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May 15, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-15

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Continued moderate with little
change in temperature

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

4 LXXIII, No. 169




Asks Removal of State Police


leader called last night for the
withdrawal of state patrolmen
from this racially troubled city,
quiet now while a verbal storm
raged over the presence of fed-
eral troops in the state.
The Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth,
41-year-old titular head of the
Birmingham desegregation cam-
paign, said he wanted Gov. George
C. Wallace to "call back the high-
way patrol" and "we want the city
police, whom we respect, to take
He charged brutality on the part
of patrolmen sent in by Wallaae.
State Safety Director Al Lingo
was not available immediately for
comment but he earlier denied
charges his men showed brutality.
Governor's Telegram
The governor sent a telegram to
President John F. Kennedy de-
manding the withdrawal of what
he described as "advance echelons
of a military striking force" in
Birmingham, contending their
presence. invited new rioting by
This was a reference to about
25 officers of a headquarters plan-
ning unit -in the city. About 3000
riot-trained troops were on a
standby basis in the state, but
were not in Birmingham.
In Washington, the White House,
said the President's trip to Ala-
BIT Fires
Prof. William Himelhoch, presi-
dent of the American Federation
of Teachers local at the Detroit
-Institute of Technology, has been
notified that he will not be offered
a contract for the coming school
This further development in the
firing 'controversy' at the school
came to light at a recent faculty
The previous firing of five union
members resulted in picketing and
an unsuccessful attempt by the
union to obtain an injunction
against the dismissals.
Unannounced Dismissal
Prof. Himelhoch's dismissal was
not announced with the othes be-
cause he has been on leave of ab-
sence from DIT. However, when
he asked DIT President Dewey F.
Barich if he was to receive a con-
tract for the coming year, the
answer was an unexplained no.
Roger Craig, attorney for the
fired union members, is consider-
ing whether an appeal will now be
made in Himelhoch's case.
The union has also issued a
strike notice to the DIT adminis-
tration, permiting its members to
strike after ten days if no media-
tion takes place through the State
Labor. Mediation Board.
Hopeful for Talks
Prof. Himelhoch is "hopeful
that the administration will make
use of this opportunity to talk to
us." So far all efforts by the union
to speak with the school officials
have been refused.
DIT students are expressing
their concern about uneasy con-
ditions through a series of dem-
onstrations. One planned for this
week hopes to expose what stu-
dents believe to be the too power-
ful position of administration Vice
President Victor Liu.
In addition to his administrative
role as vice president, Liu is act-
ing president in the absence of
Barich, the dean of the engineer-
ing college, the acting dean of the
college of science and the arts
since this dean's recent resigna-
tion, and also classifies himself
as a faculty member.
SGC To Vote

On Revisions
In IFC Bylaws
Student Government Council'
tonight will vote on the proposed
Interfraternity Council Bylaws.
The bylaws, revised at the Fra-
ternity Presidents Assembly last
week, exclude the requirement that
a rushee visit a house in each of
eight districts. IFC President Clif-
ford Taylor, '64, foresees no ob-
stacle to their approval.
Affirming that "student conduct
ought to. be in student hands."
SGC member Howard Abrams. '63-
BAd, will present a mocion for
Council to begin working toward
t~Aarr-nimfin of "dPaniinn-m'ak-

bama Saturday will not include
previously announced motorcade
visits to Tuscumbia, Sheffield and
Erroneous Schedule
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger
said he had been using an erron-
eous schedule and the change was

a switch in plans and had nothing
to do with racial turmoil.
The President talked over the
integration problem, particularly
the trouble in Birmingham, with
25 Alabama publishers and editors
at a lengthy luncheon. The meet-
ing was arranged some time ago.


Report Duvalier Plans
To Flee Before Invasion

By The Associated Press
rumors hint that Haitian Presi-
dent Francois Duvalier is readying
to flee his country today-the date
set by his opponents for his over-
State Department officials in
Washington said yesterday that

... fleeing Haiti?
Jail Negro
CAMBRIDGE, Md. (P)-Negroes
massed in this eastern shore com-j
munity late last night and all city1
aid state police in the area were
called to duty.
S o m e 50 teen-age Negroes
marched on the Dorchester Coun-
ty jail where 14 of their number
are incarcerated following a dem-
onstration earlier last night in
which the group attempted to in-
tegrate a local movie theater.
Police said the 50 marchers
moved up to the jail, then dis-
persed, but another 40 marchers
took their place and were march-
ing, singing and hooting derisively
at city police stationed around the
brick building.
Meanwhile in Richmond, the
chairman of the Virginia Pupil
Placement Board testified yes-
terday that the board has aban-
doned virtually all restrictions
which keep Negro children from
transferring to w h i t e public
E. J. Oglesby said the board has
dropped its requirements for ada-
demic proficiency and, in most re-
spects, will disregard the distance
"If a Negro child wants to at-
tend a school on the opposite side
of the county, he will be assigned
to that school if a white cild in
his area is entitled to attend the
same school," Oglesby testified in
Richmond Federal District Court.
In Nashville Negro demonstrat-
ors called off another anti-segre-
gation march on downtown Nash-
ville last night after a student
leader reported that Mayor Beverly
-Briley "is doing as much as any
mayor in the South can do."
Their decision followed a rock-
throwing, knife-wielding melee
Monday night which thenchairman
of the mayor's biracial committee
called "an unwarranted riot." Both
white and Negro leaders expressed
criticismn of the students yesterday.
AA UP Selects
New Officers
Prof. Alfred Conrad of the law
school was elected president of the
University chapter of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors last night at its annual busi-

they have heard rumors that Du-
valier might fly today from Haiti
to Dutch-ruled Curacao, off the
Venezuelan coast. But they indi-
cate4 they were unable to confirm
the report.
In New York, a major interna-
tional airline reported that it has
fourreservations on today's New
York-Paris flight in the name of
Permission To Land
The State Department officials
noted that the Haitian govern-
ment requested permission to land
a transport plane there, but the
plane never made the flight.
They said they have not heard
from Dutch officials about any
Duvalier trip that might include
that island.
Duvalier's new term as presi-
dent begins today. Last year, he.
apparently called for congression-
al elections, but once they passed,
he declared that he had been re-
elected president. His opponents
are determined to overthrow him
before he begins a second, six-year
Rumored Departure
Associated Press staff corres-
pondents here and in Santo Do-
mingo, the capital of the neigh-
boring Dominican Republic, have
heard rumors of Duvalier's im-
pending departure.
But William L. Ryan, Associat-
ed Press correspondent here, was
cut off by Haitian censors after
little more than making connec-
tions with the New York AP head-
In a heavily-censored dispatch,
he reported that Duvalier's regime
had begun a campaign to convince
the outside world that he would.
turn to the Communists for pro-
There is a- strong suggestion,
however, that the campaign is
merely a threat to the United
States and other Latin American
governments against any plans
they might have for invoking dip-
lomatic punishment against dic-
tator Francois Duvalier's regime.
(Venezuela broke diplomatic re-
lations with Haiti yesterday and
recalled its charge d'affaires from
Port au Prince. In Washington,
the United States government was
reported conferring with Latin
American nations on whether to
withdraw diplomatic recognition of
the Duvalier regime.)
Members of the Duvalier regime
are sweating out heavy pressures
from abroad and threats at home
to overthrow and destroy Duvalier
by today.

Orbit Blast
Project Mercury control team
scheduled another try today to
rocket astronaut Gordon ;Cooper
aloft on America's longest manned
space flight to date.
They came within 13 minutes
yesterday, only to be frustrated
by a faulty radar data analyyzing
device at the tracking station on
The radar equipment was re-
paired and the shot rescheduled
for between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
(EST) today. However, there was
a possibility that Mercury opera-
tions director Walter C. Williams
would extend the latest possible
launching time to noon, as he did
yesterday when a morning survey
showed weather conditions around
the world, primarily in the main
recovery areas, were very favor-
able. I
Radar Problem
Even with the 90 extra minutes
yesterday, Cooper could not take
off on his planned 22-orbit, 34-
hour mission. The launching was
held up more than two hours when
a fuel pump had to be replaced in
a diesel engine which moves the
launch pad service tower away
from the Atlas booster rocket.
Once that was fixed,-the radar
problem cropped up at Bermuda
and the effort was called off for
the day.
"This was a very realistic sim-
ulation," Cooper commented jok-
ingly. "I was just getting to the
real fun part . . . we'll try again
The 36-year-old Air Force ma-
jor was in the capsule 5 hours
50 minutes. This included a 90-
minute wait after the scrub but
before the service tower could be
rolled around the rocket again so
technicians could extricate him.
High Spirits
The postponement did not dam-
pen Cooper's high spirits or his
enthusiasm to make the long
flight. His medical advisers re-
ported him in excellent physical
and mental shape.
Other elements of the launch-
ing-the Atlas, the Faith 7 space-
craft, the recovery forces and
tracking netw rk-were reported
ready for another attempt.

... slips into capsule

Losses of
(Third in a Series)
A director at an eastern ob-
servatory was asked recently
by his university's buildings-
and-grounds chief when the
astronomers were going to
move to their new offices so
the observatory could be torn
"Where are you 'going to
move the telescopes?" asked
the director.
"Move the telescopes?" re-
sponded the B-and-G man.
"We didn't think you want-
ed them any more; we
thought you were all doing
space science!"
This is a story Prof. Lawrence
H. Aller tells. He had been a
member of the astronomy de-
partment since 1948 when he
decided to leave for the Univer-
sity of California at Los An-
geles last spring.
The quote "obviously refers
to the University," one mem-
ber of the astronomy depart-
ment points out. "From a Cali-
fornian's point of view, we are
in the East."
Faculty Offices
The "eastern observatory"
near the women's residence
halls on the Hill is scheduled
to be torn down as soon as the
money can be found to move
the telescope to another loca-
Williamis Ex~
A common belief in the "dignity
and equality of all men" is the
closest bond linking the United
States and the emerging nations
of modern Africa, Assistant Sec-
retary of State G. Mennen Wil-
liams said in a lecture last night.
Unfortunately, the fact that we
have not yet assured full and
equal rights to all Americans is a
factor which tends to weaken this
same bond, he continued.
The six-time former governor of
Michigan cited the role of the
United States in furthering the
African independence movement,
mentioning "our traditional op-
position to colonialism." State De-
partment policy in Africa for the
past few years "has supported the
creation of a family of genuinely
independent, economically viable
nations," he said.
Peaceful Transition
Despite the fact that our friend-
ship with the European colonial

tudents Set Strike
otest Quarter Plan
Astronomers Hit
tion. Faculty offices now in the Prof. William Liller, followed
building will be moved to the him.
new Physics-Astronomy Bldg. At the time, Harvard was en- W ithSyste
this summer. gaged in an $80 million facili-
However, 'the problems the ties expansion program.
astronomy department faces are Solar Observation Interest Dean Calls Proposal
not just a simple matter of Prof. Goldberg was very much For Frida Walkout
moving telescopes. interested in solar observa-3W
"Prof. Aller said many times tions from a space platform 'Adolescent' Action
before he left that there was According to Prof. Aller, Prof.
not adequate equipment here," Goldberg's program needed "to By ANDREW ORLIN
Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of have adequate laboratory space.
the astronomy department says. "His program was timely, Wayne State University faces a
Better Than Now well-considered, and of the student strike this Friday, protest-
highest importance and might ing the quarter system.
"That did not mean we have served as a nucleus of n qs
should have the giant equip- space science effort that would An independent student group
ment California has, but rath- have brought to Michigan some passel out 4000 handbills Monday
er that we should have some- of the jobs and technology that and held a press conference yes-
thing that is better than what have gone instead to Massachu terday, City Editor of WSU's Daily
we now have. We need a tele- setts or elsewhere," Prof. Aller Collegian Lloyd Weston said last
scope at least twice the size of says night.
our present one." "If the go-ahead for the new The students are protesting the
And the problems go beyond Physics-Astronomy Bldg. had quarter; system which divides the
the need for bigger and more been given in the fall of 1959 academic year into four parts in-
modern telescopes. to provide adequate space for stead of two. WSU introduced the
"If we don't have the equip- his program, I believe that he quarter system in September on
ment, we can't hang on to peo- would have stayed." the premise that it was a more
pie to teach advanced students Publicity Minimum efficient use of the school plant,
or do their own research," Prof. Prof. Aller left last spring Weston said.
McLaughlin emphasizes. with a minimum of publicity. Work Pressure
Blistering Indictment The reason he gives for turning The plan called for studets to
"Prof. Aller's departure last to UCLA is simply that the fa complete two semesters' work in
spring is illustrative of this cilities existed there for his three quarters. "However, as it
problem," Prof. McLaughlin de- work that did not exist at the has been turning out one seies-
lares. University. ter's work is being compressed in-
In 1960, the University lost "Doing astronomy without a to one qlarter," he commented.
the head of its astronomy de- telescope is like doing chemis WSU Dean of StudentsHarold
partment, Prof. Leo Goldberg, try without a laboratory; fur E Stewart called the proposed
to Harvard University. Another thermore you can't do 1960 as boycott of classes "adolescent and
member of the department, See LOSSES, Page 2 immature. I hope the, public will
S not view these actions as charac-
teristic of WSU students," he add-
The group is not officially rec-
ognized and its membershipphas
c ahlRs .S.- 011B ond s not been made public. "Since this
group desires to act in an anony-
4 mous fashion, it shows no respon-
sibility," Assistant Dean of Stu-
powers has sometimes led to un- First, the individual nations pre- dents Donald Marsh said last.
easy situations, we have actively pare reports stating the amount End of Assembly
encouraged orderly and peaceful of aid they need and specify in
transition in Africa, Secretary Wil- detail the projects to which this The handbills distributed Mon-
liams added. money will be applied. day called for the end "of as
In addition to our anti-colonial- Then the State Department, sembly-line education, academic
ism policy, "the threat to freedom working with government aid ad- sweatshops for faculty and stu-
from the Communist conspiracy" k dents and unfair budget cuts."
is another reason for our basic ministrators, analizes these reports "We wish to impress that this
interest in Africa. We do not seek and make its recommendations as is not just another version of the
alliances with the new republics, to what aid should be approp- spring panty raid but a serious
but want them to become familiar riated, he said. effort on the part of the student
with the ideals America represents, The third step is the actual body to keep a great university
he said. granting of these funds by Con- great," a group spokesman said.
To demonstrate why the emerg- gress. The group slogan, "Back SAQ
ing African nations will most (Strike Agaist the Quarter Sys-
likely embrace the ideas of West- tem) made .its first appearance
ern democracy, Secretary Williams Thursday when it was chalked on
quoted President John F. Kennedy, blackboards in several WSU build-
saying, "We can welcome diversity ings.
-the Communists cannot. For we But university officials discov-
offer a world of choice-they offer ered late that day that the signs
the world of coercion. And the k were not authorized and mainten-
way of the past shows clearly ance men then were instructed to
that' freedom not coercion, is the erase them.
wave of the future." Group Organized
Present Situations Weston noted that the group
Secretary Williams explained %f "seems to be highly organized."
the present situations in several There are rumors that the strike
African nations under conflict. He ? has been in the planning stages
attributed the breakdown of the since January.
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyas- Although no faculty members
saland to economic and cultural are supposedly involved, a num-
differences between the three ber have called off exams sched-
member states. "Southern Rho- uled for Friday, Weston said. He
desia, governed by a policy of hastened to add that other pro-
white supremacy, cannot practi- fessors had purposely scheduled
cally coexist in the same political tests for that day.
union with the Negro states of Marsh refused to say what type
Northern Rhodesia and Nyassa- of administrative action, if any,
land," he added. G. MENNEN WILLIAMS would be taken against the strik-
The nationalist insurgents in ... African ties ers.



The court was the most im-
portant center for music during
the latter part of the Renaissance
in Germany, Prof. Ingo Seidler of
the German department said yes-
terday in a lecture on 'renais-
sance Music at the Court of
Prof. Seidler demonstrated some
of the various types of : acred and
secular music composed at Mun-

ich in the sixteenth century. This
period in music saw "the culmin-
ation of Renaissance trends and
new developments. At this time
the court at Munich under Al-
brecht IV was the most splendid
and culturally active."
The chief composer was a Bel-
gian, Orlandus Lassus, who com-
posed innumerable madrigals and
motets. Lassus was the summation
of the Renaissance period of music.

His music is written in old art
forms but like Bach's work, it is
the most excellent music using
these forms.
Varied Art Forms
Prof. Seidler noted that the art
forms of sixteenth century Ger-
many were very different from
today's. There were no operas,
oratorios, trios, quartets or son-
atas. Instead, composers used
voices and instruments in equal
balance, and composed madrigals
and motets which depended on
independent harmonies.
The instruments also differed.
The recorder was the predominate
wind instrument. A front :.lute,
this instrument was used not only
during t h e Renaissance, b u t
through the baroque period ofI
Chamber Ensembles I
The viol, usually a six string
fretted instrument, was the main
stringed bowed instrument. The
lute, a mandolin-like instrument,
was used mostly for the smaller
chamber types of ensembles.
The instruments of the sixteenth
century occupied a different posi-
tion in composition. They were;

Portugese-held Angola have a long
way to go before they achieve their
goal of independence, Secretary
Williams commented. "Further-
more, there is no evidence that
these revolutionaries are Commun-
ists or are Communist supported."
Concerning the white suprema-
cist Republic of South Africa, he
said that "although we are his-
torically allied with that nation,
we will continue to publicly cen-
sure their policy of apartheid."
Secretary Williams explained the
process by which the United
States government makes its de-
cisions concerning foreign aid to
Africa. "There are three different
steps which contribute to these
decisions," he said.

Robertson StudyDiscovers
Qualified Students ailn
Although competition for admission to top institutions. is in-
creasing and screening processes are more effective, students with
high motivation for college and the necessary degree of intelligence
and preparation are flunking out," Associate Dean of the literary
college James H. Robertson pointed out in a recent article in The
New York Times Magazine.
The article, entitled "Why So Many Flunk Out," sums up
several of the "frequent and recurrent" reasons for academic failure.
A major problem, according to Dean Robertson, is parental pres-
sure pushing students into status institutions or a college not of
their own choosing, or forcing them to attend college when they
would rather do something else. Thus students arrive at school
without sufficient incentive to study and succeed.
The student who has not had a previous opportunity to solve
.-r m mffoiie withnut Mnther and cannot -escape Mother's

'Put Silverman,
Berry in Posts


not used to accompany the singer,

- - ---------- .- - -

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