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May 08, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-08

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-AdOL T t stir410an R lyg
Sewenty-Tbird Yewr
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, MAY 8, 1963



SGC Passes The duck
On Election Issue

venture into the land of democratic action
is both foolhardy and unperceptive. By allowing
the campus at large to decide if it wants
direct election of SGC's president and vice-
president, Council has placed an important
decision in the hands of the people least
ready and least equipped to make it.
There are two separate issues to consider
here. One is the wisdom of holding a referen-
dum on this particular issue and the other is
the wisdom of having the campus at large
elect the two top officers of SGC.
Since it adopted initiative and referendum
in February, 1962, Council has used it on two
important matters: United States National
Student Association and ex-officios. In both
cases, the final decision was at least theoreti-
cally important to the student body.
USNSA represents member student govern-
ments in this country, who in turn represent
their schools at least formally; it is the only

Worth It?

TFHE TROUBLED ISLE of Hispanola stands
at the edge of a new disaster. At any hour
Dominican Republic President Juan Bosch will
decide that he has waited long enough and
his troops will invade Haiti, removing both
the threat to its Port au Prince embassy and
Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier at the same
Duvalier undoubtedly is one of the cruelest
rulers in the world. His thirst for absolute
power is so great that die willfully and bloodily
violated one of South America's most sacred
customs-the right of safe refuge in foreign
embassies. Bosch's forces are standing ready to
punish this crime.
But is invasion worth the price of removing
Duvalier? Any clash will unleash forces that
neither Bosch nor his hemispheric sympathizers
wish to loose. The Dominican Republic only
recently emerged from 30 years of dictatorial
rule by the Trujillos and is far from stable.
Dissident groups may exploit the confusion to
hamper if not destroy the social programs of
the Bosch regime.

nation-wide organization in this nation which
makes that claim. The ex-officio question was
less important to the campus. However, since
ex-officios do represent certain pressure groups
and vested interests, their retention on Coun-
cil assures a strong representation to some
IN THE CASE of direct election of executives,
however, the reasons for not submitting the,
decision to an all-campus vote outweigh those
supporting it. Students do not and cannot be
expected to understand the intricacies of the
working relationship between Council mem-
bers and the two top executive officers. Stu-
dents do not know the personalities involved
and in no way can make the best decision; that
must be done by people who have had exper-
ience working with the candidates. Thus, by
allowing the students to chose these officers,
Council is opening itself up to a decision
which often, through ignorance,, may not be
in its or the campus' best interests.
Some Council members argue that direct
election of these two officers will result in a
stronger president and vice-president who will
have increased prestige and support on campus.
This may be true. Since they will run as a
slate, they will be forced to run on issues; they
will have to campaign exactly as other Council
members do. However, these arguments are
weak when seen in the light of a campus which
is poorly informed.
A REFERENDUMshould not be held on this
issue. It is not, as some have called it, an
important decision. Certainly it is not impor-
tant when compared to the USNSA and ex-
officio issues.'This problem is an internal one;
it effects Council and the workings of Council
and will have little effect on the campus.
Council has decided that this change in elec-
tion procedures will benefit it, its prestige and
power and the amount of support the execu-
tives will receive ,from the campus. Since it
believes that direct election is beneficial, Coun-
cil should have sent its proposal to the Regents
for ratification.
The device of referendum is also called pass-
ing the buck. The campus shoud not have to
make a decision on what is essentially, a prob-
lem of internal administration. Horeover, SGC
should not allow the campus to decide who
shall be its president--the campus does not
have to work with that president. Council may
be sorely sorry that it has allowed it con-
stituents to determine its fate.
Acting Associate Editorial Director

"Bah! You're Not Trying To Make It Grow"
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TENTIAL political implications of
sion should make Bosch think twice.
worth the means?
-P. S.

michigan YDs Show Concern
AME by car and even by thumb to should emulate USNSA's method of writing
chigan Young Democrats convention resolutions..
this past weekend, and while theseAND HERE is some trouble with passing
id not get too much done in the resolutions too. The National Student Con-
itical philosophy, they gave it a try. gress devotes endless hours of plenary time to
solutions were individually skimpy discussion of legislation. The YD convention,
mes sloppy but they covered a wide with three days of activity, devoted only one
sues and problems. If the variety of and a half hours of plenary time to resolutions.
As a result, only a half-dozen were considered
essed in the resolutions is an in- on the plenary floor, and most of these were
the caliber of the future leadership considered hurriedly since time was running out
aocratic party, then Democrats have and officers had yet to be elected.
fear except Republicans and them- Thus the plenary referred the other twenty
to the newly established Permanent Resolu-
in trouble with the resolutions is tions Committee-including several significant
were too short. There werewritten items. It will be another year before another
is" and "Be it resolved" style and convention congress meet again.
n more than four sentences long. In the meanwhile the YDs should end the
ion's job has many sides: it should practice of unit voting, at least on resolutions
ormation, articulate a philosophy, if not on candidates as well. Gross inequities
position, and present a mode of result: the University's delegation voted four
solutions of the United States Na- to two to oppose a minority report on birth
lent Association accomplish this by control and so all 18 University votes were cast
an item into four sections-fact, against.
declaration and mandate-and by Another inequity is this: six people determine
ch section a paragraph or a short the six votes of one delegation while only
one person makes it from another delegation;
er the resolution, the more educa- yet that one person may cast as many votes as
an be. Not only does the reader- the six delegates of the former group. The
torney General Robert Kennedy, a Resolutions Committee pledged itself to "one-
resolution-senders-catch the posi-man, one-vote" representation for the state,
greolputoseneirat hecs and this is indeed the democratic ideal, but
group, but more important, he can the place to begin is the YD convention. Ab-
y position is its foundation. And senteeism should be penalized 'and each dele-
ou ayaondt itfoundinony two gate should have an equal vote-and how hisj
Yet that is what the YD resolutions vote is cast should be decided by himself, not
ecessfully to do. The Young Dems by the rest of his club. In addition. at least
four hours of plenary time should be devoted
to resolutions.
BUT WHILE there is room for improvement
and need for correction, there is also reason
Editorial Staff for praise. For how many other groups would
M CHAEL MICHAEL HARRAH concern themselves not only with state repre-
Director City Editor sentation, but also with birth control, the
ER .. .........APsonae City Edctor nation's water crisis, the payment of United
ELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director Nations debts, the Union of South Africa's
Flu ........,dO--Magazine Editor
,LSTADT.......... Co-Magazine Editor abuse of South West Africa, planned amend-

Field House Well-Suited
For Hockey Arena

"THE MIGRANT follows the sun
and the crops, an indigent in
an affluent society."
Epitaph for an unknown mi-
grant? Possibly. More likely a dis-
cription for all migrants; a pin-
pointing of the basic plight of the
American migrant today.
The problems of the migrant
worker is one of the major social
evils with which the society must
deal. A problem long neglected,
migratory labor is finally getting
consideration by local, state and
federal officials. Yet much of the
aid is too late; more is admirable
in intent but unworkable; none
has helped the American citizen
who works in substandard condi-
tions and earns substandard
The average migrant worker and
his family of five or six today is
a "Texas-American." Once he be-
gins working inthe fields, trekking
across the country following the
crops, he rarely leaves. He is a
migrant all of his life--beginning
at age five or six and ending when
he dies, never settling in one spot
The Southern Negro migrant-
a large minority of workers fall
into this category-begins work-
ing just as early but. more fre-
quently he leaves the fields to take
unskilled labor jobs in the urban,
Northern areas or on Southern
* *, *
THE MIGRANTS travel in six
major streams across America-
1) Negro migrants begin in Flor-
ida and move along the Atlantic
seaboard through Georgia, the
Carolinas and Virginia into Mary-
land, Delware, New Jersey, New
York and Pennsylvania, working in
a wide variety of harvesting and
food processing operations.
2) Mexican-American migrants
start in Texas and go into the
north central and mountain states,
working mainly in the sugar-beet
harvest and also picking vege-
tables and fruit.
3) Migrants, mostly of Mexican
descent, start in Texas and go
north to Montana and North Da-
kota, working in the wheat and
small-grain harvests.
4) Migrants, most of whom are
Mexican-American and Negroes,
start in Texas and then divide
into two groups, one moving to
the Mississippi delta and the other
moving westward to New Mexico,
Arizona and Southern California,
working in cotton.
5) Migrants, usually white of
early American stock, start in
Oklahoma, Arkansas and western
Tennessee move north and west,
working in fruit and tomatoes.
6) Migrants of all backgrounds
work up and down the Pacific
Coast harvesting and processing
various fruits and vegetables.
EACH STREAM presents its
own, individual problems. But the
migrants in general suffer from
conditions engendered by their
migrairvO AntaM_

educate either themselves or their
children. The\migratory nature of
employment leaves the children
no time for a complete semester
of work in those areas where they
are able to go to school.
With Spanish speaking migrants
the problem is compounded since
northern schools rarely have fa-
cilities necessary to deal with
children who speak English as a
second language.
Much the same problem "holds
with social welfare legislation and
general health aid. The federal
Social Security Act, for instance, is
of little value to the migrants since
almost all states have residency
requirements which the migrant
cannot meet. Other public assist-
ance of the emergency relief type
is left to the discretion of the
local officials. Usually if residency
is not required by law, localities
are not eager to share their wealth
with the transients.
. *
health needs are not met in most
of the labor camps where migrants
work. Many landowners feel that
one or two shacks and toilets are
sufficient for migratory worker
groups which number about 50.
The living conditions in the
camps and on the road leave much
to be desired. These result in a
high death rate among migrant
children and a short life span for
the average worker.
The migrant faces the problem
of getting and keeping work also.
Usually he is recruited by a crew
leader who receives a commission
from the growers for bringing so
many workers to the farm. All too
often, the uneducated migrant is
exploited by the crew leader-so
recently a migrant himself.
Once in the camps many mi-
grants find that they receive no
wages. This is due to innumerable
deductions for food and lodging
by the grower and commission by
the crew leader. In one instance
a migrant who made $16.20 pick-
ing beans in Illinois went home
with $1.80 because $14.40 was de-
ducted for food, lodging and drink.

MIGRANTS are not covered by
the federal minimum wage or by
various workmen compensation
acts. Only in three states are the
laws broad enough to include the
migrant worker under those which
recognize the rights of employees
to organize and bargain collective-
ly-Kansas, Puerto Rico and Wis-
While some states have enacted
agricultural minimum wage laws,
twenty still have no statute on the
books. Michigan is one of these.
This means that the migrant child
is legally able to work and while
he does supplement the small wage
of he migrant family he is cheated
out of an education in the process.
Many solutions to the migrant
problem have been proposed. Fed-
eral action has been suggested un-
der President John F. Kennedy's
National Service Corps legislation.
In California and Michigan, grow-
ers seem willing to work with
authorities to improve the mi-
grant situation. Some states have
taken the lead in improving laws
to ensure the well being of the mi-
grant. Notable among these states
is New Jersey, where migrants are
used to pick tomatoes and pota-
**S , , ,
BUT THE END is not in sight
yet. The migrants themselves are
very wary of help from the out-
side; they are a family culture
which bands together in almost
every situation. In addition, the
migrant is often ignorant of the
legislation passed in his behalf
and does not complain against
some illegal practices instituted by
either growers or crew leaders.
Work to help the migrants must
be done slowly so that the mi-
grant can be educated to realize
what is being done for him. Work
now being done by vanguard
groups-such as the building of
day-care centers and adequate
labor camps and the running of
summer schools (one of which is
in Bay County-will probably set
the stage for further endeavors.
But all of these are only a be-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is th
third of a series of nine articles
analyzing the most pressing prob-
lems of the University's athletic
Acting Contributing Sports Editor
still a tower of strength. Its
mighty structure remains capable
of housing some facet of the
University's athletic program. But
the problem is finding the sport
for which its facilities are suitable
or adaptable.
Basketball and track must be
ruled out as possibilities. As bas-
ketball housing, the field house is
too small. Including the specta-
tors who wind up in the poor seats
behind the posts and behind the
huge canvas which keeps the sun's
glare from bothering the players,
and also standees, a "crowd" num-
hers around 9000. Other Big Ten
schools seat 12,500 for the big
games. Another significant fault
is the "when it rains, it leaks"
As for track, Coach Don Can-
ham flatly states it is "impossible"
to do anything to fix it up. "The
field house has one of the longest
and narrowest indoor tracks in
the nation, he complained,
Other uses are wrestling and
baseball practice in the early win-
ter and on rainy days. But it
would scarcely pay to maintain
the whole structure just for these
As an additional building forthe
intramural department, Yost Field
House doesn't hold much promise
either. Presently I-M track meets
are held there, but Earl Riskey
intramural director does not fore-
see any real good that the building
coul do for this phase of athletics.
** *
SO HOW ABOUT converting
the field house into an arena for
hockey? Coach Al Renfrew can
rattle off enough advantages that
Yost Field House might have over
the Coliseum to merit considera-
To begin with, the Coliseum's
capacity is 3500. Unfortunately a
good number of these are stuck
back in the corners along the
sides, not only well out of the way
of pucks that may come flying
over the boards, but also far away
from the action.' More than a
handful of other spectators must
peer out from behind posts to fol-
low the game! as the action races
from one end of the rink to the
other. It is not unlike watching a
ping-pong game sitting up close
to the net.
If the field house were switched
over to hockey, more than 3000
people could be accommodated in
the balcony sections alone. The ice
would run to within 40 feet of the
end walls. Even a spectator in the
corner would not be too far from
the game-and he wouldn't have
to squint around any posts, either.
Some of the seats in the back rows
would not be any good-just as in
the present basketball set-up-but
these could be left vacant.
By adding just four rows of
bleachers the length of the ice
underneath the balcony, another
1000 could be seated. Bleachers at
the ends of the rink could be pro-
vided for some 3000 more. So a
capacity crowd would number close
to 7000, twice. the number per-
mitted by the present facilities.
Such a number may sound astro-
nomical, but it has a pleasant
ring for Renfrew. With the com-
ing Big Ten hockey league and the
inevitable rivalries, Yost Field
House might be packed several
times a year-but not right away.
* * *
BAD LIGHTING in the Coli-
seum could be remedied. Coach
Murray Armstrong of Denver has
nothing good to say about the
present lighting, and when Min-
nesota played here this past sea-.
son the goalie requested changing
ends midway through the third
period-which is allowed in the
rules-because he complained that

he couldn't follow the puck in the
light at one end.
The locker room facilities of
the field house would be a tre-
mendous improvement over the
tiny Coliseum cubicle.
The major factor determining
any possible shift in the hockey
program would likely be money.
The cost would be near the $200,-
000 mark. This would purchase a
brand new portable ice plant.
In 1959 Michigan State put in
a portable ice set-up for $300,000.
But MSU had to put up an extra
building to house the ice-making
machinery. In addition MSU
hockey coach Amo Bessone says
that ice plants have become eas-
ier and less expensive to install
in recent years.
Renfrew, who is familiar with
Michigan Tech's ice rink installed
about five years ago, says it cost
them "$125-$150,000, which in-
cludes the ice, boards, and ma-
chinery, but I think it might cost
us a little more. It will be more
economical to put in everything
new than to try and move what
we have. The big reason for this
is that we are getting along with
the same pipes that were put in
bac'k in the '30's. Who knows

most two inches. If we got a new
ice plant, we would probably be
able to stay near one inch."
Maintenance of the ice in Yost
Field House would be less, costly
than in the Coliseum, which has
a tin roof. The best temperature
for the ice is about 40 degrees,
which Renfrew claims will be eas-
ier to maintain than at present.
Cold weather and thin ice, alone
or together, tend to cause cracks
in the ice. Both dangers could be
avoided if a move weremade.
Yost Field House thus appears
to be suitable for hockey, and ben.
eficial to the sport too. However,
any such move is less urgent than
a face lifting for basketball
and track.
Of Beautyr,-
THE BIGGEST question that
can be asked about yearbooks
in general is, "Why," or more
precisely, "What is their func-
tion?" It is well known that sen-
iors, in a last weak flush of nos-
talgia, will buy almost anything
to reminesce with, and that a
freshman, in a fit of wanton hu-
bris, will buy anything.
These facts serve at least to re-
duce the critical audience of the
'Ensian to sophomores, juniors and
graduate students of one variety
or another (professional schools
have their own yearbooks). It is
a fairly safe bet that for these
people the 'Ensian must offer
something more than truth and
beauty in order to command five
dollars. In past years, this' was
done by investing the book with a
utilitarian function: through house
group and organization pictures,
nearly everyone appeared in the
so, naturally, has the 'Ensian.
This year's' book has dispensed
with the group shots and index,
passing the two dollar savings
along to you and me. The other
changes lie within the dubious
realm of yearbook aesthetics. The
layout has been cleaned up (ots
of white space), there are many
pretty color shots (whose colors
are vivid and excitingly In regis-
tration), the sections flow into
each other, the pictures are looser
and more fun to look at, and even
the mysteriously inescapable year-
book tone of purple inspiration has
been toned down somewhat.
Now let's return to the original
question. Why? If, let's assume,
Generation is the campus' literary
and art publication, and Gargoyle
the humor magazine, should En-
sian's, primary goals be in these
directions? (The thirteen color
pages, for instance, accounted for
nearly half the total printing
cost). Or should the yearbook be
a purely emotional affair, a thing
of beauty where it can, of course,
be first a joy forever?
* * .
WHAT THIS all comes to is
that, granting the 'Ensian its
chosen goals, it has done very
well indeed for itself (especial
congratulations to Miss Linda Joel
who refrained from the traditional
Editor's Postscript), but it is the
very goals themselves which de-
serve closer scrutiny.
-Dick Pollinger
to the
To the Editor:

IN SPITE of the abundant dis-
cussion and argument over the
question of birth control and pop-
ulation explosion, there is one
very obvious method of birth con-
trol which is rarely considered,
much less seriously discussed. It is
a foolproof system and can give
guarantees which no other method
of "family planning," either. ar-
tificial or "natural," can offer. It
is called abstiience.
Even the Catholic Church would
not insist on bringing a child into
the world if the mother's health
would be endangered, if economic
conditions of a particular family
or world overpopulation. would
make it inadvisable. The Catholic
Church does insist, however, on
following its conception of the
moral law and avoiding that
which contradicts it. If others do
not share the same view of the
moral law they are free to act
his editorial of May 5 that ulti-
mately the Catholic Church and
others who share a similar view-
point will be forced to come
around to the dictates of reality,
while he disregards the right or
wrong of this "reality." '(I feel




"Some Day We'll Have To Get'

This Thing


Editorial D
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