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February 10, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-10

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Swi r i gan

:4Ia iti

Cold and cloudy today.
a little warmer tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

No. 97




P tnod

To Write Bylaw for SGC


/ The formulation of a new by-law which would clarify two
problems of delegation of powers, and thus make it possible for
Student Government Council to renew its demands for membership
statements from student organizations is currently being undertaken
by Prof. Robert G. Harris of the Law School.
Five sororities have not complied with Council demands for
presentation of membership statements. The Council may withdraw
recognition from those organizations whose charters contain dis-
criminatory clauses. If plans proceed as currently outlined, Council
should be able to make authori-
hU se tative demands for those state-
S hools se ments in the early spring.
According to Student Govern-
ment Council President Steven
Lay H eimStockmeyer, '63, the March 22
Board of Regents meeting has
been set as the target date for
Harris' presentation of the new
As Graders by-law.
t. Conducting Study
Harris is currently conducting
NEW YORK-In order to ease a study of the legal problems in-
the work load on teachers, a grow- volved in the Board of Regents'
ing number of schools are em- decision of authority to the Coun
ploying nonprofessional help to cil, and of the Council's rights of
handle the more menial tasks, ac- delegation of authority to its
cording to the Wall Street Jour- Committee on Membership.
nal. Consultations have been held
The teacher aides grade compo- with. Harisafubtentsd
sitions, take attendance and w Harris, and four students,
handle general clerical work. The who are advising him on particu-
use of nonprofessional aides has lar problems:of the Council. They
been necessitated by the shortage are vice-president Tom Brown, '63,
of teachers and the rapid rise in treasurer Russell Epker, '64, Rob-
of taches an theert Ross, '63, a nd Kenneth Miller,
school enrollment in many areas. s64.
This step is favorably viewed The present schedule, although
by many educators. Looking at the tentative, shows a presentation by
trend toward nonprofessional help, Harris of his proposals to the
a Ford Foundation spokesman Council at its Feb. 27 meeting. The
noted, "For the first time, schools Council would then have two
are beginning to think about the weeks to discuss the proposed new
fundamental role of teachers and by-law before March 12, the dead-
relieving them of jobs that really line date for submission of agenda
aren't theirs." requests to the Board..
Lay Theme Readers' Council to Act
Chief of the bureau of secondary Council will probably draft a
education of California's Depart- statement of opinion on the by-
ment of Education, Frank Linsay law being formulated by Harris,
noted that three years ago prac- who will present his suggestions
tically none of the secondary to the Regents.
schools were using "lay theme In' originally demanding mem-
readers. "But in the 1961-62 school bership statements, Council acted
year 101 of our 593 senior high er samntCuclced
schools and 73 of 357 junior highs on its power to recognize studen't
were doing so and the practice is organizations, and on Regents by-
wereding"oadte.ract law 2.14 which forbids discrimina-
spreading," he added. tion in University organizations.
The requirements for the aides Council also has its own non-dis-
vary among the school systems. criminatory regulation. There has
Most require some sort of College been a question of conflict of the
English training; some school latter two provisions.
systems give grammar refresher The need for the Harris study
courses to theme readers. was cited by William P. Lemmer
Schools are finding that it is of the University Attorney's office
also economical to use aides. The in a report to SGC, when he noted
aides are always paid less than that, although Board of Regents
professionally trained teachers. In power is both legislative and ad-
Ridgewood High School, Norridge, ministrative, the Board has the
Ill., the nine clerical aides are power to delegate only administra-
paid between $1.50 and $2 an tive authority.
hour. This compares with the
average of over $4 an hour for
teachers. In some cases house- . a n

SGC revisions
Sigma Phi
To Move
Sigma Phi fraternity has an-
nounced its intention to move to
a new site on Lincoln within the
next 18 months, vacating its pres-
ent house on N. Ingalls, where
the fraternity has been since 1899.
The present site was bought by
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for
$180,000, but the fraternity has
right of occupancy for another
18 months. Construction of the
new house on a three-fourth acre
site will begin this summer after
the razing of the Phi Kappa Sigma
house now located there.
"The main considerations in our
decision to move is the distance
of our present house from campus,
and also that the hospital wants
our land and house for purposes
of expansion," Sigma Phi presi-
dent David Schapner, '63, said.
William L. Newnan, president
of the fraternity's alumni board
of directors, declared that the
"decision to build a new house
means that Sigma Phi is em-
phatically reaffirming its belief
in the need and value of the col-
lege fraternity.
"Rather than accepting the tra-
ditional role of a college fraternity,
we intend to create a new con-
cept embodying the modern re-
quirements of intellectual develop-
ment combined with the time-
proven desire to live in smaller
housing units, where man's quest
for closer brotherhood and privacy
can be honored,' Newnan con-
Students and alumni members
of Sigma Phi are analyzing the
purposes and functions of a mod-
ern university fraternity, Newnan
said, before submitting require-
ments to an architect. This analy-
sis is proceeding with "deliberate
speed," he added, so that con-
struction can be started as soon
as the new site is ready.
Picketing Causes
Party Cancellation
SAN FRANCISCO ()-A picket-
ing threat by a Negro newspaper
publisher who claims the Negro
is being bypassed in California
political appointments caused the
cancellation yesterday of a recep-
tion planned by Democrats for a
Negro state senator from Georgia.

Study Ra
Math Loss
PITTSBURGH (I)-Boredom in
the classroom is costing this coun-
try millions of badly needed math-
ematicians, a Dartmouth college
professor said yesterday.
John E. Kemeny told a national
meeting of high school principals,
"if the new age of science is to
flourish in the United States .. .
a much larger percentage of math-
ematically talented students must
be encouraged to pursue this tal-
"Many more able students are
bored out of" mathematics than
frightened out of it,' he said in a
speech. He listed the three main
causes of losing talented mathe-
matics students as "boredom, poor
instruction and an outdated cur-
The situation has improved in
recent years, Kemeny said, but as
recently as 1950 "mathematics in-
struction in the United States was
about 150 years behind mathema-
tical research . .. our high school
mathematics programs did not
even mention the great discoveries
of the 19th century."
Grade school teachers, in par-
ticular, Kemeny said, are "the
product of past sins in mathema-
tical education: therefore, more
often than not, their weakest sub-
ject is arithmetic. It is also true
that the mathematical education
of grade school teachers has been
scandalously neglected."
When a good grade school stu-
dent finishes his arithmetic in
record time, Kemeny said, "the
teacher will be slightly annoyed,
and will do one of two things:
"Either she will give him ten
more of the same problems to do,
which is sure to bore him to tears,
or she will tell him, 'Well, now that
you have gotten arithmetic out
of the way, you can have some
fun. Go do some extra reading'."
Kemeny said there should be
special classes for talented mathe-
matics students, especially at the
high school level. In the average
classroom, he said, the teacher
must spend so much time with
poor students he has no time for
those with special talents.
And, he added, the teacher
must expect mathematically tal-
ented students to do better work
than the teachers half the time
and better than the textbook one
time out of 10.
Name Parsons
New Director
Of Committee
Prof. Thomas S. Parsons of the
education department has been
appointed director of research of
the Joint Youth Development
Prof. Parsons is on an 18 month
leave of absence from the Univer-
sity. The project is sponsored by
the Juvenile Delinquency and
Youth Offenses Control Act of
He noted that the committee-is
to develop, under the federal act,
plans for comprehensive demon-
strations within an inter-city area
which reflect upon problems of
juvenile delinquency. The work
will take place and center around
the problems of Chicago. Prof.
Parsons will be employing exist-
ing educational ,and police fa-
cilities to develop a more effective
attack on this grave problem.

Iraq Rebels
Eqxecute O
Officials Set YTf 2 r
f4 4
Evaluations 4
xv '
Of Rebellion yF E
Foresee No Threat
To U.S. Interests$
WASHINGTON (P) - Although
superficially similar to the 1958
upheaval which sent United States
Marines into Lebanon, Friday's
Iraqi revolution apparently raises
no present threat to United States
interests serious enough to de- $
mand another show of strength in .
the Middle East.
State department officials here
concede the seizure of power by
military men friendly to President
Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United BUILDING-This is the]
Arab Republic poses serious prob- dad which the rebels a
lems for Iraq's neighbors. And it recnthicce rebels a
is expected to increase instability recent successful revoluti
in the Middle East. ernment. Premier Kassem
But they point out-major differ- rebellion.
ences in the over-all picture now
and the one that prevailed in *
1958 when Abdel Karim Kassem S
killed King Feisal II and took over
the premiership. Sources here say
these differences stem from theseC
facts: AShahing4f t
1) Feisal's government was CAIRO ()-The revol
strongly pro-Western and anti- Abdel Nasser and troubles:
communist, as well as being a foe reigns have their roots in th
of Nasser. Kassem had been pur- have ir rooty indth
suing a policy of non-alignment There is every indicati
but his leanings tended recently Karim Kassem boosts Nasse
toward the Communist side. the United Arab Republic
2) Friday's coup by nationalist revolution in 1952 routedF
forces under Col. Abdel Karim Kassem was one of the
Mustafa and the rebels' killing of include King Hussein of J
Kassem have not brought an ap- the republican regime in
peal for United States help as
did Kassem's revolution on July and Mohammed Reza Sha
14. 1958. levi of Iran.
At that time President Camille Nasser scored an import
Chamoun of Lebanon appealed to lesser success in the tiny ki
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, of Yemen last September
charging the Iraqi coup was engi- an army coup upset the mo:
neered by Nasser and the Egyp- and installed a Republican
tian leader was planning similar friendly to Arab unity.
moves in other Middle Eastern "Yemen yesterday, Iraq
countries, including Lebanon. and Syria's turn will ine
Montezuma come about tomorrow," sa
In response to Chamoun's ap- pro-Nasser Arab diplomat.
peal, Eisenhower on July 15 order- The mass circulation new
ed Marines into Lebanon in a Akhbar El Yom claimed o
show of strength. The force ul- in Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
timately reached more than 14,000 Iran and Israel were scare
men before it was withdrawn in In Jordan, Premier Was
October, 1958. issued a warning against an
3) The 1958 Iraqi outburst came sible foreign intervention i
at a time when Nasser was riding -clearly meaning Nasser.
high after failure of the British- The belief in Cairo is th
French thrust at the Suez Canal. Iraqi coup will set off a
More significantly, the Egyptian of pro-Nasser undertakin
leader then was working closely
with Soviet Premier Nikita Khru-
shchev. Nasser since is regarded
as having drifted well out of the Mosowmrit
Moscow orbit.
4) While Mustafa'sfollow=r T o Start E
pated that this will lead to any
quick union of Iraq with the
U.A.R. PARIS ()-PresidentT
5) While pro-Nasser, the Mus- yesterday and denied report
tafa government is basically anti- in exile.
communist. Stepping off a plane
6) The over-all situation in the assured newsmen the only
Middle East, due to a combina-
tion of circumstances which does
not prevail today, was much more He said his eyes had
explosive in 1958 than it is now. recent sand storm. He pla

ighten Hold,
isted Premier

Iraqi defense ministry building in Bagh-
ttacked with planes and tanks in the
on against Abdel Karim Kassem's gov-
was executed by the rebels during the
'ast Revolution,
1mb Stability
t in Iraq means new glory for Gamal
for Middle East kings and sultans whose
e beginning of history.
on the overthrow of Iraqi Premier Abdel
er's dream of Arab unity. The President of
has preached unity ever since his own
King Faroyk from Egypt.
stumbling blocks to Nasser's idea. Others
ordan, King Ibn Saud of Saudia Arabia,

h Pah-
ant but
id one
fi Tell
ny pos-
n Iraq
at the

Will Respect
All Treaties
chief delegate Adnan M. Pachachi
told United Nations Secretary-
General U Thant yesterday Ir'q's
new government controls the
country and will respect estab-
lished treaties.
"I gotsin touch with the Secre-
tary-General," Ambassador Pac-
hachi announced, "and informed
him that the situation is com-
pletely quiet
"I also informed him of the
declaration made by the new gov-
ernment saying that they intend
to abide by the charter of the
in its policy and Iraq treaties.

Rebels KIl
Three Other
Order Annihilation
Of Red Conspirators;
Loosen Full Curfew
BEIRUT (IP-Iraq's rebel lead-
ers executed fallen Premier Abdel
Karim Kassem by firing squad
yesterday, Baghdad radio an-
nounced, and appeared to be con-
solidating their grip on the oil-
rich Middle East nation.
Communist agents were ordered
"The mad dictator has been
trampled beneath the feet of the
people," screamed a woman over
the radio after the official an-
nouncement. The broadcast said
Kassem, who boasted two months
ago of having escaped 38 attempts
on his life, was tried by a military
tribunal and then executed with
three of his lieutenants, one of
them a notorious Communist
Borders Still Sealed
Iraq's borders remained sealed,
but indications mounted that the
pro-Nasser young army officers
who toppled Kassem's four and a
half year-old regime Friday were
masters of the situation.
Baghdad radio announced the
lifting from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
of the 'round-the-clock curfew
imposed Friday, and said Iraqi
airports and trains would resume
operations during daylight hours
Sunday. Schools were scheduled
to open Monday.
Arab nations' lined up to ex-
tend diplomatic recognition of the
provisional regime of President
Abdel Salam Mohammed Aref, a
staunch admirer of -President
Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United
Arab Republic.
Syria on Bandwagon
Curiously, Syria was among the
first. Its leaders had been reported
deeply concerned that the Iraqi
coup could bring only trouble to
their anti-Nasser government.
Jordan, too, was among those
giving early recognition, even
though the boost the Iraqui re-
volt gives tobNasser's Arab unity
dreams could work against King
Hussein and other monarchies,
sheikdoms and sultans in the oil-
rich Middle East. These include
Saudi Arabia and Iran, where the
United States has millions invest-
ed in oil and air bases.
Others recognizing the rebels in-
cluded Algeria, the United Arab
Republic, Yemen and Kuwait. The
little sheikdom of Kuwait, with
one of the largest oil reserves in
the world, was claimed by Kassem.
What actually was going on in
side Iraq could not be independ-
entlydetermined. Its borderswere
sealed and the world was told of'
developments through Baghdad
The leaders of the revolt appear
to be a combination of anti-Com-
munist Arab Ba'ath Socialists 'and
Nationalists. Although admirers of
Nasser, they are believed to favor
Arab unity through a federation
of states.
Nevertheless, the turn of Iraq
toward Nasser is expected to en-
courage Nasser supporters inside
Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia..
Radio Baghdad's announcement
og Kassem's execution was the
most specific of several previous
claims that he had been killed.
Renew Efforts
To End Strike
In New York

NEW YORK (I)-A member of
'the Presidential board that helped
settle the recent longshoremen's
strike joined yesterday in talks
aimed at ending the city's 64-day
newspaper blackout.
The board member, Theodore
W. Kheel, not acting as a board
member on this occasion, con-
ferred separately at city hall with
publishers and striking printers in
their contract dispute.
Kheel's presence coincided with
a visit here by President John F.
Kennedy, but there was no indi-

wives work part time without pay.
Surplus Population
The schools usually have very
little trouble with finding non-
professional help. For example,
the Detroit school board had its
choice of 610 qualified persons for
16 positions. In Bound Brook, N.J.,
49 persons applied to fill eight
Wider use of these aides is some-
what hindered by states laws such
as the one in Illinois. It states
that a teacher must be present
in every class. This includes such
classes as study halls.
With the increasing numbers
entering the schools each year,
there seems to be little basis be-
hind this fear. The total number
of public school attendance (sec-
ondary and below) is expected to
reach 45 million by 1970.
NEA Report
This figure is 6.9 million above
the present school attendance ss
reported by the National Educa-
tion Association. The Association
predicts that it will take 150,000
more teachers annually to meet
the rising demands. This latter
figure is 20,000 teachers above the
number that is graduating an-
nually from college.
Some teachers object to use of
nonprofessional help. They claim
that the aides interfere with the
traditional rapport between teach-
er and student. A number add
that they had 'to go over the
work of these aides anyway.
Supporters argue that the pres-
ent shortcomings' can be over-
come. through the cooperation and
help of the teachers themselves.

,Predicts Vote
On Statehood
Munoz-Marin of Puerto Rico pre-
dicted yesterday Puerto Ricans
will vote overwhelmiing in favor
of continued commonwealth status
when they get the opportunity.
Munoz discussed the forthcom-
ing Puerto Rican plebiscite with
President John F. Kennedy at the
White House yesterday.
He told newsmen that Kennedy
feels very strongly that the Puerto
Rican people should have an op-
portunity to express their views
as to whether to retain common-
wealth status, or seek starehood
or independence. The vote might
not take place for about a year.

)enies NwPlans'
wxle Government
Moise Tshombe of katanga flew to Paris
s that he intended totset up a government
from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, he
reason he had come to Europe was for
bothered him since he was caught in a
ns to see an eye specialist in the French

Fraternity Rush Opens at 43 Campus I

Fraternity rush opens at 2 p.m. today when over 600 men will
begin visiting all of the 43 active houses on the campus hoping to be
bid for pledging within two weeks.
All fraternities will have open houses from 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
today, and 7-10 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday. To be eligible for a
bid, a man must have visited no fewer than eight houses, by Tuesday
when open houses end one in each of five area districts and any
three others. The districts are defined in the rush manual and appear
on all rushee cards, Interfraternity Council president John Meyer-
holz, '63, explained.
Meyerholz also emphasized the value of the rushing counselors,
and said, "I sincerely. hope that the rushees will use the counselor
to whom he has been assigned. The counselor will have information'
on the fraternity system as a whole and on any particular house
as well. Any rushee who seeks information or wants to double-check
statistics should consult his rush counselor."
The counselors are all members of the fraternity system on this
Even though sign-up for rush is "informally" over, any man who
still plans to rush can register by calling IFC rush chairman Frank
Lude, Meyerholz said.

" Capital, he said, and then he may
Sgo to Switzerland for treatment
of a stomach disorder.
Tshombe, who- arrived with three
aides, including a Belgian woman
life" when asked if he would set
up an exile government. Rumors
which had proceeded Tshombe
to Paris said he was coming to
sound out European public and
government opinion on the idea.
Tshombe, who has often chang-
ed his mind in the past, also in-
dicated that his dispute with the
. United Nations is over. Mention-
ng the plan of UN Secretary-
General U Thant for Congo unity,
Tshombe said he had been asked
to implement the plan "and sinceI
that is finished I consider that I
have done my job."
The controversial African poli-
tician said he would have nothing
to do with politics in the French
capital, nor would he be making
any public statements.
Although Katanga province is
now in the process of being inte-
grated into the Congo remnents
of the crisis still remain. Yester-

Who Else
But Nels?
CHICAGO (P) - A reporter
1d New York Gov. Nelson A.
ockefeller yesterday that Sen.
arry Goldwater (R-Ariz) had
ld him the other day he was
onvinced you would be a




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