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May 15, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-15

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S' nl flr er . v V . .fl . .- .-


Robertson Studies Flunk-Outs

Boulding Views Growth
As 'Learning Process'

Losses of Astronomers Hit 'U
(Continued from Page 1) [ " "--'

Pebelling against inflexible gen-
eral course requirements or the
demands of parents frequently
bring students to self destruction
in their desire to do something
different, he added.
Insufficient Programs

Dean Robertson noted that al-
though honors programs, advanced
placement and independent study
may save students from the frus-
tration of duplication of learning,
all too frequently are either in-
sufficient or are implemented too
Tdrning to the solution of prob-
lems caused by academic failure,
Dean Roberston insisted that dis-
missal must be considered "not as
a social stigma, but as a price paid
by the institution as well as by
the student and his parents for
unrecognized or unresolved dif-
ficulty or weakness."
Although immediate reinstate-
ment is usually sought by both,
students and 'their parents, it is,
often not the most constructive
solution, according to Dean Rob-,
Resolvable Problems
If a student's problems are;
readily resolvable, such as those,
caused by finances or health, if
the student has underestimated
the requirements of academic life
but has sufficient will and ability,
or if the student can achieve suc-
cess by adjusting his educational
goals to his abilities, he will prob-
ably be considered a good risk for
immediate reinstatement, Dean,
Robertson explained.
However, time out of college forI
serious adjustment and resolving
conflicts and developing indepen-
dence, self-discipline and purpose;
through a job or military service
is the most profitable solution for
students who have ability but have
not used it effectively, he asserted.
Doors Close to Flunkees 1
In a recent discussion of his
article, Dean Robertson pointedt
out that! the doors are slowly

. . . dropouts
closing at smaller, lower-ranked
colleges to students who flunk out
of the University. However, he
added, when it appears that the
failure came because the student
should have been at a smaller in-
stitution, he is urged to talk to
officials at another school and
letters from the University fre-
quently are sent.
Many of the students who drop
out for a while do come back or
go on to other schools. Those who
flounder a second time have fre-
quently come back too soon, often
because parents feel guilty and
defensive and are afraid that
study skills and incentive will be
No Time Effect
"Learning experience is not af-
fected by time. The gain in ma-
turity and the hunger for study
are more important than keeping
alive reading skills," he said.
Students must want to come
back, Dean Robertson emphasized,
and the quality of students who
come to the University can and
should come back.

Man's economic development can
best be seen as a learning process
-an evolution toward more and
more complex orders, Prof. Ken-
neth E. Boulding of the economics
department suggested recently.
To provide the expanding knowl-
edge necessary to economic devel-
opment, man has maintained what
Prof. Boulding tagged the "knowl-
edge industry."
The quantity of knowledge exist-
ant at a given time tends to de-
preciate as people die off. .This
attrition rate is likely to be five
per cent a year, Prof. Boulding
'Knowledge Industry'
A society can best maintain its
"knowledge industry" when it
reaches a high enough level that
it can support philosophers -
"those who do nothing, but ob-
serve everything," he continued.
These thinkers are the ones who
spark economic progress. "Tech-
nological developments come from
philosophers, not from craftsmen.
When an intellectual begins to
work, he begins to think of ways
to avoid it."
Today's knowledge industry is
endangered from several direc-
tions, Prof. Boulding said.
Toll of Arms Race
For example, the nuclear arms
race, aside from its threat of even-
tual destruction, is taking its toll'
in the knowledge industry. If 60
per cent of the nation's intellectual
resources were not being employed
in devising new weapons, its eco-
nomic development would be much
more rapid that it is, he noted.
In addition, the population ex-
plosion is threatening man's "abil-
ity to educate," by making the
number of people needing educa-
tion too big to handle, he said.
In many overpopulated coun-
tries formal education is the
smallest part of the learning pro-
cess. It is hard to appreciate the
result of education and it becomes
"an arbitrary experience to go

... economic development
Furthermore, P r o f. Boulding
noted the threat of lack of per-
manent high level technological
ability which also may hinder the
knowledge industry, and hence
economic development.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department will speak
on "The Role of Economic Devel-
opment in Building the Defenses
of Peace" at a convention of the
Michigan League of Woman Voters
at 7 p.m. today in the Michigan
Arab Unity...
The Michigan Union Interna-
tional Affairs Committee will pre-
sent a discussion led by William
Ebeid on "Arab Unity" at 12 p.m.
today on the Ballroom Terrace of
the Michigan Union. A complimen-
tary luncheon will be served to all
attending the discussion.
Open House...
University President and Mrs.
Harlan Hatcher will hold an open
house at their home from 4-6 p.m.
today. All are welcome to attend.
Challenge ...
The theme of next year's Chal-
lenge presentations will be decided
at the last Challenge meeting of
the year at 3 p.m. today in 3529

tronomy with 1900 equipment, es-
pecially when it is choked by lights
and power plant smoke," he em-
"The newer, smaller instru-
ments do not suffer from this
disadvantage; they are simply
hopelessly inadequate for detailed
studies of individual stars.
Equipment Handicap
"The Curtis-Schmidt camera
(at Peach Mountain, 15 miles out-
side of Ann Arbor), a fine tele-
scope for photography of comets
and certain statistical studies has
four per cent of the light gather-
ing power, i.e., effectiveness, of the
University of California's 120-inch
"Even the best of efforts can't
overcome a handicap like that,"
Prof. Aller points out.
"From the time I arrived at the
University in 1948, I repeatedly
called attention to the need for
adequate equipment (in optical
astronomy)," Prof. Aller says.
Other Observatories
At the Mt. Wilson Observatory
in California and at other observ-
atories around the world, he was
able to secure some time for his
"Although the life of an itin-
erant astronomer has some com-
pensations, it suffers from griev-
ous disadvantages. Long range
planning is impossible," he- points
"You cannot take your students
with you but must secure data
for their theses and take it home
for them to work on.
Proper Training
"This is not the proper way
to train students in astronomy or
any natural science. A student
should get his own observations
for his own thesis on a telescope
he can use himself. At the very
least, he should be around when
the observations are being secur-
ed," Prof. Aller notes.
"After spending more than a
quarter century as a beggar at
somebody else's telescope, I have
come to appreciate that there is
no substitute for having one's own
telescope, on which one can count
for long range programs."
"Don't let anybody tell you the
astronomy department is not one
of the best in the country. It of-
fers superb facilities in solar as-
tronomy, radio astronomy, space
radio astronomy, and for theoreti-
cal work.
"As a stellar astronomer, I
wanted to make it first-rate also

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stipend for books and equipment. All'
grants are made in foreign currencies.
Interested students who are U.S. citi-
zens and hold an A.B. degree, or who
will receive such a degree by June,
1963, and who are presently enrolled in
che. University of Michigan, should re-
quest application forms for a Fulbright
award at the Fellowship Office, Room
110, Graduate School. The closing date
for receipt of applications is October
21, 1963.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university should direct inquiries and
requests for applications to the Insti-
tute of International Education, U.S
Student Program, 800 Second Ave., New
York 17, N.Y. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is Oct. 15, 1963.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching depts. wishing to
recommend tentative June .grads from
the College of Lit., Science, and the
Arts, forhonors or high honors should
recommend such students by forward-
ing a letter (in two copies, one copy
for Honors Council, one copy for the
Office of Registration and Records) to
the Director, Honors Council, 1210 An-
gell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. Fri., May 31.
Teaching dept. in the School of Edu-
cation should forward letters directly
to the Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg. by 8:30
a.m., Monday, June 3.
To All Women Engins: A meeting of
all women engins. on campus will be
held on Thurs., May 16, at 5:10 p.m.
in the Seminar Room °(3201 E. Engin.
Bldg.). Please try to attend. The meet-
ing will be short so as not to inter-
fere with dinner.
Attention Faculty and June Gradu-
ates: College of Lit., Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Bus. Admin.: Students are
advised not to request grades of I or
X in June. When such grades are abso-
lutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow the instructor
to report the make-up grade not later
than noon, Mon., June 3.

The U of M Varsity Band under the
direction of George Cavender, will pre-
sent its annual Spring Concert in the
Mich. Union Ballroom at 8:00 p.m. on
Thurs. evening, May 16. Works by Men-
delssohn, Bach, Berlioz, Milhaud, Cha-
vez, MacDowell and Marino will be
included in the program. The concert
is open to the public and there is no
admission charge.
*STUDENTS: If you need to order a
transcript without grades for the pres-
ent semester, you are urged to call in
person at Rm. 515 Admin. Bldg. not
later than May.28.
*Does not apply to students in Law
and College of Engin.
Opening Tomorrow: Jack G. O'Brien's
new comedy, "A Matter of Style," pre-
sented in premiere performance by th4
U-M Players, Dept. of Speech. Per-
formances through Sat., 8 p.m., True-
blood Aud., Frieze Bldg. All ,tickets
$1.00; box office open today 12:30-5:00;
12:30-8:00 tomorrow.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
G. L. Saini, U. S. Army Mathematics
Research Center, will speak on "Rela-
tivistic and Quantum Effects in Plasma
Physics" Thurs., May 16, at 4:00 p.m.
in Room 246 W. Engin.
Refreshments/ will be in Room 350
W. Engin. at 3:30 p.m.
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Edith Vogl, guest,
of the School of Music and presently;
Visiting Prof. of Musicology at Harvard
Univ. and Wheaton College, will speak,
on Thurs.,'May 16, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall
Aud., on "Czech Music in the Eight-
eenth Century." Examples of eighteenth
century Czech music will be performed
by members of the Collegium Musicum.-
Open to the public without charge.

Doctoral Examination for Helen Eliz-
abeth Wormell, Education; thesis: "A
Comparative Study of Perceptions Re-
lated to Self, Home, and School. Among
Selected Ninth Grade Students," Thurs.,
May 16, 426A UES, at 8:00 a.m. Chair-
man, E. C. Roeber.
Doctoral Examination for Oldrich
Jicha, Business Administration; thesis:
"A Conceptual Approach to Securities
Valuation and Analysis," Thurs., May
16, 8th Floor Conference Room, School
of Bus. Admin. Chairman, D. A. Hayes.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Charles Schwing, Chemical Engineering;
thesis :"The Constant Volume Heat Ca-
pacities of Gaseous Trifluoromethante,
Chlorodifluoromethane and Dichloro-
fluoromethane," Thurs., May 16, 3201 E.
Engin. Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J.
J. Martin.
Conn. Civil Service-1. Clinical Psy-
chologists-Degree with major in Psych.
plus 2 years. grad study in clinical
psych plus 2 years exper. of clinical
practice or clinical research OR an
equivalent combination of exper. &
training. Residence waived. 2. Welfare
Adoption Exchange Supv. - Graduate
training in Social Work plus 3 years ex-
perience. Residence waived. Apply by
June 5.
Mendota State Hospital, Madison, Wis.
Opening for a man to assume the re-
sponsibility of Music Therapist. Degree
in music or closely allied field with
a vast bkgd. In music.
Baltimore Civil Service, Baltimore,
Md. - Community Organization Ad-
visor - Degree with specialization in
the Social Sciences. General knowledge
of the objectives of urban renewal &
(Continued on Page 3)











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