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May 07, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-07

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


JJC Completes Constitution

Joint Judiciary Council last
made final changes in its proposed
constitution, adding and specify-
ing rights of students brought
I , before the council.
The constitution, complete with
procedural bylaws and an appen-
dix, now goes to the Regents for
approval at their May 17 meeting.
The changes were made in re-
sponse to student criticisms of-
fered at last week's public discus-

\ r

. . farm to campground

Rec rS'eat ional
l Aeas Askied
America must turn to her. pri-
vately-owned land to meet the ex-
plosive demard for outdoor ree-
reation areas, Secretary of Agri-
culture <Orville Freeman asserted
In the opening speech of the
National Conference on Outdoor
Recreation Research, Freeman
warned that the, combination of
local, state and national public-
ly'owned areas is not sufficient.
Also, most public areas are too
far from population centers, he
Conversion of Land
He characterized the proposal.
as converting land from a sur-
plus function-farming-to one in
which there is a shortage-outdoor
Freeman reported that farmers
have shown enthusiasm for the
Freeman predicted at least a
threefold increase by 1975 in the
demand for the nation's already-
overcrowded recreation areas.
Cites Provisions
He cited four provisions of the
1962 Food and Agriculture Act
which can expedite this transition.
The act empowers the Agricul-
ture Department to make loans to
farmers and rural associations to
finance the development of rec-
reation facilities on farms. Pilot
loans have already been made, and
farmers have created farmland
campsites and cabins, hunting
areas, golf courses, wildlife sanc-
tuaries, grazing lands and for-
Second, financial and technical
assistance-splitting the costs 50-
50-is available to local sponsors
of watershed projects which in-
clude recreational facilities.
Loans and Cost-Sharing
Third, a plan linking resource
conservation and recreation au-
thorizes the department to extend
loans or cost-sharing help to ur-
ban and farm groups working to-
gether to set aside and develop
land for recreation.
Fourth, the act provides for rur-
al renewal projects. The nation's
most deeply-entrenched poverty is
In rural areas, Freeman noted. He
suggested that recreation pro-
grams in these areas could provide
jobs as well as 'recreational facili-
The recreation conference con-
tinues through tomorrow. The only
open event remaining is Secretary
of the Interior Stewart L. Udall's
speech on the federal outdoor rec-
reation program at 6:30 p.m. to-
night in the Michigan League Ball-
room. Tickets for the banquet are
available at the League. .
To Discourage
Arab Invasion
Pd Stater dPtPina,nn to r44

sion of the constitution. These
criticisms had centered around
the lack of due process rights.
Answering these criticisms, the
council added a procedural bylaw
which provides that the council
will accept the testimony of all
appearing students "in good faith."
This addition was made in re-
sponse to the particular criticism
"that a student should be con-
sidered innocent until proven
guilty and should know that this
is the way in which his case will
be treated."
In other revisions, the council
changed constitutional provisions
which affect the appearing stu-
dent's rights to have an open
hearing, to call witnesses and to
ask for the reconstitution of the
council as an all male or all fe-
male body.
Hearing Option
The open hearing provisions
were changed to give each student
a specific option of whether he
wants an open or closed hearing.
The original proposed constitu-
tion had given the student the
right to an open hearing only upon
specific request. The old Joint
Judiciary constitution had no
provisions for open hearings.
The new witness procedure for-
malized last night will give the
student the right "to have wit-
nesses if he feels they will present
pertinent information to his hear-
ing." He is only required to notify
the council of the number and
nature of his witnesses before the
Reconstitution of Body
The council also changed the
constitution to make it clear that
they will reconstitute themselves
as an all male or all female body
"at and only at the student's re-
quest." This provision is included
for cases which might prove em-
Gets .Prize
NEW YORK (P) - William
Faulkner's I a s t w o r k, "The
Reivers," a lighthearted novel of
his native south, yesterday won
him posthumously the 1963 Pul-
itzer Prize for fiction.
There wa no award this year
for drama.
Faulkner, who died of a heart
attack last July 6 at the age of
64, previously had won a Pulitzer
Prize in 1955.
Top prize in the newspaper
category, the meritorious public
service award of a gold medal,
went to the Chicago Daily News,
for its series presenting all points
of view on the controversial sub-
ject of birth control services in
the public health programs of its
circulation area.
Favored in advance for the
drama ward had been Edward Al-
bee's Broadway hit, "W h o's
Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", a
caustic drama of faculty, sex and
politics at a small New England
Other awards in the field of
letters were:
General non-fiction - Barbara
W. Tuchman for "The Guns of
August," a best-selling account of
the first 30 days of fighting in
World War I.
Poetry - William Carlos Wil-
liams for "Pictures from Breu-
Music-Samuel Barber for his
"Piano Concerto No. 1," which had
its world premier by the Boston
Symphony.,Sept. 24 during the
opening week of the new Phil-
harmonic Hall at New York's
Lincoln Center. '

barrassing to resolve as a mixed
Turning to structural matters,
the council reorganized the con-
stitution so that the preamble
will include its specific authority.
As specifically drawn by Regent
bylaw 8.03 the council is empow-
ered to investigate and determine
"if an infraction of proper Uni-
versity rules and regulations has
been committed by any student,
group of' students or other stu-
dent organization."
Open Hearing
Joint Judiciary Council Chair-
man Lawrence Schwartz, 63, an-
nounced after the meeting last
night that the first open hearing
will be conducted Thursday night.
This hearing will be part of "a
demonstration of the constitu-
tion's new features" although the
document itself has not officially
been adopted, he said.
Wilson Cites
New Tfrends
College students today are, in
general, "more serious minded"
and attain higher marks than did
the students of a generation ago,
Logan Wilson, president of the
American Council of Education
said recently in New York.
Speaking about "The American
College Student Today," Wilson
told how current pressures impell
the college student to meet "heav-
ier intellectual demands."
With fewer distractions from
the campus and fraternity houses
-because more students in large
urban colleges live at home than
formally-the student is more on
his own and left to operate under
less "paternalistic" conditions,
Wilson said.
"Just as he can no longer get
into a selective institution solely
because he comes from a prom-
inent family, who can afford to
pay his bills, so does he find pres-
sures converging from many points
which drive him to better and
more difficult accomplishment.
"The 'gentleman's C' average,
which was good enough in other
eras, will not get him into a
medical school or open any doors
with leading law firms or large
business corporations. Pressures
are on him to do his best in
courses which will help in his
later career.
"High grades have become much
more important and the top-
ranking student has ceased to be
derided as a 'greasy grind'," Wil-
son said.
Practical Reasons
A possible drawback in all this
may be that practical reasons for
getting college education become
overriding, he warned.
The incentive to succeed voca-
tionally should not overshadow the
need for learning for learning's
sake and the imporvement of per-
sonal qualities, he added.
Wilson then went on to discuss
the charges that today's students
evince frustration and futility.
He attributes these attitudes at
least in part to world conditions
and the challenging of traditional
moral and religious values.
Sign of Improvement
"There are hopeful signs of im-
provement, however, and I believe
that the present generation of
college and university students will
be a main factor in bringing about
a better world. I believe that many
of them will go forth from our
institutions with less provincial
standards and with more capacity
for lifelong learning," he said.
Soon a college education will
stand about where a high school
education stood a generation ago
as evidence of "sufficient educa-
tion for the average," Wilson said.

DIT Dean
Leaves Job
After Row
The faculty turnover at the De-
troit Institute of Technology con-
tinued yesterday when DIT Pres-
ident Dewey F. Barich, accepted
the resignation of Peter J. Tura-
no, dean of the school.
Previously, the school had fired
five teachers. These protested that
their dismissal was due to their
part in establishing an American
Federation of Teacher's local at
The dispute was thrown out of
court by Circuit Judge Neal Fitz-
gerald last week. However, the un-
ion has announced further action
including an appeal to the state
Supreme Court and a possible
teachers' strike in September.
No official reason was given for
Turano's resignation other than
the comment of President Barich
that Turano had mentioned pre-
viously he wanted to get a job
that would include travel.
The resignation was received
"several days ago" according to
President Barich. It was not sup-
posed to be released until June 1
but was announced Friday when
word had leaked throughout the
Dean Turano was directly in-
volved in the "program of im-
provement" launched by President
Barich since DIT recently won ac-
creditation from the North Central'
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools.
Grant To Aid
Five Studies
The University's Center for Re-
search on Conflict Resolution will
carry out five related projects on
the problems of war and peace
with the $245,000 research grant
which it recently received from
the Carnegie Corporation of New
A study which will attempt to
correlate the presence or absence
of war with conditions and events
from 1815-1845 will be made by
J. David Singer of the Mental
Health Research Institute.This
project points up the Center's in-
terest in the theory of conflict
and resolution.
Prof. Harold Jacobson of the
political science department will
study the role of the United Na-
tions in aiding the former colonial
nations to solve their problems.
Cold War Studies
Two projects dealing with the
Cold War are also planned. Simi-
larities and differences in the
"public sector" of the economies
of Communist and Western coun-
tries will be exployer by Prof.
Frederic L. Pryor of the economics
Prof. William A. Gamson of the
sociology department will make a
study concerning the measurement
of international tension and
"progress toward peace."
Various measures of these two
variables offer serious problems
the solution of which is a central
task of the proposed research.
The fifth project supported by
the Carnegie grant will be the de-
velopment and validation of meas-
uring techniques which can be
used in the investigation of the at-
titudes that people of one country
hold toward other countries.
Detroit Facilities
The study will be made by Prof.
Robert A. Hefner, Jr., of the psy-
chology department who will use
the facilities of the University's
Detroit Area Study in 1963-64.
Since its founding in 1959, the

Center has carried out a number
of studies including the economics
of disarmament and the values
and foreign policy positions of So-
viet and American elites.

To Cross IL



Adopt Plan
To Give A id
To Colleges
education subcommittee ignored
Kennedy Administration wishes
yesterday and approved a separate
$1,195,000,000 program to help
build college classrooms, labora-
tories and libraries.
This was the first concrete step
taken by the education subcom-
mittee this year to break up the
omnibus education bill submitted
to Congress by President John F.
Kennedy. The administration ask-
ed for college aid as part of its
over-all program, not as a separate
Many members of Congress,
however, contend that a separate
college aid bill has the best chance
of any education measure. to win
Congressional approval this year.
Bipartisan Support
The college aid program has
strong bipartisan support and a
subcommittee spokesman said it
was approved unanimously. A sim-
ilar measure passed the House
last year but died in a Senate-
House conference committee.
No funds could be used under
the program approved by the sub-
committee yesterday for any sec-
tarian instruction or religious
Schools Eligible
Two-year junior colleges, tech-
nical institutes, four-year colleges
and graduate schools and coopera-
tive graduate centers would be
eligible for aid.
Under the grant program, the
federal government would pay one-
third the cost of construction of
college facilities with the school or
other local interests financing the
remaining two-thirds.
Some $50 million yearly for three
years would be earmarked for
junior colleges and technical in-
stitutes while $145 million over
the three years would be reserved
for graduate schools.
Council Agrees
To Formation
Of Bus Firn
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night agreed to the formation of
the Public Bus Company which
will replace the city bus system.
Bus operations ceased in the
city yesterday and will resume
running tomorrow under new man-
ager Leonard B. Jones, a former
city bus driver.
Fares will return to their orig-
inal rate and drivers will return
to work at their original salary
and hours. Under the former sys-
tem, fares were increased to 30
cents and drivers were working
under a 30-day agreement for in-
creased wages and shorter hours.
The city must make a $250
mortgage payment a month to for-
mer manager Arvin Marshall for
the buses. If at any time during
the 18-month contract with the
city the company should fail to
make a profit, Marshall could re-
gain control of the company.


... Philadelphia orchestra

May Festival To Feature
Philadelphia Orchestra
Ann Arbor's May Festival will begin its 70th season Thursday
night when Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra present
the first of six concerts in the festival series.
The orchestra, returning to Ann Arbor for the 27th consecutive
year, will be conducted by Ormandy, William Smith, and Thor'Johnson.
Featured soloists will be organist E. Power Biggs; pianists Grant
Johanneson, Rudolf Serkin and Peter Serkin; violinist Isaac Stern;
clarinetist Anthony Gigliotti; bas-
soonist Bernard Garfield and vo-
calists Adele Addison, John Mc- V eto
Collum and Donald Bell.

Poulenc Concerto
Thursday night's program, be-
ginning at 8:30 p.m., will feature
Biggs at the organ playing a Pou-
lenc concerto and Saint-Saens'
Symphony No. 3 ("Organ"). The
orchestra will accompany Biggs
and play music by Berg and Han-
Prof. Ross Lee Finney of the
music school will unveil his "Still
Are New Worlds" at 8:30 p.m.
Friday night. The University
Choral Union will assist in the
unveiling in addition to singing
Verdi's "Te Deum," while Johan-
nesen will be the featured soloist
in works for piano and orchestra
by Wallingford Riegger and Schu-
Woodwinds will take over the
spotlight at 2:30 p.m. Saturday
afternoon as clarinetist Gigliotti
and bassoonist Garfield combine in
a duet by Richard Strauss. The
orchestra, with Smith conducting,
will play Brahms' "Variations on a
Theme" by Haydn and Berlioz'
"Symphonie Fantastique."
Violin Concertos
Stern will play violin concertos
by Prokofiev and Mendelssohn at
8:30 p.m. Saturday. Other works
on the program will include Pur-
cell's Trumpet Voluntary. and
Brahms' Symphony No. 2.
Sunday, the final day of the
program will feature vocalists in
the afternoon and pianists in the
evening. The Choral Union, with
Miss Addison, McCollum and Bell
in the solo roles will present
Haydn's "Creation" at 2:30 p.m.
The festival will 'close with the
concert at 8:30 p.m. Sunday with
the Serkins, father and son, play-
ing a Mozart duet, Rudolf Serkin
alone playing Beethoven's Concer-
to No. 4 and the orchestra play-
ing works by Buxtehude and Mo-
All programs will take place in.
Hill Aud.

aitian Border


Control Bill.
Special To The Daily
DETROIT--Two measures on
birth control both failed Sunday
to pass the plenary of the Michi-
gan Young Democrats annual con-
But the plenary passed six oth-
er resolutions-two dealing with
the current conflict between police
and civil rights demonstrators in
Birmingham, Ala.-and referred a
host of others to the newly estab-
lished permanent resolutions com-
The body also elected new offi-
New Officers
Jordan Rossen, '56, of Detroit,
was elected chairman and Terri
sner was re-elected national
committeewoman, both without
opposition. Others elected were
First Vice-Chairman Jan Pettee,
Second Vice-Chairman Steven
Dobkowski, Secretary Susan Mon-;
ticello, Treasurer Barbara Wil-
liams, National Committeeman
Ron Paul and Chairman of the
Women's Federation, Mrs. Kay
Of the two resolutions on birth
control, one was a minority report
from seven member clubs, and
the other was a measure passed
by the resolutions committee Fri-
day night. The difference between
them was that the latter called.
for governmental leadership at lo-
cal, state and national level in the
education of (all) birth control
techniques, while the minority re-
port called for further scientific
research in population problems
and in "natural" birth control
University Vote
The plenary rejected the minor-
ity report, 95-102, with the U~ni-
versity's 18 votes as part of the
102. After more debate the plenary
rejected the main resolution, 94-
119, the University voting for it.
1Two large delegations-the 16th
and Wayne State University-vot-
ed against both measures.
On the other hand, two resolu-
tions on the Alabama situation
passed easily and unanimously.
One called for the immediate re-
lease, without bond, of all children
under 13 years of age who have
been imprisoned by police during
urged President John F. Kennedy
to protect the demonstrators to
the point of using federal marshals
or troops, if necessary.
The plenary also passed resolu-
tions urging payment of United
Nations debts by recalcitrant mem-
bers, protesting against Post Of-

Efforts Fail
To Halt Clash
Dominican Planes
Fly Above Frontier;
Ships 'Threaten Coast
ican land, sea and air forces were
poised on the Haitian border and
coasts last night awaiting only
an order from Dominican Repub-
lic President Juan Bosch to in-
~Diplomatic efforts to ward off
a clash bogged down.
Dominican government sources
said thousands of army troops
streamed into positions along the
Haiti border over night to bolster
forces already there, and more
troops were dispatched during the
Shelling Range
Dominican air force planes were
reported in the air above the fron-
tier. Navy units joined United
States warships , patroling the
Caribbean off Haiti or took up
stations virtually within shelling
range of Haiti, the informants
Rumors spread through Santo
Domingo that an invasion was
imminent. Bosch was reported
prepared to strike into Haiti on
the slightest excuse in an effort
to bring down the dictatorship of
Haitian President Francois Du-
AP correspondent Morris W.
Rosenberg reported from Port au
Prince, the Haitian capital, that
the Duvalier regime seemed to be
doing its utmost to avoid any tac-
tical provocation that might touch
off an attack. The United States
was reported urging Bosch not to
invade lest an attack rally Haitians
around the Duvalier regime, which
Washington also would like to see
removed from the hemispheric
Special Address
Bosch scheduled a special tele-
vision and radio address to the
nation for 7 p.m., EST, today. The
government gave no hint as to
what he might say, but the an-
nouncement of the speech suggest-
ed time was running out for dip-
lomats seeking a peaceful solution.
Government sources said Bosch
told the Organization of American
States that it should speed up its
efforts to find a solution to the
crisis. If the OAS doesn't act
quickly, Bosch said, he will, the
informants reported.
However, a two-hour OAS emer-
gency meeting in Washington fail-
ed to come up with a solution.
Gonzalo Facio of Costa Rica, OAS
Council president, noting serious
possibilities of armed conflict,
said he would appeal to Bosch
and Duvalier to refrain from any
action which might lead to blood-
Little Solace
Haiti meanwhile found little
solace among its American neigh-
bors as more Latin American na-
tions declared their support for
the Dominican cause.
The Duvalier regime turned to
the United Nations for help, re-
questing that the Security Coun-
cil in New York meet as soon as
possible to take urgent action on
"the grave situation now existing
between Haiti and the Dominican
City To Decide
Tax Increase
For Schools
Between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. today

Ann Arbor voters will vote on a
two and one-half mill extra tax
levy, an additional levy of five
mills for a 10-year period and a
$6 million bond referendum in the
special school election being held
at the seven public schools.
A "statement of concern" was
issued by the Citizens' Advisory
Committee yesterday to combat
public apathy and what it terms
a "late -blooming, difficult-to-iden-
tify and factually inaccurate op-
position" to the revenue measures.

Boulding Envisions Dangers of Population Growth

"For the next hundred years, life in the United States may
become less and less agreeable due to population increase," Prof.
Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics department predicted last
Speaking at the Ecumenical Center, Prof. Boulding said the in-
creased discomfort will result from population-induced problems of
waste disposal, fresh air and water,and adequate living space.
Darker Outlook Elsewhere
Prof. Boulding painted a darker picture for much of the rest
of the world. "I don't think Red China will be able to achieve
industrialization-you can't make it on less than 3000 calories per
person per day," he commented.
''-s-n e I~y-- , .e mmn . 44.., ..,. - -T . .. . .;

Prof. Boulding turned to the problems of implementing birth
control. He said the development of contraceptives is less relevant
than the willingness to use them-"where there's a will there's a
"All technology won't save us unless there's a moral principle
behind it," Prof. Boulding asserted. He said couples will have to
temper their desire to have many children with the knowledge
that it would be damaging to society.
Problem of Privacy
"I don't know what the final institution of population control
will be. This is an area we've always considered highly private, and
we want'to preserve this privacy. But the unbridled exercise of these
rights will, lead to disaster," Prof. Boulding warned.
Connceninr the nonosition to birth control. "if the attitude of

-.NMI= . I :

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