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May 09, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-09

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cl, r



this afternoon

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


IFC Committee


Unstructured Rush Plan


Interfraternity Council's rush
subcommittee last night submit-
ted its final recommendations for
a totally unstructured rush, IFC
administrative vice-p r e s i d e n t
Richard A. Belger, '65BAd, chair-
man of the subcommittee, an-
The proposals will be referred
to tonight's Fraternity Presidents
Assembly meeting, where a two-
thirds majority is required to pass

the bylaw changes. Each item in
the subcommittee report will be
considered individually.
The basic proposals include
abolishing visit requirements and
bidding restrictions. The commit-
tee also suggested that women be
allowed at rush functions, and that
the restriction against depledging
pledges without a 2.0 average for
two consecutive semesters be drop-

Crawford Exp lains Plans
For Teaching Improvement
Michigan State University's "Project X" has been set up to
improve the standard of education and meet the problem of student
population explosion, Prof. Jahn Crawford, a project member, said
"Actually 'Project X' is a misnomer. The project's real name is
'Educational Development Program'," he -explained. In order to meet

. teachers' certificate

Olson Cites
The general education require-
ment has been made uniform for
all University students seeking a
teachers' certificate, regardless o
the school or college in which they
are enrolled.
The certification program legis-
lation, passed by the education
school faculty at their last meet-
ing, implements the requirement
for general education included in
the'proposed teacher certification
code, which is currently awaiting
approval by the State Board of
Education, Dean Willard C. Olson
of the education school explained
The new certification require-
ment divides the 40 hours of gen-
eral education courses called fo
in the proposed code into three
major areas, plus English 12
and 124..
At least eight hours are to be
elected in each area and not mor
than eight hours taken to satisfS
a major or minor requiremen
may be applied to general educa-
tion requirements.
The first area includes lan-
guages and literatures, history o
art, art and design, applied music
music literature and theory, phil-
osophy, Great Books, classica
archeology, journalism and speech
Astronomy, chemistry, physics
bacteriology, conservation, botany
geology, mathematics, mineralogy
physiology, zoology and certain
courses in psychology compris
the second area.
Third Area
The third area consists of an
thropology, economics, geography
history, political science and cer
tain courses in psychology an
The legislation will not change
the present graduation require
ments in the literary college of
the education school, since stu
dents who fulfill the literary col
lege distribution requirements o
the education school group re
quirements will meet the genera
education requirements as well.
Some curricular changes will be
needed in the music school an
the architecture and design school
"These adjustments have alread3
been worked out by the variou
departments," P r o f. Max G
Wingo, acting chairman of th
education school's undergraduate

-the double-pronged problem, ex-
periments are being made to com-
bine courses and improve their
content at MSU, Prof. Crawford
Some Controversy
There has been some contro-
versy concerning these methods at
MSU. Prof. Bernard Duffey listed
the project as one of the main
reasons why he left MSU to teach
at Duke University.
Prof. Crawford noted that oppo-
sition came from. persons afraid
of new surroundings and profes-
sors who feared they would not be
at their best before large classes
and television cameras.
"In 1954, 194,000 babies were
born in Michigan, and that crowd
will present itself as the fresh-
man class of 1972," Prof. Craw-
ford said.
To meet the future onrush of
students, various plans are being
explored. Closed-circuit television
and independent study are two
main concepts being examined, he
Closed-Circuit TV
The possibilities of closed-circuit
television and large lectures are
obvious, Prof. Crawford noted.
Independent study linked with
opportunities to attend any uni-
versity course might greatly re-
r lieve over-crowded conditions.
r "Students will attend courses that
a they believe they need; and when
they think they are ready, they
Swill take subject examinations,"
Prof. Crawford said.
"Another idea which is now un-
der consideration is team teach-
- ing." Professors who are experts in
t one particular field would teach
n only that facet of a course. After
n two or three weeks another pro-
g fessor would come in to teach the
f course's next part.
"We owe it as a responsibility
to the people of Michigan to look
- into all new concepts."
3 tudy Group
To Consider
y Fair Housing
The City Council committee on
f housing legislation will send a re-
port on the Ann Arbor fair hous-
ing ordinance in time for the
1 workshop meeting of May 27.
The report will deal with sug-
gestions and complaints concern-
ing the ordinance, Fourth Ward
' Republican Councilman Wendell
Hulcher 'said yesterday.
University P r e si d e n t Harlan
Hatcher's report on fair housing
will be one of the considerations
- of the committee in drawing up
, its report. but it will be no more
important than many others,
d Hulcher noted.
Meet Again
Hulcher, the council's represent-
ative to the Human Relations
r Commission which recommended
- the fair housing ordinance, said
- the committee will meet once more
r before compiling the report.
President Hatcher's report will
- be just one subject of discussion
at the forthcoming meeting, Hul-
e cher said.
n The report urges many reforms
d in the fair housing ordinance as
. passed by council on first reading
y March 11, including extended cov-
erage to real estate brokers.
Berla Chosen
In other city political action,
e Ann Arbor Democrats heli elec-

"It is the feeling of both my-
self and the leaders of national
fraternities that local IFC's can
legislate themselves out of busi-
ness with complicated and burden-
some rush regulations," John
Feldkamp, Office of Student Af-
fairs advisor for fraternities, ex-
"The responsibility for a strong
rush program rests with each in-i
dividual chapter. At the present
time nearly one-quarter of the
chapters at the University face
membership deficiencies. These de-
ficiencies cannot be remedied un-
der the present rush system," he
But Belger emphasized that
"there are mixed emotions on
many areas of the proposed
changes." These controversies will
be aired tonight.
Major Proposal
The major change proposed is
the elimination of visit require-
ments, which involved abolishing
both the districting system and
the requirementtouvisit a mini-
mum number of houses.
Belger explained the rationale
behind these changes. "The new
rush system has failed. The small
weak houses have seen an even
smaller percentage of rushees than
before. The depledging rate is up.
The number of rushees has con-
tinued to decline.
"If a man rushes fewer houses
-if we drop the visitation require-
melts-the strong houses will give
the weak houses less competition
simply because the rushee will be
less likely to have seen the strong
Subordinate Obligation
"We are thus subordinating our
obligation to give the rushee as
good a cross-section of the sys-
tem as possible to the greater ob-
ligation to encourage the develop-
ment of a system embracing no so-
called weak houses," he added.
Other arguments against dis-
tricting include the unfair ad-
vantage it affords some houses
due to their geographical location
and the clerical problems it pre-
sents to IFC.
Abolishing bidding restrictions
also gives "the advantage to the
smaller house ,which will be able
to bid judiciously before the larger
houses," Belger said.
'Sooner' Principle
"The principle that 'the sooner
one bids the better' is time tested,"
Feldcamp noted.
"A man will not, however, be
forced into prematurely accepting
a bid as the pledgedregistration
card-the official pledging device
-will not be availablemuntil the
last day of rush," Belger noted.
Allowing women to attend rush
functions "is another attempt to
do away with the artificial at-
mosphere presently surrounding
rush. This makes possible date-
type parties in the rushing sche-
dule. The idea is very common
on other campuses and seems to
have met with widespread ap-
proval," Belger said.
Fall Rush
The subcommittee also recom-
mended that rush next fall be
moved up to September 7 so as
not to interfere with five week
exams. Rush sign-up willbegin on
the first day of classes, which will
be the first time affiliates and
-rushees may not have contact if
the recommendations are accepted.
Deletion of the requirement that
pledge activities judicial cases must
be referred to IFC by the OSA
was recommended to give IFC
"considerably more freedom in
handling such cases."

''To Delay
Of 'U' High
The education school has post-
poned the "phasing out" of Uni-
versity High School until suffi-
cient funds are available for
building another public high
school for Ann Arbor.
In a recent speech, Dean Wil-
lard C. Olson of the education
school said: "In the event of un-
favorable action on the bonding
proposal, the present'intent is to
maintain ,the plan for future im-
But Olson said yesterday that
"no plan to close University High
will be put into effect until a
satisfactory replacement can be
The defeat of the bond issue
and a proposed millage increase
Tuesday made it impossible for
the Ann Arbor School Board to
construct a proposed high school,
despite the fact that the University
had donated a tract of land in
the North Campus area to the city
for that specific purpose.
It was speculated that the edu-
cation school might go ahead with
plans to close University High
and distribute the 150 students to
other schools in the area, despite
the defeat of the bond issue, but
overcrowded conditions at Ann
Arbor High made this proposal
University High, a private high
school, enrolls students not only
from Ann Arbor but also from
neighboring rural districts. Clos-
ing of the school would mean that
these rural students would have to
return to local high schools whose
academic facilities are far less ex-
tensive than University High, Ol-
son said.
The education school uses Uni-
versity High as a laboratory for
numerous research experiments
and would have continued its re-
search program in the new school,
had the bond issue passed.
The announcement several weeks
ago of the education school's plan
to "phase out" the school caused
University High students to form
an S.O.S. (Save Our School) com-
mittee to agitate against the de-
cision. The school's Parent-Teach-
er Organization also took action
by calling meetings and writing
letters to key officials.
A group of representatives of
the student council is meeting to-
day with Gov. George Romney at
his five-minute Thursday morning
"citizen sessions" to appeal the
University's decision to try to close
University High as soon as the
available funds to build a new
school are obtained.
OSA Searches
For Director
Despite a 10-month search, the
University is still looking for a
director of housing, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
announced yesterday.
Although there is no deadline
for such an appointment, the hope
is to obtain a director by fall so
that he can begin to coordinate
problems such as coeducational
housing and the Pilot Project in
Greene, Hinsdale and Little
The housing directorship was
set up last summer during the
restructuring of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs. Lewis and his assis-
tants are temporarily supervising
student housing unti the new
director is found.

Two Experts
View Clash il
For Rights
Thomas, Lamb Cite
Possible Future Acts
"The Kennedy administration
will actively intervene in the cur-
rent Birmingham racial demon-
strations only as a last resort,"
Prof. Norman C. Thomas of the
political science department pre-
dicted last night.
"By acting as an informal me-g
diator between the Birmingham{
city officials and the leaders of
the Negro community, the federal
government will strive to peace-
ably obtain a mutually acceptable
settlement," he added.
In reference to the conviction of
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., by
an Alabama court for parading
without a permit, Prof. Karl A.
Lamb of the political science de-
partment said, "the federal gov-
ernment will attempt to prove
that this particular application of
the statute is in violation of civil
rights legislation and thus negate
the southern court's conviction."
Racial Demonstration
"It is obvious that King was'
arrested not because he was lead-
ing any ordinary parade but be-
cause he was taking part in a
racial demonstration," Prof. Lamb
Prof. Thomas commented that
the administration would probably
refrain from taking legal action"
and would instead merely appeal
to state officials for the release
of King.
"Birmingham is a real testing
ground for the integrationist,
movement. If th4 integrationists'
tactics fail, the fight for racial
equality in the South will be long
and bitter. However, the rights of
the Negro must be and will be
ultimately secured," Prof. Lamb
More Militant
In contrast, Prof. Thomas com-
mented that a defeat in Birming-
ham would not greatly deter thes
anti-segregation movement.
Two University foreign students
indicated that there is unusual'
overseas reaction to the Birming-
ham situation. "In my country
people are more confused by these'
demonstrations than they are
angry with the United States.
They cannot understand how a
country can firmly support a con-
stitution that stresses equality
among men and then act to the
contrary," Fernando Valencia,
'65E, from Colombia, said.
"Iranians are disillusioned by
the racial problems in the United
States, but its prestige in my coun-
try has not been notably lessened
by these demonstrations," Iranian
student, Mehdi Sarram, '65E, add-
"Although these racial antagon-
isms are incongruous with the
Constitution, my countrymen real-
ize that these acts are only per-
formed by a minority of the popu-
lation," Sarram said.


Report Cites Policies
Of Dealing with Bias
The University is unique in its handling of affiliate dis- 3
crimination problems, a survey by Office of Student Affairs
Advisor to Fraternities John Feldkamp, submitted to Vice-r
'President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, indicates.
Cornell University most nearly resembles the University
in dealing with bias. Its counterpart to Student Government
Council set a September 30, 1963 deadline for the elimination
of discrimination.
Cornell's student government council established a com-
mission of seven students, two administrators and three non-
voting faculty members to withdraw recognition from discrim-
inatory houses or grant them a two-year extension if they
are trying to rid themselves of bias. Cornell's interfraternity5
council also requires membership
statements from its chapters.
Student-Faculty Groups
The University of Wisconsin and
Iowa State University likewise>
have delegated authority on dis-
crimination to student-faculty
groups. Whereas Iowa StateY
threatens withdrawal of recogni-
tion, Wisconsin states only that
lack of local autonomy in mem-
bership selection is "offensive.";
: Iowa State specifies a deadline
, of September, 1964, and a restric-
tion against discriminatory rituals
as well as clauses, although it con-
siders "fraternities inclusive on<
the basis of a particular religious
faith" non-discriminatory.^
Interfraternity councils at
Northwestern University and the
University of Illinois control bias J
Sproblems. The Illinois council is JOHN FELDKAMP
... pr . .. fraternity bias
seeking elimination of all racialf
clauses by the fall of 1965, while Northwestern's council will
exclude houses which are still discriminating after November 1
1963, the survey says.
Like Our OSA
The University of California, Ohio State University andf
Stanford University put the problem under the control of their
parallels to the University's Office of Student Affairs, the
report notes.
Berkeley set a September 1, 1964, deadline on obtaining
local autonomy in membership selection. "Statements requiring
a belief in God or in general moral principles of a faith are'
not considered" discriminatory.
Ohio State requires discriminating groups to report to
deans regarding progress toward eliminating discrimination.
The University has delegated control of affiliate bias prob-:
lems from the Regents to SGC, which has established a Com
mittee on Membership to study cases of discrimination.
SGC Asks Postponement
Of Approval for Bylaw
At its regular session last night, Student Government Council
adopted a statement formulated by Acting Daily Editor Ronald Wil-
ton, '64, asking the Regents to postpone adoption of a bylaw legitimiz-
ing the reorganization of the Office of Student Affairs until "after
the bylaw has been publicly released."
Wilton's recommendation, with Council's amendments, will be sent
to the Regents and Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
Sprior to the May 17 Regents meet-
ing. The statement makes explicit
the philosophy that "al policy de-
cisions of the University should be
open to public discussion before
Ffl -3 I,7 l.adoption.

Judge Sets
Jail Terms
Of Negroes
Integrationists Issue
Conflicting Versions
Of Protest Future
By The Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM - Conflicting
statements by leaders of the Bir-
mingham anti-segregation protest
demonstrations clouded the status
of a one-day truce negotiated Yes-
terday between Negro leaders and
an anonymous group of Birming-
ham businessmen.
The truce postponing demon-
strations was effected early yes-
terday, but was then considered
cancelled when two integrationist
leaders-the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. and the Rev. Ralph D.
Abernathy were jailed for parad-
ing without a license April 19.
Negro leaders called the jailing
"breaking faith" on the truce. The
Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker declared
that the integrationists would take
"whatever steps are necessary."
Deny Charge
However, when King and Aber-
nathy posted $2500 bond each and
were released from jail, they said
that the demonstrations would
not be resumed and denied that
their jailing was a breach of
faith. "I stand on what we said
yesterday," integrationist leader
the Rev. Ralph Shuttlesworth de-
Meanwhile, President John F.
Kennedy said that he was watch-
ing the "ugly " Birmingham situ-
ation closely. Asst. Atty. General
Burke Marshall, in charge of the
justice department's civil rights
division, reportedly is the med-
iator between the integrationists
and the Birmingham businessmen.
The President said the justice
department has been "watiching
the present controversy to detect
any violation of the federal civil
rights or other statutes."
Peaceful Settlement -
But, he continued, there have
been no federal violations, and so
"our efforts have been focused on
getting both sides together to
settle (the problem) in a peaceful
Kennedy said Marshall "has
made every possible effort to halt
a spectacle which seriously dam-
ages the reputation of both Bir-
mingham and the country."
"Today, as. the result of re-
sponsible efforts on the part of
both white and Negro leaders over
the last 72 hours, the business
community of Birmingham has
responded' in a constructive and
commendable fashion and pledged
that substantial steps would begin
to meet the justifiable needs of the
Negro community," Kennedy said.
. Suspension
"Negro leaders have announced
suspension of their demonstra-
tions. When the newly elected
mayor, who has indicated his de-
sire to resolve these problems,
takes office, "The city of Birming-
ham will commit itself whole-
heartedly to continuing progress
in this area," he added.
Before the news conference, it
was reported that the President's
advisers were considering at least
six ways of intervening in the
Birmingham crisis if it continued.
Group Leaves
YR Federation
The Young Republican Club
withdrew from the Midwest Fed-
eration of College Young Repub-

licans last night.
According to the statement is-
sued by the YRs, the "basic na-
ture" of the federation "prevents
cohesive and worthwhile activities
from being carried out."
Douglas Brook, '65, president of
the YRs, explained that the move
was based on the "extremely ques-
tionable campaign activities" car-
ried out by the 'Young Americans






Professors Lecture on Malaysi

KIXAI l a/ K-11 i/XA/ 41/C./


The formation of the Federa-
tion of Malaysia on Aug. 31 faces
many regional and international
conflicts, Prof. L. A. Peter Gosling
of the geography department said
last night.
Speaking in a dual lecture, Prof.
Russel H. Fifield of the political
science department spoke on the
international repercussions of the
federation, while Prof. Gosling
outlined possible regional difficul-
Internationally, the new nation
is threatened by intervention by
the Philippines, Indonesia and
the Communists, Prof. Fifield said.
Dibs on Borneo

counterparts against the forma-
tion of the Federation of Malay-
Prof. Fifield said this block is
counteracted by support of the
British, Australians and New Zea-
landers for the formation of the
The United States also supports
the union. Prof. Fifield cited the
implications to the United States.
If Sukarno invades British Bor-
neo, then England would invoke
SEATO to take action. As a mem-
ber of the organization, the Unit-
ed States is only under commit-
ment to fight if there is a Com-
munist invasion; and "we will
probably act only in an advisory

portunity for the Communists to
fight with the guerrillas.
Regionally, the problems stem
from a lack of unity among vari-
ous groups, Prof. Gosling said.
Basic Problems
The basic regional problems are
the variety of its many ethnic
groups, realities of politics as re-
lated to these groups and eco-
nomic problems resulting from the
unification of Malaya, Singapore,
North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak
into one nation.
"The demographic magic of the
head of the Federation of Malaya
sold the idea of Malaysia in Ma-
laya." The incorporation of the
Chinese in Singapore would be off-

The statement cites the promi-
nent role students have played in
the reorganization process to date,
notably by sitting on the OSA
Study Committee and helping to
draw up its final report, the Reed
Report, credited for prompting
many of the newly-instituted
changes in the OSA structure,
In less formalized ways, stu-
dents expressed their opinions
about the report and the operation
of the office under the new struc-
ture. The SGC-approved statement
commends students for participa-
tign in this area where "they
have acted maturely and responsi-
To continue this precedent and
to seek to end the "deplorable"
policy of secrecy which has thus
far shielded the bylaw from the

.. ': -

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