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May 16, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-16

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Warming gradually with
overcast skies

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


-AP Wirephoto
GORDON COOPER-Latest to 'join the circle of astronauts,
Cooper began orbiting the Earth yesterday morning and will
continue through tonight in a hoped-for American record of 22
orbits. He is the fourth American to be sent into orbit.
Cooper Flight Breaks
U .S. Cosmie Records
CAPE CANAVERAL W)-Astronaut Gordon Cooper shattered the
.United States record for cosmic travel last night, then calmly began
an eight-hour period of sleep.
All Earth-bound monitors were cautioned to hush while he slept
during his marathon flight. If he overslept, an electronic alarm
clock, triggered from the earth, was set to wake him up. Tie rest
period started during the ninth of Cooper's scheduled 22 orbits. It
" began over the Southeast Atlantic

Sees New
Economic development in the
long run is likely to diminish
world conflict and lessen the
strains on peace, Prof. Kenneth
Boulding of the economics depart-
ment commented yesterday.
Speaking on "The Role of Eco-
nomic Development in Building
the Defenses of 'Peace," 'Prof.
Boulding likened the transition
from war to peace or vice versa to
the principle underlying systems.
A break occurs in a system when
the strain is too great for the
strength of that system.
Prof. Boulding pointed out that
"economic development can have
a complex effect on the probabil-
ity for war, but It operates most-
ly on the "strain"side rather than
strengthening this probability.
Strengthen Peace
He named two major ways in
w h i c h economic development
peace. A declining or stagnant
economy creates internal econom-
ic dissatisfaction resulting in an
over-all increase in tension. This
in turn increases the likelihood
of war breaking out.
In addition, "Economic develop-
ment has made imperialism obso-
lete and impossible. Since the mid-
dle of the 19th century, imperial-
ism has not paid off. Those na-
tions which got involved in re-
search and internal development
have profited more than imperial-
But economic development un-
dermines peace because early
stages in the economic develop-
ment of nations seem to correlate
with "an aggressive state of mind."
He pointed out that the actions
of Japan and Germany after 1870,
Italy after 1920 and the United
States in 1848 illustrate this ten-
Prof. Boulding said that this
correlation is not a coincidence. "It
has to do with the psychological
release from a subsistence econ-
omy. If you're really poor you're
also impotent. But all of a sud-
den you discover you don't have to
be pushed around anymore.
The history of Africa in the
next 100 years may recapitulate
the history of Latin America."
Planning Mistakes
He saw also a relationship be-
tween the recent China-India con-
flict and "the disastrous mistakes
the Chinese made in agricultural
planning." A major reason for Chi-
nese aggression was that "their
industrial development is almost
at a complete standstill," Prof.
Boulding said.
Prof. Boulding addressed the
second day's session of the state
League of Women Voters con-
vention. The meeting will end to-

Change Fri






Award -Given
T~ i
To Zuidema
Prof. George D. Zuidema of the
medical school has been given
the Henry Russel Award, the high-
est honor the University can be-
stow upon a faculty member below
the rank of associate professor.
Prof. Zuidema, chairman of the
junior medical staff of University
Hospital, has done laboratory re-
search on metabolic derangements
and liver diseases. He was the un-
animous 'choice of the faculty
committee which determined the
recipient of the Russel Award and
the $750 stipend it carries.
A member of the Uiiiversity
faculty for over three years, Prof.
Zuidema was nominated last year
fob, the Markle Scholarship in
Academic Medicine, which he
holds until 1965.
Distinctive Award
In 1961 he received a Career
Development Award from the Pub-
lic Health Service. The award is
rarely given to people, engaged in
clinical sciences, which Prof.
Zuidema is.
He has co-authored three books,
two of which are written primarily
for medical students and has writ-
ten 73. articles in professional
In the airmed forces Prof. Zuid-
ema was chief of the acceleration
section of the aero-medical lab-
oratory at Wright-Patterson Air
Force base. He is presently a con-
sultant to the National Aerospace
Administration for his knowledge
of space medicine.
1962 Award
The Russel Award last-year also
went to a member of the medical
school faculty, Prof. John Gosling
of obstetrics and gynecology.
Zuidema has studied at Hope
College, Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, the Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard -Medical
School, which he left, in 1959 be-
fore coming to the University.
Tickton Sees.
Great Change
In Universities
DALLAS (AP)-Because of the
fast growing population, colleges
and universities of 1980 will only
faintly resemble institutions of
today, Sidney G. Tickton of the
Ford Foundation said recently.
He addressed the Association of
Governing Bodies of State Univer-
sities and Allied Institutions.
Tickton cited several examples
of change he considers not only
necessary but inevitable." He pre-
dicted classes of hundreds up to
1500 possibly, wil assemble for
lectures via television.

as Cooper's Faith 7 spacecraft ap-
proached the west coast of Chile.
Doing Well
Two orbits earlier, which is a
"go-no-go" point in the astro-
nautical log book, he was doing so
well officials told him to try for.
at least 17 orbits.
At 2 a.m., Cooper had nearly
finished his 12th orbit.
Moving along at nearly five
miles a second, more than 100
miles up in the sky, Cooper broke
the United States mark established
by astronaut Walter Schirra, who
did six tours around the world
last October.
Everything pointed to a sen-
sationally successful flight. As he
settled down for a night of rest,
Cooper reported he was in excel-
lent condition and Faith 7 was
in equally good shape.
Distance Test
The astronaut had many chores
as he swept round and round the
globe. Included was the releasing
of a small satellite which followed
him in orbit, sending out a flash-
ing light which he observed in a
space-distance judging test.
There was some doubt at first
that this test was successful, but;
Cooper finally found the small
satellite after ank orbit.

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Astronomy Seeks
New Equipment.
(Last in a Series)
The University's 37-inch reflecting telescope, situated in the
Observatory Bldg. near the women's residence halls on the Hill,
was installed more than 50 years ago and is still in regular use.i
There is also a smaller telescope in the Observatory, two
others on Peach Mountain outside of Ann Arbor and three :
smaller ones in the observa-
tories on top of Angell Hall.
But it is still believed that
bigger and better optical equip-?
ment is needed to keep thes
astronomy department at the
top of its field-a position it x
has enjoyed for most of its
More Equipment
"Yes, we need instruments
and more powerful equipment,"
Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of
the astronomy department says.
"But you have to work with i
what you have..
"We are now analyzing ther
spectra of bright stars that are
not interfered with by sur-
rounding conditions of the city
and campus," Prof. McLaugh-.
lin, who is in charge of over-
seeing the operations of the 37-
inch telescope, says. 'U' 37-INCH TELESCOPE
"It is a 'cleaning up' jdb that ,.,., over 50-years old 4
is important but not designed
for a real breakthrough in the understanding of the universe"f
he explains. "But not as much can be done here in our present
location as could be done in a different climate, for instance in
As a member of the astronomy department said over 20
years ago, "probably no observatory of like rank in America is?
so unfavorably located for scientific work as is that of the
The cloudy skies of the area may also be preventing the
department from getting the monetary support it might other-i
wise receive, another member of the department says.'
Old Plans
Thirty years ago, to improve its present instrumentation,
the University had set plans for a telescope twice the size ofv
the 37-inch one, to be erected on Peach Mountain.
But it was during the depression and funds were needed
elsewhere. Eventually a 98.5-inch disk was cast and stored near
the Observatory Bldg. It would have been the third largest
reflector in the world at the time, but sufficient funds were
never appropriated. It is now in England and ready to. be"
mounted as the Sir Issac Newton Telescope at the Royal"
Greenwich Observatory.
The McGregor Fund of Detroit, which has supported several:
projects of the astronomy department in the past, originally
donated the disk to the University.
Vital Space
In the new Physics-Astronomy Bldg. facilities will include
badly needed office space and labs. Spectra studies are now>
done in the basement of the Observatory Bldg. where conditions
>are crowded.
Sometimes the running of one experiment precludes the
running of another on adjacent equipment because of the!
lack of room. .
- Prof. Orren C. Mohler, chairman of the astronomy depart-'
ment, says that "we have always tried to keep equipment as.
. up-to-date as possible. We attempt to solve astronomical prob-
lems important to staff members.
"Newness of equipment isn't important to us; it has to be'
appropriate.'Sometimes we need new instruments and sometimes'
all we need to do is modify present equipment," he says.


Extend Time
For Curfew
To Midnight
Lewis Refuses Junior
Apartment Privileges
' To Avoid Confusion
Freshman women's hours next
year have been extended to mid-
night on weekdays, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
announced yesterday.
Weekend hours will remain at
12:30 a.m. for all women except
seniors. "But I call attention to
the fact that there will be nine
1:30 a.m. late permissions per
These late permissions have
been set to correspond with major
campus events.
Apartment Rule
There has been no change in
the regulation prohibiting fresh-
man women to enter men's apart-
ments. Lewis explained that this
rule has been in effect only one
year, and at least one more year
is needed to determine its value.
Apartment permission for jun-
iors was not granted. However,
Lewis' staff has been working on
an experimental basis on a system
of limited automatic late permis-
sions for junior women several
times during the semester.
An extension of two or three
hours past regular closing time
probably would be granted, he
said. He cited the implementation
problem of keeping track of which
junior women in a large resident
hall have late permission and a
key for a particular night
Varied Recommendations t
Lewis, who has full responsibil-
ity for women's hours under OSA
structure, considered recommenda-
tions from Student Government
Council, other student groups and
SGC had recommended that
junior women receive apartment
privileges and that women after
their freshman year have no hours.
It asked that weekend hours for
freshmen be 1:30 a.m. and week-'
day hours be midnight.
SGC President Thomas Brown,
'63BAd, called the new hours "not
very realistic." He suggested that
"since the hours were extended
to 1:30 on nine weekends, the
extension might as well have been.
for all weekends."
Unlimited Hours
He also said that instead of giv-
ing juniors several late permis-
sions, hours for them might as
well have been unlimited.
A group of three sorority and
three residence hall housemothersE
submitted to Lewis a "comprehen-
sive report covering many areas ofE
the OSA."t
Lewis said that the women's
regulations will be under constant
re-evaluation. "I will continue con-i
sulting students and staff mem-
bers to keep women's regulations
adjusted to serve the general wel-f
fare of the student body."''

authorized student group has the
right to protest academic or un-
academic issues provided such pro-
tests are in accord with legal pro-
cedures," the statement said
Usurp Privileges
While condemning punitive ad-
ministration action, the statement
called for procedures to deal with
usurpation of privileges by un-
recognized groups.
By handing out 4000 handbills
Monday and chalking notices on
university blackboards, the group
violated WSU regulations.
In backing the organization the
Council for Religious Organiza-
tions, composed of the presidents
of the various religious groups,
called the present quarter system
"incongruous with the' best in-
terests of' higher education."
"The Council supports all fac-
ulty and student opposition which
is honestly and conscientiously
Stewart issued a statement Mon-
day saying, "students have a long
established right to voice their
opposition about university mat-
ters or conditions with which they
find themselves in disagreement.
For these purposes a number of
readily accessible channels exist
to enable this to be done in sound.
and orderly fashion.
Investigate System
He noted that Student Faculty
Council and other bodies are pres-
ently looking into the quarter
The quarter system which 'was
inaugurated last fall divides the
school year into four sections. One
of the main reasons for the quar-
ter system was to "effect a more
efficient use of the academic
However, a spokesman for the
group said the system "forces the
professor to either divide his
course in half or cram it into one
Haiti Presiden t
Plans To Stay
President Francois Duvalier gath-
ered a score of American corre-
spondents in his palace yesterday
and told them, emphatically.
"Haiti will continue under my ad-
The appearance of Duvalier sur-
rounded by his cabinet ministers
seemed intended to dispel reports
abroad that he was getting ready
to flee in the climax of a crisis
over his continued rule.

No Strike Penalty
Set for WUGroup
No punitive action will be taken against the Wayne State Uni-
versity student group urging a protest strike Friday over the quarter
system-if the demonstrators remain orderly and peaceful, WSUJ
Dean of Students Harold E. Steward said yesterday.
The executive committee of WSU's Student Faculty Council also
issued a statement concerning the proposed demonstration and the
organization backing it. "Any f


... semi-public plans

SGC Seeks

Seek.New Sources of Funds,
For Proposed Athletic Plant
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the seventh of a series of nine articles analyz-
ing the most pressing problems of the University's athletic plant.)
Unable to push the dollar signs any lower than from eight to ten
million for a combined multi-purpose athletic building, the planning
and financing minds of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics have shifted sights to separate basketball and hockey struc-
tures in an attempt to bring costs down to a more realistic level.'
Dean Stephen H. Spurr, chairman of the board's Plant Expan-
sion Committee, puts figures in the range of one-half million dollars

Student Government Council
last night committed itself to get-
ting student authority over student
Council unanimously accepted a
motion stating that SGC "shall
work for the delegation of deci-
sion making power" to set rules
governing extra-curricular student
This delegation of power would
be made by the Board of Regents
and/or the vice-president of stu-
dent affairs, the motion states.
Defeats Plan
Council defeated another motion
requesting the University adminis-
tration to publicly divulge long
range plans for developing the
central campus.
The unanimously accepted mo-
tion, submitted by Howard Abrams,
'63, noted that SGC is; "firmly
committed to the belief that au-
thority over rules governing extra-
curricular student control ought
to be in student hands."
The motion mandated Council
to work for the delegation of de-
cision making power to set these
Finite Process
In introducing the m o t i o n
Abrams commented, "I think this
process is a finite one and can
be accomplished in a year."
The defeated motion, submitted
by Acting Daily Editor Ronald Wil-
ton, '64, strongly requested the
University administration to reveal
publicly before sending to the Re-
gents its extensive master plan
for central campus development
over the next 20-40 years.
This development, which would
include the blocking of streets and
the direction of campus growth,
had been privately considered by
city and faculty officials, the mo-
tion stated.
Appropriate Area
Speaking for the motion, Abrams
noted, "this is the most appropri-
ate area for public discussion that
I can think of."
Pointing to the controversy that
might arise from releasing the
plans to the public, SGC Execu-
tive Vice-President Edwin Sasaki,
Grad, said, "If we want to see
improvement of central campus,
we ought to keep the plans semi-
public." He asked that only SGC
h nelid 3 in flip nl + nninsr ria-

a year to pay off a loan for any
large multi-purpose building and
contends that' a basketball arena
that would seat 12,000-15,000 could
be built for substantially half the
cost of the combined structure.Y
This would bring the debt serv-
ice down to the more tangible area
of one-quarter million, still a high
sum to raise but now within the
limits of possibility.'
New Channels
In the past all plans for new
athletic structures included fi-
nancing entirely by either gifts or
from combined game receipts with
football carrying the bulk of casts.
Now with soaring expenses, in-,
creased aid to athletes and no
increase in football receipts, the
board must turn to new financial
Two major means are at the
board's disposal: finding new ways
of obtaining money themselves by
increasing ticket prices for stu-
.,-- nn -nni" fn- - " air

Malm Explains Rhythm Form of Nagauta Music,

Although Japanese n a g a u t a
music often sounds chaotic at first
hearing, in reality it is highly
structured and is composed of
many stereotyped forms, accord-
ing to Prof. William Malm of the
music school.
Prof. Malm, who with his wife
and a group of volunteer musi-
cians presented a program of na-
gauta music and dance last night,
stated that rhythm rather than
tone is used to create the standard
patterns in this music.
"In Western music we find sev-
eral notes played in a certain pat-

formed by an ensemble of vocal-
ists and instrumentalists.
The main instruments are the
shamisen, a three-stringed instru-
ment with a sound box made of
cat skin; the kotsuzumi, a small
drum with variable tone; the otsu-
zimi, a similar drum with fixed
tone; the taiko, a larger drum
struck with wooden pins; the noh
flute, a small instrument played
with the finger tips, and the bam-
boo flute.
Create Tension
The shamsien is the basic melo-
dic instrument of the group while
the percussion instruments often
create tension against the melody,
Prof Maim said.

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