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February 08, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-08

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

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Considerable cloudiness today,
continued cold tomorrow

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VUL .L.XXJI, No0. 95




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Table Move To Dissolve IQC



Interquadrangle Council last
night debated a motion to dis-
solve itself,but took no action
and postponed further discussion
until its next meeting.
West Quadrangle president Cur-
tis Huntington, '64, speaking in
defense of his own motion, argued
that IQC "no longer serves a use-
ful function in academics, ath-
letics, social programs or sp'ecial
events for the houses and resi-
dents of the system."
Huntington said later that he
introduced the motion "to wake
up the members of the IQC, to

make explicit the failures of IQC
and evolve discussion of the prob-
lems. I would not have voted for
the motion in its present form at
this time."
Out of Order
An attempt by IQC president
Robert Geary, '63, to rule the.
motion out of order on the
grounds that it did not fall within
the agendized item of "operating
procedures of IQC" was overruled
by the body in a move to appeal
the decision of the chair.
In other business IQC approved
a motion to reconsider action
taken last week advising the Resi-

GovenorMoves To Solve
Unemployment Problems
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Gov. George Romney began an all-out effort Wednes-
day to solve the four-year battle over unemployment compensation
paid to workers out of a job because of strikes within their companies
but in plants other than their own.
Auto executives, labor leaders, legislators and university labor
experts will meet today in Lansing to draw up acceptable legislation,
Romney said.
Prof. William Haber of the economics department will join other
leading educators from Wayne State University and Michigan State
" University at Romney's meeting.

... no grades

Dean Reveals
New Midyear
Grading Plan
Medical students will not re-
ceive midyear grades this year,
Dean William Hubbard of the
Medical School announced yes-
"The undergraduate approach is
inappropriate to Medical School,"
Dean Hubbard explained. He said
that the important question was
whether, at the end of the year,
the student has .successfully com-
pleted his work and is ready to
advance to the next level.
Thus the half-year judgment of
work is somewhat premature.
Dean Hubbard noted that the
grading change did not reflect
any change in Medical School
The action mainly affects fresh-
man and sophomore medical stu-
dents,, some of whose unit of work
ends 'at half year. 'hey are being
informed of the change.
.However, students in academic
difficulties will be warned of their

Representatives Confer
Representatives from the United
Auto Workers and the state AFL-
CIO will also be present at the
conference, Romney noted.
These men will have a report of
work already done by Romney
staff members on the problem at
their disposal. Romney said this
study is more liberal than bills
pushed through the Legislature by
past Republican lawmakers, but
yet is stricter than existing pro-
The difficulty evolved from a'
State Supreme Court decision to
award compensation to Ford
Motor Co. workers who were laid
off because of a strike at another
Ford plant in Canton, Ohio.
Employer's Complaints
Employers voiced complaints
that the Court's decision forced
them to pay for strikes against
themselves with taxes paid into
the State Unemployment Compen-
sation fund.
Two bills have since been passed
by Republican-controlled legis-
latures to overthrow the Court's
decision but former Gov. John B.
Swainson vetoed both of them.
Romney agreed that the Repub-
lican bills went ftoo far the other
way" in refusing aid to workers
who should be entitled to com-
pensation. The governor said his
idea would be to authorize un-
employment compensation for
workers laid off by a strike in an-
other plant of the same company
"if .they were not involved in the
strike and would not benefit from
Need New Businesses
Romney cited the need for
solving the problem soon so that
it would not tend to "discourage
new employer investment in Mich-
igan, especially at a time when the
state so badly needs new economic
Separate legislation to intro-
duce a "cost-of-living" increase
in unemployment compensation
may also be introduced with the
other bill, Romney concluded.

dence Hall Board of Governors to
abolish the IQC-Assembly Co-ed
Housing Committee.
The committee still must recom-
mend a structure for co-ed resi-
dence student government and
proposals for staffing co-ed hous-
ing. It must also decide the ques-
tions of room priorities which go
to men and women presently liv-
ing in houses which will be occu-
pied by the opposite sex in Sep-
Decision by March
Assistant to the director of
housing John Hale said that the
committee must come to some de-
cision by March "especially on the
room priority question," or else
the decision must be made solely
by the administration. "We would
like to see student participation in
these decisions, but they must be
made before room applications for
next semester are open," Hale
Huntington's motion of disso-
lution drew attack from council
members who stressed the im-
portance of IQC as a co-ordinator
of quadrangle policy' and a uni-
fied voice for the administration.
East Quadrangle p r e s i d e n t
Thomas Smithson, '64, argued that
any failure of IQC must be remed-
died in a constructive manner, not
by abolishing the council alto-
Smithson said that no student
government organization ought to
dissolve itself unless it must rub-_
ber-stamp administration policy.
After the meeting, Geary said,
that "Huntington's motion con-
tains several valid criticisms of
the organization. However, it fails
to present a clear picture of the
actual state of IQC."
Give Hopwoods
For Writing
Ten University freshmen were
selected yesterday to receive Hop-
wood creative writing awards.
An essay by Robert E. Burt, '66,
"On the Possibility of Writing
Greek Tragedy Today" placed firstj
in the essay division.
"A Change of Seasons," by Jud-
ith A. Delk, '66, won the $50 first-t
place award .in the fiction divi-
Topping the poetry division,
"Run as Rain" by Judith La Rue
Snider, '66, also won $50.
Other winners were: Essay di-
vision-second places, James C.t
Hestand, '66 A&D, and Alvin K.c
Averbach, '66; third places, Rutht
Kuchel, '66, and Kaylyn Spez-c
zano, '66 A&D; Fiction division-
second place, Miss Kuchel; thirde
place, Theodore D. Hall, '66 NR;c
Poetry division - second place,Y
Barbara Otto, '66; third place,
Elizabeth Friedman, '66.C

... cites 'U's advantages
Party Plan
For Future
OTTAWA WP) - Conservative
leaders met yesterday and drew
up campaign strategy in line with
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's
pledge for made-in-Canada poli-
cies if he returns to power in the
April election.
While there were assertions
from the Conservatives and the
opposing Liberals that the cam-
paign will not be used to kick
the United States around, Diefen-
baker made clear his nuclear wea-
pons argument with Washington
still rankled.
"We have a plan for the next
several years, an economic plan,
a political plan, a plan to increase
the economy, a plan to round out
confederation, to assure a strong
Canada economically and politi-
cally, whose security will be pro-
tected without the loss of sover-
eignty and without the domination
of any other country or countries,"
he said in a television statement.
"Our policies will be made in
Canada," he continued.

Consider SGC Role
In Regents Election
Favorable comment on Wednesday night's Student Government
Council decision to participate in the April Regents elections came
from several candidates seeking election to the board and from one
The Council, acting on a motion presented by The Daily Editor
Michael Olinick, '63, will draft a statement outlining major Uni-
versity problems, and present the statement to the Republican nom-
inating convention and to Democrats, who have already met to select
candidates for the spring vote.
According to a motion passed by a 12-3 vote, the Council will invite
candidates to speak on campus and conduct individual interviews
<with party nominees in order to

Adenauer Speech Aske

inform the campus of their policy
positions. The Council will also
consider endorsing candidates.
Approve the Plan
Two candidates for the Repub-
lican nomination on the board ex-
pressed their approval of the
plans, but William C. Cudlip of
Grosse Pointe Farms qualified this
approval when he said that SGC
should not take any action which
is "not University policy."
Ink White, a publisher from
Saint Johns who is also seeking
the Republican nomination, felt
that SGC has "the same privilege
to endorse candidates as any other
representative group."
Several Council members, when
first discussing the Olinick motion
at the Feb. 9 meeting, feared
election of candidates not endors-
ed by SGC, and their subsequent
antipathy toward the body.
White, however, thought that
board members - would still be
sympathetic toward student gov-
Political ActionI
Regent Allan G. Sorenson of1
Midland, beginning his second
year on the Board of Regents,
said the Council action "is one
important way of many ways in
which students can demonstrate
the concern for the operation of
our political system, which is so
essential to its good'health.
Sorenson, commenting when
the proposal was first tabled at
the Feb. 9 meeting, said he "was
disappointed that there was not
a more enthusiastic respone to
the proposal when it was first in-
troduced. I hope the idea is pur-
sued successfully."
Council Lists
Forms, Rules
Petitioning for the spring elec-
tions of Student Government
Council will commence Feb. 11.
At its Wednesday meeting, SGC
acted on a motion by its executive
vice-president, Thomas Brown,
'63, which established the petition
and election rules for the forth-
coming spring elections. The orig-
inal motion was amended to ad-
vance the date of election from
March 20 to March 13. This mo-
tion moved up all other dates ac-
cordingly. The deadline for all
petitions is Feb. 21.
The main reason for this
change, according to SGC Presi-
dent Steven Stockmeyer, '63, is
to make the "terms of office
equitable in length." The Novem-
ber elections were a week late and
this new date would make the'
length of this term and that of
next fall's term approximately the
There are two necessary quali-
fications that students must meet
in order to run for Council posi-
tions. First, they must be academ-
ically eligible. This means that
potential candidates may not be
on academic probation and that
they have an overall two point
average. The second stipulation is
that persons running for office
must be enrolled as full-time stu-
dents in the University.

View Hopes
For Budget
The University's research capa-
bilities as an asset to the state
will be one of the major bar-
gaining points for more state
funds when the University has its
hearing with the Senate appro-
priations committee, Feb. 13, Uni-
versity officials have indicated.
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Claire), committee chairman, said
recently that research at the Uni-
versity would be one of the areas
of special interest at the hearing.
Before Gov. George Romney had
annouraced his budget request of
$38.2 million for the University,
only $1.55 million above last year's
appropriation, University President
Harlan Hatcher had told Regents
that the University's Research
capabilities are a real asset to
the state.
Improve Economy
The University is ready to step
up its programs to help improve
the state's economy, he comment-
ed at the last Regents meeting.
"Much has already been done,
but there is farmore we can do
if given the chance and the means.
There are few-if any-more pow-
erful generators of progress in the
world than an institution such as
this one, and the time has come
to turn the generator up to full
power," he said.
President Hatcher claimed that
the University has the potential
to implement economic progress
in the state in four basic ways.
Through an increase in its re-
search, the University may aid
industry in the state.
Beneficial to the State
Expansion of the study of hu-
man and organizational factors
relating to the state's economic
growth, and pushing ahead with
research which holds promise of
future breakthroughs of economic
importance, can be of benefit to
the state. Finally, the University
has the potential to increase the
supply of highly-trained graduates
needed.by modern industry.
Presently the University has 900
research projects underway, total-
ling in value $31 million. The
projected estimates for this year
are 100 projects, valued over $36
million, President Hatcher report-
Chinese Charge
JJ.S. Arms Threat
T O K Y O ()) - Red China
charged yesterday that the United
States has armed its troops in
South Korea with atomic weapons
to create a base for agrression in
Northeast Asia. "In violation of
the Korean armistice," the offi-
cial Peking People's Daily charged,
"the United States has continued1
to send reinforcements into South
Korea, together w i t h modern+
weapons, including atomic weap-
ons." There was no immediate
comment from American military
officials in Korea or Tokyo. 1

For De Gaulle


May Defeat
Delta lans.
It appears that neither of two
plans for giving Michigan's thumb
area a degree-granting college
will make it through the 'state
Legislature-this year, at least.
One plan, supported by Rep.
Raymond C. Wurzel (R-North
Street) and the house education
committee which he chairs would
create a state-supported junior-
and senior-year college in Mid-
land to supplement Delta College,
a freshman-sophomore community
college presently operating there.
Wurzel expects his committee to
report in favor of this plan, and
has voiced optimism over its
chances of winning legislative ap-
But Gov. George Romney has
urged Wurzel to hold up the bill
until his recently-formed "citizens'
committee" makes a study of edu-
cational expansion plans on a
statewide basis. Romney wants
whatever is done in the thumb
area to be a part of a "master
plan" for the state's higher edu-
cation development.
Another roadblock is the Legis-
lature itself. Wurzel reportedly
has privately admitted that the
house will probably kill the bill.
Even if it survives the House,
the bill faces even stronger op-
position in the Senate, especially
from education committee chair-
man William G. Milliken (R-
Traverse City), who favors Rom-
ney's wait-and-see plan.
The second plan is to make
Delta a four-year college. and to
incorporate it as a branch of the
University. Negotiations between
University and Delta officials are
proceeding, and the faculty and
students of Delta have supported
this plan.
However, it has received vir-
tually no backing among the legis-
lators, and has also been frowned
upon by members of the Michigan
Co-Ordinating Council for Higher
Education, on the ground that the
establishment of branch schools
might get out of hand and destroy
the community college system.

... seeks politic

al support

Of Alliance
Leader Cites Pledge
By Freich on Britain
BONN (P)-German Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer yesterday sought
parliament's support for his new
treaty with France by promising
it could be used to help get Brit-
ain into the Common Market.
The Chancellor told the Bunde-
stag that at their last meeting in
Paris Jan. 23 French President
Charles de Gaulle "promised that
the first subject of joint con-
sultation after the treaty goes
into effect will be British entry
into the European Economic Com-
The German leader and other
party speakers strove to allay fears
that the treaty will drive a wedge
between Bonn and Washington
and threaten unity in the Western
world. De Gaulle wants to see a
Europe indepeident of United
States leadership.
American Leadership
"The Federal Republic not only
recognizes the claim to leadership
of the United States in this (At.
lantic) alliance of equal partners,
it has repeatedly called on the
United States to take up this role
of leadership," former Foreign
Minister Heinrich von Brentano,
floor leader for Adenauer's Chris-
tian Democrats, declared.
He spoke after Erich Ollenhauer,
leader of the Socialist opposition,
declared that Germany's relations
with the United States must be as
close and unambiguous as pos-
Ollenhauer's views were echoed
by Erich Mende, head of the small
Free Democratic Party whose votes
keep Adenauer in power.. The
Christian Democrats lack a major-
Guarantee of Law
"The United States alone is our
guarantee of freedom and law in
Europe," Mende said.
The Chancellor disclosed the
heretofore secret agreement with
de Gaulle on Britain in an ob-
vious attempt to enhance the
chances of speedy passage for the.
treaty, which calls for closer ties
between West Germany and
The Bundestag showed reluc-
tance to throw away the bargain-
ing power represented by uncer-
tainty over ratification of the
treaty. This makes it possible to
force Adenauer, who long has.
worked closely with de Gaulle, to
take a position more in line with
the political parties.
Possible Split
Under political pressure, Ade-
nauer has been swinging toward
disagreement with de Gaulle on
the Common Market and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization is-
sues. But he has tried to avoid
a showdown by calling for a cool-
ing off period after France's veto
halted negotiations in Brussels for
British entry into the Common

USS Ethan Allen on

Students, Protest Fee Hikes,
.0 4
Claim Rising College Costs
College expenses, which have risen sharply in the past decade,
will climb again next fall for many students all over the nation,
according to the Wall Street Journal.
State-supported colleges and universities in New York, California,
Oregon, Arkansas, Texas and Indiana are proposing, or already have
decided upon, higher tuition fees for the next academic year. The
trend is reflected in private colleges, which also plan to raise fees
on a wide scale. The government's
Office of Education claims that
the average tuition at publicly-
supported institutions during
World War II will be doubled by
the time the 1972' freshmen apply.
Students have heatedly demon-
strated after announcement of
tuition rises at several colleges.
After trustees decided to raise
costs in the New York college sys-
tem, torchlight demonstrations
occurred on several of the cam-
Sharp Rise
There already has been a sharp
rise in the price tag of college
attendance, according to the fed-
eral education office.
Its figures show a rise in aver-
age public-supported college tui-
tion from $150 per year in 1953
to $190 today. In the next decade,
it is expected to hit $260-300 a.
_ The fee hikes have been neces-
sitated by the need to raise fac-
ulty salaries and higher capital
Prevent Education
Most experts say that increased
costs prevent more and more stu-
dents from obtaining a college
education. Some, however, note
that it still is a "bargain" and
point out the increased amount of
available scholarship funds.

Lerner Views Disarmtament Economics

No great problem would result
from disarmament since there are
many other areas in the economy
which can use the released re-
sources, Prof. Abba Lerner of
Michigan State Univeristy said
last night.
Speaking on "An Economist
Looks at Disarmament," P r o f.!
Lerner said that spending money
on developing underdeveloped
countries, increasing exploration
into outer space an dexpanding
private and public services could
all take up the slack of the re-
leased resources.
"People worry about the prob-
11lm of immnhility or the time

danger of a serious depression.
The situation which exists pres-
ently is one of "administered de-
pression," with some six per cent
unemployed. Since society as a
whole is prosperous, no great
movement is being made to change
the situation.
If there was unemployment
from disarmament, the same 'ad-
ministered depression' would exist,
in-creasing unemployement to even,
eight per cent. Since we all would
get richer from the released re-
sources, no great catastrophy
would result.
Turning to prospects of world
peace, Prof. Lerner said that some
kind of world government and law
is needed which would limit sov-

ful must be symetrical. We must
remember that anything that we
threaten to do can be done by the
other power as well. There can be
no policy which aims at victory,"
2rof. Lerner said.
Reactions must be developed
which will make agression un-
profitable, and if there is failure,
so that one country attacks, the
response must not turn- into total
war, but must be self-limiting, he
World Court
"If we accept the principle of
symmetry, we must give up ideas of
revenge and justice. There is a
long history of courts, such as the
m:ddle aye trial by ordeal. which


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