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May 21, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-21

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Seventy-Third Year.
tt Will Prevail"
torials priiied in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Robertson Report Shows the Way

DAY. MAY 21. 1963


Residential College Plans:
Ideal a

has discharged its duty more than just
norably. Its proposal for a new small college
thin but separate from the literary college is
cellent, a rare combination of the education-
y sound and practical.
The educational benefits of the new college
'ucture are obvious. It attempts to combine
e major advantages of largeness with the
Ljor advantages of smallness. Students of
e new college will have the vast facilities of
e University at their fingertips; at the same
ae, they will be working in a more intimate
nosphere where close intellectual contacts,
e maximized.
This maximized opportunity is all the Uni-
rsity can be expected to do without unduly
erfering in the student's personal life. It is
attempt to institutionalize quality, to create


' FAR, pacifist Rev. Martin Luther King
has acted as spokesman and leader of
he Southern integration movement. However
here is a danger that unless his Birmingham
ampaign is a success, he will lose the tight
straining grip he holds on the movement.
n that case we will, be faced with a series of
boody violent incidents.
Southern Negroes regard non-violence as a
ool, not as an ideology. If it doesn't work, or
F the costs are too high, it will be abandoned.
In Birmingham there have been beatings,
apes and police brutality directed at Negro
omen and children. It will not be long before,
his cost of non-violence becomes prohibitive.
LREADY we have evidence that there are
rumblings in the ranks. King's well.
isciplined group of pacifist demonstrators are
>llowed by their hooting, knife carrying, rock
irowing brethren. These impatient ones de-
and action.
King has urged accommodation. Last year
e said that it was time for a slowdown in
:tive efforts toward integration. But he has
mmitted himself to getting results in Birm-
igham. If he fails, or if he achieves, but
>ken success, the Negroes will feel "sold out."
The only thing that continued resistance to
ztegration in that city can achieve is a pro-
,nging of the inevitable, at the cost of mak-
ig King look foolish. If the direction of the
iovement is wrenched from his hands, it will
esult In a more active, vigorous and possible
oody series of campaigns.
)NLY KING'S PRESENCE in Birmingham
prevented an uprising of some sort. He
>llected knives and other weapons from angry
egroes, and soothed flaring tempers.
Power to perform this kind of task demands
emendous personal respect. He needs a vic-
ory in Birmingham to keep this influence.
et us hope that he gets it..

the most stimulating possible intellectual at-
THE NEW COLLEGE is also a neat solution
to one of the University's most pressing
problems-expansion. Most everybody will agree
that the. literary college cannot expand much
more than it already has without becoming a
completely impersonal institution. The residen-
tial college provides an outlet for- the overflow
of qualified students who would otherwise be
refused admission. After four years, unofficial
estimates are that it will house approximately
1200 students.
The major problems lie in the area of im-
plementation. The new college is not likely to
succeed if it is implemented in a half-way fash-
ion. It must be adequately financed. Despite
the report's recommendation that the residen-
tial unit could start by using existing facilities,
it is imperative that it gets its own facilities as,
rapidly as possible. The physical plant of the
residential college must be arranged so that
its students -and faculty members can build a
distinct identity apart from the larger institu-
However, these problems of implementation
revolve largely around areas outside the scope
of the committee and even beyond the power
of the University. The committee cannot be
assured that the Legislature will appropriate
the necessary funds to build a new college. All
the committee can do is plan the college as *an
educational venture. This the committee has
done very well.
For example, the new college will offer op-
portunities for advanced and independent work.
By having a few very large lectures, it will
save enough money to have small recitations.
The attempt to integrate dormitory and aca-
demic life is both laudable and based on a sub-
stantial amount of experimentation within the
present dormitory system.
THE SOUNDNESS of the new college pro-
posal as well as the exciting educational
possibilities it offers have not gone unrecog-
nized by administrators. University President
Harlan Hatcher has only enthusiastic words
for the plan. Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger Heyns was one of the innovators
of it. One would hope that this administrative
enthusiasm carries over into the implementa-
tion stage.
Specifically, a building for the new college
ought to go to the top of the capital outlay re-
quest as soon as the plans for implementation
are accepted by the faculty and the Regents.
The University also ought to ask for a sub-
stantial amount of extra operating funds so
that the new college can take its own students
in addition to the literary college's load.
The residential college provides great possi-
bilities. If financed adequately and if future
planning is as well handled as the report, the
residential college may mark a turning point
both for the University and for public higher
Acting Editorial Director

HAD IT NOT silenced student
voices from outside the stu-
dent cliques running the Union
and League, the Robertson Report
for a Union-League merger would
have approached brilliance. As it
stands now, it is an admirable
document which both the Union
and League Boards should accept
Immediate merger is imperative.
The campus has gone completely
coeducational, and its service or-
ganizations should follow suit.
More important, service facilities
must be expanded; expansion by
two groups would be impossible,
and only a united service organi-
zation, a University Center, can
command the funds for expansion.
The logical place to begin expan-
sion is at the North Campus, Stu-
dent-Faculty Center which the Re-
gents have authorized.
Merger will also allow the Union
and League to solve many of their
current problems. University pol-
icy hinders the dismissal of incom-
petent personnel under the status
quo, whereas merger would afford
the opportunity to dismiss them.
Food services at the League are
good but xpensive, at the Union
poorer but cheaper. Merger would
lead to good service at both price
Merger would also free the
League from the oppressive re-
strictions it now endures, and
grant it the independence the
Union has and will continue to
enjoy. * * *
BUT MERGER alone is not
enough. The campus needs the
best merger possible, which the
Robertson Report provides. Of
course, the report had to com-
promise some ideal proposals in
order to win approval from the
host of officials who must ap-
prove any merger.
From a student standpoint the
report's best feature is the in-
creased independence it recom-
mends for student activities. The
only control it places over student
activities is direct financial con-
trol by the governing board.
Leaving only that one area of
control increases activity inde-
pendence. Presently the . Union's
finance committee, an autonomous
Union Board subcommittee of
three students and five non-stu-
dents, controls the finances of
Union-connected activities. Thus,
financial control exists now, and
will not be tightened.
But at present the Union Board
itself can control, theoretically at
least, non-financial aspects of stu-
Ident activities. This the new board
cannot do.
- * * *
AS FOR THE League, its ac-
tivities suffer control which ex-
tends beyond finances to the ex-
treme of a non-student program
director. The Robertson Report
eliminates these shackles.
It may be argued that no con-
trol, not even financial, should be
exercised over student activities.
But practically speaking, supreme
authorities would never permit
eliminating financial control, and
past experience indicates that the
non-students involved in the Un-
ion and League do not balk at
legitimate expenditures for student
Even on a theoretical plane it
is doubtful that students should
be under no financial control. The
student's role within the Univer-
sity Center will be operating stu-
dent activities program with as
much independence as possible.
As executive officers in their
senior year, they also will partici-
pate in areas outside activities.
However, as a transitory and rela-
tively inexperienced group, they
should never be held solely ac-
countable for vast sums of money
not their own. Furthermore, the
great responsibility a lack of fi-
nancial control would increase the
amount of time taken from their
studies, their primary reason for
being here . * *

FOR AREAS outside of student
activities the Robertson Report
has designed a governing board to
handle the finances and physical
facilities of a hopefully expanded
University Center.
The board has been designed for
efficiency. It may not be demo-
cratic, but its function is not legis-

lative or representative. Its ob-
ject is not democracy but service,
and the most eff cient board can
provide the pest service.
The board's facade of equal rep-
resentation should help to get the
report approved. It may also com-
mand better representation from
faculty and alumni than the past
has seen. Faculty and alumni have
felt swamped on the student-dom-
inated Union Board, while stu-
dents felt swamped on the over-
whelmingly non-student League
Board. A facade of equal repre-
sentation will eliminate these feel-
ings, which may have deterred
many capable people from work-
ing on the Union or League in the
* * *
BUT EQUAL representation is
only a facade. Alumni are grossly
over-represented in number, part-
ly because of tradition and partly
to win alumni council support for
the merger. But alumni members
of the Union and League Boards
have shown themselves either not-
ably beneficial or notably innocu-

Students, grossly under-repre-
sented in number, will nonetheless
remain the major force on the
board because, as executive offi -
cers, they will know the plant as
no other voting member can.
The Office for Business and Fi-
nance, because of the board's fi-
nancial functions, will enjoy much
more influence than its one repre-
sentative would imply.
The report eliminates the Re-
gent, the SGC president, the OSA
representative and the elected
students who now sit on the Union
The Regent is superfluous since
in his capacity as a Regent he
must approve or reject board ac-
tions anyway. The SGC president
is plainly superfluous. The OSA
representative should go because
of the Union's proud tradition as
a peculiarly independent activity
organization, and more important
as a group of students working
outside of activities in a joint
project with faculty, and alumni.
IN ELIMINATING all elected
student representatives the report

A ttractive Magazine
with High Quality Work

"Those Alabama Stories Are Sickening. Why I
Can't They Be Like Us And Find Some Nice
Refined Way To Keep The Negroes Out?"


commits its one great error, which
hopefully the boards will rectify
before ratifying the report.
The student activities group is a
tight-knit self-perpetuating clique.
The report isolates that clique
from outside influences; the in-
terest of students outside the
clique will not be stimulated by
official involvement in the board.
The history of the study com-
mittee underscores the value of an
elected student board member. It
was elected Board member Mi-
chael Olinick who made the mo-
tion establishing the study com-
mittee. Olinick's usual role as a
rebel to the revoltingly. normal
outlook of the Union Board was
an equally strong ,contribution,
the sort of contribution the re-
port renders impossible.
Having an elected student on
the board does present problems.
Were the seat the report now gives
to an executive officer assigned in-
stead to an elected student, the
unity of the executive board and
the incentive of the student ac-
tivities understaff would collapse.

THE CURRENT edition of Gen-
eration is very attractive to
look at. I thinh anyone seeing
it lying on a table would pick it
up and this is important to any
The contents are varied in kind
and tenor. If this is a deliberate
editorial policy, it is a good one.
There are three plays, two in
verse and one in prose, three stor-
ies, sixteen poems, what for lack
of a better word may be called a
fable, many photographs of sculp-
ture and paintings. Of the latter,
some are illustrative, others inde-
Of the plays I liked "Imitation"
by John Herrick and "Queen and'
Infant" by Dan Rowse, the first
as the livelier and more interest-
ing, the second as the more fin-
ished and mrc solidly constructed.
Through the use of commonplace,
even homely means, "Imitation"
succeeds in posing questions about
cent and powerful punch, "9
Hours To Rama" ends disappoint-
edly in a draw.
The punch belongs to the direc-
tor, Mark Robson, whose trained
hand provides the positive and
aggressive side of the battle. The
negative aspect is the plot, the
film's major opponent.
The plot's main fault is that it
never realizes the greatness of its
subject. "Rama" purports to be a
film dealing with the assassina-
tion of Mahatma Ghandi. Yet in
spite of the many all-too-obvious
attempts to appear so, the film
remains an overdone foreign de-
tective story.
** *
"RAMA," AT THE State
through Wednesday, rises above
the typical intrigue in only four
respects, three of which are due to
Robson's skilled and artful direc-
tion. The opening five minutes of
the film, including the highly
imaginative titles, creates a tense
and rapid pace, the rest of the
movie lags behind. Robson scores
a second time with the brilliant
and effective color photography of
the people and land of India. His
third success is an excellent fusion
of William Walton's score with the
action. And fourth and finest ex-
ception to the general banality of
"Rama" is the extremely moving
portrayal of Ghandi by J. S.
Casshyap. But even Ghandi is
helpless in the final round.
-Hugh Rolland

the nature of reality and human
"Queen and Infant" is written
in a competent free verse which
occasionally evokes a grandeur
suitable to its story, an imagined
incident of the infancy of Christ.
"Witchmosis" by William Sick-
rey, a satire with a cast of witches,
seemed pretentious to me and full
of a fin-de-siecle coyness about
the nature of evil as if his hags
were really pals and hell no hotter
than Elbow Beach. Or perhaps
Sickrey was not talking about the
nature of evil at all.
* * *
"Anomaly's Eyes" seems to have
been given a good deal of thought
before she wrote it for it is done
with great tact. The plight of the
precocious child could easily have
slid one way into cuteness or an-
other into bathos and she avoids
"Such Marvelous Green Breasts"
by Charles R. Webb pretends to
little. It is mildly comic in inten-
tion and moves along very well
until the end where he relies too
heavily on the reptition of "virid-
ian" and "putrescent."
A reading of Margaret Klee's
"The Elevator" is accomplished by
a sense of strain. The writing, too
artful, too verbose, asks the reader
to take an essentially comic inci-
dent seriously.
THE POETS in this issue seem
to have written more poems than
the playwrights, plays, or the
story-writers, stories. Their work
is more sophisticated and artiscal-
ly mature. The styles, if such a
word is permissible, say what they
are meant to say and are rarely
left to their own devices. The
poems seem to have been com-
posed with some urgency and not
because the poet merely wanted
to write a poem. I was particularly
impressed by the work of Thomas
Clark, Andrew Sabersky and E.
Tanya Blondio, although the level
was high throughout.
I- liked the photographs of the
sculpture. If this seems stupid, it
is because any further remarks
are beyond my competence.,
While I believe they should be
criticized as if they were, it is be-
yond expectation that contributors
to a student magazine will be
Yeatses, Eliots or even Edward
Albees when they are printed
there. The aim of a magazine like
Generation is to provide the en-
couragement of publication for the
artists and to let readers know
what is going on in the different
fields. In spite of the astringency
of some of.my remarks, I think the
standard of Generation is as high
as any student magazine in the
-Allan Seager

The only other possibility would
be making the elected student a
fifth student member. If the equal
representation concept is to re-
main, fifth faculty and alumni
representatives would have to be
added. This would enlarge the
board and render it somewhat less
effective, but is a -better choice
than silencing an outside student
voice. Hopefully the boards will
amend the Robertson Report to
provide for these fifth members.
* * *
THE UNION and the League
have a long and proud tradition
of service to the campus. The Un-
ion enjoys the status of being one
of the few corporations within the
University. The great independ-
ence students enjoy there has fos-
tered some of the best student
leaders this campus has seen.
Hopefully the Union and League
Boards will consolidate this heri-
tage and approve the Robertson
Report. And hopefully the Univer-
sity will recognize its responsibil-
ity to the University Center and
finance expansion without delay.

See ger in-TopForm


-- i -I"

Gail Ev ns, Acting Associate

City Editor

PETE SEEGER, "Mr. Folksong,"
sang up a storm of freedom,
faith, love and a wee bit of social
criticism in Trueblood Aud. Sun-
day night.
Although his causes have chang-
ed since he sang for the unions
in the thirties, his greatness has
grown. His easy naturalness and
uncanny ability to stimulate au-
dience participation convey his
message well. His message is uni-
Appearing under the auspices of
the Student Peace Union and the
Folklore Society, Seeger sang of.
the simple joys of men and wo-'
men. He sang of love, of aspira-
tions and of children's bedtime
stories. His selection was geared
to celebrate the edges of Ameri-
can society, for they are. the ones
that still need help;
bling Boy" told of men that could
not be separated by society; "Dear
Mr. Editor" reminded us that some.
miners are still fighting for a,"
living wage. "I'll Be Riding Up
There" (in the front of the bus),
"Oh Freedom," and others are
the "optimistic" songs that the
demonstrators in the South are
Seeger's peace message was mut-
ed but evident. "Guns and Drums,"
the song about the peace marchers
and a verse from every song re-
flected a desire for peace.

But the most powerful songs
he brought to Ann Arbor this
year were the commentaries on
today's society. The folk song has
long been a vehicle of social crit-
icism because it can just state
the facts, and in such a simple
"What did You Learn in School
Today" was a revealing commen-
tary on today's social studies
courses. "Little Boxes" (perched
on the Berkley hillside-all the
same) speaks for itself as does
"Andorra," the song of the paci-
fist land where they spent $4.90
on armaments (Did you Ever Hear
of Such Confidence?).
THE GREATEST of this selec-
tion was Bob Dylan's "Who Killed
Davy Moore?"-a powerful ques-
tion for today. The most subtle
was a song of wandering "blue-
eyed son" that could be entitled
"Hard Rains." This song covered
the whole world today and it was
symbolic that all of the audience
could not understand all of the
No review of Seeger would be
complete without a lament that
he; is on the notorious' "Black
List" of the entertainment world.
Yet it is somehow fitting that a
man who. still sings of the in-
dividual, and who can breath en-
thusiasm into an exam-jaded Ann
Arbor is barred from "mass


THE ISSUE of proper or improper handling
of Regental bylaws has caused a lot of
ebate during the semester; but the implemen-
ation of one very controversial bylaw-the
utside speaker policy's companion regulation
etting up the Committee on Public Discussion
-has slipped into obscurity.
This six-man student-faculty unit is sup-
osed to make sure that "students and faculty
re offered a comprehensive, impartial and
bjective program of on-campus public dis-
ussions of important and controversial social.
ssues." Its purpose is to maintain the Uni-
ersity's obligation to support a "free forum for
However, this committee which could pro-
'ide the campus with a stimulating, provocative
Jniversity lecture series is nonexistent.
Administrative bureaucracy is not to blame
or the 11 month delay; students and Student
-overnment Council are.
WHEN THE COMMITTEE was established
last October, the University Senate Ad-
-isory Committee and SGC were each asked to
elect six nominees. University President Har-
an Hatcher will choose three students and two
aculty members from the lists. The third fac-
lty member is the vice-president for academic
The six faculty nominees have been awaiting
?resident Hatcher's decision for months; but
council has not submitted a list of potential
nembers. In fact, SGC has been unable to
gome up with any student recommendations..
The first delay arose when the notification
f the need for student nominees failed to
rach fnvmer SGC President Steven Stock-

cently, "I have reminded SGC about this ob-
ligation several times and, frankly,hthe ad-
ministrationwould like to move on this."
This impatience is certainly justified. Coun-
cil should have realized that routine petition-
ing was not the best method for soliciting
possible members for this important group.
The Committee on Public Discussion is not' just
another one of the numerous; stagnant SGC
committees. It is an all-University body-a
vanguard form of student-faculty government.
SGC should have pointed this difference
out to the student body, first, with special
publicity and ,second, by setting this com-
mittee off from the rest in the petitioning
process. Council members themselves should
have made special efforts to interest qualified
students in seeking nominations.
Now the Council is left in the difficult po-
sition of having to choose potential members
over the summer with ratification of the
nominees dragging over until September.
If the- notion that this committee would be
useless and should be left to atrophy caused
the dirth of student interest, it ought to be
refuted. The committee can play a very mean-
ingful role 'in bringing state, national and
world notables to the campus.
HE ROLE of this committee, as I see it,
is not to check on student organizations,
making sure that they maintain a balance of,
for instance. liberal and conservative speakers.
It should not merely exist to assure any form
of "equal time."
The committee should invite speakers inde-
pendent of any student organization's lecture
program. It should attempt to bring three or

-Caroline Dow


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