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Years of Editorial Freedom
L. LXXIII, No.. 171
uaa; [axa rr ur.o
NCA Study Claims
EMU Fund Trouble,
Report Notes Legislative Failure
To Appropriate Sufficient Money
A report" compiled by the North Central Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools claims recent low faculty morale and admin-
istration difficulties at Eastern Michigan University are direct con-
sequences of the state Legislature's failure to cope with the emerging
needs of state-supported institutions.
Results of the NCA study, conducted in January, were partially
H e Foot ballC cs
To Bul dArena
opposing systems
Winter Cites
"The side-by-side existence of
two social systems marks a new
feature of our world," Carl Winter,
head of the Communist Party in
Michigan, said yesterday.
Speaking on "The Theory and
Practice of Peaceful Coexistence,"
Winter outlined the meaning and
importance of coexistence in to-
day's world.
"There now exists side by side
two diametrically opposing social
systems, one that consists of pri-
vate ownership of property and
means of production and nother
which consists of social ownership
of property and production," he
Greatest Powers'
These two social systems are
represented by the two greatest
powers in the world, Winter added.
"It is possible and essential that
these two systems, socialism and
capitalism, exist along side each
other, avoiding military conflict
and resolving all differences by
peaceful means," he stated. ,
The idea of peace is not new to
the socialist camp. When capital-
ism was trying to overturn a new
-socialist republic in 1917-1922,
Lenin, the leader of this new re-
public, called for peace and co-
existence, Winter said.
No Alternative
"There is no alternative to
peaceful coexistence but the ex-
termination of mankind," Winter
declared. Thermonuclear weapons
and the annihilation, of man
makes peace an imperative need
for all mankind.
"People everywhere have a
great stake in preserving peace
and bringing about nuclear dis-
armament," he added.
"Peaceful coexistence is not.
merely the absence of war. The
cold war continues to mount in
intensity and to prepare condi-
tions for nuclear war," Winer
commented. Neither does it mean.
the preservation of the status quo,
he added,
Dissolution of War
Peaceful coexistence means the
dissolution of the cold war, the
.abolition of nation blocks such
as NATO and SEATO, the aboli-
tion of military bases in foreign
countries with a move toward gen-
eral disarmament, equality, inde-
pendence and sovereignty for all
nations and extension of social,
cultural and trade relations, Win-
' ter explained.
Coexistence will not come easily
and cannot be willed into being,
Winter added. It requires an en-
ergetic, deliberate and planned
effort on the: part of all societies.
Any serious effort to promote
peaceful coexistence will entail a
hard, long struggle.
o Consider
SGC's Power
yesterday of the State Board of
<Education. and a six - member
c o m m it't e e from the NCA.
The study was made at the re-
quest of the State Board after
numerous complaints of declining
morale and pdor administrative
communication at EMU.
Source of Tension
Excerpts from the report which
the board released said, "A major
source of tension ... is the present
indeterminate status of the insti-
tution. Historically, the institution
. had a clearly defined role in
education, the preparation of
However, when the college be-'
came a university, "this pride in
past accomplishments and status
became less secure," the report
"In common with the result of
several previous investigative ef-
forts this panel recognized the fact
that the state of Michigan has not
yet achieved a satisfactory pro-
cedure for dealing with the prob-
lems, the development, function,
financial support and coordina-
tion of its state supported'univer-
Unrealistic Objectives
Further, the report warned that
unless the state faces this problem
squarely, "the natural aspirations
of aggressive and able adminis-
trators will lead to the develop-
ment of unrealistic objectives for
some of the institutions."
Last fall EMU President Eugene
B. Elliott stated that many of the
problems faced by the university
were caused by what alumni felt
was a loss of nation-wide prestige
as a teacher training college 'due
to expansion in other areas.
Alumni Association President
Carlton Runciman commented
yesterday that the formal alumni
group "solidly backs" Elliott in
moves to expand the university.
Formal Organization
However, an alumni group out-
side the formal organization is
apparently disturbed over recent
administrative action.
The Stage Board will lmeet with
,Elliott and "responsible faculty
leadership" Saturday to fully re-
view the NCA report. State Board
of Education President Chris H.
Magnusson refused to divulge
further areas of the report or
comment on any areas released
until after the meeting with
Board Plans
To Enlarge
Sports Plant
Students To Pay $12
For Season Tickets
Students will pay $12 next fall
for season football tickets to pro-
vide funds for starting a long
range program of athletic plant
expansion that includes construc-
tion of a basketball arena it was
revealed by the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics yester-
Athletic cards will be sold to
students for the seven-game home
'season during registration week.
The card will admit students to a
reserved seat in the student sec-
tion for all home games.
Besides this, athletic card hold-
ers will receive preferential treat-
ment at all other Michigan ath-
letic contests. The board stated
that "athletic card holders will
have priority in admission to all
contests as long as seats are avail-
Approved Report
The board unanimously approv-1
ed a report from its Plant Ex-I
pansion Committee that students
be charged. admission to football
games as a first step in necessary
expansion of the physical plant.
Dean Stephen H. Spurr, chairman
of the committee, hopes/ to talk
to the Regents in June about a
plan for financing a bond issue to
cover the cost of the plant addi-
He will propose an expansion
program that will include three
basic and immediate needs. They
1) A 12,000-15,000 seat basket-
ball arena that would cost an esti-
mated $3 million. Its proposed lo-
cation is north of Stadium Boule-
vard and east of the Football Sta-
dium so that such facilities as
parking lots and locker rooms can
be used for both football and bas-
ketball games. It is hoped that all
arrangements can be completed so
that the arena will be ready for
the 1964-65 basketball season.
Intramural Addition
2) An intramural addition in the
Ferry Field area.
3) Co-educational athletic facil-
ity in the women's pool area.
According to Spurr, the Regents
will be asked at their June meet-
ing to put University support be-
hind a bond issue of about $8 mil-
lion to finance the three projects.
Between now and the meeting
Spurr hopes to compile definite
cost figures on the three projects
from University architect Lynn
See BOARD, Page 7
GSC Views
Auto Fee
A question of student access
rights to an estimated $100,000
collected from automobile regis-
tration fees was raised last night
by Graduate Student Council.
GSC also discussed proposed
structural changes and ways to
give graduate students a stronger
say in seeing academic policies
within their departments.
The question of the $100,000
fund, which has remained unan-
swered for months, arose .n a re-
port from Driving Regulations
B o a r d Represenltative Richard
Haken, Grad.
Six Year Accumulation
The fund, which has been ac-
cumulating for over a period of
six years, is composed of the an-
nual registration fees ($7.00)
which students must pay before
receiving a driving or storage
Haken noted his attempts to
determine the student access
rights to the fund which is cur-
rently placed in a University ac-
count. There is a possibility that
the fund may be used to construct
a student parking structure, he
He explained that Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis has ruled out consideration
of the fund for construction pur-
poses until $150,000 is reached.
Student Control
Whether students have a right
to take control and accrue interest
on the fund is also yet to be es-
tablished, Haken said.
GSC turned to the issue of
achieving greater graduate student
power in setting academic policies.
Lawrence Phillips, Grad, expressed
a desire "to encourage graduate
students to try to adopt a philos-
ophy of mutual co-operation be-
tween graduate students and fac-
Hecalled on GSC to "find out
what relationships do currently
exist," stating that in many de-
partments it is "ridiculous to have
to submit to such authoritarian
principles at the upper educa-
tional level."
No Formal Action
The Council discussed but did
not take formal action on his
Turning to internal structural
reform, GSC defeated motions
which sought to more clearly de-
fine its membership and the num-
bers required for a quorum.
Survey Indicates Rate
Of Resignations Higher
OXFORD (P-Chancellor J. D. Williams said yesterday 16 pro-
fessors have resigned from the University of Mississippi faculty.
That's four more than the average year-end turnover, Williams
A survey by the Associated Press indicates, however, that a
total of 35 professors either have quit or have their resignations
pending. The state college board .meets later this month to transact
regular business-including the
- consideration of resignations.
Liberals iffer Three of the resignations al-
ready on the books came from de-
New Program
To Parliament
OTTAWA (R) - Canada's new
Liberal government laid before
Parliament yesterday an ambitious
program calling for improved re-
lations abroad, stronger national
defenses and sweeping measures
to boost the nation's economy.
The program was outlined in a
speech from the throne drafted
by Prime Minister Lester B. Pear-
son's cabinet and read at the cere-
monial opening session by Chief
Justice Robert Taschereau. He
was substituting for ailing Gov.
Gen. Georges Vanier.
The speech placed major em-
phasis on economic expansion, but,
it ranged over the whole field of
urgent problems facing the gov-
No Confidence Vote
Whether its proposals will pro-
voke a no confidence vote will not
be known until Monday, when op-
position leaders deliver their an-
swers in the House of Commons.
Since the Liberal government
lacks a majority in the 265-seat
House, such a challenge could
force a new election if successful.
The Liberals have 129 seats to 95
for the Conservatives, 23 for the
Social Credit Party and 17 for
the New Democratic Party.
Nuclear Weapons
The most controversial issue at
the moment - Pearson's accept-
ance of United States nuclear
weapons-was referred to only ob-
liquely. The throne-speech said
merely that Canada's armed forces
"should have available the modern
weapons necessary to perform the
defensive tasks which Canada has
While calling for disarmament
and a nuclear test ban, the speech
said Canada must remain strong
until these objectives are achieved.
It was generally believed the
opposition parties will strongly
criticize the nuclear policy but will
avoid any move to force a vote of
no confidence.
Netmen Trail Northwestern
In Big Ten Championships
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON-Host team Northwestern took a commanding first
day lead in the opening rounds of the Big Ten tennis tournament
here yesterday, breaking into a seven-point margin over second
place Michigan.
The Wildcat's 31-point total was the highest possible in the
action so far as every Northwestern player in the meet advanced in
partment chairmen.
Williams said the university's
professional force - all faculty
members above the rank of in-
structor-numbers about 100.
After Effects
Many of the departing faculty
members said they are leaving
because of the continuing effects
of last fall's desegregation crisis
-the rioting and the tumultous
afterdeffects of Negro James H.
Meredith's enrollment.
The Associated Press asked four
faculty members to list the teach-
ers known to have resigned. They
arrived at a figure of 35 in the
professorial group.
Of the 35 the faculty group
says are leaving, "I think 21are
going because of the integration
crisis," said one professor. "But as
far as I can see, it is never the
whole story.
Better Paying
"Most are going to better pay-
ing jobs. Many would have left in
another year or two," he said.
Few faculty members will dis-
cuss their plans with newsmen.
Others will talk, but. ask not to be
quoted by name.
One professor, a native of Mis-
sissippi and a longtime faculty
member says he is going to an-
other university in the South for
more money than he currently
"A year ago, I would have said
I'd never leave," he said. "But
since then the situation here has
become too uncertain . . . and in
many ways too intolerable."
Another professor, on the fac-
ulty for three years, is looking for
a new place but hasn't found one.
"I had intended to stay until last
month," he said.'
He said he decided to look for
another post last month after a
controversy arose over paintings
exhibited by Prof. G. Ray Kerciu
of the art school. Five of Kerciu's
paintings depicting his impressions
of the segregation crisis were or-
dered removed from his campus
art show.
Academic Freedom
"After that incident," said the
young professor, "I decided if
academic freedom had decreased
that much, I'd better go else-
The college of liberal arts is the
hardest hit by resignations. The
AP survey indicates 24 of the
liberal arts faculty have resigned.
That college, the classics, chem-
istry and art departments appear
to be the most affected. At least
eight of thef 15 chemistry pro-
fessors are leaving.
'U' To Shorten
Exam Periods
Next Semester'
Two hour examination periods
instead of three hour will be im-
plemented in the exam schedule!
for fall semester of 1963 for all
Hilbert Gets
Com mittee
Prof. Morton Hilbert of the
School, of Public Health was ap-
pointed to a 14-member steering
committee which will study "cit-
izen participation potential" in
the six-county Detroit metropoli-
tan area.
The steering group was picked
by metropolitan area leaders'
which met in the Detroit City-
County building recently. These
leaders sponsored a forum on "Our
Metropolitan Community: What
Goals and Guidelines?" which met
May 6 at Cobo Hall.
"With nearly 1000 participat-
ing in that forum a definite in-
terest in community affairs ex-
ists," Prof. Hilbert said yesterday.
The city and county planners
are mapping out the metropolitan
area without any consultation
with the citzens and with our
group .we are trying to organize
these citizens into an influential
body, Hilbert added.
Although the goals study is in
its beginning stages, Prof. Hilbert
expects rapid advancement in tl e
idea; "possibly within the next
six months something concrete
will develop."
The six counties involved in the
goals study are Oakland, Wayne,
Macomb, Monroe, Washtenaw and
... lands safely
" lig 9ht
Cooper Trip
On Schedule
Space Trip Succeeds
Despite Slight Flaw
In Electrical System
SARGE ()-Gordon Cooper, in a
display of space marksmanship,
completed his 22-orbit mission
yesterday despite an electrical
failure in his spaceship Faith 7.
Cooper came in at 6:24 p.m'i
(EST), only a minute and a half
off schedule.
By 7:11 p.m. he had stepped
aboard this rescue ship.
Comes Down Near Ship
Copper came down just short
of 4 'miles from this rescue ship-
and jokingly apologized for not
getting closer.
Instantly the ship moved up to
pick up the astronaut.
Cooper's easy-going space mar-
athon left a wake of speculation
that another American might
brave ahthree-day stint in space
before the end of the year.
Encore Flight
But space agency officials were
guarded about the possibility of
an encore Mercury flight. They
said it might take several weeks to
analyze Cooper's journey and see
if another is needed.
Their reticence may be due to
an unposed question:
Did Cooper's feat of nonchal-
ance impress an economy-minded
Congress, where many members
want to cut substantial amounts
from the proposed $5.7 billion
space budget?
Outfit Craft
There is no question that much
of the equipment to outfit a space
craft for a 72-hour flight is al-
ready available, some of it since
the beginning of the year.
S p a c e officials acknowledge
that Cooper's backup space craft
could be modified for the flight.
But perhaps with a weather-eye
on Congress tl-ey were guarded
about this, too.
They said they were not sure
just what additional equipment
would be needed.
Still unexplained, for instance,
is the escape hatch which exploded
from Astronaut Virgil Grissom's
spacecraft after it landed in the
each of the nine divisions. It was
the first time that a single team
has swept the first day of the
tournament since Michigan won
all nine back in 1959.
Four teams trail Michigan's 24
points in a close race for the
third spot. Michigan State has 17,
followed by Purdue with 15, and
Indiana and Iowa have 14 and 13,
Two LossesI
Michigan lost out in only two
divisions-third singles and third
doubles-and both defeats were
at the hands of Northwestern net-
men. John Fraser fell to North-
western's Ken Paulson in the open-
ing round, 6-3, 6-1, in what Fraser
called, "A fantastically bad day."
The Wolverines' third doubles
team of Ron Linclau and Brian
Flood beat Wisconsin's Fred Heivi-
lin and Joack Rubinowitz in the
preliminaries, 6-4, 6-4, but the
Michigan pair lost in the quarter-
finals to Wildcats Skip Gage and
Bill Rice, 6-4, 7-5.
Ray Senkowski led off the Mich-
igan winners with a 6-2, 6-2 wini
over Purdue's Bob Powless in first
1 ingles.Todav the Wolverine~
Affsliate Drive Aids Charities
Sorority and fraternity pledges
numbering 580 step into the final
stages of Help Week this morning
as they begin working for some 15
°.local charities.
Charities will transport the coed
crews to their organizations, where
the pledges will paint, clean and
garden ' r two hour shifts.
Tomorrow morning will see the
pledges collecting books from fac-
ulty members' doorsteps in Opera-
tion Handclasp, a Navy project to_
send books to the Philippines.
proceeds are going to local groups
instead of Fresh Air Camp. "We;
felt that since the camp now
maintains itself our services would I
benefit the community charities
more," Junior Panhellenic Presi
dent Sandra Rosenberg, '66, ex-
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New Generation, Shows
Wide Variety of Content
Ninety-two pages of Generation-the second issue of the year-
is on sale today.
The student literary magazine features short short stories, poetry
and three plays, one of them "a short incident in one act" by the
publication's editor, John Herrick, '63.
The selections range from "Anomaly's Eyes," the adventures of a
little girl, by Martha MacNeal to another story "Such Marvelous
Green Breasts" by Charles R. Webb and poetry by Trim Bissell, '64,
Thomas Clark, '64, and Joan Golomb, '63.
Student Artists
Generation also shows the work of the student artist. Abstract
painting, pen and ink drawings and lithographs decorate the
The increasingly wide acceptanc.e of photography as a fine art
in its own right is recognized by Generation editors. Student camera-
men have made a considerable contribution, primarily with pictures
of modern sculpture.
Campus literary critics will probably disagree on the quality of
schools and colleges in the Uni- Generation's contributions. It is almost inevitable that Generation
versity. readers will variously acclaim the selections. as coming from some
The new exam schedule will be of the University's best young writers, with others tagging the major
compressed into six days instead part of the work "pure nonsense."
of the present 10. Thus there is Humor Magazine
a definite possibilit that students , Generation, with the Daily and Gargoyle, is administered under