring the whole of
the Western alliance into jeopardy" and drive the United States
into a new isolationism.
Opening a two-day battle over no-confidence motions which
could topple his government, Macmillan offered, first, to slash
SBritish tariffs - "if we can get
comparable benefits for our ex-
v port market."
New Proposals


... Common Market

Acts To End
EEC Issue
BONN (.P)-The West German
government attempted yesterday
to end a new controversy about its
Common Market policy by reaf-
firming support for the member-
ship of Denmark, Norway and Ire-
Norway has indicated it is no
longer interested.
The West German position was
thrown into doubt by a remark
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was
reported to have made to Defense
Minister Kai-Uwe Von Hassel. This
was that Adenauer opposed entry
of Scandinavian nations because
it would give socialist govern-
ments a decisive voice in Common
Market matters.
Deputy Press Chief Werner
Krueger told a news conference
West G.ermany made it clear dur-
ing the Brussels negotiations that
it would support membership for
Denmark, Norway and Ireland,
all of which sought it on the con-
dition that Britain would enter.
The Kennedy administration is
reported particularly concerned
about provisions in the new Paris-
Bonn treaty for collaboration in
military matters and foreign pol-
Adenauer is pushing for ratifi-
cation before his retirement,
scheduled to take place next fall.
"The United States did not ask
that the ratification of the treaty
be delayed," Krueger told the news
Petitioning Opens
For SGC Election
Joseph Chabot, '65, Sharon
Miller, '62, Mary Beth Norton,
'64, Thomas L. Smithson, '64, and
Henry M. Wallace, '64E, took out
petitions yesterday as petitioning
opened for the spring Student
Government Council elections.
Petitions, available in the SGC
office, 1436 SAB, must be returned
to the SGC office by 5 p.m.,J
Feb. 21.

His other proposals included a
conference of Commonwealth
leadeds about trade to discuss
trade problems; closer ties with
the Commonwealth, the United
States and the European Free
Trade Association; domestic eco-
nomic expansion without infla-
tion to reduce unemployment, and
the initiation of an attempt to
reach world commodity agree-
Appraising issues posed by Bri-
tain'sexclusion from the Common
Market, Macmillan s a i d de
Gaulle's slant on several great
problems has alarmed the old
world and the new.
Fear Reappraisal
Macmillan then warned that
the whole of Allied Europe-and
particularly the perimeter nations
in Scandinavia-would have deep
reason to fear reappraisal of the
American position.
"No countries have more to lose
should America, under my admin-
istration, be almost forced into
isolation by the slighting atti-
tude of Europe and European
statesmen," he said amid ap-
His speech was challenged by
Harold Wilson, spokesman for the
Labor Party. A candidate for the
party leadership in succession to
the late Hugh Gaitskell, Wilson
drew a burst of cheers.
Reject Account
"We utterly reject this account
of a satisfactory agreement (on
Common Market entry) sabotaged
by President de Gaulle," Wilson
said. "The terms already negotiat-
ed and settled and the Common-
wealth interests already surrend-
ered by the government consti-
tute a national humiliation."
Wilson said the government's
entire economic, defense and for-
eign policies have crumbled.
Macmillan also directly accused
the French of "blackballing" Bri-
tain from the continental club
and ruled out the reopening of
negotiations in the foreseeable
Yale Asks Hall
To Give Talk.
NEW HAVEN (P)-Communist
leader Gus Hall, under indictment
for failure to register as a foreign
agent, will speak at Yale Uni-
versity tomorrow night.
Hall, general secretary of the
Communist Party in the United
States, will be the guest of the
Dwight Hall Campus Council, a
university religious and social or-
George Squibb, council chair-
man, said the invitation was ex-
tended because "we feel that Hall
is a voice that should be heard;
we feel his appearance here will
not only uphold the principle of
free speech, but will also serve to
illustrate the value of informing
the public."
The invitation is the second
extended to Hall from a Yale

Since the Michigan Coordi-
nating Council for Higher Ed-
ucation passed its recommend-
ed outside speaker policy for
state universities last Novem-
ber, the big three state uni-
v e r si t i e s (the University,
Wayne State University, and
Michigan State University)
have all ratified the policy in
its general terms and philoso-
phy for their own use.
The policy recommended by
the coordinating council 'states
"it.is the policy of a university
to foster a spirit of free in-
quiry" provided views are sub-
ject also to free criticism. It
forbids speakers to urge violent
overthrow of the government
of Michigan or the United
It demands that all outside
speakers must be invited by a
recognized student organiza-
tion; and it forbids any com-
mittee with power of prior cen-
sorship over speakers. Respon-
sibility for informing speakers
of University regulations con-
cerning speakers rests with the
student organization inviting
'United Front'
As MSU President John A.
Hannah has remarked, a uni-
form speaker policy will make
it possible for the universities
to present a united front to the
state Legislature.
The new speaker policy has
been very different from the
former policy at the universi-
Most strikingly changed by
acceptance of the new policy
is the former policy of WSU.
It had a Faculty Forum Com-
mittee to screen all speakers
who were Communists or mem-
bers of Communist-front orga-
nizations, regardless of their
WSU Interim Policy
In September, 1962, WSU
announced that it would com-
ply with a resolution by the
Legislature which stated that
"the appearance of Commu-
nists at state-supported uni-
versities . . . is contrary to the

D iefenbaker Supports
Defense Poli~cy\ Stand,
Shuffles Cabinet Aides

public policy of the State of
This policy was accepted as
interim to the decision of the
Coordinating Council regarding
a uniform speaker policy.
At its December meeting, the
WSU Board of Governors for-
mally adopted the policy as set
forth by the coordinating
council, except that it will not
apply to non-student groups
often using the buildings of
the Detroit campus.
MSU Sets Committee
Michigan State University
set up a policy in 1936 stating
that "any programs of student
organizations involving out-
side speakers must be approved
by administrative authority be-
fore the program may be ap-
proved." In the fall of this
year, Hannahappointed the
Student-Faculty Speaker Com-
mittee which issued a state-
ment requiring all non-reli-
gious student organizations to
submit applications for clear-
ance of speakers.
All-University Student Gov-
ernment President R o b e r t
Howard refused to serve on
Hannah's committee. He and
the presidents of four other
student organizations were
suspended when they brought
a speaker on campus without
following the speaker policy.
Conforming to the philoso-
phy of the coordinating coun-
cil, MSU in December abol-
ished this committee, estab-
lishing a new one: the forum
committee, whose purpose is
"to encourage and sponsor
speakers and to insure well-
balanced speakers."
Bylaw 8.11
The University once had 'a
Committee on University Lec-
tures whose consent was neces-
sary for any student group to
hold a public meeting with a
guest speaker. The original,
Regents Bylaw 8.11 prohibited
all political speeches on cam-
pus. It was revised to permit
them in 1951. Advocation of
conduct violating "the funda-
mentals of our accepted code
of morals" was forbidden un-
der 8.11.

U', MSU, WU Adopt
Similar Speaker Stands


Sets Three

At New Tasks
As Ministers
Prime Minister Says
Canada Must Review
NATO Commitments
By The Associated Press
TORONTO - Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker stuck by his de-
fense policy yesterday and reor-
ganized his cabinet, split by a
walkout of three ministers who
opposed his decision to hold back
on accepting United States nuclear
Diefenbaker named Veterans
Minister Gordon Churchill as de-
fense minister and Sen. Wallace
McCutcheon as trade minister.'
Churchill's former post went to
Marcel Lambert, former House of
Commons speaker.
Diefenbaker said Canada's com-
mitment to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization must be re-
viewed at a NATO ministerial
meeting next May in Ottawa. But
whatever decisions are taken
there, Canada will stand with its
allies, he insisted.
He told a meeting of the Cana-
dian and Empire Clubs and the
Toronto Board of Trade that he
has been asked why there is no
final decision on defense policy.
Then he declared, "My answer is:
the changing situation. You talk
to me about finality. Why the
decisions of today are wrong
He said the United States-Brit-
ish agreement at Nassau for a
multi-nation nuclear strike force
required the NATO 'meeting in
May to restudy Canada's role of
providing strike - reconnaissance
planes in Europe. But he insisted
Canada had carried out all its
commitments to NATO.
Dean Reveals
Of New Bureau
The recently created Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation is planning to
establish a small regional office
in Ann Arbor.
According to. Dean Stephen H.
Spurr of the natural resources
school, the reason the bureau has
decided to' place one of the five
regional offices in Ann Arbor is
because "the University has been
one of the great centers of out-
door recreation study."
For example, Dean Emeritus
Samuel T. Dana of the natural
resources school served as a mem-
ber of the presidential Commission
on Outdoor Recreation Research,
which recommended the establish-
ment of the new breau.
In addition, Prof. Stanley A.
Cain of the conservation depart-
ment prepared a study for the
Outdoor Recreation Research
The outdoor recreation bureau,
which "is a small organization,
planning to remain so," is a part
of the Department of the Interior.
It will coordinate such outdoor
recreation activities as park and
forest services. It will also try to
stimulate education in the field.
The bureau must wait for its
appropriation from Congress be-
fore it officially staffs its regional
In a related matter, Dean Spurr
announced that a national con-
ference on outdoor recreation re-
search will be held in Ann Arbor
this May. Secretary of the In-
terior Stewart Udall and Secretary
of Commerce Orville Freeman

have been invited to address the
Ludwig Seeks
Post as Regent

SNCC Grou Gathers Food
For Mississippi Negroes
The Chicago Area Friends of the Student Non-Violent Coordinat-
ing Committee has raised over 20 tons of food for Mississippi Negroes
who have been cut off relief because of an intensive voter registration
project there, Mrs. Charles H. Fischer, spokesman for the Chicago
group reported last night.
Negro comedian Richard Gregory, one of the sponsors of the
Chicago food-raising project, took the first shipment of 14,000 pounds
'-to Memphis by chartered plane


Berle TracesHistory of U.S. Economy

The ideology of the 20th century
American economic republic uses
the old vocabulary of property,
capital, free market, and private
enterprise - only with different
meanings due partly to govern-
ment intervention, Prof. Adolph
A. Berle of the Columbia Univer-
sity law school said yesterday.
He was speaking on the "Theory
of the American Economic Re-

but "his money never was near
nor never will be near" the place
of production. Rather, what he
really owns is "a quality called
For capital outlay by an invest-
or is not consequential, he said.
"Whereas 30 years ago the pur-
chase of securities was an invest-
ment, today the corporations can
generate most of their own cap-

In fact, it is because of the
state "that a degree of the free
market is maintained," Prof. Berle
commented. "The market as a
whole is not free, yet certain
slices from the market contain
certain free aspects." One example
is the oil industry where supply
is equated with demand by the
government quotas.
Free Market?
Prof. Berle explained that the
government intervenes as the re-
sult of the people's wishes. "We
don't want free prices and free
markets. The human costs of rap-
idly vibrating markets are ter-
rible." It is for this reason that
the United States has adopted
controlled agriculture, minimum
wage laws and collective bargain-
ing provisions.

He was met. there by leaders of'
the Mississippi voter registration
project with trucks to take the,
food to Clarksdale and Green-
wood, Miss., centers of the pro-;
ject. An additional 30,000 pounds
of food will be sent to Mississippia
by truck within the week, Mrs.
Fischer said.,
The Ann Arbor Friends of}
SNCC contributed o v e r 500
pounds of food collected in a
drive here two weeks ago. The
food was taken to Chicago by
truck Feb. 1.
The collections in Chicago are
the results of an intensive ten-day
effort which reached "religious;
labor, students, industrial and
civic groups. The response was
beyond our wildest hopes, and,
food is still coming in, even
though the drive is officially
over," Mrs. Fischer said.
The food was collected by go-;.
ing door to door, through church
groups and civic organizations,
and by stands placed by grocery

public" as the first of his series Self-Generated Capital
of William W. Cook lectures on He explained that "60 per cent I
American institutions at the of all industrial capital is self-
Rackham Ampitheater. generated - through depreciation
He traced the evolution of allowances or undistributed prof-
property from its early 19th cen- its-and another 20 per cent is
tury interpretation-"property is borrowed. That means only 20
theft"-through the 1840-1930 per cent of thecapital actually
period where it became interpret- comes from the individual," Prof.
ed as goods for consumption or Berle said.
- A,,, ,, i ,f This stag of liquidity has ex-

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