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May 24, 1963 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-24

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1 XIj I, No. 177





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Court Rules Boutwell Mayor




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F By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY -- A n e w I y
elected mayor pledged to seek ra-
cial understanding in troubled
Birmingham was recognized by the
t Alabama Supreme Court yester-
day as the, legally seated head of
the city government.
The court ruled that Albert
Aoutwell and a nine-member city
council chosen to serve with him
were entitled to take office im-
Police Commissioner Eugene
Connor, a militant segregationist,
and two other city commissioners
who sought to remain in cffice un-
til October 1965, were told in effect
to get out.
Leads Police
Connor gained widespread at-
tention in recent weeks by leading
police in the arrest of hundreds
of Negroes demonstrating against
segregation in Birmingham. He
spurned a bi-racial citizens com-


mittee's recommendations for
Boutwell, a former lieutenant
governor of Alabama, promised by
contrast to take a sympathetic
attitude toward the work of the
He said, too, he will seek a con-
ference with Gov. George Wallace,
an outspoken supporter of Connor.
Defeats Connor
Boutwell defeated Connor in a
runoff election for Mayor April 2.
But he was delayed in taking of-
fice by a dispute finally settled by
the state's highest court.
There was still a chance that
Connor and the other commission-
ers, voted out of office by dissatis-
fied Birmingham residents, might
gain another few weeks. They have
15 days to ask the court to re-
consider its decision.
New hopes for racial peace
surged through Birmingham also

Hatcher Evaluates Year,
Cites Progress, Innovations
Acting Associate City Editor
Leaning back in his executive chair, University President
Harlan Hatcher smiled broadly and said that, as the University's
chief executive his most rewarding experience this year was his
seven-week tour of the Far East.
The president needs to leave his school periodically to
realize that "the eyes of the world are on the University as a
dynamic force," he commented.
As a progressive institution, the University has marked a
year of some achievements and disappointments, according to
President Hatcher.
Notes Achievements
It was a year of "solid achievement in matters of instruction
and research, one of healthy debate of social issues, one of. im-
portant decisions in matters of deep concern to our students."
The announcement of plans for the new residential literary
college may aid in the development of a "tenable concept of how
the literary college can expand in the future," he-indicated
The residential college is a "carefully devised unit, with its
own authority structure and integrity." It is designed to be
the maximum size to facilitate
learning and instruction.
Lauds Small College
In praise of the new plan,4
President Hatcher commented,
"I do not like tosee the liter- *
ary college expand simply by R
adding one more classroom and
one more instructor." The pre-
liminary work on the residen-
tial college is now "taking good
shape and we will move on this
as fast as possible," he said.'
More progress was made in
the academic side of the Uni-
versity with the appointment
this month of the new dean of :
the literary college. The selec-
tion committee worked for al-
most a year before Prof. Wil-
liam Haber, chairman of the HARLAN HATCHER
economics department, was ... praises small college
chosen to fill the post.
The faculty promotions are an indication of the "outstand-
ing teachers and scholars" at the University. "This year the Uni-
versity lost fewer of its key people than in past years because
of the increases in faculty salaries effected this year and the
stimulating environment of the University," President Hatcher
Faculty Losses
The University expects to lose a certain number of instruc-
tors each year-there is a high demand in the educational mar-
ket for top-notch faculty members, especially for young scien-
tists, he said.
It was difficult for the University to plan substantial im-
provements this year since it "did not secure a legislative appro-
See HATCHER, Page 8

with the return to school of a
thousand Negro pupils, ousted for
street marches.
Economic Problems
Disclosure of grave economic
problems accompanied these de-
velopments. A Chamber of Com-
merce group reported the city has
suffered heavily because of racial
troubles and said something must
be done.
Under court order, 1,081 Negro
children suspended Monday went
back to school. They were among
about 2,400 Negroes arrested in
month-long demonstrations pro-
testing segregation.
In Louisiana, the House of Rep-
resentatives adopted with two dis-
senting votes a resolution attack-
ing the threat of "government by
bayonet" in Alabama.
Denounce U. S.
Alabama's Senators Lister Hill
(D) and John Sparkman (D) de-
nounced thenUnited States Civil
Rights Commission in ahearing
on legislation to extend the agen-
cy's life and broaden its powers.
School Supt. Theo Wright noti-
fied the Negro pupils of their re-1
instatement after Chief Judge El-
bert P. Tuttle of the 5th United+
States Circuit Court of Appeals in1
an Atlanta decision struck down
the suspension action.t
Negroes were jubilant over thet
ruling which upset a decision byt
Federal District Judge Clarence
W. Allgood of Birmingham. School1
Board Attorney Reid Barny saidt
he would press for a new hearing
on Tuttle's decision.c
Seek Troopt
JACKSON - Atty. Gen. Joet
Patterson filed a federal districtt
court suit yesterday seeking toe
force removal of troops stationed
at the University of Mississippi
since the desegregation riots lastt
Patterson charged the troopsI
were at Oxford illegally and hei
sought a temporary and a perma-I
nent court order directing the gov-I
ernment to remove them.
In other action, Gov. George C.
Wallace's legal battle to block anyl
use by President John F. Ken-
nedy of federal troops in dealingt
with racial unrest in Alabama
moved nearer a showdown with
the filing of documents in the Su-E
preme Court.
The government, in a brief, call-
ed on the high tribunal to denyc
Wallace permission to file a com-a
plaint. At the same time Wallaces
submitted a briefI
Tulane Universty a s o an-I
nounced last night that it will in-f
tegrate on the undergraduate levels
-perhaps by next fall.1
Tulane, which ended segrega-
tion on the graduate level this
year, is considering the applica-t
tion of approximately 10 Negroes.
The Chamber of CommerceI
recommended yesterday the im-t
mediate integration of all businesst
firms in Charlotte, largest city ine
North Carolina.
Elsewhere in North Carolina, the
acting president of North Carolina
Agricultural and Technical College
at Greensboro warned all A&T
students to remain on campus be-
cause "serious negotiations are
underway at this moment." A&T
students have comprised the bulk
of demonstrators who have march-
ed for 12 consecutive nights
through downtown Greensboro.



City Creates
To Study 'U'
Mayor Cecil O. Creal has
created a new City Council com-
mittee with a function similar to
the City - University Relations
Committee but possessing far'
more independence of action.
The new Committee to Retain
the Character of Ann Arbor is
"entirely free to determine its
own course of action in examining
the actions of the University and
their effects on the city," commit-
tee member Prof. John Arthos of
the English department said yes-
A statement of objectives re-
leased by the committee notes that
it can initiate investigation in the
area of University expansion. The
committee will report to council
on its findings.
Wednesday's opening meeting
found the committee appointing
Gerald Davenport of the Office of
Research Administration as a one-
man subcommittee to locate an
existing ten-year growth plan of
the University and to arrange for
this plan to be presented to the
committee at its next meeting.
However, Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss maintains
there is no rigid plan for Univer-
sity expansion of the central cam-
pus. Although there is a study be-
ing conducted on the central cam-
pus, it is not near completion, he
points out.
To Cooperate
"But the University will be
happy to cooperate in discussing
with the committee its plans in
the area," he continued.
Any property purchased by the
University becomes public land
and is therefore not subject to
The committee had expressed
concern over the University's
acquisition of property in the 'vest
section of Ann Arbor, but, Vice-
President Niehuss notes that the
property will be used only for of-
fice space and maybe some re-
search facilities instead of for a
housing unit.
Residents' Displeasure
The committee has pointed out
the displeasure of Ann Arbor resi-
dents with the Oxford Housing
project. Prof. Arthos maintains
that this committee will be able
to keep the city better informed
on University building plans.
Last Issue
With this issue The Daily
ceases publication for the ex-
amination period. The first
summer issue will appear June
25 and publication will resume
in the fall on August 27.

Bond Views Degree Pro gra

After almost two years of faculty discussion, "it is now clear that
the business administration school will continue its undergraduate
program," Dean Floyd A. Bond said recently.
The faculty had considered making the business school a strictly
graduate one, like that of Harvard University.
"However, as one of the leading schools of business administra-
tion, it is our opportunity and obligation to offer a high level program
leading to the bachelor degree in business administration, helping

to establish


standards in the

Alters Policy
The Kennedy Administration, in
a surprise move yesterday, aban-
doned its omnibus approach to
education legislation.
The decision means that college
aid may be enacted by Congress
but that assistance for elementar3
and secondary schools is dead foi
another year.
The Administration bill sent tc
Congress this spring sought $5.3
billion for all phases of education,
from the first grader to the adult
Package Approach
Critics of the package approach
thought that the more populai
parts of the program, such as aid
to higher education, would be
jeopardized by being tied in witt
elementary and secondary school
aid. The latter has involved the
question of aid to parochial
Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, (D-
N.Y.) and chairman of the House
Committee on Education and La-
bor, said the Administration no
plans to submit four separate bills.
One bill provides for $1.9 bil-
lion in aid for college classroom
and other academic construction
in the form of grants and roans.
A second bill, dealing with "im-
pacted areas," contains $3.82 bil-
lion for operating and construct-
ing schools in regions burdened
with heavy school population from
military or other federal activities,
Third Bill
The third bill seeks $1.5 billion
in grants to states for teacher sal-
aries and school construction in
elementary and secondary schools.
A fourth bill aids all other
phases of education. Eight separ-
ate proposals are included in this
bill which is an extension of the
National Defense Education Act
and includes vocational educa-
tion, adult education, special han-
dicapped education, university ex-
tension, library services, quality
education and cooperative re-
White House sources confirmed
that the Administration had
agreed that Powell should "go for
a rule on higher education." That
means that the college aid bill
would be considered on its' own,
if cleared by the House Rules


field of business and business
>e ducation," Dean Bond ex-
Strong Program
"The faculty was reluctant to
drop the BBA program because
it is a strong program, and one of
the best of its kind," he added.
Dean Bond then noted that
there are four reasons why the
school has a strong undergradu-
ate program.
First, the program requires the
student to have at least 60 credit
hours in the literary college or the
engineering college. Emphasis is
placed on a strong liberal educa-
tion. Students must complete re-
quirements as stringent as those
of the literary or engineering col-
lege, Dean Bond noted.
In addition, students must take
one year of college algebra and
analytical geometry and one year
of economics.
Graduate Requirements
"The graduate requirements in
general education are as demand-
ing or more demanding than those
leading to the bachelor of arts
degree," Dean Bond said.
He added that students are "lso
given opportunity during their two
years in the school to take elec-
tives in other units of the Univer-
The undergraduate program,
thirdly, puts particular emphasis'
"on the development of analytical
abilities, not on memorization or
description." It trains students for
general management, not just in
skills for their first job.
Undergraduate Population j
The undergraduate population
forms one third of the school's stu-
dent body. Therefore it is taught
by a distinguished faculty whose
main job is graduate teaching. Be-
cause graduate instruction is of-
fered as the majority of the
school'sscurriculum, the under-
graduate program receives a high
level of instruction, Dean Bond
cited as his fourth point.
At present there are almost
1,000 students in the business ad-
ministration school.

To Release
EmU Study
The State Board of Education
will announce today the results of
its recent investigation of Eastern
Michigan University.
The board will meet at 9 a.m.
at Western Michigan University..
The meeting will be open to the
public but will probably go into
executive session to discuss the
EMU situation.
Chris Magnusson, president of
the board, declined to comment
when asked if he felt any official
at EMU would be fired because of
the investigation. "This will be up
to the board to decide," he said.
The North Central Association
has submitted a report on the sit-
uation, but thus far the board has
refused to make public the details
of this report on the grounds that
it contains references to "person-
alities" and "would not serve any
purpose by being made public."
The State Board also refused to
provide Gov. George Romney with
a copy of the NCA report, saying
it is "not at liberty to release it
to anyone." The rejection of the
request was conveyed to the gov-
ernor by Dr. Lynn Bartlett.

Report Wins
Move To Dissolve
Union, League Groups
When Center Begins
Without hesitation or dissent
the Michigan Union Board of Di-
rectors unanimously approved the
Union-League Study Committee
recommendations for a Union-
League merger in a matter of min-
utes last night.
"In my knowledge nothing has
ever passed the Union Board this
quickly. This indicates the Union's
readiness to move into the future,
and its complete accord with the
recommendations," Union Presi-
dent Raymond L. Rusnak, '64, ex-
The board attached a supple-
mentary motion to the report call-
ing for the dissolution of the pres-
ent Union and League Boards up-
on establishment of the new
University Center Board. The
League Board in accepting the re-
port, did not pledge to dissolve.
States Position
"This does not force the League
into anything, but states the
Union's position clearly for the
reference of the implementation
committee, where such differences
will be worked out," Rusnak ex-
None of the Union Board's sup-
plementary motions are binding,
but remain suggestions to the im-
plementation committee.
Some board members referred to
the League alumnae's "justifiable
apprehension" about possible uses
for the League building under a
University Center, especially since
the alumnae financed construc-
tion of the building.
Thus, until the implementation
committee submits its final recom-
mendations for space allocation,
"the League Board will be unlike-
ly to accept dissolving itself," a
member noted.
Nothing to Govern
Other members added, however,
that "this apprehension does not
exist on an undergraduate level."
Some also pointed out that if the
League's student activity group
were to move into the Union
building upon establishment of
the University Center, the League
governing board would be left
with nothing to govern and would
logically have to dissolve itself.
The Union Board also in prin-
ciple "strongly objected" to the
League Board stipulation that two
alumni and two alumnae sit on
the University Center governing
"Before t h e implementation
committee confronts this problem,
See BOARD, Page 8
Students Send
Apology Letter
To WSU Board
Wayne State University's Board
of Governors received an apolo-
getic letter from students who or-
ganized the anti-quarter system
strike there last Friday.
The letter conceded that fears
of administrative reprisals were,
as it turned out, undeserved. The
students also apologized to the
board and WSU President Clar-
ence Hilberry for any embarrass-
ment that the strike caused them.

In replying to this letter, Hil-
berry noted he had never seen a
more dignified demonstration and
the only thing that bothered him
was the anonymity of the group.
Board member Benjamin Bur-
dick said, "in every new system,
there is a period of time when ad-
justments must be made. During
this period we must have cooper-
ation from faculty and students."
While aNl sseeing the need for

DIT Fires Three Teachers;
Faculty Threatens To Strike

Miller Explains Role of Artist in Modern Americaii

"We are standing in the wreckage of something some writers al-
ready tore down," Playwright Arthur Miller, '38, commented last night.
Miller explained that authors and playwrights, principally Ibsen
and Shaw, broke the bonds that Puritan societies had placed upon
literature, leaving the modern writer greater freedom to express every
aspect of what he feels.
He also noted that there are few if any restrictions on the form
that art takes; the conventional modes of presentation need not be
followed for the work to be accepted.
Unique Position
The combination of these two factors puts the modern writer in
a unique and difficult position: he is freer than ever before but he
no longer can deal with simple social values. He must search for human
values, Miller explained.
Human values are deeper, harder to root out, but they are there
and need to be expressed, he, pointed out.
"Willy Loman struggled for years with social values but he
could never utter his real values. He died with them."
Miller also said that there should be an audience for art dealing
in human values, since "men are basically moral figures--not neces-

Stitt, '63, Herbert Propper,
Grad., Donald D. Rowe, '63.
Sickrey, Grad., Thomas W.
Clark, '63, Charles G. Stewart,
Rae Ross, Grad., Sue L. Pohl,
Grad., Chang Sik Yun, ,Grad.,
Thomas V. LoLicero.
W. Clark, '63, Patricia Hooper,
'63, Penelope Scott Kramer,
'63, Rosmarie S. Waldrop, Grad.
Mf T ~n£ n A M A.a

"The only recognition an author
ought to have is that he has the
power to vanquish life's brutal fist
and see what lies beyond," Arthur
Miller, playwright and novelist as-
serted yesterday in his Avery Hop-
wood Award Lecture.
"Recognition is needed in writ-
ing in this country," he noted.
However this recognition ought to
be of writing as an art instead of
writers as personalities.
Unfortunately, according to Mil-
ler, the American public is so little
involved with literature that they
can only recognize writers through
their personalities.
Person of Interest
"The writer is a person of in-
terest just as an actor or a politi-
cal figure is. He is known as a
success rather than a writer," Mil-

The Detroit Institute of Technology has dropped three more
faculty members as a teachers strike was threatened yesterday by
the American Federation of Teachers Local 1458.
DIT President D. F. Barich confirmed that Prof. Joseph Lazar,{
acting dean of the business administration school, and Prof. Robert
" Jessup, chairman of an engineer-
ing department, havenotbeen of-
fered new contracts.
He added that Prof. Lazar, a
" faculty member for one 'year,
tf~oc et~y'might be offered a post as instruc-
GSociety tor.
Barich said that four of five
other faculty members fired this
said. Rather it is a dialogue be- year have asked for hearings be-
tween the reader and the writer. fore a faculty grievance commit-
There are two "conversations" tee.
in literature, one of art speaking William Himelhoch, local pres-
to art and the other of art speak- ident of the union, said the strike
ing to mankind. With today's pub- might be staged around the open-
lic, the conversation of> art-to-art ing of summer school.
is becoming the prevalent one; "We are considering the possi-
the speech to humanity is now bility of a strike in view of the
being neglected due to the deaf fact that the management refuses
ears of the public. to recognize the existence of our
' Public Indifference union," he said.
This public indifference to lit- The year-old dispute stemmed
erature perhaps accounts for from the school's desire to be ac-
America's concept of itself, Miller credited by the North Central As-
says. "The basic mission of liter- sociation of Colleges and Secon-
ature is tragedy." dary Schools.
America, according to Miller has The State Labor Mediation
no tragic sense of itself. "A coun Board invited both sides to a meet-
try in which death is generally ing Wednesday, but representa-
viewed as a bother cannot produce tives of the school's administra-
tragedy." tion failed to show up.
For this reason, he continues, Members of the local distributed
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