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May 12, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-12

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SUNDAY, Y 12, 1963

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(Continued from Page 2)
Approved: Calendaring of Inter-Fra-
ternity Council and Panhellenic Asso-
ciation drive to aid leukemia stricken
children to be held May 19 in Ann Ar-
Adopted: A new policy and schedule
of terms for Student Government Coun-
cil committees and boards.
Adopted: Changes in interviewing and
selection procedures for Student Gov-
ernment Council committees and
Adopted: That Student Government
Council establish one permanent inter-
viewing board to recommend appoint-
ments to ad hoc committees to Student
Government Council. This board shall
consist of the President of Student
Government Council, the Administrative
Vice-President, and three Council mem-
bers, chosen by the third meeting of
the fall term.
Appointed: Persons recommended by
the Committee on Committees to Stu-
lent Government Council standing com-
Appointed: Cliff Taylor, ex officio,
and Howard Abrams to the Committee
on Committees for interviewing, Sun.,
May 12.
Postponed: Consideration of tempor-
ary recognition for Action Political
Approved: Revised constitution of the
Student Council of the School of Edu-
Approved: Activities calendar for
1963-1964 school'-year.
Adopted: That the Musket production
be calendared for November 7-9; that
the Gilbert & Sullivan Society pro-
duction be calendared for November 21-
Approved: University of Michigan
-delegation to Michigan Regional Con-
ference of USNSA.
Approved: Calendaring of a mass
meeting concerning the National Stu-
dent Congress for May 20.
Approved: Budget for Student Gov-
ernment Council Newsletter to be dis-
tributed on May 19.
Adopted: Changes in Student Gov-
ernment Council standing committee's
Adopted: That Student Government
Council recommend that all female

members of Student Government Coun-
cil, female Daily trainee night editors,
night editor, and senior editors be giv-
en senior women's hours permission.
Adopted: A motion concerning Regen-
tal adoption of an Office of Student
Affairs' bylaw.
Events Monday
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of English Poetry
Reading-Lewis Simpson, poet, novelist,
and critic: Aud. A, Angell Hall.
4:00 p.m.-Medical School Seminar on
the Mechanisms of Learning-Stanford
C. Ericksen, Prof. of Psychology, "The
Teaching of Facts, Concepts, and Gen-
eralizations": Room 7330, Medical Sci-
ence Bldg.
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Engrg. Mechanics
Lecture-Prof. T. Triffet, Prof. of Me-
chanics and Materials Science, Mich.
State Univ., "Modern Mechanics of
Material Properties": Room 311, W.
Engrg. Bldg.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Barbara Forster, pianist: Lane
Hall Aud.
The Next Meeting of the Faculty Sem-
inar on Conflict Resolutions will be
held on May 13 at 12:30 p.m. in the
Kalamazoo Room of the League.
The speaker will be Prof. Samuel D.
Estep of the Univ. of Mich. Law School
and his topic will be: "International
Regulation of Communications Satel-
.Doctoral Examination for Robert\Jo-
seph Warrick, Metallurgical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Plastic Deformation of
Non-metallic Phases within Ductile
Metals," Mon., May 13, 3201 E. Engin.
Bldg.,. at 4:00 p.m. Chairman,, L. H.
Van Vlack.
Doctoral Examination for Hallowell
Pope, Sociology; thesis: "Economic De-
privation and Social Integration in a
Group of 'Middle Class' Factory Work-
ers," Mon., May 13, 5609 Haven Hall, at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. L. Wilensky.
Doctoral Examination for Frances
Anne Huber, History; thesis: "The Pro-
gressive Career of Ben B. Lindsey, 1900-
1920," Mon., May 13, 3609 Haven Hall, at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, Sidney Fine.

Doctoral Examination for Gerald Jay
Gleicher, Chemistry; thesis: "The Role
of Pi-Complexes in the Reactions of the
Trichloromethyl Radical," Mon., May 13,
3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chair-
man, M. M. Martin.
Doctoral Examination for Luther Eric
Claborn, Mathematics; thesis: "On the
Theory of E Rings," Mon., May 13, 451
Mason Hall, at 1:00 pm. Chairman, J.
E. McLaughlin,
212 SAB-
Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Hunsicker will interview women
with skills in dramatics, dancing canoe-
ing or nature study for positions as
counselors. One opening is available for
a secretary. Interviews on May 15 and
16, Wed. and Thurs.
Systems Research Labs, Dayton, Ohio
-Position open for Electrical Engineer
with good background in mathematics
to assist in research. Equivalent of a
Masters Degree is required. Details are
available at the Summer Placement
For further information, please come
to Summer Placement.
Conn. Civil Service-Child Caring In-
stitution Consultant-Grad training in
Social Work plus 3 yrs. exper. in social
work of which not less, than 2 yrs.
shall have been in a supervisory or
consulting capacity i na child-care
agency or institution. Residence waiv-
ed. Apply by May 22,
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Opening at the College of Mednice,
Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Seoul, Korea, for
position concerning the medical appli-
cations of radioisotopes. Must be a
physician or Hospital Physicist with
extensive exper. in the application of
radioisotope techniques to medical
Medical Economics, Inc., Oradell, N.J.
-Openings for June grads: 1) Re-
porter-trainee (single male pref.). Must
have strong academic bkgd., need not
be polished writre. Must be avail., to
start June 1 & be draft?free for at
least 6 mos. 2) Reporter-trainee-Degree
required (male). Must be skilled inter-
viewer-researcher & fairly good writer.
Liberal Arts or Journ. bkgd. plus knowl-
edge of financial subjs. desired. 3) Li-
brary Research Ass't. (female)-Handle
clerical details. Must be skilled typist
& famaliar with library research tools
& techniques. Candidates with less than
4 yrs. college but with heavy library
exper. also considered. t
Management Consultants in East-1)
Division Controller-College grad with
heavy cost & budget control exper. in
aircraft or missile mfg. 2) Chief Staff
Engnr.-BS degree in AE, ME or other
engrg. discipline, adv. degree helpful.
Both line & staff engrg. exper. in sys-
tems work pref. on flight controls, etc.
3) Vice Pres.-Sales & Mktg.-Degree
plus 10 yrs. exper. in industrial sales
& mktg. of capital equipment. 4) Assoc.
Dir. of Research-Adv. engrg. degree in
AE, EE or ME. Exper. beyond educ. more
imp. 5) International Trainee-Degree,
pref. ME with adv. degree in Bus. Ad,
Exper./or interest in international busi-
ness. Willingness to travel and/or live
overseas. Knowledge of one or more
foreign languages.
Local Corportion-Opening for Exec-
utive Secretary for private research &
dev. office. Requires woman with office
exper,perhaps in supv. capacity. Typing
60, Shorthand 80. Must be capable of
assuming responsibility. Varied duties.
Familiarity with depts. of the Univ.,
familiar with chemical terminology,
energetic & personable. Oppor. for ad-
vancement & increased responsibility.
Able to drive.
U.S. Civil Service-Safety Inspector-
for duty in the Bureau of Motor Car-
riers, Interstate Commerce Commission
located In various cities throughout
U.S. Degree in Transportation or Mech.
Engrg, for grade GS-5 position. For
higher level position, must have MS or
B average, etc.
U.S. Civil Service-Local & regional
civil service examinations offering op-
portunities in the following fields: Ar-
chitect; Cartographer; Digital Com-
puter Programmer; Draftsman; Librar-
ian ; Medical Tech.; Research Psychol-
ogist; & all types of Engrg.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.

RIOT CAR-Birmingham police park a converted armored car, de-
signed for use in riots, near the downtown area as Negroes gather.
The vehicle was not used in controlling the repeated anti-discrim-
ination protests.

THE PROTESTERS-Comedian Dick Gregory leads one group of demonstrators, now stopped by po-
lice. This group was one of many that marched on downtown Birmingham in greater and greater
numbers last week. The demonstrators were of all ages, but most were high school and even grade
school children.



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An anti-segregation campaign,
unprecedented in the recent his-
tory of the integrationist move-
ment, appears to have come. to a
temporary end in Birmingham.
For a month integrationists
have been marching on downtown
Birmingham, demanding the total
integration of Birmingham. In the
last two weeks, demonstrations
had grown to massive proportions.
" : Police using police dogs and fire
4 hoses arrested over 2500 persons,
many high school youths.
The integrationists, led by the
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., boil-
ed their protest down to four de-
1) Desegregation of lunch rooms
- and other public facilities in down-
town Birmingham;
2) Increased job opportunities
for Negroes:
3) The release of those arrest-
ed in demonstrations; and
4) The continuing of bi-racial
communication through a com-
These demands have been met.
King and a committee of impor-
4 tant Birmingham businessmen ne-
gotiated the temporary end to
demonstrations Friday, but it is
unclear whether officials of Birm-
ham police dog lunges at a demonstra- ingham's outgoing or incoming
many in the early days of the demon- government will accept this unof-
n caused the police department to sus- ficial settlement.
The demonstrations are over for
the moment while Birmingham
waits to see if the settlement will


tor. This attack was one ofn
strations, but public criticism
pend the using of the dogs.

TO THE GROUND-Three Birmingham policemen pin a Negro
woman to the ground after she failed to move as ordered. This is
one of many incidents that marred the week of demonstrations. No
one, however, was hurt seriously.


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sends in state troopers

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WATER BURST-Negro demonstrators duck as Birmingham police open fire with high pressure hoses.
Sprayed water was one of the favorite crowd control devices of the Birmingham police, but it did
little to stem the tide of demonstrators. The protests continued despite police tactics against them.

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