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May 12, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-12

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MSUDims M' Title Hopes

wolverine Trackmen Triumph
In Triangular Track Warmup

(Continued from Page 1) v
The Wolverines received an in-
surance run in the ninth stanza,
courtesy of Jim Steckley who'
smashed a 1-0 pitch over the left
field fence, with the bases empty
for his second home run in the
series. His first, on Friday, gave
Michigan the win in the bottom
of the twelfth inning.
The Spartans' last threat came
with two out in the last of the
ninth. Sam Calderone had doubled
to left, and advanced to third on
a ground out by Dale Peters.
Calderone tagged up and scored
on a fly ball into deep left field.

Spartan pinch-hitter Miller hit.
a fast grounder to third, but on
the throw to first Dave Campbell.
stepped off the bag and the ball
slid by and into the fence, while
Miller raced to second. Likewise,
Jay Bach reached first on a field-
ing error by' captain Joe Jones.
The Wolverines were saved on 'a
strike out by Mal Chiljean.
Down the Tubes.
If things had begun to look bad
for the Blue in that ninth inning,
it was- only -a'prelude of what was
to happen in the nightcap.
Doug Dobrei, the Spartan's
sophomore pitcher, proved himself
Jones, 2b 2 0 0 0
Newman, ss 3 0 0 0
Tate, rf .2 1 00
Spalla, 'f 3 0 2 0
Campbell, lb 3 0 0 0
Siteckley, if 3 0 1 1
Post, 3b 3 0 0 0
P.Adams, c 110 0 0
ra-Skaff 1 0"1 0_
Barnhart, p 1 0 0 0
b-Chapman 1 0 0 0
Bobei 0 0 0 0
c-Cantrell 1 0 0 0

Jones, 2b
Newman, ss
Tate, rf
Spalla, ef
Campbell, lb
Steckley, i
Post,. 3b-
P. Adams, ,c
Fisher,, p

4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
4.,0 1 '0
4 0 0 0
3 1 1 0
3 1 1 1
4 2 3 1
1 4 0 2 1
4 00 0


Totals 34 ,4 8' '3
Bach, cf 4 0 0 0
Chilj ean, ss3 .0 0 0
Ketcham, 2b 3 0 1 0
Porrevecchio, if . 3 0 0 0
Azar, c 4 0 0 0
Calderone, lb 3 0 0 0
a-Barnett 1 1 1 0
Peters, rf 3 0 0 0t
b-Billings ' 1 0 0 0
Iines, 3b 3 0 2 0
D. Miller, p 1 0 0 0
c-H. Miller 1 0 0 0
d-Abrecht 0 0 0 0
Totals 30 1 4 0'
a-Doubled for Calderone in 9th.
b-Grounded out for Peters in 9th.
c--Reached first on error for D.
Miller fin-1,9th.
d--Ran for H. Miller in 9th.
MICHIGAN 010 000 201-4 8 3
MICH. STATE 000 010 001-2 4 1
E - Newman, Campbell, Jones,
Hines. DP-Chlljean, Ketcham and
Calderone; Newman, Jones and
Campbell. LOB-Michigan 5, Michi-
gan State 9. 2B-Hines, Barnett. HR
-Steckley. SB-Bach. S-Steckley.
Fisher (W) 9 2 0 4 7 5
D. Miller (L) 9 4 1 8 1 3

.capable by striking out seven of
the first eleven Wolverines he
faced. The Spartans, meanwhile,
scored in the first inning on a
single, a sacrifice bunt, and an
error by Jones.
The death blow for Michigan's
title hopes came in the bottom of
the third stanza however. Ketcham
had drawn a walk and Chiljean
singled into short left.
- The next batter, Mike Barnett,
grounded to Post who threw to
second for the force out, leaving
runners on first and third. Joe
Porrevecchio picked up the second
oi his three singles on a hard
drive into deep left field, and
Ketcham scored the winning run.
Dick Billings then struck out,
bringing up Calderone. He hit a
grounder to shortstop which was
bobbled, but picked up and thrown
to second.
When the dust from Porrevec-
chio's slide cleared, umpire Moe
Kunka had called him safe, and
Coach Moby Benedict was storm-
ing onto the field. Seven Michigan
players joined in the ensuing
argument, with the net result that
Benedict was ejected from the
game. Casey couldn't have done a
better job.
Minus their coach, the Wolver-
ines played to a deadlock until the
sixth inning, when they scored
their only run of the contest on
a walk, a single by Dennis Spalla,
and a double by Steckley. A pair
of pinch hitters in the top of the
seventh and final inning did little
except garner a single for George
No Hitter
hander Sandy Koufax of the
Los Angeles Dodgers pitched
the first no-hitter of the major
league season last night, per-
mitting Just two baserunners in
a 8-0 victory over the San
Francisco Giants.

Acting Sports Editor
Coach Don Canham's two big-
gest question marks-Mac Hunter
and Kent Bernard-looked like
plus signs yesterday as Michigan
demolished the Chicago Track
Club and Northwestern, 100-51-21.
Both made Canham hopeful
they would be near top shape for
the Big Ten meet at Minneapolis
this Friday and Saturday after
shrugging off leg injuries to run
Hunter, the Muskegon Heights
junior who has yet to go into a
conference meet healthy, ran a
strong third in the 220-yd. dash
behind Chicago's Ira Murchison
and Brooks Johnson, both just
back from the Pan American
Games in Sao Paulo.
The three were neck-and-neck


Ketcham, 2b
Chiljean, ss
Barnett, rf
Porrevecchio, If
Billings, ef,
Calderone, lb;
Hines, 3b
Azar, c
Dobrel, p

24 1 4 1
3 2 2 1
3 0"1"0
2 4 1 0
3 0 3 0
3 0 0 0
3 0 1 1
3 i 1 0
3 0 0 0
25 3 9 2

down the stretch 30 yards from
home when Murchison gave a
burst to win by nearly two yards
in :21.8, a tenth off his own track
Hunter lunged at the tape even
with Johnson but lost a close de-
cision. "My leg is all right,"- ex-
plained Hunter, "but I thought I
was second."
Bernard actually got more
healthy as the afternoon pro-
gressed. The little sophomore from
Trinidad, whose :47.0 anchor leg
on Michigan's mile relay last

a-Singled for Adams in 7th.
b-Struck out for Barnhart in 5th.
c-Grounded out for Bobel in 7th.
MICHIGAN 000 001 0-1 4 2
MICH. STATE 101 001 x-3 9 1
E-Jones, Post, Dobrie. DP-New-
man, Jones and Campbell. LOB -.
Michigan 6, Michigan State 8. 2B-
Steckley. SB-Jones. S-Chiljean,
Barnhart (L) 4 2 1 5 1 2
Bobel 2 1 1 4 0 1
Dobiei.(W) 71 1 4 4 p

SHOT PUT: 1. Puce (M) 2.
Schmitt $M); 3. Soudek (M); 4.
Calkins (N). Distance-55'8".
DISCUS THROW: 1. Puce (M); 2.
Soudek (M); 3. Lambert (M); 4.
Schmitt (M). Distance-165'6Y4".
HIGH JUMP: 1. Ammerman (M);
2. Malone (M); 3. (tie) Gibson
(CTC), Doan (CTC). Height-6'2".
BROAD JUMP: 1. Williams (NU);
2. Sweeney (M); 3. Niles (M); 4.
White (CTC). Distance-22'11 ".
POLE VAULT: 1. Overton (M); 2.
Wade (M); 3. Gibson (CTC); 4.
Hinkson (M). Height-14'0".
660-YD. RUN: 1. Bernard (M); 2.
Hughes (Ml) 3. Casto (M); 4. Gill
(CTC). Time-1:20.7.
MILE RUN: 1. Hayes (M); 2. Ryan
(M); 3. Peterson (CTC); 4. Cothern
(NU). Time-4:14.9.I
440-YD. DASH: 1. Thomas (NU);
2. Alexejan (CTC); 3. Malone (M);
4. Romain (M). Time-:49.0.
100-YD. DASH: 1. Murchison
(CTC); 2. Townsend (NU); 3. John-
son (CTC); 4. Mason (M). Time --
120-YD. HIGH HURDLES: 1. May
(CTC); 2. Nuttall (M); 3. Williams
(NU); 4. Steinkavs (CTC). Time-
880-YD. RUN: 1. Aquino (M); 2.
Meilady (CTC); 3. Kelly (M); 4.
Hayes (M). Time-1:54.7.
220-YD. DASH: 1. Murchison
(CTC); 2. Johnson (CTC); 13. Hun-
ter (M); 4. Thomas (NU). Time-
DLES: 1. Mason (Al); 2. Moreland
(CTC); 3. Kohns (M); 4. Johnson
(NU). Timhe-:39.0.
TWO-MILE RUN: 1. Peterson
(CTC); 2. Neahusan (M); 3. Murray
(M); 4. Harris (CTC). Time-9:i6.3.
MILE RELAY: 1. Michigan (Reese,
Bernard, Hughes, Malone); 2. Chi-
cago Track Club; 3. Northwestern.
Time--3 :19.5.


March was the fastest indoor
quarter-mile in the country, edged
teammate Dan Hughes in the 660-
yd. run in 1:20.7.
,That was the first race of the
afternoon and Bernard, whose
right thigh was taped heavily,
admitted, "It hurts pretty bad.
It's terrible."
Quick Recovery
However, by the time the last
race of the meet, the mile relay,
was over, Bernard had run the
fastest of Michigan's splits, :48.7,
and beamed, "It seems to be all
right. I'm surprised."
Bernard, running the sebond leg,
gave the Wolverines -a 10-yard
lead over the Chicagoans and en-
abled the team to time 3:19.5.
everything else went pretty well
for Michigan yesterday, although
both Canham and Phil Diamond,
Michigan's head timer, are becom-
ing more and more pessimistic over
the chances of a third straight
upset over Wisconsin in the con-
ference meet.
Sophomore George Puce, a 245-
lb. Torontoan, won both the discus

Michigan Handed Second Big Ten Loss

Acting Associate Sports Editor
The sun shone brightly on the
Varsity Courts for most of yes-
terday afternoon, but it was still
the gloomiest day for Michigan's
tennis team in five , years, as it
went down to defeat to North-
western, .7-2. -
-The. loss was the second straight
for the Wolverines, who were edg-
ed' 5-4 last Tuesday by Michigan
State. It left their season, record
at 7-6 and dropped their ,confer-
ence mark to 5-2. The' Wildcats
lengthened their Big Ten victory
string to seven wins without a loss.
The lone Michigan triumphs
came in fourth singles and second
doubles. Wolverine number fourI
singles man Brian Flood remained
unbeaten in conference play, eas-
ily defeating .Tig Templeton, 6-4,
6-0..Templeton managed to fight
Flood to a draw in their first eight
games, but the steady sophomore
then ran away with the next eight
games and the match.
Michigan's second doubles duo
of Captain Harry Fauquier and
Hal Lowe edged Wildcats Ken
Paulson and Jim Erickson, 6-4 and
7-5. The Wolverines grabbed .a 3-0
lead in the first contest and coast-
ed to the win'before coming back
from a- 3-1 deficit in the second
set. The victory was somewhat sur-
prising, since Erickson, along with
Marty Riessen, is defending Big
Ten doubles champ.
But the event which brought an
overflow crowd to the courts was
the long-awaited rematch between
Riessen and Ray Senkowski in
first singles. Riessen, who beat the
Michigan senior in last year's con-
ference meet, had his usual stuff
again yesterday, and topped Sen-
kowski 6-2, 6-4.
With Senkowski playing a gam-
bling game against his opponent,
by trying to land the ball just in-
side the baseline, there was very
little net game on either side. And
while Senkowski did come up with
a number of corner-catching shots,
Riessen's speed and swift service
Too Much
SINGLES: 1. Riessen (NU) def.
Senkowski 6-2, 6-4., 2. Graebner
(NU) def. Fauquier 6-4, 6-2. 3. Paul-
son (NU) def. Fraser 6-4, 6-2. 4.
Flood (M) def. Templeton 6-4, 6-0.
5. Gage (NU) def. Lowe 6-3, 7-9, 6-4.
6. Blanchard (NU) def. Linclau 6-2,
5-7, 6-1.
DOUBLES: 1. Riessen-Graebner
(NU) def. Senkowski-Fraser 6-4, 6-2.
2. Fauquier-Lowe (M) def. Paulson-
Erickson 6-4, 7-5. 3. Templeton-Gage
(NU) def. Barker-Linclau 6-3, 6-0.

tion Clark Graebner downed Fau-
quier, ,6-4, 6-2. The scrappy Wol-
verine junior played a cautious,
defensive game, and kept pace
with the former Ohio high school
champ until the score was 4-4 in
the first set.- But Graebner's dev-
astating serve and powerful re-
turns of almost anything Fauquier
hit to him enabled him to win
John Fraser also fell to Paulson
in third singles, 6-4, 6-2, but Lowe
and Ron Linclau in fifth and
sixth put up more of a battle. Both
lost their first sets, to Skip Gage
and Carver Blanchard, respective-
ly, and were down 5-2 in the sec-
SLowe rallied to win his second
set, 9-7, and held a 4-1 lead in the
third, before succumbing, 6-4. And
Linclau came back to win his sec-
ond, 7-5, only to lose the rubber
set, 6-1.
In first and third doubles, Mich-
igan had little success, with Sen-
kowski-Fraser losing 6-4, 6-2 to
Riessen-Graebner and Linclau and
Bo Barker yielding to Gage-Tem-
pleton, 6-3, 6-0.


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was too much for him.. He was
never really in the first set, and
although he managed to work the
score to 4-5 against him in the
second. encounter, four q u i c k
serves by Riessen ended the match.
In .second singles competition,
Northwestern's sophomore. sensa-

Fs M '1\



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