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May 08, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-08

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Y. MAY 8.1962


Riot-Trained State Police
Enter Birmingham Crisis

Patrolm en
Kennedy Voices Hope
For Quick Solution
BIRMINGHlAM P)-Riot-tran-
ed state police poured into this
racially torn steel city yesterday
after thousands of Negroes charg-
ed in two massive waves on the
downtown area.
Gov. George C. Wallace ordered
250 highway patrolmen, led by
Public safety Director Al Lingo, to
supplement law enforcement au-
thorities in Birmingham.
Eight persons were injured in
various melees.
President John F. Kennedy voic-
ed hope in Washington last night
that the people of Birmingham
could solve the racial problems.
White House Press Secretary An-
drew Hatcher said Kennedy was
awaiting word on the outcome of a
meeting between Justice Depart-
ment officials and Negro and white
leaders in Birmingham.
1ire hoses played high velocity
streams of water on milling crowds
at half a den downtown inter-
sections before order was restored.
Meanwhile, 75 police officers
were required to quiet 1000 Negroes
in a park near desegregation held-
The first mass invasion of the
downtown area followed unsuc-
cessful attempts by Negro children
to be alerted. Nearly 1000 young
Negroes were arrested Monday,
bringing to more than 2400 the
number of demonstrators jailed
since the Rev. Martin Luther King
initiated the desegregation cam-
paign April 3.
The current campaign is by far
the largest-both in the number of
participants and those arrested-
in the Southern civil rights strug-
Yesterday's demonstrations be-
gan shortly before noon when an
estimated 500 school children
marched out of the 16th Street
Baptist Church, waving anti-seg-
regation banners.
Instead of arresting them as
was the pattern Monday, police
grabbed the signs and dispersed
the children.
Traffic jammed and the heart
of Birmingham turned into a
teeming, confused mass of spec-
tators and demonstrators. The Ne-
groes would form up quickly and
officers would turn them in anoth-
er direction.
Cavanagh Calls
For State Tax
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Michigan must
enact a state income taxe to pre-
pare for its own fiscal future and
meet its responsibilities to local
governments, Mayor Jerome Cav-
anagh said yesterday.
He will ask for a meeting within
two weeks with two six-county
area officials to develop a metro-
politan united front.
It will be the first step in tun-
ing up a big sity-and-suburban
voice for the fiscal segment of the
1963 legislative session this fall. -
Cavanagh said the result of the
metropolitan area conferences will
be turned over to Gov. George
Romney for presentation to the

Showdown Looms in Alabama

" I

MONTGOMERY - There are
growing indications that the
showdown on integration in pub-
lic education may come in June in
Alabama, the last state which has
total segregation in its schools.
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
on his recent visit to Alabama
made several statements both pub-
lically and privately which indi-

cated he is prepared for and even
expecting action in the summer at
the University of Alabama at Tus-
Previously it had been felt the
showdown would come in Septem-
Kennedy evidently feels there is
a good chance that Jimmy A.
Hood, one of three Negro students

Sylvester Views Victory
As Hopeful in, Viet Nam
WASHINGTON (A)-"The corner definitely has been turned" to-
wards victory in South Viet Nam and defense officials are hopeful the
12,000-man United States force there can be reduced in one to three
years, a Pentagon spokesman said yesterday.
Asst. Secretary of Defense Arthur Sylvester gave this appraisal a
few hours after returning with Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara from a high level conference in Honolulu with United States

World News
By The Associated Press
star 2 satellite soared into orbit
yesterday in another step toward
United States development of a
worldwide space communications
* * *
NEW DELHI-India has reject-
ed two possible ways out of its
deadlock with Pakistan over Kash-
mir state, Prime Minister Jawah-
arlal Nehru told the Indian Parlia-
ment yesterday. He said talks so
far have yielded no useful results.
* * *
LONDON,-Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan yesterday announc-
ed plan's to tighten Britain's se-
curity system and prevent anoth-
er Briton from feeding Western
atomic scerets to the Russians.
* * * .
of Catholic children in public
schools started as a protest against
legal barriers to use of public
school buses by parochial schools,
continued in Kansas City and St.
Louis suburban areas yesterday,
but stopped elsewhere in Missouri.
Clarence J. Blume of Jefferson
City, chairman of the Cole County
Catholic P a r e n ts Committee,
which started the movement, said
it had achieved its purpose in
bringing "to the attention of all
fair-minded citizens of Missouri
the injustice."
Silk Brocade Robes
* Mandarin Jackets
SImported Jewelry f
and Jewelry Boxes
Cultured Pearls
Brass Ware
Tea and Coffee Pots
at the
330 Maynard (
(across from the Arcade)

military and civilian officials sta-
tioned in Communist-beleaguered
South Viet Nam.
Sylvester said there was no dis-
cussion of increasing the United
States Army, Navy, Air Force and
Marine group helping the South
Vietnamese and "no exact discus-
sion of decreases."
But, Sylvester said, "I would
look forward to some decreases- as
the insurgency problem is control-
led," and the Vietnamese take over
the full job themselves.
He cautioned against any hopes1
for an early cut back in United
States forces in Vietnam.
Sylvester said McNamara felt
"good solid progress has been
made" as opposed to the situation
a year ago.
He listed a number of positive,
factors which he said pointed up
the improvement in th3e battle to
suppress Communist guerrillas.
Among other things, Sylvester
said there has been an appreciable,
increase in the number of Commu-
nist Viet Cong killed or captured.
"Accompanying this," he said,
"is a fall off of defections to the
Communists and an increase in
the number of Viet Cong coming
over to the anti-Communist side."
Sylvester said what had been an
alarming loss of weapons to the
Communists has been stemmed
and the pro-Western forces are
capturing an increasing number of
arms from the guerrillas.
Meanwhile; Vietnamese rangers
captured three Communist arms
factories in the jungle, he added.

seeking admission to the state uni-
versity, will be successful in se-
curing a federal court order in
time to enroll for the summer ses-
sion which begins June 10.
A hearing on Hood's petition
opened yesterday before United
States District Judge Hobart H.
Grooms in Birmingham.
At the hearing, it will not be
necessary to prove that the uni-
versity discriminates against Ne-
groes. Grooms held that it did
when he issued an injunction in
1955 in the celebrated Autherine
Lucy case. Although Miss Lucy was
expelled after three days-for ac-
cusing university officials of con-
spiring with rioters-the injunc-
tion nevertheless stands and it or-
ders the university to admit all
qualified Negroes.
Thus, Hood needs only to prove
that his application is in order and
that his grades are sufficient. He
is presently a student at Clark
College in Atlanta.
Hood is said to have rejected
counsel that it would be better
to wait until September, when he
could share the strain of the an-
ticipated ordeal with two compan-
In one respect, a June show-
down would fit more neatly into
the plans of Gov. George C. Wal-
lace, who has promised to resist
integration even to the point of
going to jail.
A proliferation of suitshas de-
manded integration in the fall at
Tuscaloosa, Mobile, Huntsville,
Tuskegee, and Birmingham. All
would be enrolling students at
about the same time. But if it
comes in June, all the action would
be confined to one place.
At their recent meeting, the At-
torney General and the Governor
spelled out their stands on deseg-
regation. Kennedy apparently told
the Governor he hopes integration
can be accomplished peacefully,
but that the government is pre-
pared to use whatever force is
necessary, even troops, to carry
out court orders.
(c) 1963, Christian Science Monitor

To Consider,
Joint Atom
Arms Policy,
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy and Canadian Prime
IMinister Lester Pearson are going
to put in an afternoon and a°
morning of informal discussions
this weekend on Cape Cod.
The Prime Minister is expected
to make a firm commitment on
nuclear policy to the President.
Pearson is reported to be ready
to tell Kennedy that Canada will
accept nuclear arms for her air
division in Europe and her air
components of the North Ameri-
can Defense Command on this
This was learned yesterday after
the prime minister returned from
his talks in London with Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan. The
talks were largely devoted to trade
and to the attitude of the two
countries toward the proposals for
an allied nuclear force.
One such plan envisions mixed
crews for Polaris-missile launch-
ers. The other provides for an in-
ternational force with contribu-
tions by the individual members
under the command of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The issue is at the top of the
agenda for a meeting of the trea-
ty organization here May 22, but
it is unlikely that any final deci-
sion will be made at the three-day
meeting. In any case, government
sources indicate, whatever the
meeting decides, it can have no
bearing on Canada's commitment
to a nuclear role in the defense
of Western Europe and North
A high government official said
yesterday Canada was ready to
sign agreements with the United
States that would eliminate the
last barrier to Canada's acceptance
of nuclear arms. These would put
nuclear ammunition in the hands
of Canadian forces under United
States custody for release to Cana-
da in the event of a war, leaving it
to Canada to use the ammunition
or not.
This agreement, which the for-
mer Conservative government re-
fused to carry out, would be fol-
lowed by a definition of the kind
and number of custodial person-
hel, the nature of the weapons
supplied and training for Cana-
dian forces. It was estimated that
weapons could be obtained, the
training completed, and the forces?
be in operation in six to nine

possible defections of some Demo-
crats, hinted the bill may be put
aside while efforts are made to
strengthen administration forces.
The battle lines were drawn in
the report on the legislation pub-
lished yesterday by the House
Ways and Means Committee.
The Democratic majority quoted
Treasury figures estimating the
debt will reach $305.2 billion on
May 29. The same figures showed
that by the last week of June,
when under present law the ceil-
ing would drop to $300 billion, the
debt would reach $5.3 billion above
this figure. And the law now pro-
vides for a further drop to $285
billion July 1.
The Democrats said the raise
they recommend is less than the
Treasury asked for.
However, a separate report by
all 10 Republican members of the
committee said "a debt ceiling of
$305 billion is adequate (although)
not comfortable for the Treasury,
unless closer controls are main-
tained on spending."
Raising the debt ceiling has be-
come a periodic congressional ex-
ercise in recent years as almost
uninterrupted deficits have sent
the national debt higher and high-
Every time, fiscal conservatives
of both parties have denounced
spending policies, but in the end
a majority of Congress has always
gone along with the Treasury plea
that it must be allowed to borrow
so as to pay the bills already in-

Sharp Urges
Low Tariffs
By The Associated Press
TORONTO -- Mitchell Sharp,
minister of trade and commerce
in the cabinet, said yesterday that
the new Liberal government of
Prime Minister Lester Pearson will
seek to negotiate lgwer tariffs with
other countries to promote the
economic development of Canada.
"It is our purpose to work with
Britain, the United States, Europe,
and other free countries towards
the progressive reduction of trade
barriers and to cooperate in meas-
ures to expand trade on a non-
discriminatory basis," he said in a
speech at the National Industrial
Production show.
"Protectionism is no answer to
our problems. We shall be seeking
an improved pattern of export
opportunity and competition such
as would provide stimulus to Ca-
nadian growth and employment on
a sustainable and competitive bas-
"Our attitude will be expan-
sionist, not restrictive," he said.
"We shall be tough, but not re-
luctant bargainers. We shall strive
to make sure that the benefits we
receive are at least commensurate
with the concessions we grant.
"But we shall gain nothing if
we refuse to play our part in the
negotiations," Sharp said.

Republicans To Struggle
To Limit Debt Ceiling
WASHINGTON (P)-Republicans announced yesterday that in the
name of "responsible fiscal policy" they will fight to hold the national
debt ceiling at its present level of $305 billion.
They took this stand in the face of Treasury estimates that the
public debt will pierce the legal ceiling in three weeks unless Congress
acts to raise it.
A bill to raise the limit temporarily to $307 billion through June
30 and $309 billion through Aug. 31 has been set for House action to-
morrow. Democratic leaders, visibly worried by indications of near-
solid Republican opposition and

I, 'U

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